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On your own, answer the following questions by using what you have learned from the chapter.

1. Enumerate and define the different models of disability.

-While there are many models of disability, two categories stand at the ends of a spectrum – the
“individual” or “medical” model where disability is seen as an attribute of an individual health
condition, and the “social” model, where disability is a product of environment 5.
2. How are impairments different from disabilities?
-An impairment is the loss or abnormality of a body function that can be anatomical, physiological or
psychological, e.g. a missing limb or diagnosed mental disorder. A disability is an inability or
restricted ability to perform an activity within the normal human range, e.g. being unable to walk.
3. What is special needs education? How different is it from inclusive education?
-Special needs education refers to education constructed for students with disabilities.Special needs
because it considers the individuals educational needs in able to attain full development of the
student's capabilities It isan attempt to Increase fairness of universal public education for exceptional
learners. It is different from industve education becanse in inchusive education. students with
disabilities are included with normal students in normal dassroom setting.

4. Which international treatises are directly involved in the pursuit of inclusive education?

Many people had been vocal in their advocacy for children,persons with disabilitles,and
education.Some of the treatises directly involved in the pursuit of inchusive education are United
Nations(UN) for adopting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006:Education For
All(EFA)for Flagshlp on the Right to Education for PWDs in 2001:and United Nations Educational,Scientifcand
Cultural Organtzation for securing the Guldellnes for Inclusion in 2005.

1. How important are models of disability? How can they affect students and different
stakeholders of special needs and inclusive education?
-The different models of disability are important for us to understand more about disability and
issues abou It. Through these models Well learn views and perceptions about disablity and how the
society perceives them. affects students and the different stakeholders ol special needs and inclusive
education.for It makes the people become aware of this social issue and at the same time make
them gain courage to stand for the persons with disabilities and special needs.
2. Is it possible for medical practitioners to embrace a social perspective of disability? How can
they marry two seemingly opposing concepts?

-I think, Yes, it is possible for medical practitioners to embrace a social Perspective of disablity,
Because if a person is a medical practitioner it is likely to said that what he/she In is biomedical and
functional model but it does not mean that what he/she believes ln is limited to his/her profession. The two
seemingly opposing concepts can be Joint together because medical practitioners are also part of the society,
thus just like what other people in the soclety belleves in they might also have that belief too for they are just
like other people in the society.

3. Special needs education is said to address the extreme ends of a normal distribution. However,
who determines the cut-off of either end? To keep a narrow range at the tail ends would mean
less number of students might be in danger of academic failure, bullying, or dropping out. To
make the tail ends range wider, however, would mean more students will be segregated,
therefore negating the very idea of inclusion. Discuss your thoughts on how such dilemma could
be resolved.
-I think this dilemma could be resolved if educators would try to understand this situation and study
what should be done to address this problem.Also,as a teacher,will try to take a part on this by
identifying the students who need more attention than other student. Understand that every
student has different potentials, some are easy learners while others are not.Help,support,and try to
be more patient to them.I will check always how is the student adopting and developing so that I
could know if someone from my dass is being left out.In that sense, cases of academic failure,
bullying, or dropping out will be prevented.
4. How can paradigm shift from a medical standpoint to a social perspective happen?
'Medical standpoint paradigm can shift to a soclal perspective if aside from the point that PWD's are
seen as ill and needed to be cured. What their experiencing from the society should also be
considered. For even though there are laws enacted to protect the rights of PWD's there are still
some people who would continue to discriminate them.It is also possible that medical standpoint
can shift to a social perspective because as of now there are still some diseases or disability that
sclence and technology can explain or cure.

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