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Scientific name: Loddigesia

order: apodimeros
Family: Trochilidae
other names: paddletail
hummingbird, admirable hummingbird
Conservation Status: Endangered

It is known as "the most beautiful hummingbird in the world" for its showiness and
extravagance, its real name is wonderful hummingbird or spatula-tailed hummingbird, it
is a medium-sized hummingbird, with blue colors; green and violet-crested copper. It is
endemic to the Utcubamba river basin, in the high jungle of northern Peru. It is unique
among birds in that it has only four tail feathers. Its most outstanding characteristic is
the presence in the male of two long outer racket-shaped tail feathers that cross each
other and end in large purplish-blue discs or 'spatulas', which can move independently.
It was discovered in 1853 by bird collector Andrew Matthews for George Loddiges.
Due to the constant loss of its habitat, its small population and its limited range, the
spatula-tailed hummingbird is evaluated within the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Conservation status:
IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION The hummingbird is constantly exposed to threats that
endanger its survival, which is why 32 hectares were prepared for resident and
migratory birds of other wild animals, so they can feed and rest. In addition, some
30,000 native trees and shrubs were planted to take care of the habitat of the
Marvelous hummingbird.
How can we keep them:
in order to conserve them, we can help by planting perennials throughout the year,
placing twigs so that hummingbirds can stop. The idea is that there are places where
hummingbirds can rest and make nests throughout the year.
We can also help by stopping putting artificial waterers since they are plant
pollinators, that is, the birds would opt for sugar water and stop pollinating
Importance for the ecosystem:
The importance of the spatula-tailed hummingbird for the ecosystem lies in the fact that
many tropical forest plants thank this bird for their existence.
The spatula-tailed hummingbird is endemic to the Amazon region, in northeastern Peru.
what it represents is an offering to a flying god who was quite feared by the settlers.
And if they did not pay homage and show the respect they had for him, they feared that
he would punish them by stopping the rains; which would be fatal for the crops in
The hummingbird is the smallest animal in the world with a backbone.
The hummingbird does not have the ability to smell, they seem to be attracted to the
colors of the flowers.
It is the only species that can fly in all directions, that is, up, down, left or right.
During a normal period of time your heart will beat more than 1200 times per minute.
Name and surname: Greisi Smith, Vasquez Vilchez
Block: 44349 ID:1409418

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