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Educational & Professional Goals Follow-up Paper

Nikole Hardy, RN
November 17, 2022
Since the beginning of the Old Dominion BSN program, I have accomplished many things in my

nursing career. One of my goals was to work in a critical care setting, preferably in the VA hospital, but

regardless I wanted to work in the Emergency Department or Intensive Care Unit. In May 2022, I started

my official ED training period to begin the process to transition from the Orthopedic Surgical floor to the

Emergency Department. I also obtained by Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification and my Pediatric

Advanced Life Support Certification, which is required for the Emergency Department. Ironically, starting

in June I began working regularly in the ED due to the surgical floor being combined with another floor.

This just intensified my desire to work in a critical care setting and as of September 2022 I officially

transferred to the ED, although I had almost solely worked in the department since June. This was a

major accomplishment for me. I have not attempted to apply to a VA hospital, but I will in the future. I

have heard whispers about a new VA hospital opening in a closer location to my residence.

My education goals included being better prepared for a critical care specialty. While the BSN

did not provide education with more in-depth information about the health and medical process

physically and mentally, it did grant me further knowledge regarding evidence-based resources. I now

have the ability to find and utilize more efficient resources to research a topic. This can be very

beneficial for a critical care unit nurse. In December, I will complete this Old Dominion University nursing

program, achieving my largest educational goal: to advance in my nursing career to a BSN, RN.

I am extremely grateful for all the knowledge I have received during this program and find the

use of nursing theories, professional presentation abilities researching methods and leadership skills to

be very useful in my nursing practice. I have had tremendous growth in all these areas thanks to ODU.

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