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Annex 3 Facsimile of declaration attesting that it belongs/does not belong to an entity tied to

the secondary auditor(1)


The Company…………………………………………………………… with registered office in …………………….

…………..… Address ……………………………………………. Tax ID …………….…... and VAT No.
………………………………….…… in the person of its legal representative
…………………………………………… born in …………………………. on …………………….., domiciled for the
position at the company's registered office as above,
□ that he is not a secondary auditor of the Enel Group and does not belong to the secondary auditors network
of the Enel Group
□ that he is a secondary auditor of the Enel Group and that award to the undersigned company of the service
object of this Tender PPR0000 ...... is permitted by applicable legislation and by international standards
singled out in the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the IFAC

□ that he belongs to the network of the company ....... secondary auditor of the Enel Group and that award to
the undersigned company of the service object of this Tender PPR0000 ...... is permitted by applicable
legislation and by international standards identified in the Code of Ethics For Professional Accountants
issued by the IFAC
Yours faithfully,

Electronically signed by the legal representative (*)

(1) Auditor network: national or international association the auditor belongs to, whether it is principal or
secondary, using the same name or through which professional resources are shared and comprising the
companies which (i) control such auditor, (ii) are controlled by it, (iii) are associated with it or (iv) with it are
subject to control by the same subject The entities belonging to such an association are identified based upon
criteria established by Art. 149-bis of CONSOB Resolution No. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as amended.

Processing of personal data: notice and consent

As per personal data protection legislation in force, Enel hereby declares that the data provided will be used solely
in connection with the procurement and supplier selection process in order to ensure fairness, transparency and
correctness as well as to prevent situations of possible conflict of interest and unlawful behaviour in accordance
with the provisions of the Code of Ethics, the Organisational Model as per Legislative Decree 231/2001 and the
ZCT (Zero Bribery Tolerance) plan adopted by Enel Group. You have the right to access your data and ask Enel
to make corrections, integrations or, as the case may be, cancellation or blocking.
Having read the notification, the undersigned as legal representative of the company indicated above hereby
consents to the processing of personal data supplied within the limits and for the purposes described in the

Electronically signed by the legal representative (*)

It is understood that by digitally signing this document you are also giving your authorisation for
processing your personal data.
(*) Legal Representative or a Representative with the appropriate power of attorney. In the event that the latter signs the document, it
will also be necessary to attach a copy of the power of attorney granting the power to sign as representative, unless it was submitted in
the bidding stage.

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