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Bab 1 : Formal and Informal Greetings
a. Formal Greetings

1. Example: Smith : Good morning. You must be Sara.

Sara : Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, what’s your name?
Smith : My name is Smith. It’s very nice to meet you.
Sara : It’s nice to meet you too.

2. Example: Kate : Good afternoon, how are you?

Chris : Very well, thank you.
Kate : I’m fine, thank you.
There are more example of formal greetings phrases :
1. Good morning 4. Very nice to meet you
2. Good afternoon 5. How are you?
3. Good evening 6. How doyou do?

b. Informal Greetings

Informal greetings are greetings expressed in informal situation such as

 If you know someone well
 If you are meeting someone in a casual (nonformal) situation
1. Example: Anna : Hi, how are you doing?

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