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TFOS AdventurePak #1 TFOS does WinterFes¢! For Use With ° By Garrett, Lidberg, & MacDonald TFOS dees WinterFest? An AdventurePak for Teenagers From Outer Space Writing Perpetrated By L. Douglas "Uzi? Too small. I prefer a bazooka, more stopping power in enclosed spaces!" Garrett, Paul Arden “But Mom, all the other kids have Warp Drive on their cars|’ Lidberg, é Michael "Go away kid, ya bother me." MacDonald Art Perpetrated By Gloria Yuh Jenkins (cover and Santa Arti), Phil Morrissey (Dance, Carnival, High School, & Intro Art), & Scott A. H. Ruggels (Alien Invasions, and the Hockey Stuff!) For Mike, Lisa, Mike, Derek, and everyone else at RTG that gave us this chance, I hope you like it! and for Cheryl, who keeps putting up with this! Playtested by the crowd at Little Adolph’s World O’ Pizza. TROS does WinterFest! Z TFOS does WinterFest! The Contents, Dude? Introduction .. Welcome to Albert Einstein Hig! The WinterFest .....+sss00 The WinterFest Dance... | Wither’s Winter Wonderland ... The Ice Skating Rink .. Oh By The Way, Aliens Are Coming For Dinner... And Ibet you thought we were kidding, huh? a Crunchy Frog maintains a presence on several na- tional computer net- works. We recommend toyou to contact us there, quicker feedback this way! To contact us, use the following addresses: On America Online - ‘On CompuServe - 72130,2052 P.LIDBERG as we can often give you Frog God (On GEnic - ‘The material by Mike NacDonald (Tue New Donen and Godget tlt) is a reprint of stuf originally presented in Voret Maysoe #4 Unedty permision. For lnfomation ‘Sus Beauly St #C, Emeric, CA S08 Sutsnptins are S10 ayear (4 fees) Tall en Crvachy Pog you “This AdventurePek for Teenagers Tom Outer Space is produced under license from R.Tslsoran Games. © Copyright 1992 Crunchy Frog BrversexPaut Arden Lcberg. All ‘ahte cesneved. Teenagers Fro (Outer Space ia tndenaet of RTal- sonan Games, used under Ecense ‘Canehy Pg Enterprises nd'TPOS oes WinterFest are trademarks of (Crunchy Frog Enterprises/Peul ‘Alen Liderg, Any simlanty 2e- eeeepeeecter eiliitioas resented in ths product and real per Sous or inttions (ing. dead, un- ded, or otervise, witout stil intents purely concicental, Real RTateores Gener PO Bar 735 Besteley,CA 99707 ‘Ths isa Crunchy FrogPutleaon. Crunchy Frog Enterprises 10 Aon Se #238 Austin TX 7886 ‘Send SASE for curencalog Don'treadsmalltye thorsyereyes. TEOS does WinterFest! Welcome to TFOS does WinterFest! ‘WinterFest! is the first of (we hope) a long series of AdventurePaks for Teenagers From Outer Space, published by R. Talsorian Games. Whether these will continue is solely up to you, and we thank you for your purchase of this product. What The Heck IS An AdventurePak? I’m glad you asked that! (I'm Psychic, or was that Psychotic, oh well, never mind...) An AdventurePak is different concept in adventure produets. Rather than saddle you with a long, complex plotline thatyou (or more likely your players) would probably ignore anyway, we are trying something along a different path. In this book, you will find descriptions of all kinds of areas, and some of the people that inhabit them. You'll hear all about Old Man Withers that runs the Carnival, the CIA base that is located inside the Carnical, the Alien Invasion, and much, much more! In each one, we have endeavored (that means "worked real hard’) to provide you with everything you will need to run lots of stupifyingly ( —is that a word? Hmmmm...) silly adventures in the Winter and the Holidays! ‘We've also have a section that includes a whole new list of Spiffy Powers and a list of Spiffy Gadgets, written by Mike McDonald (Ia his secret, identity, he works at R. Talsorian, and that means he has a better clue than us. Well, at least, that’s the theory...). These powers will add depth and breadth to your campaign (that means "make it better and even more fun!"), The gadgets will be sprinkled liberally throughout the book, like the one to the right (see? —-> ). Enjoy! ‘Well, How Do We Use This Thing? This book is organized into sections, each describing a different part of WinterFest! Read all of it carefully, then ignore anything that doesn’t make sense 10 you and substitute whatever you want, Several of the sections have Story Starters included, as ways to use the area just described. We encourage you to mix and match these bits to make whatever mayhem you have planned come out hilarious! ‘The book hasa sort of overall "plotline" to it, but the timing of the various activities is not really nailed down too well. Just because the Carnival TROS does WinterFest! Scattered throughost this book, in those Sdo-ters, are vorons useful things for the aspiring TFOS player and referee. We recommend paying sttention to them, or you'll have 10 tay Titer schoa, ‘whea veryone lsc is at the mall Homework Away (875): ‘The single most important device in the Teener's world. This your but The Medusa Ray ($55): Turns something to stone for ose hour. Grest for the time you have to babysit your Title sister when she has a slumber party at your house. comes before the WinterFest Dance doesn’t mean you have to play it that way, they could be happening at the same time. Its up to you. Also included at the end of this book is the scenario, "Assault Oa North Pole One," about Santa Claus getting attacked by Bad Guys out to destroy Christmas. This should be run after the Teeners have caused as ‘much destruction, Imean ... played through all the earlier paris they can stand. This scenario is the only true “scenario” in the whole book. For purposes of convenience, and because it IS funnier this way, this AdventurePak is assumed to take place at a High School in sunny, Southern California. If this doesn’t work for you, that’s okay. Don't say vwe didn’t warn you. In the week or so before the WinterFest!, the Teeners have to finish up some thingsatschool, as wel as the preparations for the fun. Decorations need to be made, and Mid-Year Finals need to be taken. More fun than our Teeners are allowed to have. Keep in mind, this is a High Schoaw that lists a mortality rate on their tests. Really. These tests are tough. It might be fun (for the Referee at least!) to force the Teeners to go through this week, and take those vests. Maybe they can come up with a way to avoid them, Then agein, maybe not! Other Teeners can be involved in the creation and placement of decora- tions for the school, such as bunting, banners, and putting up all those really ugly poinsettia decorations the school has had forever. The Teeners should be encouraged to Emnbellish the decoration plans in whatever way seems appropriate. That should make the Vice Principal happy. Heh heh. 6 TROS does WinterFest! WELCOME TO ALBERT EINSTEIN HIGH! Provided here (on the inside cover, that i the layout of Albert Einstein High! More fun ‘occurs here (When the staff aren’t looking, that is) than any other High School on the planet. Some of the high points of the school are as follows: The Band Okay, well maybe the band isn't a High Point. Itnever is. But considering that Iam the writer, and I was in band (and I played Tuba, don't laugh!), [ felt that I was entitled. The Band reigns Supreme! I have taken control! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....B ANGI We're sorry for this untimely (and since its the Band, un-interesting) interruption. We now return you to your regularly scheduled adven- ture. The Science Lab ‘A lab that would have made Vietor Von Frankenstein proud, this place has everything. Since the Science Teacher is (in actuality) a yulcan trying to hide out, nothing is too bizarre forthemtotry. Buthe really hates it when some. calls him "Mr. Spock.’ Available in the Science Lab are an incredible selection of things to ‘examine, mix, distill, and precipitate, not to mention explode! Certain radioactive substances are also available, but Mr. Spo-, I mean Dr. JONES only lets his most bright students take advantage of them The Gymnasium Coach Decker likes to keep the Gym very clean. So clean, in fact, that often zames can’t held here, because he requires them to wax the floor TFOS does WinterFest! Sen nnn eee after every Basketball play. The best solution here isto lure him back to hisoffice, and his complete collection of "Coach" episodes on video tape. ‘The Gym is huge, and used for many functions. All school dances are held here (like the Winter Ball, described below). Due to the arrival of the alien teens in the last few years, the school has had to increase the structural integrity of the building several times, usually after Einstein loses to some goofy all-human school, and Guido-7 from the heavy gravity world of Sargon goes nuts and wrecks the place. ‘The Gym is equipped (when not being rebuilt) with complete bleachers for basketball on abig court, plus add-on hoops for a total of 3 courts for practice. Italso has two locker rooms, with complete facilities for (near- ly) any race. The Lockers ‘The lockers here at Albert Einstein High are both good and bad. ‘The good part, they are really tough to break into. The bad part, they are really tough to GET into! Quite often, in fact, whenever the Teenager is late for a class and needs something out of the locker, they find it impossible to open it, Small explosive devides work pretty well, but usually decimate the contents. And don’t let Coach Decker open it for you, the door will never be the same again! Off Campus, And Around The Corner! Just around the corner from the High School is the longest stretch of Fast Food Restaurants in the entire Universe. Every chain ever created has a store right dowa the street, and they all offer specials for students during lunch, Unfortunately, Binstein High is considered a ‘Closed Campus." This means that the students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch, or more accurately, they are not allowed to get CAUGHT leaving campus during lunch. Just at the corner of the School, heading toward Restaurant Row, is where Barney the Security Guard hangs out. Barney is about 45, with a crew cut, and a body like a short mack truck (BOD - 6, Smarts -2). If he catches you, you're in trouble! He has three knacks: Notice Sneaking Kids +4, Wrestle Kids The Ground With Minimum Damage +4, and Easily Distracted +5. The last is due to an injury that he sustained last year in combat, on Senior Ditch Day. He hasn't quite been the seme ever since. TFOS does WinterFest! High School Story Starters Itslunchtime, the week before Christmas. Can you and all of your friends make it off campus for a special Christmas lunch? Only Barney knows for sure, and he's not telling! During the Dance, Chester the Brain is busy in the Science Lab. He didn’t have a date, so he figured he would work on his Science Project. Besides, that eute babe Princess Andromeda had laughed in his face when he asked her out. It wasn’t fair! He wished he wasa big, strong guy, bigger than anyone! POOF! He got his wish. Chester is now 0 feet tal, strong, green, and sealy, And he’s heading for the dance! Coach Decker wants you to clean up some paint you spilled when decorating the Gym. The problem is, the paint is permament, and he doesn’t know that. Added to this, the rest of the gang are meeting down. at the Mall! Can your group of Teenagers figure out a way past Coach \ \ Na A New oe KG Ha ll lin, i Nui ro VG SM iy a Nn TROS does WinterFest! Holo-Video Game ($200): With this setup the teens can turn aay ‘empty room into an interactive video game. However, the bed guys jin the videogame have ‘an annoying habit of getting loose in the est of the house, blasting furniture and menacing pets. NI Monster Go (850): This convenient spray will reverse the effects of Monster Ont. A. personal favorite of THE WINTERFEST Set Up and Other Stuff -- Foreshadowing, Dude! With exams over and Christmas Break about to star, everybody has forgotten about going to classes. People are planning all sorts of diver- sions, and the Teener’s should be at the heart of all these plans. The following are events and ideas to spur on their imagination. Sno-Problem Services of Ludlow SPS-Ludlow offers the finest in high technology snow-making equip- ment for any purpose. The 2001GBM microfloculator makes a clean white snow with excellent slipperiness and superior packing charac- teristics, and it lasts for days! Available in sizes from 10 to 10,000 cubie meters per second, with leasing options for as short as asingle weekend, the SPS-Ludiow "Super Fluffer" 2001GBM can turn anywhere into a winter paradise, Order one today! Withers Winter Wonderland Coming toa mall near you! Rides, games, thrills and chills, as the Winter Wonderland carnival opens thisweekend. Sleigh rides, Dickens shoppes, Amusement rides, happy Elves, and lots of Christmas cheer. Only Five Dollars admission, and you can ride all night for free! Come one, come all, for wonderful Withers Winter Fun. The Winter Dance and Snow Parade Committee The schoo! Spirit Committee, which should either be run by the Teener’s or administered by the most despised of their rivals, has decided that there is insufficient FUN going on, and so they have to plan some extra-curricular events to keep everyone HAPPY. Of course, the schoo! administration won't allow anything really cool or destructive like a ski trip or a Zamboni Race, so the committee is limited to the a couple of events. A Winter Dance in the school Gym is ok, with whatever band the committee can afford. The Principal would love to see a Snow Parade, with wreaths and decorations and Elves and stuff, He was authorized $600 from the Band Fund to be used, as long as the School Marching Band and the Pep Squad are the main focus of the event. A Winter Prince and Princess contest are ok, as long as a democratic process is used to select them. And the school P.E. department has a bunch of money left in their Uniform Fund which they would be willing to spend on something like a temporary Ice Skating Rink, which could be left up during the Break as a fund raiser for next year’s Sports. Of course, it wouldn’t be real Iee (unless some Teener is defined as having 0 TROS does WinterFest! ——— Cold-based Powers), but with the newest in super slick Teflexo technol- ogy it should be easy to make anon-melting rink. Prelude To Disaster This is all a set up for a series of mistakes, screw-ups, embarrassing situations, and social disasters, as welll as an opportunity for massive property damage. As the referee, it is your sworn duty to cause as much ofthis mayhem as possible, at the most inopportune moment. No matter what the Teener’s decide to organize, make certain that the Dance, the Snow Parade, and the Ice Rink are all set up. The Carnival will con- veniently set up at the Mall next to the school. Ifthe Teener’s don’t rent a “Super Fluffer" snow machine, have the Carnival set one up. Like, Trouble ‘The Teener’s are not doingall this ina vacuum, Make certain to surround them with lots of characters to distract them, or interfere with their plans forpetty reasons. If the referee would like to use them, two examples of distractions andjor rivals are included, TFOS does WinterFest! TT Andromeda de Medici Princess Andromeda of Xyphon is the daughter of the Xyphorian Am- . bassador, Prince Kali, As a real Princess, she expects to be treated as she Ue Se OS eect She expected lo be plied ia primieesinalodeanh when ile ‘character! These _ came here, but her father is a practical individual who realized he could mirrorshades are the learn more about Earth culture from his daughter’s experiences than ultimate in self from stuffy dipl So shi i ‘om stuffy diplomats. So she has to go to school with all confidence. When shese,, & wearing these shades the tecaer will get to - 4dd-42 t0 hs Cool Like all Xyphonian women, Andromeda has a powerful psye ability whea under stress. — 10 influence any male. This works on males of any species. Of course, it is supposed to be used when mature to select a mate from Xyphon, but Andromeda doesn’t leta litle thing like that get in the way of her. She has anearly perfect grade point average, and doesn’t seem to work very hard in classes with male instructors. She is the most popular gir! in school, as many of the other girls are in awe of her way with the guys, and the guys all think she is the finest thing around. Well, maybe not if they think about it, but it is their first response. Unfortunately, Princess a Andromeda is zbsolutely set on marrying a Xyphonian, and won't even Your Finger: This goout on dates with anybody else. Hearts are breaking all over the school allows the Teonager to as you read this. Race: Near Human Smarts: 3 Looks: 6 eanierthe eae Bod: 5 Cool; 4 they are stying MUST Luck: 3 Bonk 3 be tre. Vietins must Powers: Bend Males Around Your Finger ee See Knacks: Ice Skate Better Than Peggy Fleming + 10, Skiing +2, Fibbing to advance your own position +3 Kent Kueno Kentis the biggest stud muffin on campus, excepting possibly one of the Teener’s. He is massive and tall and way buff. This dude is seriously cute to the babes, and Captain of the Surfing Team. He is everything a girl could want except sincerity, brains, courtesy, or reliability. He is espe- cially stupid in the homework department. But you don’t need brains to beagreat athlete, even though thelps. Kents the first pickfor any sports. team, and is particularly skilled at Surfing, Skiing, Snow Boarding, Football, and Tennis. He is also really strong, for an Earth guy. What this means is that this bozo beats up anybody who doesn’t do what he says and has a bunch of buddies who do dirty tricks and stuff for him. Any Tener who tries to stand up to him had better be really tough, or out-smart him, This should not be too hard, but Kent is capable of being grand-maul stupid in matters of romance. Watch out for him if the Teener’s piss him off. He has ways of getting even thatare big time mean, 2 TFOS does WinterFest! Even though he is capable of being a serious jerk, he is the most likely candidate for Prince of the WinterFest. He is really way handsome, Race: Human, Smarts: 2 Looks: 6 Bod: 5 Cool 5 Luck: 4° Bonk: 4 Powers: Gang Knacks: Ski like champion +5, Bully and Harangue +3, Clumsy on Ice +2, Athlete Extraordinaire +5 THE WINTER DANCE ‘The Winter Dance is held the first night of the WinterFest, and will be held in the school Gym. This is major-public-embar- rassment-crash-and-burn-in-front-oF-yo ur-friends time. However, at least half the possibilities for mayhem will occur before the dance ever starts. Itis possible that the altercations that occur between Teener’s and/or their rivals will do so much damage that the dance never happens and the Prince and Princess of the WinterFest will have to be announcedat the Snow Parade. The Decorations Committee This is the Punishment Detail for any Tecner’s who have offended their rivals and are not sufficiently powerful socially to dodge the bullet when the work assignments are made by the WinterFest Committee. The Gym is huge, and ugly as sin until decorated. The decorations are various Christmas Tree ornaments for a Giamt Sequoia tree, and eachweigh over a hundred pounds. The streamers must be strung from the girders overhead at severe peril to any Teener who can't fly. There are a bunch of Helium tanks to fill the balloons that can be misused. Remember, it makes Earthers talk like Alvin and The Chipmunks. The effect on off:worlders is entirely up to the referee. There is also a Flock machine capable of spraying cotton flock all over the place, which is supposed to be used to coat the pillars and make piles of fake snow at the base of the decorations. The possibilities are endless. TFOS does WinterFest! someone, it docs 3 Bonk, and oncases the target in hard, sticky a D For even more fun, make the Teeners that are involved in the lection make campaign speeches, and make up impromptu ballots Everyone has to vote, aad it'll be a riot ‘when they notice there are more ballots than players.. Lore Potion ($35 per dose): ‘This liquid will make one person fall in love with the first person of the opposite sex that they see. The cffect of the potion will wear off in about ‘# day, And when the potion docs weer off, the person it was used on may welll be very, very, angry. The Election Committee As the Principal has ordained that the Prince and Princess of the Winter- Fest are 10 be selected by a democratic process, there is a big election ‘campaign and real voting booths. This means that the extra-terrestrial students are getting their first chance to participate in an American-style election. Voter traud, bribery, intimidation, treachery, mud-slinging, ballot stealing, weird science, and even Television Advertising are all valid tactics. If none of the ‘Teener’s are run- ning, get them in- volved in the campaign as workers, oraselec- tion officials to try and keep it legal. But this is a gag that can be milked for constant trouble in paraliel with the other ac- tivities, If this looks like a real winner of a story idea, ‘switch around the dance soit is on the last night of the WinterFest and have the election going on all through the adven- ture. Even if this is just @ sideshow, make certain it is important to the Teener's. Several af the later plot devices hinge on this competition for social status, and this is the best way to place their rivals in a momentarily dominant position, One last detail. If the referee is using both ‘Andromeda and Ken: (or his own version of such), it is important that ‘Andromeda wins handily. She cheats, and cveryone knowsit. She should ‘get what's coming to her later, at the hands of the Teener’s, On the other hand, whoever runs against Kent for Prince should be in a hard fought, desperate contest resulting in..a tie. This should provide motivation for serious conflict for the resi of the adventure as Kent tries to one up the ‘Teener at every opportunity to establish his superiority. 2B TFOS does WinterFest! The Night of the Dance ‘The dance should be set up asa series of disasters punctuating an evening of babe-scamming and hunk-chasing. The Teener’s will have ample opportunity to get in trouble with their rivals, the chaperon, and the WinterFest Committee, so just set the scene and run with it. If things start to get slow, throw in one of the following complications: Exploding Flowers: Bither the Teeners can think of this sort of thing as a way to mess over their rivals, or Kent will pull this stunt to get them. The trick is pretty simple, and really juvenile, Give away or sell flowers, corsages, bouton- nieres, whatever to all the people who you want to embarrass or show up. Well, don’t do this yourself. Have a toady or unsuspecting fool (like a Tener) doit for you. Then, at the most inopportune moment, hit the detonator and all the flowers blow up. The blast sprays something nasty like biue dye or essence of skunk all over the person with the flower. The victim instinctively blames the person who bought the flower for them, and only after that encounter will they think about the person who sold itto them. By then, the perpetrator can have gotten his agent out of their, or left himself to leave the sap in the lurch, This sort of thing is right up Kent’s alley, and he will have used one of his flunkies in disguise to sell the flowers. The best disguise is to dress one of his guys up as a girl, which could lead to additional problems. A possible side effect is that no one knows what effect blue dye or skunk smell might have on one of the extraterrestrial students. Any response from berserk rage to instant amour is permitted. The Band: Unless the bandis composed of the Teener’s, they are likely really awful, Perry Como sings the Heavy Metal Hits. Lounge Lizards. Disco tapes during the set break. Gregorian Chants. Anything the referee can think of is fair game. And the Principal and the Chaperon thinkit’s great. This will seriously tax any Teener who tries to do something to fix the situation, but with a clever plan, they should be able to get someway cool dub running by the second set. The Teener responsible for saving the dance should become an instant hero, and is thus despised by the in-clique and the school administration. The Ultimate Distraction: If things are way dead, serious downer, and definitely not cool, the referee can use the ultimate distraction. The Science Lab Accident described in "Welcome to Albert Einstein High!" is an example of the enormity of the disaster that should be used. Whatever it is, the dance is over. Serious property damage. Big Fun. TROS does WinterFest! Superthreads ($100): The ultimate fashion statement. Superthreads come in both male and female varieties. When worn, the grey jumpeuit will transiorm into whatever outfit the wearer desires. An ca- tire wardrebe in one garment! +1 Looks when worn, Other Things That Can Happen eving Tho Someone Releases Skunks Elvis Arrives To Join The Band A Tecocr’s Mom Tekes Him Home Tomporarily To Finish His Veggies Someone. Spikes Panch With Denebian Slime Devils A Gang Of Wild Mutants Ride Into The Gym On Their Motor- cycles And Make Off With All The Girle Coach Decker Decides To Show Hygene Movies ‘And More. 3B so impossible as to Doggle the mind. ‘These guys are not above having buge fans to blows darts away, and having schills bump players when they play. Make it WITHER’S WINTER WONDERLAND Carny from the Outside Ifthiswas a perfect world, the Withers Winter Carnival would have been banned as most-heinous, not-fun years ago. This is the most feeble attempt at Winterizing your basic travelling carnival ever made. It has allthe same dumb rides you would expect to see at a summer-time cary, every ride a moment away from catastrophic failure. But by adding a couple of Dickens-style vendors, selling Eggnog instead of milk shakes, hiringa guy to drive a horse-drawn cart that has been rigged to look kind of like @ sleigh, and dressing up the employees in Elf suits, somebody thought they could sell 2 Winter Carnival. P.T. Barnham was right. With all this window dressing, the carnival actually looks like it might be fan. Solots and lots of people will pay five bucks to get in and find out what trap this is, Especially Teener’s, who are suckers for such a plot device. Once the referee gets the Teener’s into the carnival, he should describe the rides and games in the most boring monotone possible. Thrill rides aren't, and games of skill are rigged against the players, All the prizes are flufly teddy bears and cute stuffed animals, worth about two bits Even the employees are bored. But that’s not all... TFOS does WinterFest! Snow, Snow, Everywhere ‘The SPS-Ludlow 2001GBM (Great Big Machine) is designed to cover an entire mountainside with non-melting synthetic snow. This is just the ticket for sunny, warm Southern California mountains, but it is kind of stupid to use in an urban area, There are a number of ways this can go haywire, Maybe somebody thinks it would be fun to make a little more snow and turns it on. Maybe it’s a plot to screw up the WinterFest. Perhaps a curious Teener tries to take it apart to study it. Or it could just. 0 berserk when they turn it on. What ever the cause, the result is spectacular. ‘Snow will begin to fall around the carnival, just like a real winter snow. Everybody probably thinks this is real cool. Then somebody should notice that the snowiall is just the fall-out from a huge blast of snow coming out of the 2001GBM. It will run for about an hour if nobody does anything to stop the machine, and cause a pile of snow about 800 feet high that covers part of the mall and most of the school, Even if the ‘Teener’s leap into action and disable the machine pretty quick, there should be a hill sized pile of snow. Which won't melt for a couple days, if ever, Any Tener who owns a cool car, and Kent, who owns a spift sports car, will discover their cars are buried somewhere underneath all that snow. Elves, Mr. Teener Now, nobody would actually try and run a chintzy carnival like this for real. It’s so hokey that word would get around and nobody would pay to get in after the first weekend. So what's really going on? ‘The Withers Winter Carnival is actually a front for the CLA, who suspect that an Alien Invasion is about to happen somewhere around here, real soon (See 'Oh By The Way, Aliens Are Coming For Dinner"). All the Elves who are actually working are Cary employees. But there are a bunch of Elves who are sneaking around, following each other and any suspi- cious looking characters like the Teeners. They are trained intelligence operatives, and thus, theyare sneaky andclandestine for noapparent reason. They have concealed a bunch of high tech communication equipment in the Carny rides, which may be noticed by the Teener’s, ‘and there are a lot of agents who don't seem to do anything to actually run the carnival. One TEOS does WinterFest! If a particular alien Teener doesn't happen to have ever seen . mow, this would be a good time to convince hhim that the world is coming to an cad... Anti-gray skates ($25): One of the latest fads to come to Earth from the gas giants of the Delisis nebula. The skates look lke @ nor- over seventy mp.h But be sure to wear your safety gear. way or the other, the Teener’s will probably get wind that something is wrong with this set up. The CIA Secret Field Headquarters is behind the shoot- ing gallery, which means that a stray bullet occasionally goes through the mecting room. The Merry-go-round and the Santa’s Castle ride both conceal armories of high tech blasters and special anti-spacesnip weapons. Most of these are rigged with sophisticated alarm systems, although someone could walk into the meeting room of the headquarters without tripping any alarms. One way or the other, the Teener’s will end up involved with a bunch of Elves wearing shiny black shoes and mirrored sunglasses. They will get ruthlessly inter- rogated to find out if they are part of the Invasion, during which the CIA guys will tell them everything they want to know about the invasions. Once the CLA Elves decide they are not the enemy, they might try to enlist the Teener's help. Or they might tell them to stay out of it and leave this to professionals, which is a sure fire way to get the Teener’s toinvolve themselves. No lousy invasion is going to screw up Our WinterFest! The Snow Parade On the second day of the WinterFest, the big Snow Parade is scheduled. This is supposed to be a show for all the parents and neighbors of the school to show what great guys the school administration are. The Principal will ride in a convertible wearing a Santa hat, and wave to his adoring audience. The school band will play Christmas Carols, and the Pep Squad will wear red and white uniforms and cheer "Yeah, Santa!”. Finally, the Prince and Princess of the WinterFest will pass by on a float made up to look like a sleigh with a bunch of freshmen in reindeer suits pulling it. All the in-clique and the school Administration will be celebrated as way cool people. Doesn't this just turn your stomach? There is no way, no how, that any righteous cool Tener is going to let these losers have this ego trip without doing something to lob a grenade into things. Sabotage, blackmail, or just stealing the band uniforms should screw things up. But thisis a real opportunity to getevenwith the Principal for any past transgressions, real or imagined. The chance to really stick it to all these jerks is just to0 priceless to be ignored, and the Teener’s sttould be encouraged to run wild. On the odd chance that the ‘Teener’s are actually part of the in-clique that is getting the kudos, the above comments apply to their rivals. TFOS does WinterFest! a Entirely Optional Options ‘The following options are entirely optional, and no major plot elements depend on them. But they add awhole new dimension of bizarre to the WinterFest. The truly sick referee will have all of this going on at the same time. Heh heh. Old Man Withers In this case, old Withers is a real sicko who runs the carnival to lure kids into his evil clutches. You see, he hates kids, especially Teeners, and he's going to get them. Every last one of them. For referees who want to add all the fun of amad-slasher movie to their TFOS cam- paign, this loony is just the guy to do it. Race: Human(?) Smarts: 3 Looks: 2 Bod: 2 Cool: 3 Luck: 2 Bonk: 6 Powers: Completely Out Of It Knacks: Hates Teenagers +4, Despises Kids +3, Really Doesn’t Get Along with Rugrats At All +2, Watched All The Freddy Krueger Flicks +3. The Ski Race If there is a need for more light hearted competition berween the ‘Teeners and their rivals, aSki Race is suggested. After the Snow Machine ‘goes berserk, there is a big mound of snow suitable for skiing, and it is entirely reasonable that Teeners and their rivals will go get their skis and snow boards and go shred. Whether is caused by interplay between the characters, or as a tie-breaker for the Prince of the WinterFest, askirace will become the challenge of the moment for the guys. Especially after Princess Andromeda states that she thinks ski champions are totally excellent and eminently suitable, The possibility of a date with her is sufficient motivation to inspire any guy to race ike Jean-Claude Killy. Of course, the girls don’t have to put up with this, and any number of sabotage plots are possible to keep boytriends and suitable dates from winning, Outrageous coincidence and ongoing interdiction should make this a race of epic proportions, TFOS does WinterFest! Completely Out Of It: The Teenager with this Power is competely out of touch with reality. Permanently. They don't know what is going on. Porteble stargate ($100): This construct looks like @ normal door, frame and all. But when it is opened, it goes, well, some- where else. Anywhere elie. But it requires a Tuck roll to send you ‘where you want to go, otherwise the teens may well gets visit to the death worlds of the Eeditian galaxy. THE ICE SKATING RINK The ice skating rink is set up as an outdoor facility with a couple of vendors selling hot chocolate and sodas. Any Tener who works in a restaurant as his after-school job will obviously be required to work at one of the booths. The whole area around the rink has been landscaped to give it a Northern atmosphere, with potted evergreen trees and the like. The skating surface is large, almost 200 feet long, and is suitable for all sorts of skating activities. The rink is an instant success with everyone, and it becomes the place to see and be seen for all the students. Unfor- ‘tunately, most of them can’t skate, including the Teener’s, But in the spirit of good fun, any Tecner with good athletic skills will rapidly learn to be a competent skater after a few embarrassing pratfalls, With the ability 10 skate faster or slower, and to talk to one person and then skate ‘over and talk to another person, this is an ideal place for intrigues. It is especially useful 2s a place for the Teener’s to get even with Kent, as he has no skating ability what so ever and never will learn to be very good. Anything that surprises him or distracts him will likely cause him to fall. On the other hand, Andromeda is a galayy class figure skater, and will delight in showing up any girl Teener who has annoyed her in the past, ‘or who might possibly be as cute as she is. TFOS does WinterFest! The Boys from Frozonia ‘There isjust no way thata way cool hangout like this rink is going remain trouble free for very long, Sure enough, there is trouble just over the horizon. One night when all the Teener’s are hanging at the rink, the problem happens. A Frozonia Starcruiser comes racing down from the heavens and lands right next to the rink. When the ramp comes down, the Teener’s are confronted with a score of heavily armored Frozonian Hockey players. They advance menacingly toward the nearest person, almost certainly one of the Teener’s, and their leader demands that everyone get off the ice. ‘You see, the planet Frozonia used to be the coldest planet in the galaxy, with mid-day temperatures around -100 Fahrenheit. But the star in the Frozonian system expanded into a Red Giant, incinerating several planets, and turned Frozonia into a tropical paradise. Since then, ice has become the most precious commodity on Frozonia, and the planetary sportof Frozonian Hockey has fallen into disuse. Most of the teams have simply disbanded, but a few renegades have commandeered Starcruisers and gone off to find practice rinks. These teams were the meanest, cruelest, rottenest teams on Frozonia, and they have a serious attitude about Hockey. When they scanned the Farth for landingsites, they found lots of really cool rinks. They were about to land in Finland when their sensors detected a rink with a whole bunch of lousy skaters. Frozonian pride took over then, and they decided to defend the honor of Ice Hockey by taking over that rink and trouncing the feeble locals who were disgracing the hobby of Skating. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the rules of Frozonian Hockey, a brief summary. A team usually has twenty members, of which, six are onthe ice at any time. The goalie protects the net against shots on goal with his Repulsar Shield, Laser Stick, Body Armor, and as a last resort, his body. Two players, called Maulers, ate responsible for aiding the goalie by smashing, crushing, and mangling opposing players to keep them from shooting or passing. Maulers are selected for strength and skill with their Powered Armor, with stick handling skill as a secondary concern. Many Mzulers are experts in Frozonian Judo. The remaining three players on the ice are Slashers, who are supposed to advance on the opposing goal while handling the puck with their sticks. When confronted with an opposing player, they may attempt to out-skate the defender, pass the puck toa team mate, or dismember the opponent with their Laser Stick. When clear of opposing players, the Slasher will attempt to drive the puck into the goal for one point. Most Slashers are really good skaters with spectacular skill with the Laser Stick. There are very few penalties in Frozonian Hockey, usually because the players will slice _up the referees in the first period of play. However, Stomping, TROS does WinterFest! As an added ovent on the ice, remember that no matter how good TTeener may be at Tee Skating, their little brother/sister can skate rings around them. Alvays ‘Transmogrifier Ray ($200): This ray will ura anyone into any: thing for one hour, and then they tara back will even turn into poop, pols kao oie! people, things into other things ... you get the idea. i9 Decapitation, Slicing the Puck, and Interference are commonly recog- nized as minor penalties. UnFrozonian Conduct is a major penalty and results in the player being removed from the game. The Team ‘The Frozonian Hockey team will gladly slugit out with anybody who tries to use the rink, as they are going to practice. They are quick to anger, and really mean about it. Frozonian Hockey Player Race: Frozonian (Real Weirdy) Smart 2 2 Bod: 4 3 Luck: 2 4 - Powers: None Knacks: Skate Like A Maniac +5, Love To Fight +3, Short Fuse +2 Ryswilic Urr The captain, and big star, of the Frozonian Hockey team. Known to his friends and the media as"Bobby’, this player led the league in goals and assists for the last three seasons. He is a Slasher, but he combines great Repulsar Shield: This walks very much ie skill with an amazing amount of strength and fortitude. His slap shot is the Bower Telomere, in excess of 200 mile per hour. He is really honor-bound, and proud of cnly i i coniained in Frozonian Hockey, but he is smart enough to be reasoned with. If the Sie sie Made fom Teener'scan ind away to beriend hm oF a lest reach some acon see gets” modation, he will browbeat his team mates into cooperation. The team BeMdeflect up to 300 _will then skate an exhibition game of incredible skill, and politely leave. of « Frosonian Hockery Race: Frozonian (Real Weirdy) player). Smarts: 4 Looks: 2 Bod: 5 3 Powered Armor This 1,14 3 4 pee pe eee 4) 42 Bol and Powers: None B) they cam ignore the Knacks: Skate Like A Maniac +6, Love To Fight +4, Short Fuse +3 first point of Bonk fom wig t Tne We Don’t Have To Take This Frozonians really know Now there is no way that any self-respecting Tener is going to let a how to make stuff, ch? bunch of mean bullies take over their rink, but they may not have the where-with-all to take these guys on. If that is the case, have Kent do Laser Sticks: These sf something stupid to starta fight, or inspire the Teener’s with a meaning- sed sto used mostly ful "Locals Only" speech by one of the respected non-player characters. like regular hockey Once suitably motivated, this is a free-for-all. Any Teener's with weird sticks. Aayone hit with science or military weaponry that they have been itching to blast some one takes 2 Bonk. ‘one with should be given the chance to use it. 20. TFOS does WinterFest! OH BY THE WAY, ALIENS ARE COMING FOR DINNER While all of the above is going on, another, more sinister activity is happening up in space. The Invasion of the Earth! And not just one invasion, mind, you but three simultaneous invasions! And they all are invading at the Same place, Albert Einstein High! The three races involved are: © The Grays from Zeta Reticuli e The Blues from Saynt Luwis (and they don’: get along with the Grays...) @ And the Robotoids from Voltron, All of them believe that Kent and Princess Andromeda are to be the parents of the Galactic Messiahs (or something equally improbable),and want to control them. The aliens arrive during the Winter Dance (described above) and each demand to take the two with them, The Grays ‘These guys are the ones that keep bothering Whitley Strefber (because they don’t like his books...). They are about 3 1/2 feet tall, spindly, with small bodies and big heads, They have large, tear drop shaped eyes, no ears, and no nose. And they like to mess with your mind. Rave: Gray (NVN Human) Smarts: 3 Looks: 2 Bod: 2 Cool: 3 Luck: 2 Bonk: 3 Powers: Telemove Knacks: Can Talk Without Moving Their Lips +2, Enjoy (Im)Practical Jokes +3 The Blues These guys look like refugees from the worst B-Movies of the Ss and 60s. They have blue skin, and dress in dark suits, with dark glasses (even. at night), and wear dark hats. They all look exactly alike. They are also know as "the Men In Black." They also like to listen to Soul Music. They have been fighting with the Grays for a long time now, even though they TFOS does WinterFest! Keop in mind that the motivations of the aliens is important. Its important that their motivation be silly aad make really no sense Interacte-Ray ($150): ‘This ray was invented lasts until the movie ends, at which time the teens are returned to their reality. It is best to be sure that ‘the machine isn’t ac- identally activated during the ats night showing of "The Attack of the Quisinart Wielding Mutant Geckos.” 2 Talk to Machines: This works just like Talk to Aliens, only just with machines. They cen ask ‘2 machine any question, and got responses ‘What a deall are brother races. They have no sense of humor, none at all. Not even @ whoopie cushion gets a rise out of them, Race: Blue (Near Human) Smarts: 3 Looks: 3 Bod: 3 Cool: 3 Luck: 3 Bonk: 3 Powers: Three’s a Crowd Knacks: Talk In Dull Monotone (like Joe Friday) +3, Live For Wearing Dark Glasses At Night +2, Shoot Big Gun At Grays +3 The Robotoids ‘These guys are an interesting group, in that they are half robot, half live. Some- times, however, it gets pretty hard to determine which half. They also have no sense of humor, and become the foibles of the Gray jokes on a regular basis. Race: Robotoid (NVN Human, sort of.) Smarts: 6 Looks: 1 Bod: 4 Cool: 5 Luck: 1 Bonk 6 Powers: Talk to Machines Knacks: Build Complex Machines That Mostly Work +3, Deliver Long Com- plex And Boring Speeches About Gaby Domination +3, No Sense Of Humor +5 All of the above are armed with whatever weapons make them the big- gest threat to the Teeners. ‘The best way to work this is to wait until after the crowning of Princess Andromeda, then have all of themsead in huge, heavily armed strike teams simultaneuosly into the Gym, then wait for the dust to settle! TFOS does WinterFest! The Banana PC jr. ($600): ‘The ultimate in artifical intelligence. The one setback is that the pe. je. thinks that your television ast is a god, and will make the ‘occasional secrifice of your data to it (special thanks to ‘you-know-who). ASSAULT ON NORTH POLE ONE A Flash comes across the Evening News on Christmas Eve! “This is a CB-AB-NB-CNN Special Report! Santa Clausis in Trouble! Youth Ray ($60): This A late report from the North Pole reveals that a force of unknown size poheeer See we and armament has attacked Santa Claus at the North Pole. Their inten- tours" piyesy. teen bit tions are not known, but it is believed that they are employed byG.R. with it will be reduced Inch Industries. More as the story develops!" to between the ages of 5 and 10, every adult Evil troops, in the employ of that ultra-Scrooge George R. Inch, are Will be, eversed to a attacking Santa Claus in an attempt to destroy Christmas! Only the (Set, Co! fol * ‘Teeners can save the day. ; The Adventure This scene should be played after all the others, and wrap up use of this AdventurePak. Santa Claus, as nice an old man as he is, has been attacked by an Evil Nasty Guy (GR. Inch), and the Teeners must save him, TROS does WinterFest! S| Robopup ($70): An automated watchdog. The robopup. unit is programmed to follow up to five commands. But it will follow those commands 10 the letter, 0 the tooscr that tells it to ‘not let anyone ‘in the house" had better have a secret entrance in, because the robopup ‘won't let ‘anyone inside, ever. Mr. Fusion, the home reactor ($75): With this Realistically, what the Teeners do is up to them. Realize that if Santa is bonked, or otherwise unable to carry out his Christmas duties, the Teeners will have to help with that too! When the Teenagers have arrived, the first attack has been heaten off, but they are planning to try again, One within range, North Pole Ap- proach Control will attempt to establish contact. If unsuccessful, they will launch « counterstrike against the Teenager’s vehicles. ‘Once down, they can help in preparing for the final Assault, Santa’s Workshop Santa’s Workshop is in fact several buildings, built close together for convenience and mutual defense, Long ago Santa realized the need for a defenseable position, and took steps to insure that toy production ‘would continue. The complex is centered around his home, with the barracks on oneside, and the workshops on the other. All buildings of the campus are con- nected by underground tunnels. The entire campus is surrounded by appropriate defenses, including (but not limited to) barbed wire, fox- holes, sandbags, machine gun nests, and pill boxes. The location of these can be adjusted as necessary. The workshop is equipped with an incredibly huge stockpile of raw materials, and this could be useful when the Teenagers arrive. Anything that could even remotely used in a toy is here, as well as a whole lot of left over Soviet Hardware Senta got at an auction ("waste not, want noi"). Let the Teenagers have a ball. Santa Claus ‘Smarts: 5 Looks: 5 Bo 5 Cool: 6 Luck: 6 Bonk: 6 Powers: Fly, Superspeed Knacks: Deiect Naughty Children +20, Laugh Like A Bow! Full OfJelly +5, Remember Every Child In The World’s Name +20 Santa Claus, you know, the jolly guy in the Red Suit that brought you all that stuff you didn’t deserve. As for why he has more than one power, he's Santa. He’s entitled. He’sgot a nifty sleigh that includes the Bag 0’ Infinite Toys. Really useful, especially if you have a floating definition of what a toy is... TFOS does WinterFest! a Build Toys At Blinding Mrs. Claus Spocd: This power is 8 ‘Smarts: 6 Looks: = special one, allowing ae omens s the bearer to. creabe Luck: 5 Bonk: 6 eee | Powers: Anti-Rumple eae Knacks: Keep Santa Well Fed +10, Keep Track OfElves +10,Shooting Texsenet just needs to Goop Gun +5 know ‘wiat it is What constitutes a toy is up to the referee. Mrs. Claus, the lady that keeps that lazy Santa guy on his toes, and the real reason he seems to make it out each year. I woulda’t mess with her though, she’s real mean with a Goop Gun. Santa’s Elves Smart 4 W Looks: 3 Bod: 3 Cool: 4 Luck: 2 Bonk: 2 Powers: Build Toys At Blinding Speed Knacks: Build Toys +10 Real short, looka lot like dwarves, but aren’t, (Don't call em dwarves to their face, tho. They get real sore...) They run around, help Santa, and build toys. Rudolph Smarts: 3 Looks: s Bod: 2 Cook 4 Luck: a Bonk: 2 Powers: Fly, Nose Glows Like Searchlight Knacks: Find Way In Blinding Snowstorm +3, Find Kids Homes +5 He gets more than one power cause he’s got his own song, You get your own song, and we'll talk. The Other Eight Reindeer Nose Glows Lite (Vou know, Dasher & Dancer & Praner & Vixen, Comet & Cupid & Searchlight: This power Donner 8 Biizen..) alls the Teme a oe per heks Luck: 2 Bonk: A ice tn oe Powers: Fly ing from their nose. Knacks: Find Kids Homes +2 TFOS does WinterFest! 25 mem Shrink ray ($40): A must for all Fantastic Voyage fans. This ray will reduce anything that it hits to a tiny size, Just how small the target gets is up to the referee. ‘They're flying reindeer, what more do you want? The Bad Guys And I bet you thought I forgot... Smarts: 2 Looks: 2 Bod: 2 Cool: 3 Luck: 1 Bonk: 2 Powe lone Knacks: Hates Christmas +3, Shoot At Elves +3, Ninja Snow Combat Tactics +3 These guys are hired ninja muscle for G. R. Inch Industries. They are trying to destroy Christmas. They all got snubbed as kids by Santa, and they never forgot The Big Battle! The troops come in from all sides, as many as are necessary for the battle to go on and on. Make sure the Teeners are hard pressed to do some- thing, Also, if they do a really lousy job trying to defend it, feel free to make the Teeners lose, and be captured. The real end to this is in the next paragraph, anyway... TFOS does WinterFest! Showdown After lots of fighting, shooting, and Ninja combat, the leader of the Bad Guys will decide to make an appearance. George R. Inch, the head of G.R.Inch Industries, hates Christmas, because he got snubbed as a kid by Santa, and he never forgot. He will showup, and confront Santa, Santa will respond by proving that A) most of the time, he was alittle jerk, and B) he moved so often (with his father) that he never had a good address on him anyway... Santa will give him the Teddy Bear he always wanted, and save the day! Toy Delivery, TFOS Style! ‘After the wrap up of the assault, the Teenagers will find that Santais just toowiped out to deliver the toys, and they will have to help him. Let the players figure out how to do this for themselves. NEW POWERS FOR GROWING ALIEN TEENS ‘The universe is big, really big. And anything that is infinite (a scientific term for really big) has the possibility of containing an infinite amount of stuff. And if there is an infinite amount of stuff running around in an infinite amount of space, there are undoubtedly going to be some very silly things to contend with, ‘The following are a selection of new powers for your TFOS Characters, provided by those guys at R. Talsorian themselves! We hope you enjoy ‘them, and that they add even more mayhem to your games than normal! Picking Your New Powers Picking your powers is just the same as ithas been, you just have sixtables, to choose from, rather than the original four. While the new powers do not have ano power" result, they do have an"out of control” result. This rather unfortunate result will be explained at the end of the power descriptions. Human Powers ‘The Humans also get a few new powers. Just like the new alien powers, the new human powers will come ina chart form. SImply pick the chart y’all want, then roll your dice. Omnivore: This power is generally accepted as the silliest alien ability ever charted on the recocds of ‘the galactic empire. The power exables the alien to eat anything. And we do mean anything: cars, telephone poles, old rubber tires, small nuclear reactors, food from McDonalds, anything The recipient TFOS does WinterFest! Tt woulda’ hurt, to wear a Santa hat vile runniag the adventure, ‘and inflicting gooly Cuistmas. staff on. the layers (Santa hats, mugs, candy canes, ste) After all, how often can you do this without looking stupid (or at least not looking in front. of people thar’ hold it agrinst you..). Power Omnivore Spandex Know-It-All ‘Anti-Rumple Duplication Out of Control Tuste-Shill Hyporstat Spoilsport PowerTransfer Shrink Out of Control of this power is can get sustenance from anything, and is offen asked to parties to cat all of the beer cans before anyone's pareats get home. (Otay, so the illest power in the records was actually reported om the planet Walkins-3 when the young man named Val-ac! was recorded as having the ability to change the color of his nostril hair to a flourescent pink, But you get the poist.) Spandex: The alien that receives thit power gets the ability to stretch pasts of his or her body. The usual maximum distance anyone can stretch is determined by the referee, who decides these things anyway. God for pecking over other students’ shoulders during exams. Kaowiit-all: One of the most haled powers in the universe, a limited form of telepathy. The reason most aliens with this abilily are bated by almost everyone is because they are never turaed down for a date. No, this power ‘won't make any girl you want go out with you, but you can ‘ell wat she thinks about you before you talk to her. Telepathy us also hated by teachers, as the telepath knows the answer a: toon at the teacher asks the question, Anti-Rumple: This power is something special. Anti-Rumple is only available to teenagers with a four or greater Cool Stat. With this pawer any attack, by goop or bonk or whatever, must make two rolls to have any elec. First it must make the regualr attack just to hit. If it does hit, then the leenager gets another roll. The roll is on 240, and if the teenager can roll his cool or less the attack is stoped by his “impenetrable coolness.” As 1 poitn of interest, AntiRumple will always keep your clothing clean and hair combed. In short, with AatiRumple, you are too cool to even get diny, Duplication: This power is very similar to Shape Change, but with one vital difference. The user of this power can turn himself inio an exact duplicate of anything or anyone. In order for this power to work, the teenager with Duplication must be within sight of the target. When this power is used 10 duplicate @ person, the teenager with Duplication will gain all physical stats and powers of the target Insta-Skill: This poner enables « pool of three knack points to be created hy the teenager. With these points the teenager may make up any one. three-poiat knack as the situation calls for it. This knack may be changed at any time, and the teenager can keep it for as log as he or she wishes. The Knack points are given with the power; they do not come out of the points one gels naturally. Hyperstat: The power Hyperstat allows the teenager to increase one of their stats above the maximum of six. Hyperstat allows the tecnager to raise a stat to eight, When a stat is chosen to be rasied, whatever mumber ic in that stat is automatically raised to ‘The power can only be used once, Spoilsport: This power allows a teenager to cancel the effect of one power when that power is used. Spoil sprot will only work on one target at a lime, So, if a teenager with Spoilsport is being attacked by two differeat Teenagers with two different powers, Spoilsport can omly stop one of the attacks TFOS does WinterFest! Leen eee en el Powertransfer: This power allows the teenager to ‘steal’ one power from another teenager. When a power is stolen,” the teenager with Powertransfer temporarily gains the power thet was stolen from the other teenager. Note: POwertransfer docs rot remove the power from another teenager, but copies i, allowing both players to use the power, Shrink; The ability to shrink, What else do you think a power called Shrink ‘vill do? With Shrink you will get really, really small. Just how small is Xp to the referee, but vse i too often, and you might find yourself forced to wear your litle siste’s Barbie's clothes ~- permanently, ‘Out of Control: When a teznager gets an ‘Out of Control” result he solls ‘another power on the list. The oaly problem is that the resulting power is ‘uncontrolled. The referee decides when he power activates. This is, of course, potentially very embarassing situation. After an out of control power is chosen it is marked with an asterisk. Afterwards, in all games that the teenager plays in, the player should toll the ref that he has an out of control power (Note to referees: Have out of control powers go olf in the most embarassing tuations. After all, the point of Teenagers is to have fun, and we referees eed to have some fun too, But always play it for fun. If you only torment your players, they wil eventually rebel, and that is aot pretty sight. Another Way fo handle owt of control powers is to pick a specific eveat or objec that causes the power to activate, This could be anything from getting cold water throwa on you to hearing a Bey George song. You will also need to specify ‘when the power is deactivated at well, This can ako be quite fancy, espedally if thoxe around the teenager arc aware of how to. make the changes.) Standdowa: This power is closely related to Lose It. The only actual difference is the way in which the power reponds to threat. With Standown the human player loses it when faced with overwaelming odds against him, suich as the odds Tommy feced against the entire Battlflect of Rimbus 2, or Kin fighting a milion-zilion ninja. Only instead of becoming a rabid muskrat fighting for survival, the teenager becomes a trim Greek God who cannot be defeated. In game terms, when Standown kicks in, the teenager's Cool jumps to sx, and he or she gains the knack "handle any situation” 33. Macho: Macho allows the human teenager added amounts of chutzpab, With Macho the teenager can never be intimidated, by anyone, ever Gang: Having the power Gang means that you are the leader of © gang ut, or social group. This group will alvays consist of 246 members, and they follow your orders to the letter. They are, for all intents and purposes, cannon fodder for the player to toss around in dangerous. situations. All gang members get 4 Bonk, and the knack "be talked into anything by leader" +2. The player should give the ganz members cute and identifiable personalities to keep track of them, like Sleepy, Picklepuss, the Moustache, and OM Kivi Nose. Remember, a gaag can be anything, from the pep clab to the National Association of Fat Kids Named Alvin, Favor: Favor gives the teenager just thet, someone who owes him ot a relative @ favor, Maybe someone's father works for the government or his uncle is involved in the Alpo smuggling ring of Sirius. Whatever the connection, docided by the player, the end result is that the teenager can always find TFOS does WinterFest! 2 anything he needs, anywhere on Earth, AU te teenager nceds to dois knock on any back door enywhere, and ask for Vinaic. Tell him Guido tent you, One word of warning Vinnie is often raided by the Galactic Patrol, and god help the teonsger that has to have Mom fly out to Alpha ‘The main thing that is necessary for the play of this AdventurePakis that everyone have fun. If this means bending, breaking, or completely disregarding the rules, so be it. We want you to enjoy yourself! By the end of this, Kent and Princess Andromeda may or may not be permanent guests of an alien race, the school gym is (probably) able to berepaired, and the damage to the community should be all fixed up just in time for next weeks run! Writer’s/Designer’s/Editor’s Notes So, did you like it? We certainly hope so. Crunchy Frog is committed to producing several of these over the next year, and we want you, the custmer, 10 be happy ‘with them. In the coming months, look for TFOS Yearbook 93!, TFOS does Summer Vacation, The TFOS Invasion! and more! Didyoulike the new powers listwe had? Mike McDonsldhas even more nifty expansions of the rules on tap, and we're planning on sneaking that into a product real quick as well! Ifyou have any comments, suggestions, snide remarks, non-ticking pack- ages, etc., please send them, along to us at: Crunchy Frog Enterprises 1200 W. 40th St. #238 Austin, TX 78756 Also, if you have a favorite Teenager or Adult, a favorite scenario, or whatever, send it in and we might use it in a future product! If we use it, you'll get 2free copies of the product when it comes out! All submissions become the property of Crunchy Frog Enterprises. 80, like, have a definitely non-non-non-heinous, Most Triumphant Holiday Season, Dudel PAL 12/98 TFOS does WinterFest! CRITTER-TEKe™ aro very nearly tho most powerful war machines built so far this wosk. These huge, animal-shaped vehicles ae spity, neato, and generally keen, not to mertion Feared and Respecied™. Equipped wth deadly weanons ‘suchas the dread Particle Pitching Cannon”, thedread Sptwad Laser™. and the dread Chinese Fireworks Missles™, these behemoth (really big) robots are the terror of this comer cf the universe, not to mention this end of the block! In thi hilarious (we promise!) send-up of the BATTLETECH Universe™ (Approved by FASA™, or at least they promised not to sue us!), you can play a valiant TEK-Wartior™ as he blindly charges into batte for fame, glory, and a better batting average! ‘Since the days ofthe Big Leagues and the Greet Stugger Krewzinski™, the Five Major Franchise Houses™ have been manuevering for domination ofthe Infeld. Aterthe Fourth Minor League Play-off", several thought they had {good chance atitoo. Litle did they know that soon they would be invaded by the Crane™, Feared and Respected™ Fre Agonts™ from beyond the Foul Temtories «Join us 2s we chronicle the adventures of such Feared and Respected” (and eminently licenseable) Free Agents ‘as Wolf's Babboons™ and the Swell Hounds™. Join us while the Blessed Al-Star™ uses the Big League Radio Network™ to inflet thelr viewpoints on the res of us! Join us while we try to mekea semi-honest buck! Join us fr... CRITTER-TEK™ Is a 96 page, perfect bound book featuring @ parody of the BATTLETEGH Universe using a hauntingly familiar game system. 1 also incudes a selection of 24 (full color!) All-Star Trading Cards, featuring All-Star Pilots of the Infisld, Available Spring 92 from Crunchy Frog Enterprises, 1200 W. 40th St. #298, Austin, TX 78756, ‘Send check or money order for $14.95 plus $1 postage & handing (Texee residents add 8% sales tax). They’re Here!: The Role Playing Game of the Allen Conspiracy 1n 1947, in Wastinaton State, Kenneth Amold saw 7 flying saucers fying information over Mt. Ranier. He reported 1 end "Evig Sauce’ revocable the Engleh Language, However, In 147, 8 much more ominous evet occur In the desert outside Corona, New Mexico, a saucer crashed, killing 3 of the crew, and leaving a fourth barely alive. The army moved in, drove the civilians out of the area, and THE SHIP AND THE ALIENS WERE NEVER SEEN AGAIN! At the same time, Harry S. Truman formed MJ-12, a super-secret commission to study the Alien threat. They are stil in existence today, working with the Aliens! Each year, thousands of people discover they have been abducted by Aliens, and subjected to humiliating and frightening medical tests. 1 in 40 Americans have been implanted with a device that could control their thoughts! And The Government Knows! They're Hore!: The Role Playing Game of the Alien Conspiracy is the new game by Paul Arden Lidberg. It details tlie connection between the U.S. Government and the Alien Threat. Utilizing a unique role playing system, TH is destined to be the hit of 193! 192 pages, $19.95. Advensures will follow. They're Herel is a Nightshift Games release. TFOS does WinterFest! SI Coming Soon for STAR CORPS! #5001 CORPS WORLDS:The STAR CORPS Role Playing Game Battle your way actoss a thousand star systems as you try to make a semi-honest buck! Discover strange planets, alien races, and new markets for old trinkets! Be a Mercenary Commander, Trader Prince, Corporate Execute, of Wiley Smuggér. You are imted only by your Imagination. includes the planet creation system! BONUS! - Complete ship to ship combat game, from fighters to Capital Ships! ‘§TBA -Avallablo February, 1903, #5002 ‘The STAR CORPS Companion \Writien by the users of the RPGames Forum on CompuServe, this unique supplement is for use with STAR CORPS: allo Battel, and the previously mentioned upcoming CORPS WORLDS: The STAR CORPS Role Playing Game. Includes new troopersiike: Cybertrocpers, Pstroopers, and Psychotroopers! Also includes the Powered Armorrules! {$5.95 - Available January, 1993 #5003 ‘The STAR CORPS Technicel Briefing - 2197 New Tanks, Nev Jeeps, New Jets, New Weapons, New Powered Armor, and more! Usable witn both the Miniatures Baile Game, and the Role Praying Gamel $5.05 - Available February, 1903 Crunchy Frog Enterprises Product Stock Number Proe TOY WAR #200 $4.95 CRITTER COMMANDOS: #000 7.95 (CRITTER COMMANDOS COMPENDIUM #3001 495 (CRITTER COMMANDOS DELUXE #9002 12:98 CRITTER-TEK (9/99) #3500 14.98 ‘STAR CORPS: #5000 95 CORPS WORLDS(2/92) #5001 TBA ‘THE STAR CORPS COMPANION (1/03) #5002 595 ‘THE STAR CORPS TECHNICAL BRIEFING - 2197 (3/93) #5008 595 Nightshift Games Product Stock Number Pree DUEL #1000 $7.95 MEGA-DUEL _ (1/93) #1001 7.95 DUEL DELUXE (2199) #1002 19.95 DUEL Advonturoa #1: Socret Liason(1/98) #1100 495 THEYRE HERE!: The RPG of the Alien Conspiracy(3/S3) #4000 1995 All of these fine products are avallable at hobby andl games stores ratlonvide, or direc fom: Crunchy Frog Enterprises, 1200 W. 40th St. #258, Austin, TX 78766. Enclose check or money order for total plus $1.50 per lem for postage. TX resiients add 8% sales tax. (Gey oy Berri Nghohi Canes CRITTER-TER. The DUEL Systm, DUEL. CRITTER COMNANDOS, RITTER COMMANDOS COMPENDICM Tey Hee ia Kole Pog Uae othe Alea Copy TOT WAR, CRITTER-TER, The Gane Gant Rett onbet ita Ure Gos Foey, CRITTER Tis Fert Jond Repested Pes Penisp Cannon Sptrod Enon Chine Fras Mice TE Wr tbr Bp Lessee Grn Sager Krew, ve or neve uc Ine aur Ninor Lengo: Pay, Cans Fol Tenor, Free Agi, WoiteBubbcos weil Hou, Sted Alt, agen RaioNcwore CORPS WORLDS el tralcmars of Crunchy og Eine al [Ade Lig wed prmaaco STAR CORI Sin tndenar ofan: Late Model nd under icre TAS, DATTLETEC Hare ucemeia SFPASA Comoro, tad by perms Capri 9% a igh msoned Wy wed apne resi pe tha eal orn? Engh esd 2 TOS does WinterFest! Santa's Workshop & Compound "Have A Most Non-Heinous Holiday Season, Dude!" What happens when Winter descends on Albert Einstein High? More laughs and fun than you've had since..SUMMER! Join in for rollicking adventure in the world of R. Talsorien Games rm Old Man Withers Winter Wonderland has rolled into towa, and with him WisterFest! Can the Teeners survive a frolick in the snow? And what docs the CIA have to do with this, anyway? TFOS does WinterFest! ix an AdventurePak for 4.6 Teeners from Teenagers From Outer Space. TFOS is required to use this product, as well as a sense of humor! BONUS! New PowerslNew Gadgets! And Much, Much More! A Product of Crunchy Frog Enterprises “Where Stranger Things Happen, Every Day!”

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