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Plot Summary:
 This is an animated movie about Migo (a Yeti) who discovers something that he
would not expect to be real. Yetis and humans lives in different “worlds” the former
thought that the latter is just a rumor, legend, nonexistent and just a part of their
imagination and vice versa. They didn’t expect that the “nonexistent creature” turns out
to be real when Migo witnesses a plane crash and there, he saw a “smallfoot” (human).
He hurriedly runs back at the village to tell the others what he saw, but since he has no
proof the villagers did not believe him. Gwangi, Kolka, and Fleem visited Migo and
brought him to S.E.S which is led by Meechee. Meechee tries to convince Migo to go
lower down the clouds despite the stones telling them that there is nothing underneath.
Migo is still hesitant to do so but he still agreed to go, unexpectedly his rope snaps and he
falls straight to the land where they thought a “legend” lives.
B. Description:
 Animated movies are one of my favorite types of movies. Some may call it
childish but for me this type of movies contains many moral lessons and I believe even
adults should watch these kinds of movies. This movie can teach you that you should not
be afraid to tell the truth, and you should know to accept the truth.
C. Analysis:
 The elements they used for the film are very accurate, since –according to myths- Yetis
lives in a very cold weather like Himalayan Mountains. So the movie took place in high in
the Himalayan mountains, where a community of yetis lives according to rules literally set
into ancient stones.
D. Conclusion:
 The movie strongly promotes the ideas of appreciating traditions but questioning
the status quo, thinking outside the box, staying true to your ideals, and giving those
unlike you a chance -- in other words, curiosity, communication, and integrity.

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