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The Journey of Ficus

by Annaleigh Eve Ng, Raffles Girls' Primary School

3rd Prize Winner

That night, the banyan tree walked away, and nothing was the same ever again.

“Child, you're grown up now, you've to be on your own,” she said in a resolute
voice while releasing its grip on its seed, Ficus. “Mama…where…do you want me…to
go? Don't leave me…” Ficus protested vehemently against her decision. Smiling
reassuringly, she whispered in Ficus' ears, “There is a beautiful world outside of this
forest. You have to see and experience it to find your destiny. One day, we'll be
reunited. If you miss me, look upon the stars and I'll be smiling at you.” In that
instant, Ficus felt herself pirouetting in the cold air.

Lying supine on the soil and oblivious to her fate, Ficus snivelled uncontrollably.
Cicadas chanted a pensive requiem, while curious fireflies circled her like
mischievous pixies gloating at her. She had the company of millions of constellations
yet she never felt lonelier. Ensconced in the comfortable arms of the good earth, she
soon fell asleep.

The first hues of sunrise illuminated each crevice of the land. As Ficus opened
her eyes, she was momentarily blinded by the piercing rays. Her spirits, however,
lifted at the sight of clear blue skies. The warmth of sunlight gave her the hope and
courage she much needed. She felt optimism coursing through her veins. She was
ready to embark on her journey.

She waltzed to the orchestra of the winds while relishing every scenery along the
way. Meandering rivers stretching their long yearning arms and imposing mountains
nudging their heads against expansive skies. Fickle clouds changing shapes each time
she blinked. She witnessed farmers toiling laboriously in paddy fields and wrinkled
fishermen snoozing in their boats. She heard the aggressive hollers of peddlers in
bustling markets, alongside the hapless whimpers of mangled beggars. She smiled at
children frolicking in the murky rivers, but teared at the sight of emaciated old folks
limping in excruciating pain. She was fascinated by this kaleidoscope called life,
interspersed with exuberance and melancholy. She finally understood her mother's
intentions. Even though it must have broken her heart, the banyan tree loved Ficus
too much to keep her by her side. She only wished for her to experience the joys and
sorrows of the real world.

As she descended on a verdant woodland, the winds bade their farewell

reluctantly. She knew her journey had come to an end. She had travelled a hundred
miles, away from her mother, but she had not the slightest regret. As she looked up at
the night sky, she finally saw the banyan tree smiling at her. She shuttered her eyes
peacefully, preparing to germinate the next generation for their intrepid journey -
just like herself.

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