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STUDENT: Angela Geanina Avendaño Espinoza

Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:

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Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
It seems to me the people
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
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Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
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Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
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Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
It looks as though they are trying to help to dolphins. Maybe they are
sick or ate something dangerous.
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
It seems to me that they suffer a disaster like an earthquake.
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
I could be wrong but it appears that this people are deprived of their
liberty in their homes that is to say house arrest.
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
I’m not altogether sure but it looks that there are a lot of items on sale
and the woman are very excited for that.
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
Type here…
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
I’m not quite sure but it appears that this people don’t want to live.
Describe the image expressing a level of uncertainty:
Type here…

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