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Republic of Angola

Civil Registry
1ª Conservatory Civil Registry of Luanda
Birth Certificate
Process Number 2874/2002

At the: Two thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four ***

At: 5 hours***

Of the day: October 13***

Year: 2001. Was born in the maternity: Lucrecia Paim***

County of: Ingombota Province of: Luanda***

Gender: Male***

Who was given the proper name of: Gelson Adolfo de Oliveira António***

Son of: Adilson João António marital status: Single***

Natural from: Ingombota Luanda Province***

And of: Engracia de Oliveira Garcia. Marital Status: Single***

County of: Rangel. Province: Luanda***

Residence: In Luanda, Street of: Das Beiras nº 81 Zone 11***

Paternal grandchild: João António And Elisa João***

Maternal grandchild: António Bartolomeu Garcia and Alda Malaquias de


This seat pivoted with base: with a statement from the registrant's parent***

After being read with the letter before all and I will be signed, by the

By me: Antónia de Fátima and Farmer Neves da Cruz. conservative

At 10 hours and 11 minutes of days four March of 2002 in this civil registry of

O/A Main helper conservative. Odélia Deodeth Nelao Lomboleni de Castro


Odélia Deodeth Nelao Lomboleni de Castro Paiva

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