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Diet–microbiota interactions and

personalized nutrition
Aleksandra A. Kolodziejczyk1,4, Danping Zheng1,2,4 and Eran Elinav   1,3*
Abstract | Conceptual scientific and medical advances have led to a recent realization that
there may be no single, one-​size-fits-​all diet and that differential human responses to dietary inputs
may rather be driven by unique and quantifiable host and microbiome features. Integration of
these person-​specific host and microbiome readouts into actionable modules may complement
traditional food measurement approaches in devising diets that are of benefit to the individual.
Although many host-​derived factors are hardwired and difficult to modulate, the microbiome may
be more readily reshaped by environmental factors such as dietary exposures and is increasingly
recognized to potentially impact human physiology by participating in digestion, the absorption
of nutrients, shaping of the mucosal immune response and the synthesis or modulation of a
plethora of potentially bioactive compounds. Thus, diet-​induced microbiota alterations may be
harnessed in order to induce changes in host physiology , including disease development and
progression. However, major limitations in ‘big-​data’ processing and analysis still limit our
interpretive and translational capabilities concerning these person-​specific host, microbiome
and diet interactions. In this Review , we describe the latest advances in understanding diet–
microbiota interactions, the individuality of gut microbiota composition and how this knowledge
could be harnessed for personalized nutrition strategies to improve human health.

Personalized medicine
The microbiota modulates the pathogenesis, progres- to determine an individual’s dietary responses: diet,
A medical approach in which sion and treatment of diseases, ranging from metabolic which consists of thousands of different chemical mole-
patients are stratified into disorders to neurological diseases1–3. Reshaping host– cules and varies between individuals not only in compo-
groups depending on different microbiota interactions through personalized nutrition sition, but also in timing and regularity of consumption;
factors that contribute to
treatment outcomes and then
is a new therapeutic avenue for both disease control and the microbiota, which comprises several hundreds of
receive the tailored treatment prevention. Gut microbiota composition and function is bacterial strains that form an ecological network with
predicted to be most effective. shaped from infancy, when the individual is colonized more or less favourable states; and host physiology and
by bacteria from caregivers and the surrounding envi- metabolism, which encompasses the secretion of diges-
Immunology Department,
ronment, a process that strongly influences the compo- tive enzymes and other molecules to the gut, as well as
Weizmann Institute of sition of the microbiota in adulthood4,5. Although early immune regulation in response to the bacterial coloniza-
Science, Rehovot, Israel. life events — including the mode of birth, type of feed- tion of body surfaces15,16. These three systems are highly
Department of ing and complementary diet6,7 — have strong effects on interconnected and interdependent.
Gastroenterology, The First the microbiota, it does retain some degree of flexibility In the same manner as personalized medicine, person-
Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-​sen
and can be modulated through exposure to a variety of alized nutrition approaches aim to identify key micro-
University, Guangzhou, China.
environmental factors8 (Box 1). Of these, diet is the key biome features that predict the response to particular
Division of Microbiome
and Cancer, Deutsches
determinant of the microbiota configuration, through food components, which can then inform the design of a
Krebsforschungszentrum modulation of the abundance of specific species and diet leading to favourable outcomes. The main challenge
(DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. their individual or collective functions9–12. Furthermore, in harnessing the potential of microbiome-​informed
These authors contributed the effects of a particular diet on individuals in the personalized nutrition is to identify how the host, the
equally: Aleksandra population differ from person to person and may be microbiome and dietary exposures interact in shaping
A. Kolodziejczyk, influenced by a combination of host and microbiome dietary responses.
Danping Zheng
features, the latter influence mostly being determined In this Review, we explore how diet shapes the
by the environment rather than genetic background, and microbiota, how dietary–microbiome crosstalk may;
e.elinav@dkfz-​ thus is potentially more amenable to intervention13,14. affect disease development and progression, and how Collectively, three chemically and biologically com- this information could be harnessed in the design of
s41579-019-0256-8 plex systems function together and influence each other tailored diets. We also highlight the current limitations,

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Box 1 | Forces shaping the gut microbiome Another important factor driving dietary changes
and subsequent microbiome alterations is urbanization
the arms race between pathogens and the host leads to rapid evolution of the host (Fig. 1b). Urbanization is associated with changes in com-
immune system. these changes do not leave the microbiota unaffected. in humans, position, loss of diversity and loss of particular species,
the environment (food composition and timing, antibiotic and other drug use, weather, such as Treponema22. Non-​westernized populations such
hygiene, and so forth) is the main force driving variation in the microbiota across
as the Hadza consume mainly raw or wild foods, result-
individuals13. similarly, the microbiome sampled from two baboon species in Kenya
clusters according to environmental factors, such as soil159. this suggests that, on ing in a gut microbiota with higher diversity than in
average, the genetic differences between humans within a population are too small to Western populations, whose diet derives almost entirely
outweigh diet as a determinant of microbiome composition. Nevertheless, genetics and from commercial agricultural products8,13,22,23. A rural
the resulting physiological differences may still have a role in shaping the microbiome. diet leads to enrichment in Bacteroidetes (including the
when the microbiomes of different species of non-​human primates or small mammals genera Prevotella and Xylanibacter), allowing rural popu­
are analysed, the strongest determinant of differences in the microbiome was lations to maximize energy intake from fibres, which is
evolutionary distance rather than diet, indicating that major differences in gut niches concordant with a depletion in Firmicutes24. Strikingly,
exist, due to genetic factors between these organisms160,161. this suggests that genetics the loss of diversity seen in westernized populations
has a potentially interesting and important role in shaping the microbiome, and was also found to occur in individuals who migrated
genome-​wide association studies (Gwas) could provide evidence for this role. Human
from developing nations to the United States as early
genetic variability is associated with microbiome features, such as variability in the
genes and regulatory regions that are important for the maintenance of barrier as six to nine months after arrival. In the guts of these
functions162. the first Gwas studies have been performed and have yielded divergent immigrants, the Western-​associated genus Bacteroides
results; therefore, to draw more significant conclusions, larger cohorts and more started to displace the non-​Western-associated genus
comprehensive data sets will need to be collected and analysed across populations163. Prevotella25. Importantly, in comparison to the sim-
pler and more homogeneous diets in rural areas, urban
environments offer a large variety of foods, which leads
challenges and unknowns in decoding these complex to greater inter-​individual variability of gut micro­
multi-​factorial networks to gain a better understanding of biomes26,27. In addition to the dietary changes, urbani­
the environmental, microbial and genetic integration zation is associated with antibiotic use, pollution and
of person-​specific responses to food. improved hygiene, thus further contributing to increase
in the variability of gut microbiota in Western societies.
Dietary influences on the microbiota
One of the desired outcomes of a dietary intervention is Personalized microbiota responses to dietary compo-
to change the composition of the bacterial consortia in nents. Changes in dietary macronutrients, including fat,
the gut from a disease-​associated to a more homeostatic protein and carbohydrates, lead to significant shifts in
state. Although twin studies have indicated a role of host the human gut microbiota. As has been shown in many
genetics in shaping the human gut microbiota compo- human intervention studies10,28, diet-​induced alterations
sition, genetics are outweighed by environmental fac- of gut-​associated microbial communities can occur in
tors13,17. Several population-​based studies have revealed a rapid and reproducible manner. Specifically, short-​
diet as a dominant determinant of inter-​individual term extreme changes in diet are sufficient to alter the
microbiota variation18,19. microbiome — for example, within four days when an
entirely animal-​based or plant-​based diet is consumed10,
Environmentally driven dietary fluctuations alter the gut or within a fortnight when the diet fibre and fat contents
microbiota. The cyclic changes in human gut micro­biota are modified28. In humanized gnotobiotic mice, shift-
due to seasonal variation in diet, especially for people ing from a low-​fat, plant polysaccharide-​rich diet to a
living in traditional societies, is a prime example of how high-​fat, high-​sugar diet alters the microbial community
potent diet is in shaping the microbiota (Fig. 1a). In the structure and metabolic pathways within a single day29.
community of Hadza hunter-​gatherers in Tanzania, On the other hand, mild changes in some nutritional
more frequent berry foraging and honey consumption in components do not easily disrupt the resilience of the
the wet season result in significantly lower abundances gut microbiome — for example, the consumption of
of the phylum Bacteroidetes (particularly of the fam- different varieties of bread leads to a minor alteration in
ily Prevotellaceae) than in the dry season, when hunt- gut microbiota composition, in a highly person-​specific
ing becomes the dominant activity. Consistently, the manner30. It is important to note that, besides diet, indi-
wet-​season Hadza gut microbiome possesses remark- vidualized gut microbiota configuration is affected by
ably fewer genes encoding plant, animal and mucin many other factors, including age, sex, medications and
carbohydrate-​active enzymes (CAZymes) than the dry-​ ethnicity8,13,31. By exerting effects on the microbiota,
season microbiome20. Hutterites, an isolated, communal-​ these individual traits further confound the effect of diet
living population in North America, consume more fresh in shaping the gut microbiota, making it more complex
vegetables and fruit during summer and more fro- to evaluate the collective responsiveness32.
zen or canned food during winter. This dietary vari­ Dietary fat strongly affects gut microbiota composi-
ation between seasons is thought to partly explain the tion and function, which in turn influences host meta­
Urbanization microbial differences detected in their stools between bolism. A high-​saturated-fat and low-​fibre diet in mice
Changes from rural to urban seasons. In the summer, when more fibre is consumed, results in a decrease in Bacteroidetes and an increase in
areas and encompasses both
the flux of people from rural
Bacteroidetes (complex carbohydrate digesters) are more Firmicutes and Proteobacteria33–35. More specifically,
areas to cities and the growth abundant, whereas Actinobacteria, which specialize in the increase in body fat percentage in mice fed a high-​
of urban areas. degrading specific types of fibres, are depleted21. fat diet was positively associated with Lactococcus and

a manner. In healthy individuals, even short-​term moder-

ate changes in dietary saturated fat levels result in sub-
stantially different individual microbiota responses43.
Seasonal cycling Dry season Wet season Dry season Wet season
Moreover, a higher baseline of microbial diversity is
associated with less change in the gut microbiota in
response to dietary fat43, supporting the notion that
Circadian higher diversity offers greater resilience to dietary
rhythmicity perturbations, whereas lower diversity is less optimal.
Similar to fat, protein content in food influences the
gut microbiota composition, with substantial interper-
Intermittent sonal variation in species composition and abundance.
fasting Eating Fasting Eating Fasting
The source of protein affects the gut bacteria, as has
been shown in rats fed meat-​derived proteins and non-​
Microbiome meat-derived proteins (casein and soy)44. In humans,
a long-​term animal protein-​r ich diet is associated
with the Bacteroides enterotype45. A short-​term animal
protein-​rich diet consistently increases the level of bile-​
Saturated fat ↑ Saturated fat ↓ tolerant bacterial species (including Alistipes, Bilophila
Animal protein ↑ Westernization Animal protein ↓
Fibre ↓ Fibre ↑ and Bacteroides), while decreasing the abundance of
Dietary additives ↑ saccharolytic microorganisms (including Roseburia spe-
Urban Rural
cies, Eubacterium rectale and Ruminococcus bromii)10. By
α-diversity ↓ contrast, consumption of a plant protein diet, based on
Prevotella spp. ↓
Treponema spp. ↓ glycated pea proteins, significantly increases the levels of
Butyrate ↓ commensal lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and elevates
Interpersonal variation ↑ short-​chain fatty acid (SCFA) production in humans46.
Bacteroides spp. ↑ α-​D iversity (intra-​individual) is a predictor of
the extent of microbiota composition change upon the
Fig. 1 | Dynamic changes in the microbiome in response to diet. a | Dietary timing,
including seasonality , circadian rhythmicity and intermittent fasting, shape the gut
short-​term consumption of different protein sources
microbiome composition and function. b | Changes in dietary patterns following (red meat, white meat and nonmeat sources) in healthy
westernization, accompanied by alterations in dietary components, result in remarkable subjects. Importantly, changes are also highly variable
changes in the gut microbiome composition and function. For example, shifting from between individuals, without strong population-​level
a low-​fat, high-​fibre diet to a high-​fat, high-​protein, low-​fibre diet leads to decreased trends43. Similarly, sulfur-​containing amino acids in
α-​diversity (intra-​individual gut microbiota richness), increased β-​diversity (inter-​individual the diet do not significantly impact the abundance of
gut microbiota diversity) and declined abundance or even the extinction of Prevotella intestinal sulfate-​reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio and
and Treponema species, with lower butyrate levels. Bilophila species) on the population level, whereas per-
sonal responses in microbial community structures and
functions do exist and are maintained over time47.
Allobaculum species, but was negatively associated with The effect of carbohydrates on the gut microbiota
Akkermansia species36. It should be noted that the trans- is complex, depending on their types and amounts. In
lational potential of dietary fat–microbiome crosstalk humans, the long-​term consumption of complex car-
Metabolic derangements in rodent studies to humans is limited. This is possi- bohydrates has been shown to promote the Prevotella
Pathological states in which
the host metabolism is
bly due to the known divergences in dietary composi- genus45. Dietary fibre impacts human gut microbial
dysregulated, which are tion and complexity, fat-​induced metabolic derangements ecology, resulting in high abundance of Bacteroidetes
associated with a clustering of and microbiome configurations between rodents and (Prevotella species)23,24. Specific bacteria can grow on cer-
metabolic disorders, including humans37,38. In humans, a high intake of dietary fat tain types of carbohydrates, and therefore diet can select
obesity, hypertension, insulin
(mainly saturated fatty acids) is associated with reduced for or eliminate particular species. For example, bifido-
resistance, impaired glucose
tolerance and dyslipidemia. microbiota richness and diversity in both adults and bacteria are selectively efficient degraders of arabin­
infants39,40. A recent intervention study showed that oxylans present in wheat and other grains48; therefore,
Butyrate a high-​fat diet in healthy adults is associated with Hazda hunter-​gatherers eating grain-​depleted diets23 and
A short-​chain fatty acid increased levels of Alistipes and Bacteroides species, a human adults consuming a grain-​reduced diet49 have
produced by bacteria in the gut
from complex carbohydrates.
decrease in Faecalibacterium species and elevation of fewer bifidobacteria in their microbiota. In overweight
the faecal cometabolites p-​cresol and indole, all changes people, diets that are high in non-​digestible carbohy-
Enterotype that are associated with cardiovascular and metabolic drates result in a significant increase in bacteria within
Proposed classification of disorders41. The modulation of gut microbiota by other the phylum Firmicutes, including Ruminococci species,
human microbiomes into three
dietary fat types remains unknown. The current evi- Roseburia species and Eubacterium rectale50. By con-
different types, depending on
which bacterial genus is most dence suggests that in healthy humans, the consump- trast, diets poor in fermentable carbohydrates in obese
prevalent: Bacteroides, tion of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) individuals result in a significant reduction of butyrate-​
Prevotella or Ruminococcus. leads to an increased abundance of several butyrate-​ producing Firmicutes and a decline in faecal butyrate
producing bacteria, in line with the known anticancer levels51. In mouse models, dietary fibre deprivation
and anti-​inflammatory effects of omega-3 PUFAs42. promotes the expansion of colonic mucus-​degrading
Microorganisms that break Changes in dietary fat intake lead to alterations in bacteria, thus leading to intestinal barrier dysfunction
down sugar to acquire energy. gut microbiome composition in a highly person-​specific and susceptibility to mucosal pathogens52. In contrast to

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


dietary fibre, digestible simple sugars, which are preva- differences in the intestinal microbiota, but this needs
Foods, or compounds found in lent in the Western diet, inhibit the colonization of com- further validation.
food, that induce the growth mensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in the murine gut Live bacteria, also termed probiotics, represent one
of bacterial species that are and promote the development of obesity53. of the most widely consumed dietary additives. Studies
Although response to fibre has a common signa- investigating the effects of probiotics on the human gut
Emulsifiers ture within the population, heterogeneous and highly microbiome have reported inconclusive and contradic-
Substances found in food, used personalized shifts in the human microbiota have also tory results. Probiotic intervention with Lactobacillus
to prevent the separation of been detected in response to carbohydrates, including species significantly modulated the faecal micro­biota
emulsions in order to achieve
dietary fibre50,54, resistant starches55, and carbohydrate-​ only in some individuals70,71, whereas a systematic review
the desired textures of food.
containing prebiotics30,56,57. Consumption of a high-​fibre of randomized controlled trials in healthy adults72 and
Probiotics weight-​stabilization or weight-​loss diet in obese individ- a probiotic intervention study in healthy infants73 failed
Live microorganisms (bacteria uals affects the intestinal microbiota composition with to report an effect of probiotic consumption on fae-
or yeast) found in dietary significant interpersonal variation58–60. Although faecal cal microbiota composition. Such conflicting results
supplements or food.
butyrate levels generally increase upon indigestible car- might stem from variations in individual responses to
Faecal microbiota bohydrate consumption, the response also varies widely probiotics and probiotic colonization. Indeed, dietary
transplantation among individuals61. The microbiome response to die- probiotic consumption induces a highly individualized
(FMT). Process of transferring tary carbohydrates can be predicted from the baseline colonization pattern in the gut mucosa of both healthy
faecal matter from one or
microbial diversity58. This dietary intervention is less and antibiotic-​treated humans, subsequently influencing
many individuals to another in
order to affect the microbiome
efficient in improving clinical phenotypes in individuals the gut microbial community and host physiology in a
of a recipient. with lower microbial gene richness59. In addition, prior person-​specific manner, which can be predicted by the
dietary habits could also potentially influence the gut microbiota prior to treatment and by host features74,75.
Barley kernel-​based bread microbiota response to dietary interventions. For exam- Another specific probiotic, Bifidobacterium longum
(BKB). Bread that is made from
barley kernels, leading to high
ple, healthy individuals with habitual high fibre intake AH1206, colonizes the gut persistently in only ~30% of
resistant starch and non-​starch exhibit greater gut microbiota responses to an inulin-​ individuals. Its colonization can be predicted, as it corre-
polysaccharide content. type fructan prebiotic than those with low fibre intake62, lates with low abundance of endogenous B. longum and
highlighting the importance of considering habitual die- an underrepresentation of carbohydrate utilization genes
tary patterns when aiming to modulate gut microbiota prior to treatment76. Despite this, the efficacy of probiot-
through dietary interventions. ics in modulation of the gut microbiome in health and
Various dietary additives, including emulsifiers, arti- disease needs further investigation, and an individual-
ficial sweeteners and probiotics, have been shown to ized approach is merited, given the great inter-​individual
induce gut microbiota changes in animal and human variation in microbiome configurations.
studies. Supplementation of dietary emulsifiers in mice
results in a reduction in Bacteroidales and an increase Personalized host response to diet. There is emerging
in Ruminococcus gnavus and other mucolytic bacteria, evidence that the changes that dietary interventions elicit
and such changes in the microbiota are sufficient to in host metabolism are person-​specific, and that this het-
drive the development of metabolic syndrome in germ-​ erogeneity stems from unique microbiota signatures, in
free mice, as shown by faecal microbiota transplantation addition to host physiology14 (Fig. 2).
(FMT)63. Mechanistically, dietary emulsifiers induce The level of one particular bacterial species may be
low-​grade inflammation in mice by increasing lipo­ a predictor of the response to a particular diet. Healthy
polysaccharide and flagellin levels, which may lead to individuals who showed improved glucose metabo-
inflammation-​associated colon carcinogenesis64. lism following barley kernel-​based bread (BKB) con-
Many non-​caloric artificial sweeteners, like sac- sumption were associated with a higher abundance of
charin, sucralose and aspartame, were demonstrated Prevotella species, suggesting that Prevotella has a role
to shape gut microbiota composition in both animals in the individuality of BKB-​induced metabolic improve-
and humans 65. Although they are considered safe, ment77. Similarly, intake of whole grains induced anti-​
the contribution of some artificial sweeteners to the inflammatory responses and blood glucose level changes
development of metabolic or inflammatory disorders of different magnitudes in healthy subjects; those with
through the induction of gut dysbiosis has been shown greater improvements in blood IL-6 levels had higher
in some mouse studies, linking saccharin treatment to levels of Dialister and lower levels of Coriobacteriaceae
the development of liver inflammation66, and sucralose species in their stools, whereas E. rectale was correlated
consumption to disrupted lipid metabolism67 as well as with postprandial glycemic and insulin responses78. In
intestinal inflammation68. In preliminary findings in overweight and obese adults on a calorie-​restricted diet,
some humans, the consumption of artificial sweeteners individuals with higher levels of baseline Akkermansia
is associated with the induction of glucose intol­erance muciniphila exhibited a greater improvement in
through compositional and functional alterations in insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, as well as a
the intestinal microbiota, and such metabolic effects greater reduction in body fat, suggesting a predictive
are transferable to germ-​f ree mice by FMT69. More role of A. muciniphila in assessing response to dietary
importantly, personalized responses to non-​caloric interventions79.
artificial sweeteners in human individuals have been Individuals can be classified into responders and
observed in both short-​term and long-​term non-​caloric non-​responders on the basis of the outcomes of dietary
artificial sweeteners consumption studies. These dif- interventions. For example, in childhood inflammatory
ferences in individual responses are possibly due to bowel syndrome (IBS), individuals who respond to a

Diet of fat, protein, carbohydrates,

prebiotics, probiotics, etc.

Microbiota response Host response

Personalized nutrition prediction

Personalized microbiota response Responders Non-responders

Personalized host response

Personalized diet design

Fig. 2 | Personalized microbiota and host responses to diet. Diet changes the gut microbiome composition and
function in a person-​specific manner, which is associated with the specific pre-​intervention microbiome profile. Diet also
results in highly individualized variation in host responses (for example, glycaemic response), which can be accurately
predicted by the host’s unique microbiome signatures. By utilizing both aspects, personalized nutritional strategies can
be developed in order to modify an individual’s microbiome and further improve the response to a specific diet.

low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, mono­ and merit further examination in diverse populations.
saccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet have higher This personalized approach to predicting the PPGR
proportions of Bacteroidaceae, Erysipilotrichaceae and to food was recently validated in a non-​diabetic popu­
Clostridiales species, with a greater capacity for sac- lation in the United States82. More recently, a large-​scale
charolytic metabolism, whereas non-​responders har- twin study revealed high interpersonal variability in
bour higher levels of bacteria belonging to the genus postprandial responses (glycaemic, insulinaemic and
Turicibacter80. Similarly, relative to non-​responders, lipaemic responses) to diets, highlighting that even
individuals who respond to a low fermentable substrate genetically similar twins respond differently to iden-
diet in the management of childhood IBS are charac- tical meals83. This suggests that, rather than genetic
terized by higher levels of taxa belonging to the gen- make-​up, non-​genetic factors, including gut micro­
era Sporobacter and Subdoligranulum, and by a lower biome, host metabolism, meal timing, nutritional content
abundance of taxa belonging to Bacteroides81. and exercise, have a fundamental role in determining
More accurate personalized prediction methods that the response to food. This further supports the notion
differentiate responders from non-​responders have been that to achieve the same result in different individuals,
developed by combining baseline microbiome signatures personalized approaches to diet need to be employed.
with other important individual traits. In an 800-person Nevertheless, such a ‘tailored nutritional approach’ is in
cohort comprising overweight or obese non-​diabetic its infancy, and more feasible, sustainable personalized
individuals in Israel, high interpersonal variability in the nutritional strategies need to be developed to optimize
postprandial glycaemic response (PPGR) to identical foods one’s gut microbiome and improve host responsiveness.
was predicted accurately by gut microbiome, dietary
habits, blood parameters and anthropometrics using Interplay between dietary timing, gut microbiota and the
a machine-​learning approach. Different dietary com- host. Time-​specific dietary intake, including circadian
ponents, age, serum parameters and the microbiome feeding patterns and intermittent fasting, can impact
all exhibited relative contributions to the personalized the gut microbiota and host physiology (Fig. 1a). In both
predictions, showing either beneficial or non-​beneficial mice and humans, the rhythmicity of dietary intake
but person-​specific predictive effects. More specifically, couples with the host circadian clock to shape the daily
21 beneficial and 28 non-​beneficial microbiome-​based circadian fluctuation in microbiota composition and
features were identified, in line with their relative con- function84,85. Alterations in feeding patterns can flexi-
tributions to the algorithm-​based predictions. More bly change the microbiota rhythmicity; for example, a
strikingly, short-​term personalized dietary interventions high-​fat diet dampens the microbial diurnal oscillations
Postprandial glycaemic based on these predictions resulted in consistent gut in mice, which in turn influences host circadian clock
(PPGR). Increase of glucose
microbiota alterations and a lower PPGR14. The levels function and metabolism86,87.
level in the blood following of contribution of the microbiome and of discrete clini- Intermittent fasting (that is, voluntary abstinence
ingestion of a meal. cal and laboratory features to the predictability may vary from consuming drinks and food during certain periods)

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


CAZymes L-carnitine Tryptophan Phenylalanine Tyrosine

SCFAs Fibre

Nourishment Indole Phenylacetate 4EPS

TMAO derivatives

HDAC cell

inhibition PXR
cell GLP1
Pro-inflammatory Artery
NASH and fibrosis
Immunomodulation Cardiovascular
diseases AHR Autism?
Immune cell
Regulation of food intake
Immune response
and energy expenditure

Fig. 3 | clinically relevant bacterial metabolites. Examples are depicted of food components that are catabolized by
gut microbiota to physiologically active molecules that signal to different tissues in the body , eliciting either beneficial
or detrimental responses. Dietary fibre is degraded by bacterial enzymes to short-​chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that,
in addition to serving as nutrition for enterocytes, act as signalling molecules that bind to GPR41 and GPR43 on the
surface of gut epithelial cells and immune cells, regulating the secretion of pro-​inflammatory cytokines such as IL-18
and, through the glucagon-​like peptide 1 (GLP1) and peptide tyrosine–tyrosine (PYY), acting on central nervous system
regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. Moreover, SCFAs act as histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in
immune cells and adipocytes, regulating these cells’ transcription through chromatin state. L-​carnitine, choline and
phosphatidylcholine are converted by some members of the microbiota to trimethylamine N-​oxide (TMAO), which is
associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. Amino acid derivatives produced by microbiota also
have substantial roles in the modulation of host physiology. Indole molecules originating from tryptophan regulate
the secretion of GLP1 through pregnane X receptor (PXR) signalling and influence the immune response through aryl
hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) signalling. Tyrosine-​derived 4-ethylphenylsulfate (4EPS) was implicated in promoting
autism-​like behaviours in mice, whereas phenylacetate, a derivative of phenylalanine, and acetaldehyde, which
originates from ethanol, were shown to contribute to the development of fibrosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
(NASH). CAZymes, carbohydrate-​active enzymes.

has been hypothesized to promote metabolic health microbiota reversibility can also be observed during
through the effects on gut microbiota88. In mice, inter- repeated dietary shifts in mice92. Similarly, mice fed a
mittent fasting reshapes the gut microbiota composition low-​fibre diet gradually lose microbial diversity over
and increases the level of the metabolites acetate and generations, which is not reversible through the reintro-
lactate, which directly promote adipose tissue brown- duction of dietary fibres93. Such microbiota persistence
ing and reverse high-​fat diet-​induced obesity89. In addi- or extinction after a particular diet should be considered
tion to the effect on metabolic disease, the microbiome when designing effective microbiota-​targeted therapies.
altered by intermittent fasting also leads to certain pro-
tections from multiple sclerosis in both mouse models Microbial influences on host physiology
and patients90. The role of gut microbiota in mediating Ingested food, before it is digested and absorbed into the
the beneficial effect of intermittent fasting on other bloodstream, comes into contact with bacteria. Both
diseases, as well as the personalized aspects of this the composition and digestive functions of the bacte-
intervention, warrants further investigation. ria in the small and large intestines differ, because they
Although the gut microbiota can be reshaped by depend on their niche and on nutrient availability.
diet, it is worth noting that in a substantial portion of Bacteria aid the digestion of food and, in this process,
individuals, obesity-​induced gut microbiota alterations produce a plethora of metabolites that often are not
persist even after successful dieting. Such persistence produced by the host (Fig. 3). The metabolites originat-
can drive faster weight regain and greater metabolic ing from the metabolic reactions in the gut can affect
derangement, a phenomenon that can be rescued by human physiology in both positive and negative ways.
FMT or flavonoid-​based metabolite treatment in mice91. Different microbiomes have different potentials for pro-
Such lasting effects of past dietary history and reduced ducing certain metabolites, depending on the metabolic

capabilities and metabolic interactions within the popu­ to changes in the production of particular metabolites.
lation. Therefore, another personalized diet design Knowledge of these synthetic pathways could lead to the
strategy is to supply compounds that are precursors of design of targeted dietary interventions that modulate
beneficial bacterial metabolites or to eliminate those that the levels of these metabolites.
lead to toxic or harmful metabolites. Vitamins, by definition, are not synthesized by the
host, but rather, they need to be supplemented. Food is
Food component digestion. The gut microbiota partakes the main source of vitamins and their precursors; how-
in the digestion of food, and notably, it digests com- ever, when provided with substrates, gut bacteria can
plex carbohydrates from the diet that would otherwise contribute to the synthesis of vitamins (mainly vitamins
be unavailable to the host. These molecules are mostly from the B family and vitamin K)108. Microbiota-​derived
plant cell wall-​derived polysaccharides and storage vitamins are not sufficient to support human physio­
carbohydrates. Fibres, such as β-​glucan or pectins, are logy, and estimates of their contributions to daily intake
not digested in the small intestine because humans lack vary substantially, ranging from, on average, 0.078% for
the enzymes that break them down or because they are pantothenate (vitamin B5) to 86% for pyridoxine (vita-
not accessible to the action of enzymes (for example, min B6)109. The capacity of the microbiota to produce
resistant starches)94,95. Supplementing the diet with fibre vitamins is not stable; for example, the number of genes
is a relatively common practice in the Western world. involved in the biogenesis of folate increases with age,
Designing personalized diets with respect to fibre whereas those encoding for enzymes of the cobalamin
requires an understanding of the metabolic capabilities (vitamin B12) synthetic pathway decrease with age6.
of each person’s microbiome, as some carbohydrates may Because potential for the synthesis of vitamins differs
be digested and beneficial to one person, but undigested between microbiota, the dietary needs for different
and inert in another. vitamins will vary among individuals.
Gut bacteria encode many different CAZymes that, Bacteria also have the capacity to detoxify and
mainly in the colon, mediate the digestion of a wide vari- eliminate harmful molecules by metabolizing them.
ety of carbohydrates96,97. Although many carbohydrate Oxalobacter formigenes, Enterococcus faecalis and sev-
degradation enzymes are shared between bacterial spe- eral Bifidobacteria species degrade the dietary com-
cies and are present in the majority of humans, some pound oxalate, a major risk factor for kidney stones110,111.
functionalities evolve only in particular populations Thus, individuals who suffer from kidney stone for-
where they provide a specific function. For example, mation could, in addition to avoiding oxalate-​r ich
porphyranases and agarases produced by the gut bacteria foods, modulate their microbiota to enrich for efficient
of Japanese people digest seaweed carbohydrates (which oxalate-​degrading species.
are commonly consumed in Japan), but European popu­ On the other hand, bacteria can convert L-​carnitine,
lations lack the bacterial species that produce these choline and phosphatidylcholine into trimethylamine
enzymes, and therefore cannot digest them98,99. N-​oxide (TMAO), a compound which is associated
Identifying CAZymes often involves searching with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Note
metagenomes using the sequence information of known that the bacteria that encode the enzymes necessary
enzymes, but it is essential to use phenotypic assays to for this conversion are, on average, present in higher
identify and characterize novel enzyme families100,101. abundances in populations of omnivores than in vege­
Metagenomic analyses are largely limited by insuffi- tarians or vegans112,113. Ongoing studies are aiming to test
cient functional annotation of bacterial genes. The fact whether cardiovascular diseases can be controlled by
that a bacterium harbours a gene does not imply that TMAO level reduction through a diet low in L-​carnitine,
the gene is expressed. In the presence of different energy choline and phosphatidylcholine and a gut microbiota
sources, bacteria may express genes for the production low in TMAO producers.
of one, a group or several of these enzymes, depending Similarly, other molecules may be avoided in food
on the environmental context. Moreover, bacteria form a if their metabolites are deleterious. For example, some
metabolic network and cross-​feed each other, providing members of microbiota convert dietary ethanol into toxic
an additional level of complexity. The changes in bacte- acetaldehyde114,115; synthesize the tumour-​associated
rial composition along the gastrointestinal tract mean polyamine N1,N12-diacetylspermine116; produce phenyl­
that the same bacterium may have a different metabolic acetate from phenylalanine, which contributes to the
profile, depending on its niche. development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)117; or
create the tyrosine derivative 4-ethylphenylsulfate, which
Synthesis and modulation of bioactive compounds. In has been implicated in the development of autism-​like
the process of carbohydrate digestion, bacteria produce behaviours in a mouse model118.
SCFAs, including propionate, butyrate and acetate, that The synthesis of many compounds is complex and
have multiple beneficial effects on the host, in addition cannot easily be analysed, as many bacteria participate
to their roles as energy sources for gut epithelial cells and in the necessary conversions, and multiple products
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis as signalling molecules102–107. SCFAs are among many arise. For example, the tryptophan derivatives include
(NASH). A form of nonalcoholic other compounds that the microbiota produces. The several compounds, including indole, tryptamine, indo-
fatty liver disease, characterized wide spectrum of molecules that are synthesized by leethanol, indolealdehyde, indolelactic acid, indoleacetic
by at least 5% hepatic
steatosis, with histological
the microbiota have a variety of effects on human physio­ acid, indolepropionic acid, indoleacrylic acid and
liver inflammation and logy. Depending on the synthetic potential of the micro- 3-methylindole. The bacterial species and pathways
hepatocyte injury. biota, eliminating or supplying specific substrates leads responsible for the production of these metabolites

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


were reviewed recently119,120. The physiological effects of gastroplasty or Roux-​en-Y gastric bypass, the gut bac-
these indole derivatives include modulation of immune terial consortia change drastically, and it has been sug-
responses through aryl hydrocarbon receptor signal- gested that the beneficial effects of these interventions
ling121–124, regulation of barrier function through the are at least partially mediated by microbiota altera-
pregnane X receptor (PXR)125, and regulation of insu- tions141,142. This effect is mediated by changes in energy
lin secretion through glucagon-​like peptide 1 (ref.126), harvest (that is, the capacity of the microbiota to harvest
and it has been suggested that these compounds may energy from the diet) and through interaction between
have antioxidative and anti-​inflammatory properties127. bacteria or their components and the host139,143. All these
In addition to effects on the host, metabolites also act observations suggest that diet composition is not the
on bacteria through cross-​feeding mechanisms, signal- only determinant for weight gain, and that the micro-
ling and quorum sensing; however, these effects remain biota is a key factor in regulating energy harvest and
largely unexplored. metabolism. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to identify,
solely from the metagenomic data, whether a specific
Regulation of food absorption. Bacteria affect human microbiota has a high or low energy harvest capacity and
physiology and food absorption by regulating the whether it induces obesity. Currently, the conclusions
bile acid pool size and composition. Primary bile acids of studies associating microbial signatures with obesity,
are produced from cholesterol in hepatocytes and are or with any other phenotype, are often contradictory,
released into the duodenum upon ingestion of food because of their relatively small sample sizes and high
by humans. In the intestine, bacteria convert primary inter-​individual variability, but in studies with large
bile acids into secondary bile acids through the decon- cohorts, finding the microbial signatures of different
jugation of taurine and glycine and through dehydrox- phenotypes and diseases could be within our reach.
ylation. This leads to an expansion of bile acid pool Stepping away from correlation to causation may
hetero­geneity128–131. The detergent properties of bile be facilitated by unravelling underlying mechanisms.
acids aid fat digestion and absorption by the delivery A. muciniphila was found to correlate with body mass
of lipids, lipid-​soluble vitamins and other hydro­phobic index (BMI), fasting glucose and subcutaneous adi-
compounds to the brush border of the intestine132. pocyte diameter79,144. Furthermore, the administration
Furthermore, bile acids are potent signalling molecules of A. muciniphila in mice ameliorates high-​fat diet-​
that signal through farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and induced weight gain79, and it has been suggested that
G  protein-​c oupled bile acid receptor 1 (GPBAR1) increases in A. muciniphila abundance as a result of
and that regulate metabolism in virtually all tissues133,134. metformin treatment contribute to the improvement in
Glucose and glucose 6-phosphate absorption is regu- metabolic parameters of individuals taking this drug145.
lated by bile acids through FXR signalling135. Differences Interestingly, pasteurized A. muciniphila is even more
in the composition of the bile acid pool between humans potent than live A. muciniphila in reducing the meta-
with different microbiota and different diets may lead to bolic derangements associated with obesity. Mechanistic
differences in FXR and GPBAR1 signalling and in the studies have shown that the A. muciniphila membrane
absorption of dietary components, but to date there are protein Amuc_1100 binding to TLR2 is partially
no in-​depth studies of these topics. responsible for improvements in gut barrier function
and meta­bolic parameters144,146. These studies propose
Modulation of host metabolism. Metabolic health and using A. muciniphila as a probiotic to facilitate metabolic
weight control are the main targets for dietary interven- health, and prebiotics are a potential way to increase
tions. Currently, the practice is to advise individuals to A. muciniphila abundance.
eat foods that are low in calories and high in fibre, with
a low glycaemic index. These diets are not always effec- Modulation of host immunity. The second most stud-
tive, and as they are very restrictive, many patients find ied aspect of the microbiota-​derived molecules is their
it difficult to follow them. There is strong evidence for effects on the immune system of the gut, barrier func-
the role of the microbiome in weight gain, which has tion, inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel
Primary bile acids
Amphipathic molecules been demonstrated by transplanting the microbiota disease (IBD) and metabolic diseases.
produced by the hepatocytes from lean and obese humans into mice and observing SCFAs produced by members of microbiota such
and released to the intestine that an ‘obese’ microbiota caused mice to gain weight in as Faecalibacterium prausnitzii nourish gut epithelial
to aid the digestion and comparison to the mice that received microbiota from cells, promote barrier function in the gut and thus have
absorption of lipids.
lean donors136,137. A high diversity of bacterial species in an anti-​inflammatory effect2,147. The integrity of the
Glycaemic index the gut is associated with better metabolic health and mucosal barrier is regulated by the microbiome through
Numeric value, on a scale from leanness2,3,79,136. Another feature of the microbiome indole-​induced PXR signalling125, through IL-22 (ref.148),
0 to 100, that represents the from obese humans is a higher ratio of Firmicutes to and through modulation of the production of mucus by
average glucose-​level increase
Bacteroidetes species. Importantly, there are also stud- goblet cells149. In the case of a dysfunctional intestinal
upon consumption of a
particular food. ies reporting no association between the Firmicutes-​to- barrier, higher amounts of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Bacteroidetes ratio and obesity, suggesting that there enter systemic circulation, causing so-​called metabolic
Chylomicrons is a need for greater resolution in describing bacterial endotoxemia, which results in low-​grade inflammation
Lipoprotein particles, composition and for further mechanistic understand- in tissues150. Furthermore, LPS can also cross the gut
composed of cholesterol,
triglicerides, phospholipids and
ing of the mechanisms by which a dysbiotic micro­ barrier transcellularly in chylomicrons151. LPS that enters
carrier proteins, that allow the biota contributes to metabolic derangements138–140. In portal circulation first acts on both mesenchymal and
transport of fat in the blood. patients undergoing surgeries such as vertical banded immune cells of the liver via TLR4 signalling, altering

their function, and then the LPS that escapes the liver The first approach is feasible for some measures and
enters systemic circulation and acts systemically. In is sufficient to predict responders and non-​responders
adipose tissue, changes in immune function due to LPS in some cases, but when addressing complex traits,
signalling via TLR4 result in metabolic derangements152. machine-​learning methods are more likely to perform
In mice, the levels of LPS in the blood can be reduced by better. Machine-​learning methods require training a
antibiotic treatment150,153, but a similar approach in obese model on data sets of microbiome and clinical features
humans did not yield therapeutic results154. and of the physiological responses to diet, to learn the
effect of a specific food on physiology. This approach has
Microbiota-​based personalized nutrition the advantage that it does not require prior knowledge
The future of personalized nutrition spans main or aux- and understanding of the complex mechanistic interac-
iliary therapy, in diseases from metabolic diseases and tions related to the microbiota, so it theoretically can be
immune diseases of the gut to neurological disorders performed for any quantifiable feature.
and cancer; prophylaxis for diseases for which an indi-
vidual is at higher risk, due to genetics or lifestyle; and Perspectives
enhancement of performance and the achievement of Microbiota-​based nutrition is beginning to be utilized
various physiological goals, as is needed, for example, to predict variable clinical phenotypes or to guide per-
in sports (Fig. 4). sonalized therapies in metabolic syndrome as well as
The diet may be designed rationally or by using gastrointestinal disorders. Recent successful efforts in
machine-​learning or artificial intelligence pipelines. The the development of personalized diets regulating blood
first approach includes the identification of particular sugar levels provide hope for further advancements
microbiome signatures and their associated metabolic in the control and treatment of disease14,155. Furthermore,
properties. Such signatures may be simple — the pres- the healthy population may benefit from personalized
ence or absence of specific species, genes or enterotypes dietary programs as a means of disease prevention and
in the microbiome — or may be complex and include weight regulation.
many different features. Once the population is strati­ Controlling the levels of specific molecules, such as
fied, the second step is to identify beneficial foods lipids, vitamins, TMAO and so on, in the blood, or of
for all microbiome types and for desired outcomes. For several molecules at the same time, will be the next step
example, for individuals with a family history of athero- in the development of personalized nutrition. Designing
sclerosis, one would test the microbiome for the levels of a diet that accounts for several different attributes may
TMAO-​producing bacteria and enzymes, check the level be challenging, as particular foods and the microbiota
of TMAO in the blood and, on the basis of these data, associated with particular metabolites may not corre-
suggest a diet low in its precursors to those who have late. Other approaches to regulate the diet–microbiota
high levels of TMAO-​producing bacteria and TMAO in axis may include probiotics and prebiotics, to alter the
the blood. composition of the microbiota so as to achieve better
results in combination with personalized diet regimens.
Nevertheless, designing personalized diets based on the
microbiome remains challenging. Currently, most stud-
Clinical Microbiome Genetics (disease Personal
parameters composition predisposition) goals
Lifestyle ies involving interactions between food, the microbiome
and human physiology remain correlative, and only a
few of them describe mechanisms by which these three
entities act on each other. Furthermore, the mechanisms
Machine learning
of these interactions are commonly concluded from
experiments performed in mice, which is a suboptimal
model for human physiology156. Studies in humans are
challenging because of vast individual variability, lack of
Personalized diet
control over microbiome composition and difficulties
Microbially produced metabolites
Changes in Microbiota composition in complying with the experimental diet regimens. To
Host or microbiota physiology overcome these issues, human nutrition studies require
large cohorts of participants, and to study some meta-
bolic changes, experiments have to last for long periods
of time, which is often unrealistic.
Disease control Prophylaxis Lifestyle optimization Each of these systems (human physiology, microbiota
Example: Example: Example:
Normalization of Reduction of TMAO Energy use optimization and food) is complex, and each comes with a unique set
blood glucose levels levels in order to for athletes of technical limitations. Results from the characteriza-
in diabetic individuals prevent atherosclerosis
tion of the microbiome are sensitive to sample storage
conditions, methods of DNA extraction and sequenc-
Fig. 4 | Microbiota-​based diet design. In designing personalized nutrition, factors to
ing library preparation protocols. Standardization of
consider in addition to microbiome composition and function include genetics, clinical
parameters, lifestyle and the particular personal goals of the individual. All or subsets of microbiome characterization is lacking at all steps of the
these features may be used to identify personalized dietary combinations that will impact process, starting from the sampling, through different
microbiome composition and function, as well as host physiology. The goals of personalized targeted and untargeted sequencing library preparation
nutrition include, but are not limited to, disease control and prevention and the modulation approaches, to data analysis using different quality con-
of physiology to achieve a particular lifestyle. TMAO, trimethylamine N-​oxide. trol guidelines, bacterial genome databases and tools.

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Furthermore, we know the function of only a fraction the applicability of such approaches across populations,
of the genes encoded in the microbiome, and for most of by disregarding regional microbiome variability or dis-
them we predict their function on the basis of sequence ease state. Furthermore, personalized nutrition studies
similarity. Even in Escherichia coli, the most thoroughly are performed in Western populations and are much
studied bacterium, the function of ~35% of genes is still embedded in Western food culture, making it difficult to
unknown157, and for other bacteria, especially those translate their findings to other societies where different
that are difficult to culture, this number is much higher. products are consumed. Last but not least, designing an
Functional studies of bacterial metabolism are usually optimal diet is not the only component necessary to reach
performed in vitro in monocultures, which do not reca- an individual’s goals — nutritionists and psychologists are
pitulate the actual environment of the gut, and thus still necessary in order to ensure compliance and support.
disregard the cross-​feeding network that is formed by Such a comprehensive approach comes with a relatively
the gut microbiota and the responses from the host. The high cost, and it will be vital to assess whether the benefits
identification of metabolites using mass spectrometry for the patient in the long term are significant enough for
also has limitations, originating from sample prepara- such treatments to be covered by public health care.
tion and extraction, the method used and the analysis These limitations notwithstanding, the latest
for molecule identification158. advances in microbiome research bode well for the
To overcome this complexity, various computational future, with respect to the generation of large and
tools are increasingly being utilized. Many of these algo- comprehensive data sets and the use of computational
rithms are ‘black boxes’, which are fed with information tools to design diets that will regulate particular clinical
such as food composition, microbiome composition and parameters. The long road will necessitate an enhanced
physiological human responses to predict the cumula- understanding of the mechanistic underpinnings of
tive impacts these factors on the desired outcomes. Using personalized diets and simplification of the approach to
these models provides no understanding of why particu- enable its scaled-​up utilization by large populations, but
lar foods, amidst the background of a particular micro- the approach nonetheless holds the promise of allow-
biota, give one response and not the other, but given a ing us to rationally harness nutrition in preventing and
good training data set, the algorithm is able to identify treating human disease.
key parameters and to predict physiological responses.
Moreover, the nature of the training data set may limit Published online xx xx xxxx

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