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Industrial Training on Machine Learning with Python and R

Course Outline:

Theory & Practical: 48 hours

Software: Anaconda / IPython / PyUnit / SciPy, R

Prerequisites: Knowledge on basic programming languages

Sl. No. Topics Hours

Introduction to machine learning and R
Introduction to Machine Learning with examples, Machine Learning vs
1. Statistical Modelling, Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning, 4 hours
Reinforcement Learning, Installing Python & R with third party
2. Python Programming 1 4 hours
3. Python Programming 2 4 hours
4. R Programming 1 4 hours
5. R Programming 2 4 hours
Supervised Learning
6. K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Different 4 hours
Regression Algorithms, Overfitting & Underfitting with examples
Unsupervised Learning
7. K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Fuzzy-based Clustering, 8 hours
Density-Based Clustering with examples
Classifiers and Classification model
8. Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine with examples, Neural 8 hours
Dimensionality Reduction and Regression model
9. Dimensionality Reduction: Feature Extraction & Selection, Basic 4 hours
regression model
Some basic project on classification, feature extraction and regression
10. 4 hours
model and application over real dataset to understand the machine
learning paradigm

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