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ULKASEMI Pre-Recruitment Written Exam

Sample Question
The questions in the written exam for Trainee Engineer, IC Mask Design may include but not
limited to the following questions. The exam will be 1hour in duration for 100 Marks.
01. Write down the full form of
a) BJT
c) db
d) GND
e) Op-Amp
02. Draw a cross sectional diagram of a BJT.
03. Briefly explain the fabrication flow.
04. Draw a stick diagram of CMOS Inverter.
05. Explain the operation regions of a BJT with IV Characteristics Curve.
06. What are different types of flip flop? Explain their operations.
07. Draw the schematic diagram representing a Boolean expression.
08. Write down the most simplified form of a Boolean expression.
09. Find the SOP and POS Boolean expressions from truth table.
10. Operations of encoder, decoder, mux, demux.

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