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Abraham Campos Heredia

Proposals for abilities

For proposal number one, which is the ability of listening, we are thinking of projecting to the student a video about the
famous cartoon, called: Phineas and Ferb, focused on the mummies that the students saw during the period of units,
this in order that the student can answer questions with the help of characters, answering questions of true or false,
image relationship activities and answers or dialogues according to the episode. As proof of this the student can play a
cartoon character this in order to be able to make an interaction spontaneously and according to the video to involve
the students.

The teacher may also be able to ask questions orally to the pupil at random this in order for the pupil to find out who is
paying attention and who not to also follow up, it is even recommended that the teacher send the file of the questions
through the messaging platform so that the student can answer it either on a device or physically the questions.

for proposal number two which is the ability of Writing, we are thinking of projecting to the a fraction of a comic book
this so that the student can relate to the characters and know who it is dealing with, students can contribute ideas or
brainstorm about the comic book, in order for the pupil to be able to use the grammatical structures during the school
cycle and to generate a knowledge according to the units seen during the school cycle and with this to be able to write
the dialogues spontaneously either with different situations of day-to-day manner, group staff.

By seeing the student in a participatory way, invite him to create his own comic book with this in order that the student
has the creative part and with it be able to express it with the whole group to be able to project it also and can be in a
digital or physical way.

For the proposal number three that is the ability of Reading, we are thinking of projecting to the student a kind of blog
this in order that also student can read said blog and can respond according to the information that appears on the
screen, can be open-ended or multiple-choice questions so that the student can reread the blog and can answer
according to the questions mentioned, then to take a further excerpt from the blog to ask the student also to carry out a
project in order that the student can make his own blog as the one that appears in the example on the virtual screen and
with it the student can guide himself in making his own, using or mentioning parts of the blog for example: a family,
social, individual, personal, etc. aspect according to the experiences lived by the student.

For proposal number four is the ability of Speaking, this one is thinking that the teacher is a fortune teller in which he
will predict the future of the students and what awaits them in the next school cycle, even make predictions to family
members so that the student can also interact either with a tutor, etc. this in order that the teacher will also ask the
students to take a bandana or a handkerchief and put it on their head, also to interact with students and make them feel
comfortable making predictions. The student can use as an additional tool the virtual whiteboard and this in order that
the student feels motivated to create their own predictions by taking the grammatical structures including listening to
their peers to be able to create those of the student and group and individual.

And with it to make an activity too attractive since the student can use elements of house to be soothsayers and to use
any object in house that is as a reflection of a crystal ball as the teacher projects giving the example.

For proposition number five which is the ability of Grammar, this is thought that the teacher can take various topics
from the units this in order to have a feedback for the student and using the sheets as activities in which they can master
and reinforce knowledge, either by leaving activities relating to subjects that have been complicated for the pupil in the
school cycle and also to the benefit of giving him the greatest attention, of course, if a pupil has a difficulty with a
subject, the teacher can explain it again, since this will also give him or her a continuity and prepare him or her for the
new school year, The activities can be from taking examples of different units and the student must respond either in a
group or individual way.
jazmin del angel garcìa

Speaking - una obra, sketches o noticiario con diferentes secciones (moda, tips para el hogar, deportes,
animales, el clima, etc.)
Listening - una manualidad o exploración de alguna técnica de pintura como puntillismo o aprenderse una
Writing - jugar a emprendedores - inversionistas y diseñadores - ellos deben desarrollar una propuesta
atractiva de algún tema para que los inversionistas decidan apoyarlos (tema del dinero) posteriormente
diseñaran la publicidad de su proyecto.
Reading - los chicos leerán una historia, cada párrafo estará numerado y así ellos asociaran cada parte con una
imagen y armaran una composición o pieza completa (dibujos).



1. Usar un dado digital para realizar las ordenes que se indican según el número y el que se equivoque pierde y se
va sentando.

2.Visitar un lugar mágico de México.

Los alumnos elegirán un lugar de México y nos darán un tour para mostrar las cosas típicas del lugar, usando fondos de
pantalla para mostrar imágenes.
3.Comic - los alumnos con ayuda de imágenes prediseñadas de comics podrán realizar la actividad de Reported speech.

4. Espectáculo de talentos, los alumnos elegirán un talento para mostrar a la clase. Ya sea trucos, canto, baile, teatro,
malabares, magia, etc.
5.Imita a tu personaje favorito y regala una entrevista.

Donde vive, cuantos años tiene, que le gusta, de que familia proviene, cuenta su historia, etc.

Mucho antes de ser apuñalada y vencida por Blancanieves, la malvada reina Ravenna fue testigo de cómo su hermana
Freya sufría una desgarradora traición y huía del reino. Freya vive desde entonces en un lejano palacio invernal, donde
ha creado una legión de cazadores, pero descubre que Eric y la guerrera Sara han incumplido la única regla impuesta a
los soldados: desterrar el amor eternamente de sus corazones.

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