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1) Escribir un diálogo en el que Belén se encuentra con Brenda, se saludan, se preguntan cómo andan y Belen le
presenta a Tim, un chico que viene de Australia. Brenda le pregunta de dónde viene y cuántos años tiene y el
diálogo termina cuando se dicen “mucho gusto en conocerte”.

2) Armar su horario (timetable) con los días y materias en inglés.

3) Reading

Week days
I normally get up at 6.30 a.m. I usually get up first 1. Why does Sienna get up before her parents?
because my school is in another town and I leave
home at 7.15 a.m. My parents usually get up at 7.00 2. How does she go to school?
I always take the bus to school. It takes 40 minutes 3. What is her favourite subject?
and I usually have breakfast on the bus. Then I walk
about 1 km to the school. Lessons always start at 4. When does she visit her grandparents?
8.30 a.m. On Monday and Thursday mornings we
study English. I really like it. But my favorite subject is 5. What sport does she play with her brother?
6. What time does Sienna leave home?
Lunch is always at 12.30 p.m. After lunch there are
two lessons. School finishes at 3.00 p.m. I usually go 7. When does she have English lessons?
home but sometimes I go shopping with my friend,
8. What does she sometimes do after school
On Saturday mornings, I don’t go to school. I go
swimming at the pool in my town. I really like
with Armita?
In the afternoon I usually have lunch with my family. 9. How often does she go swimming?
Then I always meet my friends. They don’t go to my
school so I never see them during the week. We
10. What does she do on Saturday afternoons?
sometimes go to the park.
On Sundays, we always visit my grandparents for
lunch. They have a big garden so my brother and I
often play football.
In the evening I do my homework and prepare for
the next week of school.
4) Traducir el siguiente texto:
Junín de los Andes is a small town in the south of Neuquen province. Junin is the perfect place for you and your family.
You can enjoy nature or learn about the Mapuche culture. You can also visit the Handicraft Fair, the church, the Via
Christi, and the Chimehuin River. Nature invites you to walk, ride horses, or fish.

5) Escribir los números en inglés y los que están en letras en números

45: seventy-four:
89: eleven:
18: ninety-three:
22: thirty-six:

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