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1:- The first secretary-general of the United Nations was…..

(A) U. Thant

(B) Trygve Lie

(C) Kofi Annan

(D) Ban ki-moon

2:- First Bank to Introduce ATM in the world –

(A) Bank of Barclays in 1967 (London)

(B) Deutsche Bank

(C) CITI Bank

(D) Royal Bank of Scotland

3:- Who was the only British prime minister to be assassinated?

A) Robert Jenkinson

B) William lamb

C) Spencer Perceval

D) George canning

4:- In which country, white elephant is found

A) India

B) Thailand

C) Sri Lanka

D) Malaysia

5:- The first successful vaccine was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796 which disease did it guard

A) Cholera

B) Diphtheria

C) Polio

D) Small pox✅

1- B
2- A
3- C
4- B
5- D

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