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Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight

Bearer of the strongest Lord Soul, Gwyn's power manifested as great spears of sunlight, which
take the form of lightning. He founded the kingdom of Anor Londo, lead an army of his silver
knights against the dragons, and was father to Gwynevere, Gwyndolin, and his disowned
firstborn son(thought to be Sen, the ancient God of War). Gwyn was the first to link the First
Flame, becoming a Lord of Cinder, and now mindlessly guards it against outside threats and
serves as a test of strength for those seeking to link it again. Gwyn's crown is said to have
once had some special power, but its power has long since faded and now only exudes a slight
warmth by the time the player acquires it. Gwyn and his clan are referred to as gods. Whether
this is by Gwyn's own command or simply a title given to them by others for their strength is
unknown, though they are still the primary religious figures in many human kingdoms. Gwyn is
one of the four who happened upon the Lord Souls at the dawn of the Age Of Fire, along with
Gravelord Nito, The Witch of Izalith and The Furtive Pygmy.

The Nameless Firstborn

The first son of Gwyn, he committed some serious offense and was stricken from the annals of
history. His story is not expanded upon in Dark Souls 1.

Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight

The second daughter of Gwyn, and known as a goddess of fertility. The real Gwynevere
married the flame god Flann and left Anor Londo long ago when the First Flame began to fade,
but Gwyndolin created an illusion of her to maintain the image of power and stability in the
kingdom. This illusion grants successful Undead the Lordvessel, and directs them to follow
Kingseeker Frampt's advice and fill it with Lord Souls. Undead who ask can join the Princess
Guard, knights of Gwynevere who grant aid to fellow Undead through the use of her miracles.

Gwyndolin, the Dark Sun

Youngest son of Gwyn, and the only god who stayed behind in Anor Londo. Gwyndolin has a
deep adoration of the sun, and reveres his father, spending his time guarding Gwyn's tomb and
orchestrating events alongside Kingseeker Frampt to delay the Age of Dark. Due to his strong
connection to the moon and skill in its magic, he was raised as a daughter. Gwyndolin
specializes in a form of sorcery that uses Faith instead of Intelligence, and he is capable of
powerful illusions that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. In this way, he maintains the
appearance of a thriving Anor Londo. In reality, the kingdom has long since been abandoned
and experiences an endless night, and Gwyndolin and his Darkmoon Knights are the only ones
who remain. Undead may join his company of knights if they wish, though any who dispell the
illusion of Gwynevere or enter Gwyn's tomb are instead marked as irredeemable sinners and
pursued by those same knights.

Kingseeker Frampt
One of the primordial serpents, Kingseeker Frampt finds Undead with the potential to be Lords,
and directs them to link the First Flame, though he is not entirely forthwith and fails to mention
that anyone who does will be trapped there, burning for an entire Age. Even so, linking the
First Flame is necessary to prolong the Age of Fire and prevent an Age of Dark. Frampt will
denounce the player and abandon them if they ever join Darkstalker Kaathe instead.

Dragonslayer Ornstein
Said to be the captain of Gwyn's four greatest knights. As with the other three, Ornstein was
granted a fragment of Gwyn's soul for his service in the war against the dragons. He now
guards the illusion of Gwynevere, serving as a test of strength to Undead who hope to link the
First Flame. His accomplishments against the dragons are legendary, and his spear is said to
have once split a boulder in two. He wields a cross spear infused with lightning, which uses
leverage to penetrate dragon scales, let alone any normal human. Despite being a major figure
in the story and even a boss in the game, not much is known about Ornstein beyond what
could very well just be legends and hearsay.

Hawkeye Gough
A giant and a knight of Gwyn, Hawkeye Gough and his archers were known for using massive
greatbows to shoot down flying dragons. Gough himself can fell a dragon with a single arrow
the size of a tree. But the war is over, and Gough now spends his time carving archtree wood
and imbuing it with spoken messages.

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