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Ammi visnaga is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by many common names, including bisnaga, toothpickweed,

and khella. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, but it can be found throughout the world as an introduced species. This is an annual or biennial herb growing from a taproot erect to a maximum height near 80 centimeters. Leaves are up to 20 centimeters long and generally oval to triangular in shape but dissected into many small linear to lance-shaped segments. The inflorescence is a compound umbel of white flowers similar to those of other Apiaceae species. The fruit is a compressed oval-shaped body less than 3 millimeters long. This and other Ammi species are sources of khellin, a diuretic extract. Khella was used in Ancient Egypt as a herbal remedy for renal colic.
Medicinal Uses

Visnagin, which is found in Ammi visnaga, has biological activity as a vasodilator and reduces blood pressure (by inhibiting calcium influx into the cell). Traditionally A.visnaga tea has been used for kidney stones. Tests on rats have been promising. Ancient Egyptian and Indian writings describe vitiligo treated with psoralen-containing plants such as Ammi majus and exposed to sunlight. There have been a number of European research papers investigating this ancient folk use of the plant. Visnaga is an effective muscle relaxant and has been used for centuries to alleviate the excruciating pain of kidney stones. Modern research has confirmed the validity of this traditional use. Visnagin contains khellin, from which particularly safe pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of asthma have been made. The seeds are diuretic and lithontripic. They contain a fatty oil that includes the substance 'khellin'. This has been shown to be of benefit in the treatment of asthma. Taken internally, the seeds have a strongly antispasmodic action on the smaller bronchial muscles, they also dilate the bronchial, urinary and blood vessels without affecting blood pressure.The affect last for about 6 hours and the plant has practically no side effects. The seeds are used in the treatment of asthma, angina, coronary arteriosclerosis and kidney stones.By relaxing the muscles of the urethra, visnaga reduces the pain caused by trapped kidney stones and helps ease the stone down into the bladder. The seeds are harvested in late summer before they have fully ripened and are dried for later use. Ammi Visnaga. Mainly used in case of vitiligo.. very effective in alleviating the stigma.
Background y y

Khella (Ammi visnaga) was originally cultivated by the ancient Egyptians who used it to treat many ailments, including urinary tract diseases. It was also used in the Middle Ages as a diuretic. The whole fruit has traditionally been used to treat respiratory system diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and whooping cough, as well as cardiovascular disorders, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), liver and gall bladder disorders and to stimulate diuresis (increase in urine production). Its purported effect is related to its antispasmodic action on smaller bronchial muscles, coronary arteries and urinary tract tubules. Ammi visnaga may vasodilate the coronary arteries, which increases the blood supply to the myocaridium, and as a result, can be used to treat mild forms of angina (chest pain). It is also used to treat problems associated with spasms and constriction of the gallbladder and bile duct and facilitates the discharge of kidney stones and gallstones. The clinical and therapeutic effectiveness of khellin, a constituent of khella, with respect to coronary, respiratory and urologic indications, has been demonstrated in experiments. Current khella indications include mild angina (chest pain) complaints, postoperative treatment of urinary calculus (kidney stones) and supportive treatment of mild forms of obstructive pulmonary diseases. Few clinical trials have investigated khella (the whole herb vs. its constituent khellin). However, based on traditional use, more studies of khella for the treatment of psoriasis (chronic skin disease) or lipid panel may be warranted.
Ami Visnaga- This medicine is used externally on vitiligo spots in Mother tincture form. External use increase the rate of improvement.

Its homoeopathic employment in potencies is not yet fully established. The fruits have been used against spasms of uterus, kidney stones, and as a diuretic. It is also used to promote the elimination of menstruation. It dilates the coronary vessels and relieves spasms in this area. Its antispasmodic action on small bronchial muscles helps in the disorders of the airways passages. It is safe for children when given in breathing troubles, and prevents recurrences. In urinary troubles, it relaxes muscles of the ureter and relieves pain caused by trapped stones. By relaxing the ureter, it eases the stone down into the bladder. Other indications are angina pectoris, rheumatism and chronic bronchitis. It is known for its external use in vitiligo (leucoderma) .

Recommended potency: MT/Q/1x to 3x

Grown from the seed it is native of North Africa, also grows wild in the Middle East and Mediterranean. It has been naturalized in Australia and South America. Ammi Visnaga's antispasmodic action makes it a powerful bronchial dilator and helpful for treating allergic bronchial asthma. Use to relieve asthma, especially bronchial type. It may be helpful as a preventative for asthma attacks, as well as to relieve an attack by relaxing bronchial spasms. Research shows may decrease allergic reactions by stabilizing mast cell response to allergens and preventing histamine release. Ammi Visnaga's active chemical khellin is the botanical source for the pharmaceutical drugs Intal and Nasal Chrom used for treating various respiratory conditions, including asthma and emphysema. In low doses Amni Visnaga is reported as being safe and has been used in traditional herbal medicine in the Middle East for years. By relaxing coronary arteries Ammi Visnaga improves circulation within the heart thereby easing the symptoms of angina. Good for promoting healthy gums and teeth, and a traditional remedy for treating kidney stones. Relaxes the ureter muscles to reduce the pain caused by a trapped stone and aids release of the stone. Research conducted in Egypt reported that Ammi Visnaga has a strong antispasmodic action on the small bronchial muscles, coronary arteries and urinary tubules. Try 1-3 or more drops of Ammi Visnaga in your aroma lamp or on a tissue for Direct Inhalation! Inhaled effects can last for up to six hours and shows practically no side effects. Ammi Visnaga's odor is not especially pleasant and for this reason it's often blended with other bronchio-dilating essential oils to tone down its strongly medicinal scent. I recommend blending it with either Blue Tansy or Lemongrass essential oil CAUTION: Avoid in pregnancy, babies and children. An extremely potent oil that is considered nontoxic in low doses. A photosensitizer, please avoid sunlight after application on the skin. Avoid with blood thinning medications (coumarins).

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