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8 question in interview u could ask

Connect ( Connect with the interviewer )

1 How did you come to work here

2 What do you love most about working here

Culture ( Culture is the right fit for you )

1 Who's the most successful recent hire and why

2 the opposite

Challanges ( Find u can help solve the problem )

1 what the companny biggest challange this year and how will this job hekp overcome

2 how will i measure my performance so i know im having a positive impact

Close ( figure out what our next step )

1 What additional skil or exp do you wish i had that wld make me a better fit for this job

2 what are the next steps in the process

A good answer about telling yourself

1. When hiring manager ask, tell about value to the company and what can u solve

2. Be your best self, and what you bring to company

3, 3S ( Success, Strength, Situation )

Success = I have Been interesting in Technology for the last 2 years, and I think technology is
one of the most important thing you have to learn just to keep up with this Era

Strength = My Strength is Openly coachable and always willing to learn something new that
really important for me. Im always good at melting my appearance with everybody else.

Situation = What Im Looking for is a Partner who has the same feeling and willing to coach me
to be a good back end programer.

What Are Your Weaknesses ?

Don’t make that your personality. Issues of personality usually cant be fixed.
A skill set can be improved, and share your improvement plan

Eg :

 “ Im introvert so sometime I get shy to share my though crossed my mind “

 Ive been Reading _______________________
 Its something that im working on______________________
 I open to coaching on you _________________
 All that key change your weakness to your strength start Reaading Books, Driven to Learn,
Self aware, and coachable

Do You Work Well Under Pressure ?

1. Tell story rather than Yes or No
2. How your had used your skills to handle your situation
3. How you are taking responsabilities
4. What are the result
5. Finish the story and tell the story how u relieve the story

What Can you do no one else can do

Focus unique skillset that u bring to the table

Eg : “ In My Last position I helped to grow the youtube channel from 100.000 subx to eover a million
in 3yrs. This increase was a direct result of my ability to know what people want to youtube. Im
comfident I can help your yt channel increasing good”
8 question in interview u could ask
Connect ( Connect with the interviewer )

1 How did you come to work here

2 What do you love most about working here

Culture ( Culture is the right fit for you )

1 Who's the most successful recent hire and why

2 the opposite

Challanges ( Find u can help solve the problem )

1 what the companny biggest challange this year and how will this job hekp overcome

2 how will i measure my performance so i know im having a positive impact

Close ( figure out what our next step )

1 What additional skil or exp do you wish i had that wld make me a better fit for this job

2 what are the next steps in the process

Telling about yourself

Success = I have Been interesting in Technology for the last 2 years, and I think technology is
one of the most important thing you have to learn just to keep up with this Era

Strength = My Strength is Openly coachable and always willing to learn something new that
really important for me. Im always good at melting my appearance with everybody else.

Situation = What Im Looking for is a Partner who has the same feeling and willing to coach me
to be a good back end programer.

My Unique Skills

Focus unique skillset that u bring to the table

“ in the past 2 years I was a CEO at the company that I founded. This company focuses on the
business of convection from patchwork of waste cloth. produced by a tailor in Ciburial Village to
empowering these strong women help their family. During these 2 years I went directly to the field
to analyze for myself what potential can be developed into a business that is needed by the market. I
have a good analysis in understanding what people want based on the facts on the ground. And
being connected with your company's technological knowledge can be a good combination in
achieving your company's targets.

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