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1) What situation did the Police officer observe on the bridge?

The policeman observed a car that stopped on the bridge.

He saw a man get out of the car and walk to the edge of the bridge,
light a cigarette, and then jump up a little. He was a tall man,
with a long face and black eyebrows. He said his name was Edward Wright

2) How was the man on the bridge and what was he doing there?

the man was on the edge of the bridge, he was there because
he wanted to pretend to jump off the bridge and be seen by the police.
That was the beginning of his plan. The fake Edwards lied to the police and said he
was sad because of the death of his wife.

3) What did the man decide to do after chatting with the policeman?

False Edward continued with his plan. He went to the psychiatrist. And also told
him lies.
He told him that he had tried suicide and that a policeman saw him and prevented

4) what did Edward explain to the psychiatrist?

False Edward explained that life no longer had meaning and that he had tried to

5)How would you describe the psychiatrist's reaction toward his patient´s problem?

The psychiatrist shows a lot of indifference. Without listening to him, looking at

his watch,
giving automatic answers, and waiting for Edward to leave. The psychiatrist was not
a happy person. He never had dreams to realize.

6) Who did Edward visit after the psychiatrist? why?

Edward went to the doctor to get his stomach pumped, he lied to him, he said he
took twenty sleeping pills.
The doctor was surprised, he did his job and told fake Edward to pay him

7) What object did he buy and what personal information did the shopkeeper ask him?
The fake Edward bought a gun and a box of bullets. The shopkeeper asked for a
signature and his driver´s license.
Fake Edward's license was also fake

8) What did Mark figure out about the real Edward?

Mark scared Edward with his gun and found out how Edward killed his wife. Edward
punched his wife and then threw her down the stairs

9) How did Mark plan his revenge?

In my opinion, Mark was a little crazy, but he had a good plan.

He made everyone believe that he wanted to commit suicide and then kill the real

10) Describe the end of the story

At the end of the story, Mark arrives at Edward's house, intimidates him with a
gun, and forces him to confess and write a suicide letter.
Then Mark told Edward his plan, everything he did. Later
he killed him. He tidied things up, wiped off his prints, left the note on the
desk, and left.

I choose the death wish story. I think it´s a good one. It´s about Edward Wright, a
man who killed his wife, and Mark, who wanted revenge for his death. For this, Mark
planned everything. First, he went to the bridge and made a policeman believe that
get wished to commit suicide by jumping into the water. Secondly, he went to a
psychiatrist, who said him that life was meaningless and that he tried to commit
suicide. The psychiatrist showed a lot of indifference, he wanted to finish and
then leave. In third place. Mark went to the doctor and asked to have his stomach
pumped because he said he took twenty sleeping pills, which was a lie. The doctor
was surprised, but he did his job and asked to be paid. Fake Edward went to the
store and bought a gun and a box of bullets, the salesman asked for a signature and
his driver's license, and Mark gave him a fake one. Finally, Mark went to Edward
Wright´s house, intimidates him with his gun, and forces him to confess to the
crime and write a suicide letter, then Mark told Edward his plan and everything he
did, then he killed him, orders things, cleaned his prints, left the note in desk
and left

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