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I agree and really like the idea of presenting so many colors in the street, to show how colorful

the new LCD Television is. However, I didn't know it was a TV advertisement until the end, and as
possible customers, we need little hints to know what they are selling.

Forum 2

You have infinite choices, so how do you get people love and join your brand
Recipe for PR success: 2 things: 1 stupid majority (Amount of people that roam very soon,
loyal fans) are everywhere, do something that will work, figure out the stupid majority ready
to fall

And 1 smart minority make it really see the logic. Choose wisely

the importance of public relations

I agree with Jerry because you need to know your customers and also take advantage of the
recognition you already have, because they know your work, and with that you get them to
join and love your brand more. He shows the importance of public relations and what we
have to do in order to have success with our brand.

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