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Consumer Insights Homework - Ignacio Ruiz

Do a research and find real cases of technology applied to get Consumer

Insights. Choose one of the following alternatives: c) Using Consumer
Insights to do customized (segments) Marketing tactics.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a Software that uses combined ERP and CRM functions
that allows the database to be used for all the operational modules simultaneously.
This tool brings with it modules for Customer Service, Field Service, Marketing,
Sale, Commerce, Finance, Operations and Human Resource, among others.
By having a shared database, this allows the Software to align Sales with
Marketing in order to easily manage the information and insights of consumers. In
this way, the information retrieved in general allows you to form leads from the
segmentation, allowing you to integrate these clusters in all the operational
activities of the Software to provide a customized service or product for the
consumer, this is how the leads increase and the consumers already existing are
strengthened and promoted
A clear example of this could be that the leads generated in marketing thanks to
the insights are delivered to the sales module automatically in order to evaluate
and prioritize better sales opportunities to potential customer segments (leads) in a
personalized and optimized way.
The combination of Sales with Marketing allows to have an immersive perspective
of the clients, in order to be able to deliver personalized messages and to be able
to design marketing tactics and monitoring that make sales more effective in the
medium-short term thanks to a better understanding of behaviors and needs of the
customers, maximizing opportunities and making the most of sales.

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