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Ranged Attacks

All figures in a unit must target the same enemy unit when shooting.

Only the first 2 "ranks" of troops in a squad that face that target may shoot and
combine fire at it. The second rank of a unit does not suffer cover penalties/bonuses
by the front rank.

Individual figures within a squad may not be targeted except by Accurate Shot or
Sniper equivalents (even if they are in the front rank), and it also adds a -8 modifier to

Any unit/squad size of 3 or less may not be targeted unless unit is the closest enemy
or by another unit of same/smaller size, except by Accurate Shot or Sniper equivalent.
Large base figures count as 2 units and huge as 4 for unit size purporses.

Units and squads adjacent to the enemy may not shoot at another enemy.

Vehicles may always be targeted if a reasonable part of their structure is in LOS, but
still get cover bonuses.


Units with blaster rifles/pistols, and other small arms:

Short Range (up to 6”): no penalty.

Medium Range (6”-12”): -4 attack.
Long Range (12”-24”): -8 attack.
Extreme Range (24”+): automatically miss.

Vehicles and units with heavy weapons, missiles, etc:

Short Range (up to 12”): no penalty.

Medium Range (12”-24”): -4 attack.
Long Range (24”-36”): -8 attack.
Extreme Range (36”+): automatically miss.

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