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Facultad de Administración y Ciencias Políticas

Periodo Ordinario II

Modern Short Story

The necklace reflection and opinion

María Alejandra González Durán

Olga González Abad

Guayaquil, september 2020

What do you think about Mme. Loisel and Monsieur Loisel. Give arguments with
examples from the story.

I think that, from one side, Monsieur Loisel was very humble, first because he was a clerk,
second, because he wanted to make his wife happy and cared more about love. On the other
side, Mme. Loisel was not comfortable with her life, because she lived in a poor house, she
wanted more than she had, at some point I think she was greedy, because her husband gave
her everything she wanted until the end, until the last cent.
Also, I think Mme. Loisel had a great lesson when she lost Madame Forestier's necklace,
because she lost something she thought was more expensive than it was, and that taught her
to work hard, to be more humble, to assume her consequences.
Monsieur Loisel loved her unconditionally, because he gave her all his money he was saving
for shooting and having fun, he also worked ten years with her to pay the debt; but Mme.
Loisel, I think she was not focused on her husband like he was, because the center of her life
was to have very nice ornaments, furnitures, have like her friend Madame Forestier's, and to
have more and more, he was after all this in her way of thinking, and that was not fair.
I think that there's nothing wrong with being ambitious in life, but that doesn't mean you have
to pretend something that you´re not. You have to be humble and enjoy what you have in life,
always looking forward to something better, working hard for what you want. At least, that is
something my mother has told me since I was little, and I´m doing it until now.

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