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Electrons in atoms

• Electrons orbit around the central nucleus

Atomic Orbitals
• An atomic orbital is a region of space in which there is a
high probability of finding an electron

• Assigned letters s, p, d or f
• Energy sublevels correspond to a shape where the
electron is likely to be found.
Where do electrons “live”?
A. Principal Energy Levels
1. Principal energy levels n =1 to 7.
(Row # on the periodic table)

• The electron’s principal energy

level is based on its location around
the nucleus.

• Electrons closer to the nucleus are

at a lower energy level and have
lower energy than those farther
away from the nucleus
Shells and Subshells
s orbital (1) - spherical
p orbitals (3) – dumb-bell shaped
d orbitals (5)
f-orbitals (7)
Filling the Orbitals in the correct order

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