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John Enrico H. De Leon Mrs.

Yssa Dueñas
10-Chalcedony 10/12/2022

WandaVision takes place in the fictional town of Westview, New Jersey, which bears the initials "W" and
"V" in homage to Feige's hometown of Westfield, New Jersey, and starts three weeks after the events of
Avengers: Endgame (2019).

Scarlet Witch also known as Wanda Maximoff is an Avenger who is capable of using chaos magic,
telepathy, telekinesis, and reality-altering abilities.

Vision a former Avenger who is an android that was developed utilizing the Mind Stone, Ultron, and

Agatha Harkness a witch posing as "Agnes", Maximoff and Vision's "nosy neighbor" in the made-up
WandaVision show.

Monica Rambeau a captain in S.W.O.R.D. and the daughter of an Air Force pilot, Geraldine Rambeau
goes by "Geraldine" in the made-up WandaVision sitcom. In a society where men are in charge, she is
"tough and has the ability to be a woman."

In a black-and-white 1950s scenario, newlyweds Wanda Maximoff and Vision relocate to the village of
Westview. Despite the fact that Maximoff has telekinesis and the ability to bend reality, and Vision is an
android, they make an effort to blend in.

Maximoff chooses to take a day off, and Agnes agrees to watch Tommy and Billy in a scene that takes
place in the middle to late 2000s. Maximoff is powerless to stop the various components of her home
from shifting. Maximoff finds a peculiar hideout while searching the basement for the youngsters. Agnes
describes herself as a witch named Agatha Harkness and says she has been interfering with Maximoff's
life, sending a phony "Pietro" and killing Sparky, among other things.

Harkness tries to steal Maximoff's chaotic magic, but The Vision interrupts him by attempting to kill
Maximoff. The Vision is confronted by Maximoff's Vision, who battles him throughout Westview.
Residents of the town are liberated from Maximoff's control by Harkness, and they persuade her to
release the barrier. When Vision and the twins start to fall apart, she pauses, but not before Hayward and
Harkness is ensnared in the "Agnes" persona by Maximoff, who also surrounds the barrier with magical
runes that prohibit her from performing magic. Maximoff bids farewell to the twins and Vision before
bringing the Hex to a collapse and slipping into hiding. In the middle of the credits, and Hayward is taken
into custody. In the closing credits,

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