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Name : Silvi Aulia Agustin

NIM : 126208212060

Class : Biologi 1A

History of Biology

Biology has existed since ancient times. From the very beginning, humans had to research the
animals they hunted and find out where the plants they gathered for food were. Great
progress also occurred when the invention of agriculture. At that time, medicine was also
important, as evidenced by the existence of medical manuscripts that were first discovered
from China (2500 B.C), Mesopotamia (2112 B.C) and Egypt (1800 B.C).

In classical times, Aristotle was the first discoverer of zoology. Then Theophrastus wrote one
of the first botanical texts in 300 B.C containing the structure, life cycle and use of plants.
Meanwhile, in 158 B.C, Doctor Galen used his experience to write a text on surgical
procedures. At that time, Leonardo da Vinci participated by making detailed anatomical
drawings. The first illustrated biology book was written by Leonhard Fuch in 1542. The next
Binomial class was inaugurated by Carolus Linnaeus in 1735. Then in 1665, Robert Hooke
began using a compound microscope to observe a piece of cork, from which cells began to be
recognized. In 1676, Anton Von Leeuwenhoek published the first drawings of a living single-
celled organism, to which in 1839 Theodore Schwann added information that animal tissues
also consist of cells. In the 19th century, many new species were discovered. In 1812 Georges
Cuvier described fossils and hypotheses about the earth. Furthermore, on November 24,
1859, Charles Darwin published the text "Our The Origin of Species" which contains the
relationships and interrelationships of every living thing. Then in 1866, Gregor Mendelis
published a science of Genetics, so that he is known as the father of Genetics until now. The
20th and 21st centuries are known as the "biological revolution", starting with Watson and
Crick explaining the structure and function of DNA in 1953.

Biology has developed and touched all aspects of our lives. Starting from the health sector to
the economy. For that, we need to use the knowledge as best we can to protect and save the
environment so that it remains available for future generations.

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