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The IB Identities of Being Open Minded in Life Trait


The best scientific thinking comes from a wide-open mind. When you reduce everything to a simple

right/wrong/true/false dichotomy, you effectively reduce the world to a binary. If you can maintain objectivity,

you will never have to settle on one option over another. Being open-minded means not passing any judgment.

Instead, it's better to pretend you're not part of the world and try to figure it out. In contrast to "judgmental,"

"curious" describes someone eager to learn new things. Due to the low frequency of its practice and the low

value of its outcomes, it has attracted a relatively small population (IB Community, 2017).

One example is a man I met in Nepal who had been trying for years to get the villagers to stop growing

rice but was ultimately unsuccessful. The soil conditions were poor, making it challenging to cultivate rice.

Growing various crops in the local climate and soil produced significantly more food. But the farmers had

consistently grown rice since they knew; what would the surrounding villages think if the farmers suddenly

began growing barley instead? Keeping an open mind can boost crop production, which means more food for

the table. Maybe. It's not ideal because your neighbours might tease you about it.

Here is a list of what you can learn by keeping an open mind:

There are too many severe drawbacks. Having an open mind usually means you have to assume that

other people are in the wrong. Many others fail to recognize the significance of that. There's a chance that the

benefits of trying something new may be overshadowed by the fact that other people may come to loathe you

quite a bit. Any advocate of open thinking will, almost without fail, gloss over this.

This principle can be put into reality in many different contexts, the most prominent of which is the

academic setting of a university, where students are forced to listen to and consider ideas that may seem foreign

or counterintuitive to them (IB Community, 2017). This is one of the most well-known variations on this theme

of IB identities becoming more internationally minded. A rigid mind would immediately dismiss this as

ridiculous, and it would probably say as much. An inquiring mind thinks about the difficulties of determining

whether or not a sound is created and the nature of sound and other related topics. This is a test of your ability

to maintain an open perspective.


When one comes to this realization, one takes the first step toward developing an open mind. Choosing

and making decisions is something you should avoid. Just because you claim to be open-minded does not imply

you have to agree with everything or everyone. The laws of nature force us to accept only one direction (IB

Community, 2017) . Having an open mind does not mean you can justify incorrect beliefs. You could learn

something if you're open to hearing what others know and considering what you know. Those make the best

decisions with an open mind, but only under duress. Be friendly and open.


IB Community. (2017). 10 ways to promote international-mindedness | IB Community Blog.

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