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Facultad de Administración y Ciencias Políticas

Periodo Ordinario II

Vocabulary task

Modern Short Story

María Alejandra González Durán

Olga González Abad

Guayaquil, october 2020

1. Write the meaning

1. Swallows: To cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach. To make a
movement in your throat as if you are swallowing something, often because you are
nervous or frightened.
2. Shimmering: To shine with a faint, unsteady light or has an unclear, unsteady
3. Tremulous: When someone's voice, smile, or actions are tremulous, they are
unsteady because the person is uncertain, afraid, or upset.
4. Whims: A capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind.
5. Utterly: Used it to emphasize that something is very great in extent, degree, or

2. Write an original sentence of your own. (Do not use the one you find in the

1. Swallows: He swallowed because he knew that she discovered the lie.

2. Shimmering: She looked at him in the eyes with a shimmering light.
3. Tremulous: Her voice was tremulous because she had bad news for her mother.
4. Whims: Alicia is making true every whim she suddenly had.
5. Utterly: There are many utterly prestigious universities in Canada.

Reference for the definitions

Collins Dictionary. (2020).

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