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The Biopesticidal Effects of Indian Goose Grass (Eleusine Indica) Extract on Rice Crop

Samantha Denise Lorca,

Leona Jean Fuscablo and

Allan John M. Pederiso

The Junior High School Department, Notre Dame of Marbel University

Elective 9: Research 2 and Physics

Ella Alyssa G. Aguirre

October 5, 2022

Background of the Study

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main staple food crop in the Philippines. It is also the main source of

livelihood for more than 5 million farmers all over the country (Manila Bulletin, 2007). Rice production in

the Philippines is important to the food supply of the country and its economy. The country is the 8th

largest rice producer in the world, accounting for 2.8% of global rice production (FAO, 2011). Rice

production in the Philippines is important to the food supply of the country and its economy. However,

the country was also the world's largest rice importer in 2010 (Reuters, 2011).

The problems encountered by Filipino farmers are the lack of storage facilities, farm-to-market

roads, and equipment needed to prevent losses from exposure, pests, and natural deterioration have

been perennial issues. Then, many farmers mentioned poor soil quality in the rice field, resulting in weed

occurrence, poor rice plant growth, and a low yield. Poor soil quality also affected the usage frequency

of dry rice fields on the same land area. Then, also the high cost of inputs, low price of a rice crop, lack of

capital, labor problems, lack of postharvest facilities, pests and diseases, and irrigation systems

(AGRIS.FAO, 2009).

Pesticide is widely used in agriculture used to kill, repel or control plant or animal pests. The use

of a wide range of chemicals to destroy pests and weeds is an important aspect of agricultural pesticides

in both developed and developing countries (I A al-Saleh, 1994). According to Colosio and Moretto

(2017), pesticides are chemical agents used since the beginning of human history to eradicate or control

undesired pests in agriculture. Around 4500 years ago, the first known pesticide was elemental sulfur

dusting used in ancient Sumer.


The utilization of pesticides brings numerous substantial benefits to mankind. The most

important of this expanded nourishment is fiber generation through security of crops from pathogens,

competition of weeds, and defoliation by insects. Unfortunately, there are many risks involved when

exposed to too much pesticide. Further research into better alternatives and solutions is still being

conducted to this day to improve the safety and effectiveness of pesticides. Due to their known ability to

cause a large number of negative health and environmental effects, their side effects can be an

important environmental health risk factor (Nicolopoulou-Stamati, 2016). Further research into

better alternatives and solutions is still being conducted to this day to improve the safety and

effectiveness of pesticides.

Paragis (Eleusine indica) grass is also known as goose grass, is ubiquitously distributed

throughout the archipelago, and native to the tropics (Haber and Semaan, 2007). In the Philippines, it

has become popular as herbal medicine, claimed to cure several medical conditions when processed and

consumed as a concoction (Gawat and Martinez, 2019).

Goose grass is a potent diuretic and is also used to treat cystitis and other urinary issues.

Traditionally, goose grass herbal uses include a poultice for skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.

Many modern herbal practitioners rely on goose grass for its anti-inflammatory qualities (Dyer, 2022).

Having mentioned the properties of paragis, studies further reveal that teed offers a lot of health

benefits to mankind. Many users also testified to its efficacy in preventing or treating numerous


In the Philippines, many rural folks use paragis to relieve some discomforts. But the country’s

Department of Health (DOH) does not officially recognize it as a medicinal plant. DOH insists that

exhaustive research and testing should be made before it can be declared safe to use (Eslet, 2018).

In Conclusion, The researchers introduced an alternative method of pesticide production and

since the pesticide is very helpful in many aspects, the researchers had the idea of using Indian goose

grass extract to lessen the burden of buying expensive commercial pesticides. The Indian Goose Grass

extract was made into a pesticide and tested for its effectiveness.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to find out if Indian goose grass extract can be a substitute for commercial

Pesticides. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of Indian Goose Grass pesticide on Rice crops?

a. Height

b. Color

c. The number of grains

d. Mass of each grain

2. Is there a difference between the Indian Goose Grass pesticide than the commercial


3. How will Indian Goose Grass be a good mixture as a pesticide?

a. Volume of the water used


b. The volume of the Indian Goose Grass extract

Significance of the study

The main purpose of this study is to create a pesticide made of Indian goose grass that is

commonly found in the locality. Thus, this project is purposely created as an eco-friendly alternative to

commercialized pesticides.

This study will benefit the following:

Community. This study may help the community as well, in a way that it will give the new

product to the government and at the same time help the surrounding reduce the toxic and harmful

effects of commercial pesticides on health.

Farmers. The farmers can use this pesticide to kill the pest and protect the crop from insects

instead of using a commercial pesticide that cost more.

Environment. The Indian Goose grass will be biodegradable, barely leave any residues in the soil,

and are less likely to harm humans or animals.

Future researches. This research may serve as a basis for future related studies and course of

action that gives new ideas to people to innovate things.

Scope and Limitation

The study is limited to making pesticides to test if the product can be compared to a commercial

when it comes to effectiveness.


As the independent and dependent variables are stated in the following: The amount of water

mixed, the number of grains, the mass of each grain, height, color, odor, and the pesticide. The

experiment will be conducted next school year at D-Lotilla Isulan Sultan Kudarat. This study is limited to

hypothesizing the outcome of the quality of pesticide with Indian goose grass (Eleusine Indica) as


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