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1. What's the main idea of the text?

the importance of organic food and how it affects the environment.

2. Which details can you remember?

that people buy organic food because it is healthier.

3. What is wrong with organic food?

The problem would be that the transport of organic food pollutes the environment a lot.

4. What is the main reason to buy Organic food?

because these are healthier, they increase biodiversity.

5. How does organic food contribute to global warming?

Exhaust gases from the trucks and airplanes that we use to transport our groceries across
continents and countries are a major cause of global warming.

6. What can you do if you want to eat organic food and help the planet?

One solution is to support your local farmer and encourage them to grow organic food. You
can also join a community. agriculture program. Members help pay for seeds, fertilizers,
water, equipment, etc. and in return, the farm provides a healthy supply of fresh food.

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