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I. Transform the following sentences into mixed conditional sentences without

changing their meaning. The first has been done for you as an example:

a) I don’t run every morning so I got a heart attack.

If I ran every morning, I wouldn’t have had a heart attack.

b) I didn’t accept the job, so I don’t have to travel every week.

If I had accepted the job, I would have to travel every week.

c) I didn’t take an aspirin, so now I have a headache.
If I had taken an aspirin, now I wouldn´t have had a headache.

d) I don’t study medicine, so I wasn’t my grandpa’s favorite grandson.

If I studied medicine, I would have been my grandpa´s favorite grandson.

e) I am not rich, so I couldn’t help my friend with his business.

If I was rich, I could have help my friend with his business.

f) I did my homework yesterday, so today I’m free today.

If I hadn´t done my homework yesterday, I wouldn´t be free today.

g) I went to the doctor on time, so I am alive and well.

If I hadn´t gone to the doctor on time, I wouldn´t be alive and well.

h) I had a lot of work at the office, so we don’t have anything to eat.

If I hadn´t had a lot of work at the office, We would have something to eat

i) I play a lot of basketball, so I won a chance to meet Lebron James.

If I didn´t ´play a lot of basketball, I wouldn´t have won a chance to meet

j) You are a very poor dancer, so you didn’t get that job in the chorus line in that musical.
If you weren´t a very poor dancer, You would have gotten that job

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