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 There are various potential benefits of outdoor adventure education programs for

intrapersonal competencies development. First is self-confidence. This program

challenges you by trying things or activities you've never tried before, facing your
fears, and building confidence. Skydiving, hiking, rock climbing, and other activities
cultivate a growth mindset and set further goals. After that, you can confidently take
immediate action to solve difficulties, learn from mistakes, and meet future
challenges. Broaden your horizon. Accept your shortcomings in the learning process.
Believe in your ability to achieve your goals, and show approval of your decisions or
judgments, especially when the problem becomes more difficult. The Second is
thinking from different perspectives. When using tools from activities, come up with
how to make better use of them, learn to do better from characteristics, think about
imagination, and deduce how to do better. Adjust the strategy or approach to the
problem. And put yourself in the shoes of others to calculate the most appropriate
method. The complex problems encountered in daily life often do not have a clear
answer to the textbook questions. There are no absolutes and uniqueness to the answer
to the question. Breaking down the problem into different parts and then analyzing it
helps thinking. Third is self-discipline. Know how to discipline yourself through self-
awareness and understanding. Learn how to discipline yourself through self-
awareness and understanding. The assembly process in the activity must be punctual,
and understand the importance of time. Otherwise, it will affect others. In the
program, you must cooperate and cannot act privately or disobey instructions for
personal reasons. Therefore, learn to be self-disciplined in life. Self-discipline
increases the chance of success and builds better relationships. Trying to innovate
sports is easier to fail; self-discipline is even military discipline, not discouraged,
relying on solid willpower. Have the courage to do what must be done. Last but not
least is persistence. The program includes canyoning, climbing, running, etc. It may
test your limit and enhance your strengths. In addition to tempering your physique,
you must also be strong enough to withstand tests and have the resilience to face
failure and accept challenges again to keep moving forward and break through many
barriers. Even in difficult situations such as obstruction, slander, etc., do not change
the goal until the desired goal is achieved. Be good at using the spirit learned from the
activity. Perseverance is essential when facing the difficulties of work and academic
pressure. At this time, it is necessary to apply the determination learned during rock
climbing to life. It offers heavy work by using tools, climbing, canyoning and
abseiling for personal development.

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