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Technology is a boon because there have such good benefits even if it has a bad effect on those

people that can use it right. But being at this age I can say that they have been a big help to us even in
this time are in a new generation that can be taken seriously to us to become better . Technology is
wonderful cell phones with internet access and the ability to take pictures and videos are available.
However, the truth is that technology has made humans less well-rounded. With computers, all the
information you could ever want is just a few keystrokes away via a search engine. The fundamental
difference is a part of life, just like everything else. Nothing is ever perfect, and technology is no
exception. Humans create and use technology as a tool to improve their quality of life. In any field of
activity, those who understand how to effectively apply technology have been able to improve both
their own lives and, to some extent, the lives of others. A person can save time and important human
effort by engaging in this activity. However, this capability of the computer also gives a person the
freedom to take on greater challenges than he would have in the absence of computers. Many
individuals believe they can manage multiple tasks at once because they take this capacity for
granted. We now have the multitasking part. Schools, business organizations, governments, parents,
teachers, and students all seem to have a say in how technology will change education. Based on the
implementation of technology, schools evaluate their own success. Based on the integration of
technology, parents evaluate the quality of the schools. For students, more technology refers to a
more modern institution. Private companies provide a range of products to affect students, parents,
and educational institutions. Governments develop a variety of plans to modernize rural schools by
providing them with technology. Technology has assisted man in taking a small step that has grown
into a giant leap for man, but does anyone really know where this small step is leading us? Technology
was invented and developed to facilitate and simplify progress and daily life. However, a person can
become socially immature and lose the courage to engage in face-to-face conversation and question-
asking. People now find it simpler to communicate online rather than in person thanks in part to
instant messengers. Technology has been hailed as humanity's greatest gift. We have reached
incredible heights in a variety of fields thanks to technological advancements. Right now, our nation's
defensive capabilities are great. We have advanced space technology significantly and visited the
moon. Anything that is utilized extensively is said to become poisonous. The same is true when it
comes to technology. It is certainly a blessing for us, but its usefulness depends on how we use it. If
we use technology properly, it won't ever be an issue for us, but if we use it incorrectly or in not
unnecessarily, it could be.

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