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Known as the land of the ancient Lords, where their kingdoms converge. This is where the
game takes place, and it is a dangerous area indeed. Containing a great variety of
environments and filled with many dangerous creatures, any Undead's resolve will be tested to
the fullest here. The Undead travel great distances to reach this land, where the First Flame
waits to be linked.

Anor Londo
Known as the city of the gods, and founded by Lord Gwyn. It sits at the top of a mountain, and
both the cliff face and its own walls separate it from the outside world. Long ago, invitations
were given to great champions among humans, decided through victories in an arena, but this
practice has not been kept up for some time. Sen's Fortress sits below it, an enormous
deathtrap serving as both gateway and obstacle to Anor Londo, and those who could
overcome it were permitted access, but the pathway at the end has since been sealed. Now,
any Undead seeking to enter the city are carried in by bat-winged demons if they can
overcome the fortress. The truth of Anor Londo is hidden behind an intricate illusion; when the
First Flame began to fade, all of the gods abandoned Anor Londo save for Gwyndolin, Gwyn's
youngest son. He now uses his magic to make it look like the city still stands strong, but in
reality only he and his knights remain, and he is the only true authority left.

Lost Izalith
Legendary city of the Witch of Izalith, one of the four original Lords. She and her daughters
founded this city deep underground. The Witch and her daughters were originally practitioners
of a form of fire sorcery, but this art was lost when the Flame of Chaos destroyed the city.
When the First Flame began to fade, the Witch of Izalith tried to reproduce it using her magic
and a special soul. However, she failed, and the result was the Flame of Chaos: a twisted
flame that produced distorted life instead, known as the demons. Gwyn and his knights waged
a war against these demons and eventually defeated them, sealing the Bed of Chaos, their
source of life, with magic. Some demons now appear in roles that suggest they may work for
the gods, either willingly or as captured servants. The creation of the Flame of Chaos also
created pyromancy as a byproduct, and Quelana, the only Daughter of Izalith to escape the
destruction, was able to develop an entire system of magic to imitate the ancient fire spells.
She took only one student, Salaman from the Great Swamp. In teaching Salaman, she hoped
that mankind could learn to harness and control the flames, to prevent the same catastrophy
that destroyed her own home. Salaman then returned to the Great Swamp to spread the art of

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