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Employee job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or
her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a
particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent.
There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of Employee job
satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived
fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working
conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks
involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job
The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be.
Employee job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly
linked. Job design aims to enhance Employee job satisfaction and the methods
include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on
satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement,
empowerment and autonomy of workgroups. Employee job satisfaction is a very
important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common
way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions
to their jobs. Questions relate to pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks,
promotional opportunities,the work itself and co-workers.













Employee job satisfaction is not the same as motivation. It is more of an attitude, an

internal state of the person concerned. It could, for example, be associated with a

personal feeling of achievement.

Employee job satisfaction is an individual’s emotional reaction to the job itself. It is his

attitude towards his job.


“Employee job satisfaction does not seem to reduce absence, turnover and perhaps

accident rates”.

-Robert L. Kahn

“Employee job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job: the difference

between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they

should receive.”

-P. Robbins

Employee job satisfaction is defined as “The amount of over all positive affect (or

feeling) that individuals have toward their jobs.”

-Hugh J. Arnold and Daniel C. Feldman

“Employee job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with

a job. If you like your job intensely, you will experience high Employee job

satisfaction . If you dislike your job intensely, you will experience job


By Andrew J DuBrins,

Employee job satisfaction is one part of life satisfaction. The environment

influences the job. Similarly, since a job is important part of life, Employee job

satisfaction influences one’s general life satisfaction. Manager may need to monitor

not only the job and immediate work environment but also the employees attitudes

towards other part of life.




Human life has become very complex now-a-days. In modern society the needs and

requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing and when their

needs are not fulfilled they become dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are likely to

contribute very little for any purpose. Employee job satisfaction is very important for

the industry to function successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects,

employees can be considered as backbone of any industrial development. To utilize

their contribution they should be provided with good working conditions to boost

their job satisfaction. Any business can achieve success and peace only when the

problem of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of workers are felt understood and solved,

problem of efficiency, absenteeism , labour turnover require a social skill of

understanding human problems and dealing with them and scientific investigation

serves the purpose to solve the human problems in the industry.


Employee job satisfaction is dependent on host of attributes in selected organization which effects
the organizational productivity.


The objective of the study is to find out the satisfaction level of employee in BAJAJ
 To find the jobsatisfaction levels among employees.

 To analyse the company’s working environment.

 To study the relationship between the satisfaction levels and factors which influence it.


The attrition rates are very high in Insurance sector . It is pertinent to study the causes

responsible for such employee turnover .To understand the issues it is important to

study the job satisfaction levels of employees as under the need-fulfillment theory it

is believed that a person is satisfied if he gets what he wants & the more he wants

something or the more important it is to him, the more satisfied he is when he gets it

& the more dissatisfied he is when he does not get it. Needs may be for personal

achievement, social achievement & for influence.


The scope of the study is limited to employess of Bajaj Allianz Insurance Company Limited

in Hyderabad.


Data collection plays an important role in any study. It can be collected from various
sources. I have collected the data from two sources which are given below:

1. Primary Data

 Personal Investigation

 Observation Method

 Information from correspondents

 Information from superiors of the organization

2. Secondary Data

 Published Sources such as Journals, Government Reports, Newspapers and Magazines etc.

 Unpublished Sources such as Company Internal reports prepare by them given to their

analyst & trainees for investigation.

 Websites like BAJAJ ALLIANZ INSURANCE official site, some other sites are also

searched to find data.

Research Tool:

Questionnaire is used as an instrument to gather data from the respondents.

Sampling :

Simple random sampling is used to select the respondents for the study.

Sample size :

A sample size of 100 employees is undertaken for the study.

 Data collected is based on questionnaire.

 The sample size is limited to 100.

 Some respondents may have hesitated to give the actual responses as they

feared that management would take any action against them.



Job achievement or agent achievement is a admeasurement of workers'

comfort with their job, whether or not they like the job or alone aspects or facets of
jobs, such as attributes of plan or supervision. Job achievement can be abstinent in
cerebral (evaluative), melancholia (or emotional), and behavioral components.

Researchers accept aswell acclaimed that job achievement measures alter in the
admeasurement to which they admeasurement animosity about the job (affective job
satisfaction). or cognitions about the job (cognitive job satisfaction).

One of the a lot of broadly acclimated definitions in authoritative analysis is that of

Locke (1976), who defines job achievement as "a acceptable or absolute affecting
accompaniment consistent from the appraisement of one's job or job experiences" (p.
1304).[5] Others accept authentic it as artlessly how agreeable an alone is with his or
her job; whether he or she brand the job or not. It is adjourned at both the all-around
akin (whether or not the alone is annoyed with the job overall), or at the angle akin
(whether or not the alone is annoyed with altered aspects of the job).Spector (1997)
lists 14 accepted facets: Appreciation, Communication, Coworkers, Fringe benefits,
Job conditions, Attributes of the work, Organization, Personal growth, Behavior and
procedures, Promotion opportunities, Recognition, Security, and Supervision.Human
assets are one of the a lot of important assets of the alignment & Assessing it accepted
amount is both important and difficult, but it accept to be done if this assets account is
to be optimized, the achievement of their ability will actuate the all-embracing
capability of the organization.

On adjustment of evaluating their amount is through the appraisal of the altitude of

the organization. They are alive in the analysis abstracts shows that the job
achievement does accept an equates on the all-embracing alignment effectiveness.

Alignment is fabricated up of humans there for if humans do not change again the
alignment cannot change for accepting the abounding co-operation & agog abutment
of the associates in accomplishing the authoritative objectives, the alignment accept to
amuse their needs and insurer their feelings.

Every alignment is altered and beneath a different animosity and appearance above its
structures characters these anniversary org, deals with its associates in a audible way
through its behavior on allocation of resources, collective activity arrangement
accolade and amends administration and accommodation authoritative appearance etc.
the alignment action and affiliation with attention to all these and a array of added
accompanying activities access the animosity attitudes and behavior of its associates
and after-effects in the conception of a different authoritative climate.

Hence job achievement is a artefact of administration practices advice parthur,

constant the systemic characteristics the alive accord a part of being and capacity of
the organization


Job satisfaction of the employees is important if the employees are satisfied then only
the organization can function smoothly increases its production, faces competition.
If employees are satisfied with their job they will carry a positive attitude. Hence the
study has been undertaken to assess the employee job satisfaction which is necessary
for the organization in order to make sound decisions.


The job achievement refers to a person’s activity of achievement on their

job. It is altered from being to person. The researcher has called to
admeasurement the akin of job achievement in BAJAJ ALLIANZ

The abstraction considers the appulse of 10 factors on job achievement it

concentrates on the aftereffect of factors in general, but no absolute
abstraction is fabricated on them.

The abstraction considers alone the perceptual elements of advisers and does
not focus on arena realities. The ambit of abstraction cover: plan conditions,
compensation, added benefits, conveyance analysis of superiors, colleagues,
appropriately timings, affliction redresal apparatus and advance policy.


To Abstraction the all-embracing job achievement of admiral in Bajaj Allianz,

Specific objectives:-

1. To admeasurement the akin of achievement a part of admiral in Bajaj Allianz

2. To admeasurement the accord and animal relations & job satisfaction.

3. To acquisition out the a lot of distaining factors which access their achievement in
the job.

4. To accord accordant and applied suggestions to advance job achievement of

admiral in Bajaj Allianz limited.

5. To abstraction the advance befalling programmers & Training programmes in

nutine confectionery limited.


The alignment that is adopted for the abstraction is such that it accessories the
abstracts accumulation. The advice is accumulated through analysis method. The
analysis adjustment has been adopted for accession the abstracts from employees.


Analysis Architecture is authentic as the blueprint of methods and procedures for

accepting the advice needed. Generally the analysis architecture is any of the
afterward three types-DESCRIPTIVE, EXPLORATORY and CASUAL.


Descriptive study/research is apparent by the above-mentioned formulations of

specific analysis questions. The investigator already knows a abundant bulk about the
analysis botheration afore the activity is initiated. Hence this is alleged for my


The above purpose of basic abstraction is the identification of problem, the added
attention conception of botheration and the conception of new addition courses of


The abstraction involves the assurance of the causes of what the advisers are
predicting. this is mainly a could cause and aftereffect study.

The analysis architecture alleged by the researcher in the present abstraction is

“DESCRIPTIVE” in nature.


HR analysis has a one capital analysis instruments in accession primary data. That is

In adjustment to abstract aboriginal duke advice from the respondents, a pre-tested

check was adapt and the aforementioned was administered to the respondents.


Abstracts agency a accumulating of facts in absolute activity statistical abstracts is a

accumulating of facts in after figures.

The abstracts sources are usually articular application the blazon of abstracts needed.
There are two types of data.

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data


The aboriginal duke advice by the investigator by agency of ascertainment face to

face questioning, blast account and commitment check is alleged primary data.
Primary abstracts consists of aboriginal advice accumulated for a specific purpose


For the purpose of present study, the primary abstracts calm from respondents by
contacting them personally.


Accessory abstracts consists of advice that already exists somewhere, accepting been
calm for addition purpose.


For the purpose of present study, the accessory abstracts was calm from appear
abstracts of the companies. Citizenry is the accumulated of altar breathing and in
animate, beneath abstraction in any statistical investigation. The citizenry for the
abstraction actuality was advisers in BAJAJ ALLIANZ.


With a appearance to access at the sample citizenry for the study, a”Purposive-Cum
acceptable sampling” was followed.


The sample admeasurement includes 100 advisers who are alive in the BAJAJ


 The abstraction is bound to the behavior and practices getting followed in

BAJAJ ALLIANZ get the complete data, in appearance of its classified
attributes of the organization.
 Time agency is the capital coercion for the study.
 Sampling absurdity is not taken into consideration.
 The advice accustomed by the sample anatomy is anticipation authentic by
 As the adjustment adopted is Random Sampling, aftereffect may not be
authentic and believable.
 As the sample admeasurement is 100, accomplished of the facts could not be
 The allegation of the abstraction are bedfast alone to the catechism asked in
the check and through claimed interviews.
 Project continuance dated 45. The abstraction has been agitated in BAJAJ



The appellation animal adeptness can be admitting of as, “the absolute

knowledge, skills, artistic abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organizations plan
force, as able-bodied as the value, attitudes and believes of the individuals involved.

HRM can be authentic as the planning, administering and authoritative of animal


HRM is an access to the administering of people, based on four axiological principles.

First, animal assets are the a lot of important assets of an alignment and their able
administering is the key to its success.

Second, this success is a lot of adequate to be accomplished if he claimed behavior

and procedures of the enterprises are carefully affiliated with, and accomplish above
addition to the accomplishment of accumulated objectives and cardinal plans.

Third, the accumulated adeptness and the values, authoritative altitude and
authoritative behavior that appear from that adeptness will apply a above access on
the accomplishment of excellence. This adeptness must, therefore, be managed which
agency that connected effort, starting anatomy the top, will be appropriate to get them
accustomed and acted upon. Finally, HRM is anxious with affiliation accepting all the
associates of the alignment circuitous and alive calm with a faculty of accepted

HRM is proactive rather than reactive, that is consistently searching advanced to what
needs to be done and again accomplishing it, rather than cat-and-mouse to be told
what to do about recruiting, paying or training people, or ambidextrous with agent
relation’s problems as they arise. The techniques for the appliance of HRM or
manpower planning, selection, accomplishment appraisal, bacon administration,
training and administering development. In its essence, HRM is the qualitative
advance of animal beings who are advised the a lot of admired assets of an alignment
the sources, resources, and end users of all artefact and services.


Complex Dynamism:

A abutting ascertainment of agent reveals that they are circuitous beings that are
physiological, psychological, sociological, ethical beings. If animal agency is
appropriately utilized, it may even prove a activating motive force for active an
alignment otherwise, it becomes a acquiescent and annihilative force.


HRM is assignment of ambidextrous with animal relationships; moulding and

developing the animal behavior and attitude appear the job and authoritative


HRM is a arduous assignment as employee; authoritative and civic objectives with the
accessible assets accept to be attained.


Functions of HRM can are broadly classified into two categories, viz.,

1). Authoritative functions. 2). Accessible functions.

Managerial functions:-

Authoritative functions of cadre administering absorb planning. Organizing

administering and controlling, all these functions access the accessible functions.

Operative Functions:-

Accessible functions of cadre administering are accompanying to specific activities of

cadre administering viz., employment, development, advantage and relations. All
these functions are interacted by managing functions.

1. Employment includes job analysis, animal adeptness planning, recruitment,
selection, placement, consecration and orientation.

2. HRD improves accomplishment appraisal, training, administering development,

career planning and development, authoritative development.

3. Compensation: it includes job evaluation, allowance and bacon administration,

incentives, binding allowances and amusing aegis measures.

Job accomplishment describes how agreeable an alone is with his or her job. The
happier humans are aural their job, the added annoyed they are said to be. Job
accomplishment is not the aforementioned as motivation, although it is acutely linked.
Job architecture aims to enhance job accomplishment and performance, methods
cover job rotation, job addition and job enrichment. Added influences on
accomplishment cover the administering appearance and culture, agent involvement,
empowerment and free plan position . Job accomplishment is a absolute important
aspect which is frequently abstinent by organizations. The a lot of accepted way of
altitude is the use of appraisement scales breadth advisers address their reactions to
their jobs. Questions chronicle to bulk of pay, plan responsibilities, array of tasks,
promotional opportunities, the plan itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask yes
or no questions while others ask to bulk accomplishment on 1-5 calibration (where 1
represents "not at all satisfied" and 5 represents "extremely satisfied").


Job accomplishment has been authentic as a adequate affecting accompaniment

consistent from the appraisement of one’s job; an melancholia acknowledgment to
one’s job; and an attitude appear one’s job. Weiss (2002) has argued that job
accomplishment is an attitude but credibility out that advisers should acutely analyze
the altar of cerebral appraisement which are affect (emotion), behavior and
behaviours. This analogue suggests that we anatomy attitudes appear our jobs by
demography into annual our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.


One of the bigger preludes to the abstraction of job accomplishment was the
Hawthorne studies. These studies (1924–1933), primarily accustomed to Elton Mayo
of the Harvard Business School, approved to acquisition the furnishings of assorted
altitude (most conspicuously illumination) on workers’ productivity. These studies
ultimately showed that atypical changes in plan altitude briefly access abundance
(called the Hawthorne Effect). It was afterwards begin that this access resulted, not
from the new conditions, but from the adeptness of getting observed. This award
provided able affirmation that humans plan for purposes added than pay, which paved
the way for advisers to investigate added factors in job satisfaction.

Accurate administering (aka Taylorism) aswell had a cogent appulse on the

abstraction of job satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 book, Attempt of
Accurate Management, argued that there was a alone best way to accomplish any
accustomed plan task. This book contributed to a change in automated accession
philosophies, causing a about-face from accomplished activity and piecework appear
the added avant-garde of accession curve and alternate wages. The antecedent use of
accurate administering by industries abundantly added abundance because workers
were affected to plan at a faster pace. However, workers became beat and dissatisfied,
appropriately abrogation advisers with new questions to acknowledgment apropos job
satisfaction. It should aswell be acclaimed that the plan of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill
Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the accent for Taylor’s work.

Some altercate that Maslow’s bureaucracy of needs theory, a action theory, laid the
foundation for job accomplishment theory. This access explains that humans seek to
amuse 5 specific needs in activity – physiological needs, assurance needs, amusing
needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This archetypal served as a adequate
base from which aboriginal advisers could advance job accomplishment theories.

Job accomplishment can aswell be apparent aural the broader ambience of the ambit
of issues which affect an individual's acquaintance of work, or their superior of alive
life. Job accomplishment can be accepted in agreement of its relationships with added

key factors, such as accepted well-being, accent at work, ascendancy at work, home-
work interface, and alive conditions.

Models of job satisfaction

Affect Theory

Edwin A. Locke’s Ambit of Affect Access (1976) is arguably the a lot of acclaimed
job accomplishment model. The capital apriorism of this access is that
accomplishment is bent by a alterity amid what one wants in a job and what one has
in a job. Further, the access states that how abundant one ethics a accustomed angle of
plan (e.g. the bulk of freedom in a position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one
becomes if expectations are/aren’t met. If a getting ethics a accurate angle of a job, his
accomplishment is added abundantly impacted both absolutely (when expectations are
met) and abnormally (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesn’t
bulk that facet. To illustrate, if Agent A ethics freedom in the abode and Agent B is
aloof about autonomy, again Agent A would be added annoyed in a position that
offers a top bulk of freedom and beneath annoyed in a position with little or no
freedom compared to Agent B. This access aswell states that too abundant of a
accurate angle will aftermath stronger animosity of annoyance the added a artisan
ethics that facet.

Dispositional Theory

Addition acclaimed job accomplishment access is the Dispositional Access

Template:JacksonApril 2007. It is a absolute accepted access that suggests that
humans accept congenital dispositions that could could could could could could cause
them to accept tendencies against a assertive akin of satisfaction, behindhand of one’s
job. This access became a notable annual of job accomplishment in ablaze of
affirmation that job accomplishment tends to be abiding over time and above careers
and jobs. Analysis aswell indicates that identical twins accept agnate levels of job

A cogent archetypal that narrowed the ambit of the Dispositional Access was the Bulk
Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that

there are four Bulk Self-evaluations that actuate one’s disposition appear job
satisfaction: self-esteem, accepted self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism.
This archetypal states that college levels of self-esteem (the bulk one places on his/her
self) and accepted self-efficacy (the acceptance in one’s own competence) advance to
college plan satisfaction. Accepting an centralized locus of ascendancy (believing one
has ascendancy over her\his own life, as against to alfresco armament accepting
control) leads to college job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of agitation advance to
college job satisfaction.

Two-Factor Access (Motivator-Hygiene Theory)

Frederick Herzberg’s Two agency access (also accepted as Motivator Hygiene

Theory) attempts to explain accomplishment and action in the abode This access
states that accomplishment and annoyance are apprenticed by altered factors – action
and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s action to plan is always
accompanying to job accomplishment of a subordinate. Action can be apparent as an
close force that drives individuals to attain claimed and authoritative goals
(Hoskinson, Porter, & Wrench, p. 133). Melancholia factors are those aspects of the
job that accomplish humans wish to perform, and accommodate humans with
satisfaction, for archetype accomplishment in work, recognition, advance
opportunities. These melancholia factors are advised to be built-in to the job, or the
plan agitated out. Hygiene factors cover aspects of the alive ambiance such as pay,
aggregation policies, authoritative practices, and added alive conditions.

While Hertzberg's archetypal has angry abundant research, advisers accept been
clumsy to anxiously empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham
suggesting that Hertzberg's aboriginal conception of the archetypal may accept been a
abstruse artifact. Furthermore, the access does not accede alone differences, against
admiration all advisers will acknowledge in an identical address to changes in
motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the archetypal has been criticised in that it does
not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured.

Job Characteristics Model

Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is broadly
acclimated as a framework to abstraction how accurate job characteristics appulse on
job outcomes, including job satisfaction. The archetypal states that there are 5 bulk
job characteristics (skill variety, assignment identity, assignment significance,
autonomy, and feedback) which appulse three analytical cerebral states (experienced
meaningfulness, accomplished albatross for outcomes, and adeptness of the absolute
results), in about-face influencing plan outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, plan
motivation, etc.). The 5 bulk job characteristics can be accumulated to anatomy a
melancholia abeyant annual (MPS) for a job, which can be acclimated as an basis of
how adequate a job is to affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors----. A meta-
analysis of studies that appraise the framework of the archetypal provides some
abutment for the authority of the JCM.

Communication Afflict and Advice Underload

One of the a lot of important aspects of an individual’s plan in a avant-garde

alignment apropos the administering of advice demands that he or she encounters on
the job (Krayer, K. J., & Westbrook, L., p. 85). Demands can be characterized as a
advice load, which refers to “the bulk and complication of advice inputs an alone
accept to action in a accurate time anatomy (Faraca, Monge, & Russel, 1977).”
Individuals in an alignment can acquaintance advice over-load and advice under- bulk
which can affect their akin of job satisfaction. Advice afflict can action if “an alone
receives too abounding letters in a abbreviate aeon of time which can aftereffect in
chapped advice or if an alone faces added circuitous letters that are added difficult to
action (Farace, Monge, & Russel, 1997).” Due to this process, “given an individual’s
appearance of plan and action to complete a task, if added inputs abide than outputs,
the alone perceives a action of afflict (Krayer, K. J., & Westbrook, L., p. 86) which
can be absolutely or abnormally accompanying to job satisfaction. In comparison,
advice beneath bulk can action if letters or inputs are beatific beneath the individual’s
adeptness to action them (Farace, Monge, & Russel, 1997).” According to the annual
of advice over-load and under-load, if an alone does not accept abundant ascribe on
the job or is bootless in processing these inputs, the alone is added adequate to
become dissatisfied, aggravated, and black with their plan which leads to a low akin
of job satisfaction.

Measuring job satisfaction

There are abounding methods for barometer job satisfaction. By far, the a lot of
accepted adjustment for accession abstracts apropos job accomplishment is the Likert
calibration (named afterwards Rensis Likert). Added beneath accepted methods of for
appraisement job accomplishment include: Yes/No questions, True/False questions,
point systems, checklists, and affected best answers. This abstracts are sometimes
calm application an Enterprise Acknowledgment Administering (EFM) system.

The Job Descriptive Basis (JDI), created by Smith, Kendall, & Hulin (1969), is a
specific check of job accomplishment that has been broadly used. It measures one’s
accomplishment in 5 facets: pay, promotions and advance opportunities, coworkers,
supervision, and the plan itself. The calibration is simple, participants
acknowledgment either yes, no, or can’t adjudge (indicated by ‘?’) in
acknowledgment to whether accustomed statements accurately call one’s job.

The Job in Accepted Basis is an all-embracing altitude of job satisfaction. It is an

advance to the Job Descriptive Basis because the JDI focuses too abundant on alone
facets and not abundant on plan accomplishment in general.

Added job accomplishment questionnaires include: the Minnesota Accomplishment

Check (MSQ), the Job Accomplishment Survey (JSS), and the Faces Scale. The MSQ
measures job accomplishment in 20 facets and has a continued anatomy with 100
questions (five items from anniversary facet) and a abbreviate anatomy with 20
questions (one annual from anniversary facet). The JSS is a 36 annual check that
measures nine facets of job satisfaction. Finally, the Faces Calibration of job
satisfaction, one of the aboriginal scales acclimated widely, abstinent all-embracing
job accomplishment with just one annual which participants acknowledge to by
allotment a face.

Superior-Subordinate Communication

Superior-subordinate advice is an important access on job accomplishment in the

workplace. The way in which subordinate’s apperceive a supervisor’s behavior can
absolutely or abnormally access job satisfaction. Advice behavior such as facial

expression, eye contact, articulate expression, and physique movement is acute to the
superior-subordinate accord (Teven, p. 156). Nonverbal letters play a axial role in
interpersonal interactions with annual to aftereffect formation, deception, attraction,
amusing influence, and affecting announcement (Burgoon, Buller, & Woodall, 1996).
Nonverbal adjacency from the administrator helps to access interpersonal captivation
with their subordinates impacting job satisfaction. The address in which admiral
acquaint their subordinates may be added important than the exact agreeable (Teven,
p. 156). Individuals who animosity and anticipate abnormally about their
administrator are beneath accommodating to acquaint or accept action to plan breadth
as individuals who like and anticipate absolutely of their administrator are added
adequate to acquaint and are annoyed with their job and plan environment. The accord
of a accessory with their administrator is a absolute important aspect in the workplace.
Therefore, a administrator who uses nonverbal immediacy, friendliness, and
accessible advice curve is added accommodating to accept absolute acknowledgment
and top job accomplishment from a accessory breadth as a administrator who is
antisocial, unfriendly, and afraid to acquaint will by itself accept abrogating
acknowledgment and absolute low job accomplishment from their subordinates in the


Mood and affections anatomy the melancholia aspect of job satisfaction. (Weiss and
Cropanzano, 1996). Moods tend to be best abiding but generally weaker states of
ambiguous origin, while affections are generally added intense, brief and accept a
bright article or cause. There is some affirmation in the abstract that moods are
accompanying to all-embracing job satisfaction. Absolute and abrogating affections
were aswell begin to be decidedly accompanying to all-embracing job
accomplishment Abundance of experiencing net absolute affect will be a bigger augur
of all-embracing job accomplishment than will acuteness of absolute affect if it is
experienced. Affect plan (or affect management) refers to assorted efforts to
administer affecting states and displays. Affect administering includes all of the
acquainted and benumbed efforts to increase, maintain, or abatement one or added
apparatus of an emotion. Although aboriginal studies of the after-effects of affecting
plan emphasized its adverse furnishings on workers, studies of workers in a array of

occupations advance that the after-effects of affecting plan are not analogously

It was begin that abolishment of abhorrent affections decreases job accomplishment

and the addition of affable affections increases job satisfaction. The compassionate of
how affect adjustment relates to job accomplishment apropos two models:

1. Emotional dissonance. Affecting antagonism is a accompaniment of alterity amid

accessible displays of affections and centralized adventures of affections that
generally follows the action of affect regulation. Affecting antagonism is associated
with top affecting exhaustion, low authoritative commitment, and low job satisfaction.

2. Social alternation model. Demography the amusing alternation perspective,

workers’ affect adjustment ability afford responses from others during interpersonal
encounters that after appulse their own job satisfaction. For example: The accession
of favorable responses to displays of affable affections ability absolutely affect job
satisfaction. accomplishment of affecting activity that produces adapted outcomes
could access job satisfaction.

Relationships and applied implications

Job Accomplishment can be an important indicator of how advisers feel about their
jobs and a augur of plan behaviours such as authoritative citizenship, absenteeism,
and turnover. Further, job accomplishment can partially arbitrate the accord of
personality variables and aberrant plan behaviors.

One accepted analysis award is that job accomplishment is activated with activity
satisfaction. This alternation is reciprocal, acceptation humans who are annoyed with
activity tend to be annoyed with their job and humans who are annoyed with their job
tend to be annoyed with life. However, some analysis has begin that job
accomplishment is not decidedly accompanying to activity accomplishment if added
variables such as nonwork accomplishment and bulk self-evaluations are taken into

An important award for organizations to agenda is that job accomplishment has a

rather aerial alternation to abundance on the job. This is a basal section of advice to

advisers and businesses, as the abstraction that accomplishment and job
accomplishment are anon accompanying to one addition is generally cited in the
media and in some non-academic administering literature. A contempo meta-analysis
begin an boilerplate uncorrected alternation amid job accomplishment and abundance
to be r = 0.18; the boilerplate accurate correlation, adapted for analysis artifacts and
unreliability, was r = 0.30. Further, the meta-analysis begin that the accord amid
accomplishment and accomplishment can be chastened by job complexity, such that
for high-complexity jobs the alternation amid accomplishment and accomplishment is
college (ρ = 0.52) than for jobs of low to abstinent complication (ρ = 0.29). Job
Accomplishment aswell accept top accord with ambition to quit. It is begin in
abounding analysis that Job Accomplishment can advance to Ambition to Stay /
Abdicate in an alignment (Kim et al., 1996). Contempo analysis has aswell apparent
that Ambition to Abdicate can accept aftereffect like poor accomplishment
orientation, authoritative deviance, and poor authoritative citizenship behaviours. In
short, the accord of accomplishment to abundance is not necessarily aboveboard and
can be afflicted by a bulk of added work-related constructs, and the angle that "a
blessed artisan is a advantageous worker" should not be the foundation of
authoritative decision-making.

With absorption to job performance, agent personality may be added important than
job satisfaction. The hotlink amid job accomplishment and accomplishment is
anticipation to be a affected relationship; instead, both accomplishment and
accomplishment are the aftereffect of personality


Job accomplishment is one of the important factors that accept fatigued absorption of
managers in the alignment as able-bodied as academicians. Assorted studies accept
been conducted to acquisition out the factors which actuate job accomplishment and
the way it influences abundance in the organization. Admitting there is no absolute
affirmation that job accomplishment affects abundance anon because abundance
depends on so abounding variables, it is still a prime affair for managers.

Meaning of job satisfaction:-

Job accomplishment is the brainy activity of favorableness, which an alone has about
his job. Dublin has authentic job accomplishment in agreement of amusement and
comfort if he says that: job accomplishment is the bulk of amusement of comfort
associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, you will acquaintance top job
satisfaction. If you animosity your job intensely, you will acquaintance job

Definition :-

1). According to Hoppak:-

“Any aggregate of psychological, physiological and ecology affairs that causes and
getting candidly to say I am annoyed with my job”

job accomplishment authentic as the

“Pleasurable affecting accompaniment consistent from the appraisement of one’s Job

as accomplishing or facilitating the accomplishment of one’s job values”.

Human Relations

The appellation relates to the absolute accord amid an alone and the employer for
which he is paid. Accomplishment does beggarly the simple feeling- accompaniment
accompanying accomplishment by an actuation of its objective. Job annoyance does
beggarly absence of action at work. Analysis workers abnormally declared the factors
accidental to job accomplishment an job annoyance Hoppock describes job
accomplishment as, “any aggregate of psychological, physiological and ecology
affairs that could could could could could could cause and getting candidly to say I
am annoyed with my job”.

Job accomplishment is authentic as the “pleasurable affecting accompaniment

consistent from the appraisement of one’s job as accomplishing or facilitating the
accomplishment of one’s job values”. In adverse job annoyance is authentic as “the un
-pleasurable affecting accompaniment consistent anatomy the appraisement of one’s
job as arresting or blocking the accomplishment of one’s job ethics or as entailing

disvalues. “ However, both accomplishment and annoyance were apparent as.” A
action of the perceived accord amid what on perceives it as alms or entailing”.

Theories of job satisfaction:

There are basal differences a allotment of experts about the abstraction of job
accomplishment Basically, there are four approaches/theories of job satisfaction.

They are :

1). Fulfillment theory

2). Alterity theory

3). Disinterestedness theory, and

4). Two – agency theory.

1. Fulfillment Access :-

The proponents of this access admeasurement accomplishment in agreement of

rewards a getting receives or the admeasurement to which his needs as satisfied.
Further they anticipation that there is a direct/positive accord amid job
accomplishment and the absolute accomplishment of the accepted needs. The capital
adversity in this access is that job accomplishment as empiric by willing, is not alone
a action of what getting receives but aswell what he feels he should accept as there
would be ample aberration in the absolute and expectations of persons. Appropriately
jib accomplishment cannot be admired as alone action of how abundant getting
receives from his job. Addition important factor/variable that should be cover to
adumbrate job accomplishment in fact is the backbone of the individuals” admiration
of his akin of aspiration in a accurate area. This led to the development of the alterity
– access of job satisfaction.

2. Alterity Theory:

The proponents of this access altercate that accomplishment is the action of what a
getting in fact receives from his job bearings and what he thinks he should accept or

what he expects to receive. If the absolute accomplishment acquired is beneath than
accepted satisfaction, it after-effects in dissatisfaction, as discussed earlier.

“Job satisfaction, it after-effects in annoyance are functions of the perceived accord

amid what one wants from one’s job and what one perceives it is offering. “This
access does not accomplish it bright whether or no over accomplishment is a
allotment of annoyance and if so, how dies it alter from dissatisfaction. This led the
development of disinterestedness – access of job satisfaction.

3. Disinterestedness Theory:

The proponents of this access are of the appearance that a person’s accomplishment is
bent by his perceived equity, which n about-face is bent by his ascribe –
accomplishment antithesis compared to his allegory of others, ascribe –
accomplishment antithesis is the perceived Raito of what a getting receives for his job
about to what he contributes to the job. This access is of the appearance that both
underthe over rewards advance to annoyance while the beneath – accolade causes
animosity of arbitrary treatment, over – accolade advance to animosity answerability
and discomfort.

4. Two – agency Access :

As discussed earlier, this access was developed by Herzberg, Manusner, Peterson and
Capwell who articular assertive factors satisfies and dissatisfies. Agency such as
achievement, recognition, albatross etc., are satisfies the attendance of which causes
accomplishment but their absence does not resulted in dissatisfaction. On the added
hand, factors such as supervision, salary, alive altitude etc.., are dissatisfies, the
absence of which causes dissatisfaction. Their access bootless to accord any abutment
to this theory, as it seems that a getting can get both accomplishment and annoyance
at the aforementioned time, which is not valid.

Factors of job satisfaction:

Job accomplishment refers to a accepted attitude, which an agent retains on annual of

abounding specific attitudes in the afterward areas: 1) Job satisfaction, 2). Alone

characteristics, 3). Relationships alfresco the job. There are altered factors on which
job accomplishment depends. Important a allotment of them are discussed hereunder.

Personal Factors:-

They cover workers sex, education, age conjugal cachet and their claimed
characteristics, ancestors background, socio-economic accomplishments and the like.

Factors Inherent in the Job:-

These factors accept afresh been advised and begin to be important in the alternative
of employee. Instead of getting guided by their co-workers and supervisors, the
accomplished workers would rather like to be guided by their own affection to accept
jobs in application of ‘what they accept to do. These factors include: the plan itself,
conditions, access f centralized and alien ecology on the job which are amoral by the
administering etc.

Factors Controlled by the Management:

They cover the attributes of supervision, job security, affectionate of plan arena
allowance rate, promotional opportunities, alteration policy, continuance of plan and
faculty of responsibilities. All these factors abundantly access the workers.

Their attendance in the alignment motivates the workers and provides faculty of job

Admitting accomplishment and job accomplishment are afflicted by altered set of

factors, these two can be accompanying if administering like rewards to performance.
It is beheld job accomplishment is a aftereffect of accomplishment of rather than a
could could could could could could cause of it. Accomplishment is acerb influences
the advantageous ability of an alignment breadth as absenteeism, agent turnover,
alcoholism, irresponsibility, un-commitment, are the aftereffect of job dissatisfaction.
However job accomplishment or annoyance forms assessment about the job and the
organization, which aftereffect in agent morale.

Effect of job Satisfaction:

Job accomplishment has a array of effects. These furnishings may be apparent in the
ambience of an individual’s concrete and brainy health, productivity, absenteeism,
and turnover.

1.Physical and Brainy Bloom :

The bulk of job accomplishment affects an individual’s concrete and brainy health.
Back job accomplishment is a blazon of brainy feeling, its favorableness or un-
favorableness affects the alone psychologically, which ultimately affects his concrete
health. For example,. Lawyer has acicular out that biologic abuse, alcoholism, and
brainy and concrete bloom aftereffect from psychologically adverse jobs. Further,
back a job is an important allotment of life, job accomplishment influences accepted
activity satisfaction. The aftereffect is that there is spillover effect, which occurs in
both admonition amid job and activity satisfaction.

2. Productivity:

There are two angle about the accord amid job accomplishment and productivity.

1. A blessed artisan is a advantageous worker,

2. A blessed artisan is not necessarily a advantageous worker.

The aboriginal appearance establishes a absolute could could could could could could
cause – aftereffect accord amid job accomplishment and productivity; if job
accomplishment increases, abundance increases; if job accomplishment decreases,
abundance decreases. The basal argumentation abaft this is that blessed artisan will
put added efforts for job performance. However, this may not be accurate in all cases.
For example, a artisan accepting low expectations for his jobs may feel annoyed but
he may not put his efforts added agilely because of his low expectations from the job.
Therefore, this appearance does not explain absolutely the compels accord amid job
accomplishment and productivity.

The added view, that is a annoyed artisan is not necessarily a advantageous artisan
explains the accord amid job accomplishment an productivity. Assorted analysis
studies aswell abutment this view. This accord may be explained in agreement of the

operation of two factors: aftereffect of job accomplishment on accomplishment and
authoritative expectations from individuals for job performance.

1. Job accomplishment leads to job accomplishment and not the added way round.
The basal agency for this abnormality is the rewards (a antecedent of satisfaction)
absorbed with performance. There are two types of rewards built-in and extrinsic. The
built-in accolade stems from the job itself which may in the anatomy of advance
potential, arduous job, etc. The acquired accolade is accountable to ascendancy by
administering such as salary, bonus, etc. Any access in these factors does not advice
to access abundance admitting these factors access job satisfaction.

2. A blessed artisan does not necessarily accord to college abundance because he has
to accomplish beneath assertive abstruse constraints and, therefore, he cannot go
above assertive output. Further, this coercion furnishings the management’s
expectations from the alone in the anatomy of lower output. Thus, the plan bearings is
called to minimally adequate akin of performance. However, it does not beggarly that
the job accomplishment has no impact on productivity. A annoyed artisan may not
necessarily advance to added abundance but a annoyed artisan leads to lower

3. Absenteeism:

Absenteeism refers to the abundance of absence of a job holder anatomy the abode
either unexcused absence due to some accidental affidavit or continued absence due to
some certain reasons. It is the above blazon of absence which is a produces a ‘lack of
will to work’ and alienates a artisan from as far as possible. Thus, job accomplishment
is accompanying to absenteeism.

4. Agent Turnover:

About-face of advisers is the bulk at which advisers leave the alignment aural a
accustomed aeon of time. If an alone feels annoyance in the organization, he approved
to affected this through assorted means of aberration mechanism, if he is not able do
so, he opts to leave the organization. Appropriately in accepted case, agent about-face
is accompanying to job satisfaction. However, job accomplishment is not the alone
could cause of agent turnover, the bulk of about-face of computer software

professionals leave their organizations not artlessly because they are not annoyed but
because of the opportunities offered from added sources decidedly from adopted
companies amid abroad.


Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Bajaj
Auto Limited and Allianz SE. Both enjoy a reputation of expertise, stability and
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance received the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) certificate of Registration (R3) on May 2nd, 2001 to conduct
General Insurance business (including Health Insurance business) in India. The
Company has an authorized and paid up capital of Rs.110 crores. Bajaj Auto holds
74% and the remaining 26% is held by Allianz SE.

As on 31st March, 2007 Bajaj Allianz General Insurance maintained its premier
position in the industry by gamering a premium income of Rs.1803 crore. Bajaj
Allianz has a profit before taxes of Rs.117 crore and emerged as the first private
insurance company to make profit before taxes of more than Rs.100 crores. The
company also was one of the highest profitable insurer among private insurance
companies and made a profit after tax of Rs.75 crores. Bajaj Allianz is the only
company to make underwriting profits for the last three years consecutively.
To be the first insurer for customers.
To be the preferred employer for staff in the insurance industry.
To be the number one insurer for creating shareholder value.

In the first quarter of the current financial year, 2007-08, Bajaj Allianz garnered a
premium income of Rs.547 crores, achieving a growth of 27% over the last year for
the same period and Net profits rose to Rs.21 crores.
As a responsible, customer focused market leader, we will strive to understand the
insurance needs of the consumers and translate it into affordable products that deliver
value for money.
A Partnership Based on Synergy
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance offers technical excellence in all areas of General and
Health Insurance as well as risk management. The partnership successfully combines
Bajaj Auto’s in-depth understanding of the local market and extensive distribution

network with the global experience and technical expertise of the Allianz Group. As a
registered Indian Insurance Company and a capital base of Rs.110 crores, the
company is fully licensed to underwrite all lines of general insurance business incl.
health insurance.

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between two
conglomerates- Allianz AG, one of the world’s largest insurance companies, and
Bajaj Auto, one of the biggest two three wheeler manufacturers in the world. Bajaj
Allianz General Insurance has a shareholder base of over Rs.700 crores with an asset
management value of Rs.5500 crores and over 850 offices and 4 million satisfied
Company Background
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited (The Company) was incorporated
on 31st March, 2001 as a Company under Companies Act, 1956. The Company
obtained a license from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
for carrying on the business og general insurance on 2 nd May, 2001. The license has
been renewed for the financial year ended 31st March, 2007.

The Company is a joint venture between Bajaj Auto Ltd. (74 percent) and Allianz SE
(26 percent). The Company has a wide range of products in traditional and unit-linked
insurance business.

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. is a Joint venture between Allianz AG Bajaj
Auto Limited characterized by global presence with a local focus and driven by
customer oriented to establish high earnings potential and financial strength. Bajaj
Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd . was incorporated on 31st March, 2001. The
Company received the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
Certificate of Registration (R3) on 2nd May, 2001 to conduct general insurance in

Bajaj Auto Limited

The flagship company of Bajaj Group was incorporated in 1945 as Bachraj Training
Corporation. Initially, it started by assembling two and three wheelers in collaboration
with Piaggio of Italy. After the expiry of the agreement in 1971 the two and three
wheelers acquired the brand name of Bajaj. The strength of the company lies in its
strong brand image and ability to offer value for money products leveraging on its
large-scale operations.
Bajaj is one of the India’s largest two and three wheelers manufacturer and the fourth
largest manufacturer of two wheeler in the world, with an annual turnover of
Rs.42016 billion.


Allianz group was founded in 1980 and is one of the world’s leading insurance
companies with over 100 years’ experience in insurance and related services. It is also
the largest insurer in Europe. Allianz group has multi-local structure and presence in
over 70 countries. The key business area of Allianz group includes Life Insurance,
Reinsurance, Risk Management, General Insurance, Asset Management and Pension
Fund Management.
Cornhill Insurance in the United Kingdom, Fireman’s Fund in the United States of
America, AGE in France, RAS s.p.a. in Italy, MMI in Australia are some companies
under Allianz group.

Allianz SE
Allianz SE is a leading insurance conglomerate globally and of the largest asset
managers in the world, managing assets worth over a Trillion Euros (Over
Rs.55,00,000 crores). Allianz SE has over 115 years of financial experience in over
70 countries. Allianz has insured most of the world’s largest infrastructure projects,
further Allianz insures the majority of the fortune 500 companies, besides being a
large industrial insurer, and Allianz has a substantial portfolio in the commercial and
personal lines sector, using a wide variety of innovative distribution channels.

Allianz SE has the following to offer Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company

 Set up and running of General insurance operations.

 New and improved international products.
 One of the world's leading insurance companies.
 More than 700 subsidiaries and 2 lac employees in over 70 countries
 Provides insurance to almost half the Fortune 500 companies.
 Technology.

Other similar businesses:

The promoters have also incorporated a Life insurance Company in India, called
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited to provide life insurance solutions.


The business strategy of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance

Co. Ltd. is to position itself as a leading corporate and retail
insurance company catering to the needs of its customers
by providing a bouquet of products that will cater to every

At Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, the guiding principles are customer service and
client satisfaction. All efforts are directed towards understanding the culture, social
environment and individual insurance requirements of its customers so that it can
cater to their varied needs.

The company work closely with leading intermediaries including corporate agents;
motor dealers; agents; banks; associations and other intermediaries to focus on
corporate and retail businesses. At Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, it leverages the
customer base and expertise of Bajaj Auto Limited and Allianz AG.

The company is technology driven and strives to set up world-class technological
infrastructure. This includes a renowned software; networking of all offices and
intermediaries as well as the ability to interface with customers via all media.


 Business strategy aligned to clients' needs and trends in Indian and global
economy / industry.
 Internationally experienced core team, majority with local background.
 Fast, decentralized decision making.
 Long-term commitment to market and clients.


At Bajaj Allianz, we realize that you seek an insurer whom you can trust. Bajaj Auto
Limited is a part of Bajaj group, which is a trusted name for over 55 years in the
Indian market and Allianz SE has over 110 years of global experience in financial
services. Together we are committed to provide you with time tested and trusted
financial solutions that provide you all the security you need for your investments.

Underwriting Philosophy

Our underwriting philosophy focuses on:

 Understanding the customer's needs.

 Underwriting what we understand.
 Meeting the customer's requirements.
 Ensuring optimal coverage at lowest cost.


The Bajaj Allianz team follows a service that aims at taking the anxiety out of claims
processing. We pride ourselves on a friendly and open approach. We are focused
towards providing you a hassle free and speedy claims processing. Our claims
philosophy is to:

 Be flexible and settle fast.

 Ensure no claim file to be seen by more than 3 people.

Customer Orientation

At Bajaj Allianz, our guiding principles are customer service and client satisfaction. All our efforts are
directed towards understanding the culture, social environment and individual insurance requirements -
so that we can cater to all your varied needs.

Experienced and Expert Servicing Team

We are driven by a team of experienced people who understand Indian risks and are supported by the
necessary international expertise required to analyze and assess them. Service engineers are located in
every major city.

Superior Technology

 In order to ensure speedy and accurate processing of your needs, we have established world
class technology, with renowned insurance software, which networks all our offices and

 Using the Web, policies can be issued from any office across the country for retail products.

 Unique, user friendly software developed to make the process of issue of policies and claims
settlement simpler (e.g. online insurance of marine policy certificate).

Unique Forms of Risk Cover

 Special PA cover for Amarnath Yatris.

 Film insurance.
 Event management cover.
 Sports & Entertainment Insurance Package.
Risk Management- Our Expertise

The service methodology is tried, tested and Proven the world over and involves:

 Risk identification: Inspections.

 Risk analysis: Portfolio review and gap analysis.


Bajaj Allianz today has a network presence in over 200 towns spread across the length
and breadth of the country. From Surat to Siliguri and Jammu to Thiruvananthapuram,
all the offices are interconnected with the Head Office at Pune.

The Company has an offsite disaster recovery centre for its data back ups, which is in
separate seismic zone from the main data centre. It has a wide network and is spread
in almost all over the country.

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance is the only Insurance company in India that has been
showing underwriting profits for the past 6 years consistently.


The core values are the never-changing definition of who we are and what we stand
for as Bajaj Allianz. They form the very foundation of the business and guides every
action and thoughts of the company.

There are 7 corporate values that they have that and they will look at each one of them
in details.

Value 1- Customer First

Philosophy: Customer First, Always.
Guide for Action: Give first priority to customer needs. Look to build enduring
relationships with customers- external and internal. Differences should be
communicated in the spirit of relationship building.

Value 2- Organization Above Self

Philosophy: Believes that individual, team and department actions will be driven by
organization goals.
Guide For Action: When in dilemma, they will choose decisions that help the
organization achieve its goals. This may at times mean giving up their individual
Value 3- Trust
Philosophy: Believes that there cannot be teamwork without mutual trust. Trust is
fundamental to their business and will guide all internal and external interactions.

Guide For Action: Know that they are trusted. The responsibility of maintaining this
trust is with each of them. Trust includes transparency feedback and accountability for
Value 4- High Standards
Philosophy: Believes that excellence can be achieved only by setting benchmarks
that challenge their full potential as an organization as an individuals.
Guide For Action: When in dilemma, they will choose decisions that help the
organization achieve its goals. This may at times mean giving up our individual

Value 5- Shared Ownership

Philosophy: Believes that ownership of success or failure in achieving organizational
or team goals is shared by all.
Guide For Action: Team goals are achieved only if each team member achieves
his/her individual goals. While owning our individual responsibilities they will seek
opportunities to contribute to and be accountable for achieving team and
organizational goals.
Value 6- Spirit Of Adventure
Philosophy: Uncertainty is their business and they believe in continuous innovation
and creativity to meet challenges head-on. They will foster a work culture that
promotes risk taking and entrepreneurship.
Guide For Action: New ideas are to be encouraged. They will look for creative ways
of dealing with challenges. If something can be done better, they will try it. If
something does not make sense, they will change it.
Value 7- Respect For Diversity
Philosophy: Believes that diversity is our strength and needs to be nurtured. They
recognize that team-members have varying backgrounds, competencies, ideas and
constructive action results only when opinions are aired and understood.
Guide For Action: They will remain open to and evaluate viewpoints of all team-
members before arriving at a final decision. They will remain overcome personal and
cultural biases in dealing with situations.


Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. offers a majority of products available in India
and internationally.



Personal Guard Product 2 wheelers

Directors & Officers

Group Mediclaim 4 wheelers
Public Liability
Health Ensure Common Vehicles

Critical Illness


Shopkeepers Package
Jeweller’s Block Industrial All risk
Office Package
Workmen’s Compensation Aviation
Erection All Risk
Fidelity Guarantee
Constructor All Risk
Public Liability

Currently the Indian insurance market is De-Tarrifed, meaning the insurer has got the
liberty to charge/frame terms based on assessment of the risk proposal. Some of the
most important products and services rendered by the company are:
Risk Analysis
Risk Grading & Risk Control
HAZOP Studies
Safety Audit
Disaster Management Planning
Risk Management training
Development and Monitoring of Risk Management Programmes
Insurance Portfolio Analysis
Accident Investigations

A Range of Corporate and Retail Products

Industrial All Risk
Workmen’s Compensation
Engineering-Operational (includes Contractor’s Plant and Machinery,
Electronic Equipment, Loss of Profits, Boiler Explosion, Machinery
Breakdown, Deterioration of Stocks)
Engineering-Projects (includes EAR, CAR and ALOP)
Fire (including Consequential Loss)
Motor (includes private cars, two wheelers and commercial vehicles)

 Health  Shopkeepers
 Personal Guard  Fidelity Guarantee
 Hospital Cash  Office Package
 Health Guard  Motor Dealer’s Package
 Critical Illness  Marine Cargo
 Silver Health  Marine Hull
 E-opinion  Public Liability Act
 Star Package
 Public Liability
 Overseas Travel
 Product Liability
 Swades Yatra
 Composite Public Product
 Aviation Liability
 Tea Crop Insurance  Professional indemnity
 Burglary  Farmer’s Package
 Cash  Cattle Insurance
 Plate Glass  Credit Insurance
 Householders

In addition to the above products and services, several customized & co-branded
products for banks are also available.

Corporate Agents, Brokers And Franchises

 A constantly growing nationwide network of corporate agents, Brokers and
 A decentralized, dedicated team of professionals help results, develop and
support Corporate Agents, Brokers and Franchises.
Group Business
 A growing product range to meet generic and specific needs of various
groups like Group Team Insurance , Gratuity, Group Superannuation,
MRTA, GTL in lieu of EDU are a few among many others.
 A dedicated team ensures best standards in terms of services and delivery.
 200 Group Schemes.

Inline Selling and Renewals

 An online customer portal for policy servicing issues.

Financial Services Consultants

 A panel of expert financial advisors to address comprehensive financial
planning needs for high net worth clients.
 Products designed to suit your needs.

Agency Channels
 A country wide network of 1000 offices.
 Over 8,500 Sales Team Managers.
 Over 1,50,000 Insurance Consultants.
 Over 1,50,000 Satisfied Customers.
Banc assurance
Banc assurance is one of the key business strategies and forms the core focus area. It
has tie-ups with several leading national and private sector banks.
 Standard Chartered Bank.
 Syndicate Bank.
 Other leading Co-operative Banks.
 Ever-expanding reach, through tie-ups with Regional Banks.
 Exclusive General Insurance Products- MRTA and Credit Sales.

 Products customized to suit specific needs of banks and their customers.

Alternative Channels

 The Strategic Alliances group at Bajaj Allianz focuses on strengthening

the business through ‘Group Insurance 3’ and ‘Corporate Agency’

Current Position of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance

Financial year 2007-08 was very satisfying as it crossed many milestones and set few
records. The year has been a rewarding one for the company on profitability as well as
growth. The Company has emerged as one of the leading private general insurance
companies with a strong brand name and multi-channels Pan-India distribution

It maintained its premium position in the industry garnering a premium

income of Rs.1,803 crores.
Bajaj Allianz has made a profit before taxes of Rs.117 crores.
Emerged as the first Private Insurance Company to make profit before
taxes more than Rs.100 crores.
Company was also one of the highest profitable insurer among insurance
companies and made profit after tax of Rs.75 crores.
Bajaj Allianz is the only company to make underwriting profits for the last
three years.

During the year under review general insurance industry registered a growth of 24%
by writing gross premium of Rs.227 billions during April 2007 to February 2008 from
Rs.183 billions in the corresponding period of the previous year. The Private Sector
companies grew by 48% increasing their share to Rs.80 billions compared to Rs.54
billions in 2006-07. The company grew by 40% and maintained its second position
among the private sector companies.

The major development was the formation of the third party motor reinsurance pool
for commercial vehicles. This pool has come into effect from 1st April’07. Although
the third party motor insurance rates have been increased by up to 75%, the increase is
substantially lower than what is required for companies to earn a reasonable economic

Efficient customer service is a sine qua non of any service industry, particularly
general insurance. The company had undertaken a customer satisfaction survey for
motor insurance, which is the most visible line of retail business. The survey was
done to measure Net Promoter score (NPS), which can be a benchmark of customer
satisfaction. The feedback from the survey has enabled the company to launch several
initiatives which will further enhance its leadership in customer services.

The “online selling” channels initiated a year ago to tap the growing internet user
populations was consolidated, thus offering the convenience to the customers. It has
also helped in enhancing services to the customers through direct contact as well as to
acquire new customers.
Geared to Perform:
 Products tailored to suit the needs of the customers.
 Decentralized Organizational structure enables faster response.
 Wide reach to serve customers’ better- a network of thousand officers across
 Specialized departments for banc assurance, corporate agencies and group
 Well networked customer care centers with state of the art IT systems.
 High standard of customer services and simplified claim settlement process.

 Website to provide all assistance and information across all products and
services, online buying rewards.
 Toll free numbers to answer all queries.
 A strong telemarketing and direct marketing team.

Bajaj Allianz has received "iAAA” rating, from ICRA Limited, an associate of
Moody's Investors Services, for Claims Paying Ability. This rating indicates highest
claims paying ability and a fundamentally strong position.

Board of directors

Pune HO

Head-IT Head-Internal
Thomas Audit
Varghese Ketul Patel
Pune HO Delhi HO

Head-Corp Head Global

Commn Accounts
Satntosh Balan Carsten Glombik
Pune HO Pune HO

Technical Heads
Zonal Managers
All Lines

Head-Motor Zonal Manager Zonal Manager State Head

Head- Claims Tapan Singhel Easwara Narayan Hren Vora
Underwriting Vijay Kumar Delhi RO Mumbai RO Ahmedabad
T.A. Ramalingam Pune HO
Pune HO

Head-Health Head-Non Motor Responsible for:

Insurance Claims North Zone,
Shreeraj Sanjay Moholkar Responsible for:
Delhi NCR,
Deshpande Pune HO South Zone,
East Zone,
Pune HO Mumbai and
53 Central
Zone(MP &
Head-Ops & Head- Chhatisgarh
Renewals Reinsurance only)
Atul Deshpande Rajeev Singh
S. Sreenvasan Head-HR
Pune HO Roopa Kochhar
Pune HO

National HOD’s Marketing

Swaraj Krishnan

GM-Retail Mktg. Head-Direct Mktg & Agency

Atanu Mukherjee Anamika Royrashtrawar
Pune HO Pune HO

Banc assurance Travel & Motor Dealers Agency DM

Amitava Biswas Shiva Shankar Chetan prakash Atul Mehta
Pune HO Pune HO Pune HO Pune HO

The Technical Heads are located at the corporate office and have functional
reporting from the regional and branch offices.

To take care of multi-location activities, we have currently 9 regional offices and are
operational is a total of 169 Offices.

Branch head
Alpana singh
AVP Mktg

Priyamvda Vardhan
Vishal, IT C
Admin Exec.

Rajeev Ranjan Operations
Branch Accountant

Mukesh Kumar Kumar Prakash


Underwriter Banc assurance

Yashshavi Bakshi Amit Kumar

Anunay Kumar Mayank Ranjan
Non-Motor Relationship Manager-
Motor underwriting Ops Banc assurance
underwriting Axis

Sushant Shekhar
Rajendra kr. Thakur
Relationship Manager-
Relationship officer

Saba Naseem Manjeet Saurabh

Relationship Manager- Relationship Manager-

Motor Agency

Rajesh Kr. Das Rakesh Ranjan Vikash Kumar Dhananjay Kumar Anshu Sinha
Sr. Exec. CSR/Mktg Executive Jr. Exec. Mktg Agency Admin

Dharmendra Pratap
Suraj Kr. Singh
Jr. Exec Mktg.

Claims Direct Mktg.

Kumar Dushyant Syed Waqar Ahmed Naveen Gaurav Aditya Verma

Service Engineer Jr. Service Engineer Jr. Team Leader Operation

Dhiraj Kumar Amit Kumar Ravi Kant Chandan Kumar

Service Engineer Service Engineer Sales Officer Sales Officer

Arvind Kumar Amir Alam Anil Kumar

Service Engineer Sales Officer Sales Officer

Rahul Kr. Singh Vikash

Sales Officer Sales Officer

Hansraj Balmiki Sanjeev Kr. Singh

Sales Officer Sales Officer

Santosh kr. Singh Rakesh Kumar

Sales Officer Sales Officer

Manoj Kumar
Sales Officer


Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business
sector or an economy. "Human capital" is sometimes used synonymously with human resources,
although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view; i.e., the knowledge the individuals
embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used include
"manpower", "talent", "labor", and simply "people".

The professional discipline and business function that oversees an organization's human resources is
called human resource management (HRM, or simply HR).

The term in practice

In the corporate vision, employees are viewed as assets to the enterprise, whose value is enhanced by
development.[1] Hence, companies will engage in a barrage of human resource management practices to
capitalize on those assets.

In governing human resources, three major trends are typically considered:

1. Demographics: the characteristics of a population/workforce, for example,

age, gender or social class. This type of trend may have an effect in relation to
pension offerings, insurance packages etc.
2. Diversity: the variation within the population/workplace. Changes in society
now mean that a larger proportion of organizations are made up of "baby-
boomers" or older employees in comparison to thirty years ago. Advocates of
"workplace diversity" advocate an employee base that is a mirror reflection of
the make-up of society insofar as race, gender, sexual orientation etc.
3. Skills and qualifications: as industries move from manual to more managerial
professions so does the need for more highly skilled graduates. If the market is
"tight" (i.e. not enough staff for the jobs), employers must compete for
employees by offering financial rewards, community investment, etc.

In regard to how individuals respond to the changes in a labor market, the following must be

 Geographical spread: how far is the job from the individual? The distance to
travel to work should be in line with the pay offered, and the transportation
and infrastructure of the area also influence who applies for a post.

 Occupational structure: the norms and values of the different careers within an
organization. Mahoney 1989 developed 3 different types of occupational
structure, namely, craft (loyalty to the profession), organization career
(promotion through the firm) and unstructured (lower/unskilled workers who
work when needed).
 Generational difference: different age categories of employees have certain
characteristics, for example, their behavior and their expectations of the


1. Job provides scope to achieve goals?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Strongly Agree 20 26.67
Agree 24 32
Neutral 10 13.33
Disagree 12 16
Strongly 9 12

No.of respondents

10 9

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table, it is clear that, 32 % of employees agree that

there is scope for achieving goals and 26% of them are strongly are agreed.

2. Freedom to take decision?

Respondent % of
Response s Respondents
Agree 5 6.67
Agree 10 13.33
Neutral 15 20
Disagree 20 26.67
Strongly 25 33.33

25 20
No.of respondents



Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table, 13 % of employees agreed that they have The
freedom to take decision with the decision taking and 33% of employee doesn’t
have freedom to take decision.

3. Better position in near future?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Strongly Agree 21 26.67
Agree 32 42.33
Neutral 10 13.33
Disagree 7 9.33
Strongly 5 6.67


7 21
5 Strongly Agree


From the above table, 42 % of employees agree that they can see themselves in a
better position in near future and 26% strongly agree that they can place
themselves in a better position very few disagrees for the above.

4. Working under in human working conditions:

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Strongly Agree 25 33.33
Agree 30 40
Neutral 11 14.67
Disagree 4 5.33
Strongly 5 6.67


4 5
25 Strongly Agree


From above table 40% of employees agree with the working conditions are human
and 33% of employees strongly agree.

5. Placing in a right place

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Strongly Agree 18 24
Agree 27 36
Neutral 13 7.33
Disagree 9 12
Strongly 8 10.67

No.of respondents

9 8

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table, 24% of the employees strongly agree that they are placed in
right position, 36% of the employees agree, while 23% of the employees disagree
for the above.

6. Relationship with your peers?

% of Respond
Response Respondants ants
Strongly Agree 19 25.33
Agree 29 38.67
Neutral 16 21.33
Disagree 6 8
Strongly 5 6.67

No.of respondents

20 16


10 6 5

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table 25% of the employees strongly agreed that they have good
relationship with their peers, 39% said it is good 8% said it is average, 67% said
they have poor relationship with their peers.

7. Your relationship with superior?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Strongly Agree 10 13.33
Agree 28 37.33
Neutral 25 33.33
Disagree 5 6.67
Strongly 7 9.33

30 25
No.of respondents



15 10
10 5

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table, 14% of the employees have an excellent relationship with
their superiors, 37% have good relationship 33% of employees are satisfactory
with their relationship with superior, 7% have poor relationship.

8. Benefits provided by the company?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Excellent 12 16
Good 21 18
Average 18 24
Bad 9 12
Very Bad 15 20

25 21

No.of respondents


15 12

Excellent Good Average Bad Varybad


From the above table, 16% of the employees said Excellent benefits provided by
the company, 18% of employees Good, 24% of employees have good, 24% off
employees have average 12% of employees have bad, 20% of employees have
very sad opinion.

9. How do you feel about work load?

Response s % of Respondents
Relaxed 13 17.33
Normal 45 60
Burden 7 9.33
Over Burden 3 4
Satisfy 8 10.67


8 13 Relaxed
7 Normal
Over Burden
45 Satisfy


From the above table, 17.33% of the employees have told Relaxed work load,
60% of employees have normal, 9.33% of employees have Burden, 10.67% off
employees have satisfy the work load in the company.

10. How do you feel about responsibility?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Highly Response 36 48
Response 28 37.33
Not Response 3 4
No Opinion 8 10.67

No.of respondents

35 28
15 8
10 3
Highly Response Not No Opinion
Response Re-


From the above table, 48% of the employees feel highly Responsible, 37.33% of
employees Responsible, 4% of employees Doesn’t feel Responsibility, 10.67% of
employees no opinion on the responsibilities.

11. Qualification of suitable for your job.

Response s % of Respondents
Matriculation 4 5.33
Graduation 20 26.67
PG / Tech 16 21.33
Professional 10 13.33
Over all 25 33.33


4 Matriculation
25 20 Graduation
PG / Tech
10 16 Over all


From the above table, 5.33% of the employees said Matriculation for suitable job,
26.67% of employees have Graduation, 21.33% of employees have PG / Tech.,
and 33.33% of employees have over all qualification for the suitable job.

12. Satisfied the attitude of the Management?

Response s % of Respondents
Highly Secure 13 44
Satisfied 28 37.33
Dis Satisfied 3 4
Neutral 5 6.67
Highly Decertify 6 8

No.of respondents

20 13
15 8
10 3
Relaxed Narmal Burden Over- Satisfy


From the above table, 44% of the employees highly secured in their position,
37.33% of employees agreed at the attitude to management.

13. Your suggestion agreed in your company?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Agree 23 30.67
Disagree 30 40
Some times 17 2
Never 5 6.67


17 23 Agree
Some times


From the above table, 30.67% of the employees Agreed their suggestions are
agreed, 40% of employees Disagreed, 22% of employees some times agreed our
suggestions of the company.

14. Satisfied with the company rules?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Highly Satisfied 47 62.67
Satisfied 18 24
Dissatisfied 6 8
Highly Dissatisfied 4 5.33

No.of respondents

25 18
15 6 4
Highly Satis- Satisfied Dis satisfied Highly
fied Dissatisfied


From the above table 20% of employees have highly satisfy the personal
development, 32% of employees satisfy, 40% of employees dissatisfy, 8% of
employees highly Dissatisfy with the personal development.

15.Superior reaction towards the complaints?

Response s % of Respondents
Very much concern 20 26.67
Concern 31 52
Indifference 16 21.33
Un concern 8 10.67


Very much
8 concern
16 Concern


31 Un concern


From the above table, 26.67% of employees very much concern, 21.33% of
employees indifference with superior reaction.

16. Do you belief in culture, ethics and followed by the company?

Response s % of Respondents
Strongly Agree 21 28
Agree 25 33.33
Neutral 14 18.67
Disagree 8 16.67
Strongly Disagree 7 9.33

25 21
No.of respondents

8 7


Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


From the above table, 28% of employees belief good culture, ethics follow of
company, 33.33% of employees agree, 18% if employees natural, 16.67% of
employees disagree, 9.33 of employee strongly disagree of company good culture and

17. Your over all opinion of the company?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Excellent 27 36
Good 39 52
Average 6 8
Bad 3 4
Very Bad 0 0


27 Good
39 Very Bad


From the above table 36% of employees excellent opinion of the company, 52% of
employees good opinion of the company, 8% of employees Average opinion of the
company, 4% of employees bad opinion, none of employees have very bad opinion
about the company.

18. Your work unit always well planned?

Response Respondents % of Respondents

Always 40 53.33
In Most
Occasions 20 26.67
Some time 9 12
Rarely 6 8
Never 0 0


In Most Occasions
40 Some time
20 Never


From the above table 53.33% of employees always Planned, 26.67% of employees in
most occasions well planned, 12% of employees some times planned for the



 Morality of the respondents doesn’t accept abandon to yield decisions. This shows
absorption in structure

 Employees feel that they are actual important getting in the deportment, which
shows their akin of commitment.

 Employees in BAJAJ ALLIANZ can see themselves in a bigger position in abreast

approaching which indicates the carrier advance on the company.

 Company acknowledged in accouterment acceptable alive conditions.

 Megacity of the respondents feels that they are beneath paid.

 Employees in the BAJAJ ALLIANZ accept acceptable accord with their peers,
superiors and sub-ordinates.

 All a lot of all the advisers accept absolute attitude of the administering appear aegis
as advisers feel awful anchored in BAJAJ ALLIANZ.

 Half of the Advisers are not annoyed with the claimed development.

 Employees in BAJAJ ALLIANZ are annoyed with the aggregation behavior and

 Employees in all dept are able-bodied planned while assuming their activities.

 On the accomplished advisers in BAJAJ ALLIANZ accept Job Achievement the

accidental factors for their achievement are acceptable relationship, Alive conditions,
Aggregation polices and added benefits.


 Since majority of the humans feel that they are not underpaid, this causes
dissatisfaction. To abstain that aggregation may acquaint altered absolute architect
through which pay and abundance can be minimized.

 As advisers feel that they don’t accept abandon to yield accommodation Which
affects job achievement adversely, advisers should accept Some amount of abandon
decisions at their workplace.

 Some advisers accept low akin of charge has they feel they are not abundant
important in the dept they can explained how important there in the deportment.

 Some of the advisers acquainted that their abilities are not activated completely;
able admeasurement can be taken job architecture and placement.

 As added than bisected of the humans not amuse their claimed development,
aggregation may accommodate carrier development programmers were humans can
accomplish their claimed and accumulationional goals.


Job achievement is a absolute access about one’s job consistent from an

appraisement of its characteristics. Job achievement represents an attitude
rather than behavior. They accept that annoyed advisers are added
advantageous than annoyed has been a basal tenet. A getting with a top akin
of job achievement holds absolute animosity about the job. When humans
allege of the agent attitudes added generally than not they beggarly job
satisfaction. It is actual boxy job for HR administering to ensure job
achievement a part of staff.

They aswell wish a connected activity of able-bodied being, appeal bigger

plan & ancestors activity balance, and attending to the alignment for
accomplishing even their association needs. These accent expectations
aftereffect in dissatisfaction, and finds accurate job beatitude charcoal an
annoyed dream all the job bent not withstand. Thus the all-embracing job
achievement of advisers at BAJAJ ALLIANZ is actual high.

The advisers at BAJAJ ALLIANZ accept a actual acceptable top attention

and account appear the company’s angel and approaching of the
Organization. From the antecedent affiliate abstracts we can achieve that a
lot of of the advisers were annoyed with the beneath apparent areas, Bacon
Allowances Workload Culture practices of the aggregation Incentives Job
aegis Leaves and befalling to advance abilities & apprentice new skills.

On the accomplished advisers in BAJAJ ALLIANZ, HYDERABAD accept

Job Achievement the accidental factors for their achievement are acceptable
relationship, Alive conditions, Aggregation polices and added benefits.

HRD improves achievement appraisal, training, administering development,

career planning and development, authoritative development

Compensation: it includes job evaluation, allowance and bacon
administration, incentives, binding allowances and amusing aegis measures


Please tick the appropriate
1. Does your job provide scope to achieve your goals? ( )
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree

2. Do you have enough freedom to take decision at your work place? ( )

A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree
E) D) Strongly Disagree

3. Can you see yourself in a better position in near future? ( )

A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree
E) D) Strongly Disagree

4. Do you often feel that you are working under in human working conditions?
( )
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree
E) D) Strongly Disagree

5. Do you feel that you are placed in a right place? ( )

A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree
E) D) Strongly Disagree

6. Are you able to maintain social relationship with your peer? ( )

A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree

7. How do you feel about your relationship with your superior? ( )

A) Good B) Satisfaction
C) Poor D) No Opinion

8. How you rate the following benefits provided by the company? ( )

1) Health 2) Loan 3) Housing 4) Security
5) Canteen 6) Bonus 7) Compensation
A) Excellent B) Good
C) Average D) Bad
E) Very Bad

9. How do you feel about your work load? ( )

A) Relaxed B) Normal
C) Burden D) Over Burden
E) Satisfied

10. How do you feel about responsibilities? ( )

A) Highly Responsible B) Responsible
C) Not Responsible D) No Opinion

11. What are the qualification of suitable for your job? ( )

A) Matriculation B) Education
C) PG /Tech D) Other specify
E) Overall

12. Are you Satisfied with the attitude of the management? ( )

A) Highly Satisfied B) satisfied
C) Dissatisfied D) Highly Dissatisfied

13. Are your suggestions agree in your organization? ( )

A) Agree B) Disagree
C) Some times D) Never

14. How far are you satisfied with the company rules & Regulations? ( )
A) Highly Satisfied B) Satisfied
C) Not Satisfied D) Highly Dissatisfied

15. Superiors reaction towards the matter you carried to them? ( )

A) Very much Concern B) Concern
C) Difference D) In difference
E) Very much un concern

16. Believe organization has good culture ethics and opinions? ( )

A) Strongly Agree B) Agree
C) Un decided D) Disagree
E) D) Strongly Disagree

17. What is your overall opinion of the company? ( )

A) Excellent B) Good
C) Average D) Bad
E) Very Bad

18. Is your work unit always well planned? ( )

A) Always B) In most Occasion
C) Some Timed D) Never







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