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of feces into a bag

attached to the skin.
The lower GI tract consists of the small
and large intestine, as well as the anus
and rectum.

3 parts of small instestine

 duodenum: refers to the first part

of the small intestine

 jejunum: refers to the second part

of the small intestine

 ileum: refers to the third part of the

small intestine, Most absorption of
food takes place.  peristalsis refers to muscular
contractions that propel a bolus
through the digestive system

 Duoden/o/stomy is performed to
form an opening (mouth) into the

 Duoden/o/tomy is the incision of

the duodenum

 jejun/o/tomy is the incision of the


 ile/o/tomy is the incision of the


 Crohn disease, a chronic

inflammation of the ile/um, may
affect any part of the intestinal

 Enter/itis refers to the inflammation

of the intestines

 col/ectomy incision of the colon

 Col/o/stomy is the surgical creation

of an opening into the
colon (through the surface of the
abdomen). It may be temporary or
permanent and may be performed
as treatment for CA or
diverticul/itis. Col/o/stomy allows
o Cholecyst/ectomy – remove of
them gallbladder by laparoscopic
or open surgery
o Cholecystectomy- can be
performed by open surgery or
laparoscopically (placing a tube
into the abdomen)
o Choledoch/o – bile duct
o Choledoch/o/tomy – incision of the
o Hepat/o – liver
o Hepat/it is – inflammation of the
o Pancreat/o – pancreas
o Pancreat/it is – inflammation or
infection of the pancreas
o -iasis – abnormal condition
o Chol/e/lith/iasis – presence or
formation of gallstones
o -megaly – enlargement
o Hepato/megaly – enlargement of
the liver
o -prandial – meal
o Post/prandial – following a meal
o hepatomegaly enlargement of liver
o hepatoma malignant tumor of the
o Hepatodynia pain in the liver
o hepatocyte  known as the liver cell
o Cholecystitis inflammation of the
o Cholemesis vomiting of bile
hepatitis an inflammatory condition of the o Hepatolith calculus or stone in the
liver, may be caused by bacterial or viral liver
infection, parasitic infestation, alcohol, o Pancreatolith calculus or stone in
drugs, toxins, or transfusion the pancreas
of incompatible blood o Cholecystolith calculus or stone in
o Cholangi/o – bile vessel
the gallbladder
o Cholangi/ole – small terminal
o Cholelithiasis is an abnormal
portion of the bile duct
condition of gallstones.
o Chol/e – bile, gall
o Jaundice, a yellowish
o Chol/e/lith – gallstone
discoloration of the skin and whites
o Cholecyst/o – gallbladder of the eyes(sclerae) due to
abnormally high levels of bilirubin
in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia). chemical irritants, bacteria,
This condition is usually a sign of protozoa, or parasites
liver dysfunction or obstruction of
the bile ducts o Fistula an abnormal passage from
one organ to another or from a
o cholangioma is a tumor of the bile hollow organ to the surface. An
vessel anal fistula is located near the
anus and may open into the
o choledocho means bile duct rectum.
o choledochitis inflammation of the
bile duct o Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
o choledochorrhaphy sutuing of the (GERD) is a Backflow (reflux) of
bile duct gastric contents into the
o choledochoplasty surgical repair of
esophagus due to malfunction of
the bile duct
o choledocholith present of stone in the lower esophageal sphincter
the bile duct (LES)

o choledochotomy incision of the bile o Hemorrhoid is a mass of enlarged,

duct twisted varicose veins in the
mucous membrane inside
o lithiasis abnormal condition of the (internal) or just outside (external)
the rectum; also known as piles

o Hematochezia Passage of stools
o pancreatolithiasis : abnormal
containing bright red blood
condition of pancreatic stones

o Hernia is a Protrusion or projection

o cholelithiasis : abnormal or
of an organ or a part of an organ
diseased condition of gallstone
through the wall of the cavity
o laparoscopy pertaining to visual
o Polyps is a Small, stalklike growth
examination of the abdomen
that resembles a mushroom and
o cholecystectomy is a surgical protrudes upward or outward from
a mucous membrane surface
procedure of gallbladder

o Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel

o Appendicitis is an Inflammation of
on itself, causing obstruction
the appedix

o Ascites is an abnormal
accumulation of serous fluid in the
peritoneal cavity

o Dysentery an inflammation of the

intestine, especially of the colon,
which may be caused by

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