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Question 11 pts
A myocardial infarction can often be detected by the presence of which of the following
in an ECG tracing?
Group of answer choices

M-shaped P waves

Physiologic Q waves

Pathologic Q waves

Minor P waves
Flag question: Question 2
Question 21 pts
Which of the following are appropriate nursing considerations during ECG? 

1. Inform the patient that ECG may take about 10 minutes

2. Inform the patient that ECG may cause discomfort but is not painful
3. Explain that the patient must lie still, relax, breathe normally and remain quiet.
4. Keep in mind that evaluation of the recording will guide further treatment

Group of answer choices

1, 2, and 4

2, 3, and 4

1, 2, 3, and 4

1, 2, and 3
Flag question: Question 3
Question 31 pts
The nurse is determining whether the client’s rhythm strip demonstrates proper firing of
the SA node. Which waveform indicates proper function of the SA node?
Group of answer choices
The QRS complex is present

P wave precedes every QRS complex

The ST segment is elevated

The PR interval is 0.24 second

Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
The nurse identifies the client problem as “excess fluid volume” for the client in liver
failure. Which short-term goal would be most appropriate for this problem?
Group of answer choices

The client will not gain more than two (2) kg a day.

The client will have no increase in abdominal girth.

The client’s vital signs will remain within normal limits (WNL).

The client will receive a low-sodium diet.

Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
The nurse recognizes that a client with diabetes understands the teaching about the
treatment of hypoglycemia when the client says, “If I become hypoglycemic, I should
initially eat:
Group of answer choices

Chocolate candy and a banana

Peanut butter crackers and a glass of milk

Sugar and a slice of bread

Hard candy and fruit juice

Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
Which of the following symptoms indicate acute rejection of a transplanted kidney?
Group of answer choices

Fever, Anorexia

Increased WBC count, pain with voiding

Edema, Nausea

Weight gain, pain at graft site

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
The client is in end-stage liver failure and has vitamin K deficiency. Which interventions
should the nurse implement? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Instruct client to use a soft toothbrush.

Monitor the platelet count.

Assess for asterixis.

Avoid obtaining rectal temperatures.

Use small-gauge needles.

Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
The primary reason for taping an indwelling catheter laterally to the thigh of a male
client is to:
Group of answer choices

Eliminate pressure at the penoscrotal angle.

Prevent the catheter from kinking in the urethra.

Prevent accidental catheter removal.

Allow the client to turn without kinking the catheter.
Flag question: Question 9
Question 91 pts
Which of the following is a nursing intervention during hemodynamic monitoring?
Group of answer choices

secure consent

none of the above

insertion of the catheter

provides patient education about the procedure

Flag question: Question 10
Question 101 pts
When assessing the laboratory values of a client with type 2 diabetes, the nurse should
expect the results to reveal:
Group of answer choices

Glucose in the urine but not in the blood

Ketones in the blood but not in urine

Urine negative for ketones and glucose in the blood

Urine and blood positive for both glucose and ketones

Flag question: Question 11
Question 111 pts
Which is the best advice regarding foot care to give a client with the diagnosis of
Group of answer choices

Wear synthetic fiber socks when exercising

Examine the feet weekly to identify any areas that are sore

Remove corns on the feet

Wear shoes that are larger to avoid friction

Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
A 17-year-old primigravida client at 28 weeks of gestation takes three-hour glucose
tolerance test. The results indicate a fasting blood sugar of 100mg/dl, and a two-hour
post-load blood sugar of 300mg/dL. Which of the following nursing diagnoses should be
considered the highest priority at this time?
Group of answer choices

Potential for altered parenting related to disappointment

Potential impaired family coping related to diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus

Ineffective family coping related to anticipatory grieving

Potential non-compliance related to lack of knowledge or lack of adequate support

Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
A client is admitted to the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis. The nurse understands
that the elevated ketone level present with this disorder is caused by the incomplete
oxidation of:
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
The client diagnosed with liver failure is experiencing pruritus secondary to severe
jaundice. Which action by the unlicensed assistant warrants intervention by the primary
Group of answer choices

Assisting the client to take a hot soapy shower.

Putting mittens on both hands of the client.

Applying an emollient to the client’s legs and back.

Patting the client’s skin dry with a clean towel.

Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
The client diagnosed with end-stage renal failure with ascites is scheduled for a
paracentesis. Which client teaching should the nurse discuss with the client?
Group of answer choices

Instruct the client that a Foley catheter will have to be inserted.

Explain that the procedure will be done in the operating room.

Tell the client that vital signs will be taken frequently after the procedure.

Provide instructions on holding the breath when the HCP inserts the catheter.
Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
When a patient has long –term atrial fibrillation , the nurse would expect to include
which drug in the plan of care to minimize the greatest risk that is commonly associated
with atrial fibrillation?
Group of answer choices



Beta blockers
Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
The client diagnosed with end-stage liver failure is admitted to the medical unit
diagnosed with esophageal bleeding. The HCP inserts and inflates a triple-lumen
nasogastric tube (Sengstaken-Blakemore). Which nursing action should the nurse
implement for this treatment?
Group of answer choices

Administer the laxative lactulose (Chronulac).

Stay with the client at all times.

Monitor the client’s ammonia level.

Assess the gag reflex every shift.

Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
When obtaining the health history of a 24-year old graduate student recently diagnosed
with type I diabetes, the nurse would expect to identify the presence of:
Group of answer choices

Weight loss

Hypoglycemic episodes


Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
It is considered the electrical activation of the muscle cells of the heart.
Group of answer choices



Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
The physician orders daily fasting blood glucose levels for a client with diabetes
mellitus. The goal of treatment is that the client will have glucose levels within the range
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
What management can be done to if the patient has a decreased afterload?
Group of answer choices


beta blockers


Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
The nurse should explain to a client with diabetes that self-monitoring of blood glucose
is preferred to urine glucose testing because it is:
Group of answer choices

Easier to perform

More accurate

Not influenced by drugs

Done by the client

Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
Mrs. V. Reyes is undergoing hemodialysis with an internal arteriovenous fistula in place.
What do you do to prevent complications associated with this device?
Group of answer choices

Report a bruit or thrill over the fistula to the doctor.

Palpate pulses above the fistula.

Avoid taking blood pressures in the arm with the fistula.

Insert I.V. lines above the fistula.

Flag question: Question 24
Question 241 pts
The cardiac conduction system initiates and delivers an electrical impulse that begins in
the _______:
Group of answer choices

Atrioventricular node

Purkinje fibers

Atrioventricular bundle
Sino-atrial node
Flag question: Question 25
Question 251 pts
It is the study of forces involved in the flow of blood through the cardiovascular and
circulatory system.
Group of answer choices


Circulatory system


Cardiac output
Flag question: Question 26
Question 261 pts
Your patient with chronic renal failure reports pruritus. Which instruction should you
include in this patient’s teaching plan?
Group of answer choices

Apply alcohol-based emollients to the skin.

Take frequent baths.

Rub the skin vigorously with a towel.

Keep fingernails short and clean.

Flag question: Question 27
Question 271 pts
The client is diagnosed with end-stage liver failure. The client asks the nurse, “Why is
my doctor decreasing the doses of my medications?” Which statement is the nurse’s
best response?
Group of answer choices
“You really should ask your doctor. I am sure there is a good reason.”

“You are worried that your doctor has decreased the dosage.”

“The half-life is altered because the liver is damaged.”

“You may have an overdose of the medication because your liver is damaged.”
Flag question: Question 28
Question 281 pts
Which of the following is reflective of the Einthoven’s triangle?
Group of answer choices

All four limb leads

The three limb leads and the first three chest leads

All six chest leads

The three limb leads

Flag question: Question 29
Question 291 pts
The following procedures are correct except:
Group of answer choices

Instructing the patient to flex the arms put the both palms over the chest.

Pressing of the filter button if the patient has metal implants that cannot be removed

Removing metal accessories prior to placement of the leads.

Instructing the patient to breathe deeply and slowly during the recording
Flag question: Question 30
Question 301 pts
To prevent the most common serious complication of PD, what is important for the
nurse to do?
Group of answer choices

Reposition the patient frequently and promote deep breathing

Infuse the dialysate slowly.

Use strict aseptic technique in the dialysis procedures.

Have the patient empty the bowel before the inflow phase.
Flag question: Question 31
Question 311 pts
The client has had a liver biopsy. Which post-procedure intervention should the nurse
Group of answer choices

Keep the client NPO for eight (8) hours.

Monitor blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine level.

Place the client on the right side.

Instruct the client to void immediately.

Flag question: Question 32
Question 321 pts
Prior to discharge from the Emergency Dept. the nurse prints a rhythm strip on a patient
and notices that the P wave cannot be detected and the QRS complex is 0.24 seconds.
This is a change in the patient’s condition. What is the best action for the nurse to take?
Group of answer choices

Notify the physician of the abnormal strip.

Continue to monitor for abnormalities.

Prepare the patient for discharge.

Measure the PR interval

Flag question: Question 33
Question 331 pts
The nurse is assessing an ECG strip for a client. The P waves and QRS complexes
measure is 0.08 second. The overall heart rate is 82bpm.The nurse interprets the
cardiac rhythm to be which rhythm?
Group of answer choices

First degree heart block

Sick sinus syndrome

Sinus bradycardia

Normal sinus rhythm

Flag question: Question 34
Question 341 pts
A 21-year -old-female is seen in the Emergency Dept. for vomiting and diarrhea for 3
days. Her BP is 94/64 and her EKG rhythm shows that she is sinus tachycardia. The
best action for the nurse to take initially is to:
Group of answer choices

Start IV bolus normal saline per protocol

Cardiovert the patient immediately

Request pain medication for the patient.

Give Adenosine 6 mg IV push

Flag question: Question 35
Question 351 pts
What does ECG measure?
Group of answer choices

the pumping action of the heart

blood volume
blood pressure

the electrical activity of the heart

Flag question: Question 36
Question 361 pts
The client is in end-stage liver failure. Which gastrointestinal assessment data would the
nurse expect to find when assessing the client?
Group of answer choices

Clay-colored stools and hemorrhoids.

Dyspnea and caput medusae.

Hypoalbuminemia and muscle wasting.

Oligomenorrhea and decreased body hair.

Flag question: Question 37
Question 371 pts
A 38 year –old female is brought to ED with complaints of her ‘’heart beating out of her
chest’’. She is diaphoretic, tachypneic and her BP is 70/40. The cardiac monitor shows
supraventricular tachycardia. Valsalva maneuvers and three doses of Adenosine have
not been successful. The nurse should immediately:
Group of answer choices

perform unilateral carotid massage

give Adenosine 6 mg IV per protocol

give Epinephrine 1mg. IV and repeat in 3 minutes

prepare the patient for synchronized cardioversion.

Flag question: Question 38
Question 381 pts
The patient is complaining of muscle cramps while undergoing hemodialysis. Which
intervention is effective in relieving muscle cramps?
Group of answer choices
Infuse normal saline solution.

Administer a 5% dextrose solution.

Encourage active ROM exercises.

Increase the rate of dialysis.

Flag question: Question 39
Question 391 pts
The nurse is caring for the client diagnosed with ascites from hepatic cirrhosis. What
information should the nurse report to the health-care provider?
Group of answer choices

A decrease in the serum direct bilirubin to 0.6 mg/dL.

An increase in urine output after administration of a diuretic.

A decrease in the client’s daily weight of one pound.

An increase in abdominal girth of two inches.

Flag question: Question 40
Question 401 pts
In which type of dialysis does the patient dialyze during sleep and leave the fluid in the
abdomen during the day?
Group of answer choices

Long nocturnal HD

Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH)

Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)

Flag question: Question 41
Question 411 pts
When obtaining a health history from a client recently diagnosed with type I diabetes,
the nurse should expect the client to mention symptoms with the classic signs of
diabetes, such as:
Group of answer choices

Polyphagia, polyuria, diaphoresis

Nocturia, weight loss, polydipsia

Irritability, polydipsia, polyuria

Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia

Flag question: Question 42
Question 421 pts
When a patient who has diabetes mellitus experiences peripheral neuropathy, the
priority nursing diagnosis should be:
Group of answer choices

Altered health maintenance

Risk for impaired skin integrity


Altered urinary elimination

Flag question: Question 43
Question 431 pts
31. The client has end-stage liver failure secondary to alcoholic cirrhosis. Which
complication indicates the client is at risk for developing hepatic

Group of answer choices

Gastrointestinal bleeding.


Flag question: Question 44
Question 441 pts
The nurse is performing an ECG in a hospital setting. The patient becomes
unresponsive stops breathing, does not have the pulse. Which of the following would be
the first appropriate step?
Group of answer choices

Perform rescue breathing

Start chest compression

Retrieve the automated external defibrillator

Place the patient to recovery position

Flag question: Question 45
Question 451 pts
A client with a first degree heart block has ab ECG taken during an episode of chest
pain. The nurse knows that which ECG finding would be an indication of first degree
heart block?
Group of answer choices

Tall, peaked T waves

Widened QRS complex

Presence of Q waves

Prolonged PR interval
Flag question: Question 46
Question 461 pts
Which assessment question would be priority for the nurse to ask the client diagnosed
with end-stage liver failure secondary to alcoholic cirrhosis?
Group of answer choices

How many years have you been drinking alcohol?

When did you have your last alcoholic drink?

What foods did you eat at your last meal?

Have you completed an advanced directive?

Flag question: Question 47
Question 471 pts
What is the appropriate infusion time for the dialysate for an adult patient with chronic
renal failure undergoing peritoneal dialysis?
Group of answer choices

2 to 3 hours


15 minutes

30 minutes
Flag question: Question 48
Question 481 pts
The most indicative test for prostate cancer is:
Group of answer choices

A thorough digital rectal examination

Prostate-specific antigen

Excretory urography

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Flag question: Question 49
Question 491 pts
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Group of answer choices

Patients are instructed to remove metal accessories

Patients with metal implants are not allowed to undergo ECG.

Patients are instructed to avoid unnecessary movements during the procedure

Patients with metal implants are allowed to undergo ECG.

Flag question: Question 50
Question 501 pts
The patient noticed become restless and tell the nurse she has a headache and feels
nauseous while ongoing hemodialysis. Which complication does the nurse suspect?
Group of answer choices

Acute hemolysis

Air embolism


Disequilibrium syndrome
Flag question: Question 51
Question 511 pts
Which of the following actions by a student nurse requires further action from the clinical
Group of answer choices

The patient was instructed to relax.

The student instructed the patient to avoid unnecessary movements.

The patient was asked to remove metal accessories.

The student ensures that the feet of the patient are touching the footboard
Flag question: Question 52
Question 521 pts
The client is admitted with end-stage liver failure and is prescribed the laxative lactulose
(Chronulac). Which statement indicates the client needs more teaching concerning this
Group of answer choices

“If I have diarrhea, I will call my doctor.”

“I must check my ammonia level daily.”

“I should check my stool for any blood.”

“I should have two to three soft stools a day.”

Flag question: Question 53
Question 531 pts
Regular insulin by continuous intravenous (IV) infusion is prescribed for a client with a
blood glucose level of 700mg/dL. The nurse plans to:
Group of answer choices

Immediately prepare D50/50 and IV set

Mix the solution in 5% dextrose

Infuse the medication via an electronic infusion pump

Change the solution every 4 hours

Flag question: Question 54
Question 541 pts
A patient with ESRD has an arteriovenous fistula in the left arm for hemodialysis. Which
intervention do you include in his plan of care?
Group of answer choices

Keep the left arm dry.

Apply pressure to the needle site upon discontinuing hemodialysis.

Keep the head of the bed elevated 45 degrees

Place the left arm on an arm board for at least 30 minutes.

Flag question: Question 55
Question 551 pts
Which evaluation measures should the nurse specifically check for the client with end-
stage liver failure who is experiencing hepatic encephalopathy?
Group of answer choices

Client’s stool has no signs of bleeding.

Absence abdominal fluid wave.

Client’s neurologic status.

Therapeutic response to the administered loop diuretic.

Flag question: Question 56
Question 561 pts
The nurse identifies the client problem “alteration in gastrointestinal system” for the
elderly client. Which statement reflects the most appropriate rationale for this diagnosis?
Group of answer choices

Elderly clients have a better mechanical handling of food with dentures.

Elderly clients have an increased need for laxatives because of a decrease in bile.

Elderly clients have an increase in bacteria in the GI system, resulting in diarrhea.

Elderly clients have an increase in digestive enzymes, which helps with digestion.
Flag question: Question 57
Question 571 pts
The client diagnosed with end-stage liver failure is admitted with hepatic
encephalopathy. Which dietary restriction should be implemented by the nurse to
address this complication?
Group of answer choices

Restrict sodium intake to 2 g/day.

Decrease the daily fat intake.

Limit oral fluids to 1500 mL/day.

Reduce protein intake to 60 to 80 g/day.

Flag question: Question 58
Question 581 pts
An adult patient who is diagnosed with Diabetes has been experiencing infectious
diarrhea. His arterial blood gases are pH (7.30); paCO2 (35); and HCO3 (19). Nurse
Adiel would monitor the patient for which of the following?
Option 2: 
Option 3: 
Option 4: 
Group of answer choices


Trousseau's Sign


Respiratory Changes
Flag question: Question 59
Question 591 pts
The nurse would expect which of the following to be the first choice to treat a stable
patient with ventricular tachycardia?
Group of answer choices

Synchronized cardioversion


Flag question: Question 60
Question 601 pts
Which of the following intervals should be used to determine the regularity of ventricular
Group of answer choices

R-R interval

QT interval

P-P interval

PR interval
Flag question: Question 61
Question 611 pts
A client with diabetic ketoacidosis who is receiving intravenous fluids and insulin
complains of tingling and numbness of the fingers and toes and shortness of breath.
The cardiac monitor shows the appearance of a U wave. The nurse should recognize
that these symptoms indicate:
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 62
Question 621 pts
Which of the following is not true regarding heart?
Group of answer choices

Tricuspid valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle

Heart function is to pump blood through the body

Heart is composed of one upper and lower chamber

Mitral valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle
Flag question: Question 63
Question 631 pts
Which of the following is appropriate if performed by the student nurse?
Group of answer choices

Placing V6 at the anterior axillary line, at the level of V4

Placing the red limb electrode at the right upper extremity

Placing the green chest electrode between the yellow and red chest electrodes

Placing the black limb electrode at the left lower extremity

Flag question: Question 64
Question 641 pts
A nurse is preparing a patient for a 12-lead ECG .Which of the following is the correct
placement for lead V4?
Group of answer choices

The 5th intercostal space at the mid axillary line.

The 5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line.

The 4TH Intercostal space at the mid clavicular line.

The 4th intercostal space at the mid axillary line.
Flag question: Question 65
Question 651 pts
The most common early sign of kidney disease is:
Group of answer choices

Development of metabolic acidosis

Elevated BUN level

Inability to dilute or concentrate urine

Sodium retention
Flag question: Question 66
Question 661 pts
What does the dialysate for PD routinely contain?
Group of answer choices

Electrolytes in an equal concentration to that of the blood

Sodium in a higher concentration than in the blood 308

Dextrose in a higher concentration than in the blood

Calcium in a lower concentration than in the blood

Flag question: Question 67
Question 671 pts
The R-R interval on a patient’s tracing has five large boxes. Which of the following is the
patient’s heart rate?
Group of answer choices



Flag question: Question 68
Question 681 pts
The patient is asking the nurse if ECG is painful. Which response, if made by the nurse,
is appropriate?
Group of answer choices

I would appreciate it very much if you will fully cooperate.

It might cause you some discomfort but the procedure is not painful

I will make sure that privacy will be provided

It is painful but I will try my best to minimize the pain.

Flag question: Question 69
Question 691 pts
The nurse is watching the cardiac monitor and notices that the rhythm suddenly
changes No P waves or QRS complexes are seen ,instead, the monitor screen shows
an irregular wavy line. The nurse interprets that the client is experiencing which rhythm?
Group of answer choices

Sinus tachycardia

Ventricular fibrillation

Ventricular tachycardia

Premature ventricular contractions (PVC)

Flag question: Question 70
Question 701 pts
What is the primary way that a nurse will evaluate the patency of an AVF?
Group of answer choices
Evaluate the color and temperature of the extremity.

Auscultate for the presence of a bruit at the site.

Palpate for pulses distal to the graft site.

Assess for the presence of numbness and tingling distal to the site.
Flag question: Question 71
Question 711 pts
As a graduating student, you understand that ECG:
Group of answer choices

is a diagnostic and non-invasive tool that reflects the contractility of the heart.

reflects the electrical conduction system.

determines the size and thickness of the myocardium.

is reflective the ejection fraction.

Flag question: Question 72
Question 721 pts
While hospitalized a client with diabetes is observed picking at calluses on the feet. The
nurse should immediately:
Group of answer choices

Check the client’s shoes for proper fit in the calluses

Warn the client of the danger of infection

Teach the importance of proper foot care to the client

Suggest that the client wear white cotton socks

Flag question: Question 73
Question 731 pts
Bea, the nurse assigned to a patient receiving peritoneal dialysis noticed that the return
of fluid draining is very slow. What should be the best thing to do?
Group of answer choices

Place the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position.

Raise the drainage bag above the level of the abdomen.

Check for kinks in the outflow tubing.

Ask the patient to cough.

Flag question: Question 74
Question 741 pts
A client with rapid rate atrial fibrillation ask a nurse why the physician is going to perform
a carotid massage. The nurse responds t6hat this procedure may stimulate the…
Group of answer choices

Vagus nerve to increase heart rate

Vagus nerve to decrease the heart rate.

Diaphragmatic nerve to decrease heart rate

Diaphragmatic nerve to overdrive the rhythm

Flag question: Question 75
Question 751 pts
A father of a child patient with IDDM says to Nurse Nicole, “Why does my child have to
take insulin by injection? Why can’t he have it by mouth?” Nurse Nicole should give him
which of the following information about taking insulin orally?
Group of answer choices

Insulin inhibits the secretion and action of the pancreatic digestive enzymes

Insulin is destroyed by GI enzymes

Insulin causes ulcerations of the gastrointestinal tract

Insulin molecules are too large to be absorbed in the GI tract

Question 11 pts
You expect a patient in the oliguric phase of renal failure to have a 24hour urine output
less than:
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 2
Question 21 pts
The client’s telemetry reading shows a P-wave before each QRS complex and the rate
is 78. Which action should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Document this as normal sinus rhythm.

Prepare to administer the cardiotonic digoxin PO

Assess the client’s cardiac enzymes.

Request a 12-lead electrocardiogram.
Flag question: Question 3
Question 31 pts
A patient reports, during a routine check-up, that he is experiencing chest pain and
shortness of breath while performing activities. He states the pain goes away when he
rests. This is known as which of the following?
Group of answer choices

Unstable angina

Stable angina

None of the given options

Variant angina
Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
Which factor/a contribute/s to malnutrition in patients with liver failure? Select all that
Group of answer choices

Decreased oral intake

Altered mental status

Altered renal problem

Altered metabolism and storage of nutrients

Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
During cardiac catheterization, it is most important for the nurse to:
Group of answer choices

All of the above

Assess baseline peripheral pulses

ECG leads are placed for ECG and vital signs monitoring

Ask for history of allergy to sea foods

Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
After cardiac catheterization, it is most important for the nurse to:
Group of answer choices

Monitor for hematoma on the groin area

Monitor vital signs every shift

Insert sheath

All of the above

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
A client had a liver transplant yesterday. The client’s son has come to visit. The nurse
should instruct the son to do which of the following? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Perform good hand washing.

Wear a gown and a mask.

Wear a double mask and gloves.

No special isolation techniques are necessary.

Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
A patient reports having crushing chest pain that radiates to the jaw. You administer
sublingual nitroglycerin and obtain a 12 lead EKG. Which of the following EKG findings
confirms your suspicion of a possible myocardial infraction?
Group of answer choices

absent Q wave

absent P-wave

QRS widening

ST segment elevation
Flag question: Question 9
Question 91 pts
What is the priority nursing diagnosis with your patient diagnosed with end-stage renal
Group of answer choices

Fluid volume excess

Knowledge deficit


Activity intolerance
Flag question: Question 10
Question 101 pts
The client diagnosed with IBD is prescribed total parental nutrition (TPN). Which
intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Monitor the client’s oral food intake.

Administer an oral hypoglycemic.

Check the client’s glucose level.

A decrease in the serum direct bilirubin to 0.6 mg/dL.

Assess the peripheral intravenous site.

Flag question: Question 11
Question 111 pts
The client has chronic atrial fibrillation. Which discharge teaching should the nurse
discuss with the client?
Group of answer choices

Explain to the client the procedure for synchronized cardioversion.

Teach the client about signs of pacemaker malfunction.

Discuss the importance of getting a monthly partial thromboplastin time (PTT).

Instruct the client to use a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
The client is admitted to the emergency department, and the nurse suspects a cardiac
problem. Which assessment interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that
Group of answer choices

Attach telemetry monitor to the client.

Obtain a mid-stream urine specimen.

Start a saline lock in the right arm.

Request an order for a STAT 12-lead ECG.

Draw a basic metabolic panel (BMP).

Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
Which of the following might alert the nurse to consider an alcohol-induced liver problem
problem in a client hospitalized for a physical illness?
Group of answer choices
Flulike symptoms, diarrhea, night sweats, elevated temperature, decreased deep
tendon reflexes.

Elevated gastric enzymes, cirrhosis, decreased platelets.

Tremors, elevated temperature, complaints of nocturnal leg cramps, complaints of pain

Depression, difficulty falling asleep, decreased concentration.

Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
A young adult patient having diabetic nephropathy says, “I have two kidneys and I’m still
young. If I stick to my insulin schedule, I don’t have to worry about kidney damage,
right?” Which of the following statements is the best response?
Group of answer choices

“Even with insulin, kidney damage is still a concern.”

“You have little to worry about as long as your kidneys keep making urine.”

“You should talk to your doctor because statistics show that you’re being unrealistic.”

“You would be correct if your diabetes could be managed with insulin.”

Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
Which drug is indicated for pain related to acute renal calculi?
Group of answer choices

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Narcotic analgesics

Muscle relaxants

Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
When assessing a patient for diabetes insipidus, a nurse should recognize which of the
following symptoms as sign/s of this disorder?
Group of answer choices



Polyuria and Polydipsia

Diminished or absent skin pigmentation

Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
Cardiac catheterization will be done to measure the central venous pressure, the nurse
anticipates that the catheter will be inserted into the:
Group of answer choices

Any of the above

Vein in the arm

Artery in the arm

Artery in the leg

Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
The client is exhibiting sinus bradycardia, is complaining of syncope and weakness, and
has a BP of 98/60. Which collaborative treatment should the nurse anticipate being
Group of answer choices

Administer a thrombolytic medication.

Obtain a permit for synchronized cardioversion.

Assess the client’s cardiovascular status.

Prepare for an insertion of a pacemaker.
Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
After administering Propranolol to a client with Atrial fibrillation. The nurse evaluates the
effectiveness of propranolol by monitoring the:
Group of answer choices

Blood pressure


Respiratory rate

Heart rate
Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the most common cause of intrarenal AKI. Which
patient is most likely to develop ATN?
Group of answer choices

Patient who tried to overdose on acetaminophen

Patient with diabetes mellitus

Patient with hypertensive crisis

Patient with major surgery who required a blood transfusion

Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
The patient with CKD is brought to the emergency department with Kussmaul
respirations. What does the nurse know about CKD that could cause this patient's
Kussmaul respirations?
Group of answer choices

There is decreased pulmonary macrophage activity.

They are caused by respiratory compensation for metabolic acidosis.

Pulmonary edema from heart failure and fluid overload is occurring.

Uremic pleuritis is occurring.

Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
A client is diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). The
nurse informs the client that the doctor will prescribe diuretic therapy. Restrict fluid and
to balance sodium intake to treat the disorder. If the client does not want to comply with
the treatment, which complication may arise?
Group of answer choices

Cerebral Edema

Hypovolemic Shock

Severe Hyperkalemia

Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
A patient is receiving treatment for stable coronary artery disease. The doctor
prescribes the patient Plavix. What important information will you include in the patient's
1.If you are scheduled for any planned surgical procedures, let your doctor know you
are taking Plavix because this medication will need to be discontinued 5-7 days prior to
the procedure.
2.A normal side effect of this medication is a dry cough.
3.Avoid green leafy vegetables while taking Plavix.
4.Notify the doctor, immediately, if you develop bruising, problems urinating, or fever.
Group of answer choices

2 and 3
3 and 4

1 and 4

1 and 3
Flag question: Question 24
Question 241 pts
The post-anesthesia care nurse is caring for the client diagnosed with lung cancer who
had a thoracotomy and is experiencing frequent premature ventricular contractions
(PVC). Which intervention should the nurse implement first?
Group of answer choices

Administer lidocaine intravenous push.

Request STAT arterial blood gases.

Request a STAT electrocardiogram (ECG).

Assess for possible causes.

Flag question: Question 25
Question 251 pts
The client is diagnosed with peritonitis. Which assessment data indicate the client’s
condition is improving?
Group of answer choices

The client has had two soft, formed bowel movements.

The client is using more pain medication on a daily basis.

The client’s nasogastric tube is draining coffee-ground material.

The client has a decrease in temperature and a soft abdomen.

Flag question: Question 26
Question 261 pts
When providing discharge teaching for a client with uric acid calculi, the nurse should
make an instruction to avoid which type of diet?
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 27
Question 271 pts
The client shows ventricular fibrillation on the telemetry at the nurse’s station. Which
action should the telemetry nurse implement first?
Group of answer choices

Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Call a STAT code.

Administer epinephrine IVP.

Prepare to defibrillate the client.

Flag question: Question 28
Question 281 pts
The client is in complete heart block. Which intervention should the nurse implement
Group of answer choices

Prepare to insert a pacemaker.

Notify the health-care provider.

Obtain a STAT electrocardiogram (ECG).

Administer atropine, an antidysrhythmic.

Flag question: Question 29
Question 291 pts
Which of the following needs further assessment?
Group of answer choices

Cardiac output of 7 Liters/min

BP 130 / 80 mmHg

Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure 25 mmHg

MAP 55 mmHg
Flag question: Question 30
Question 301 pts
The client is experiencing multifocal premature ventricular contractions. Which
antidysrhythmic medication would the nurse expect the health-care provider to order for
this client?
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 31
Question 311 pts
In replying to a patient's questions about the seriousness of her chronic kidney disease
(CKD), the nurse knows that the stage of CKD is based on what?
Group of answer choices

Serum creatinine and urea levels

Degree of altered mental status

Total daily urine output

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Flag question: Question 32
Question 321 pts
The client is diagnosed with peritonitis. Which assessment data indicate the client’s
condition is improving?
Group of answer choices

The client has had two soft, formed bowel movements.

The client’s nasogastric tube is draining coffee-ground material.

The client has a decrease in temperature and a soft abdomen.

The client is using more pain medication on a daily basis.

Flag question: Question 33
Question 331 pts
Which of the following measures would a nurse include in the plan of care of a patient
who has syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)?
Group of answer choices

To decrease urine output

Increasing sodium intake

To decrease potassium intake

To decrease respiratory function

Flag question: Question 34
Question 341 pts
The client with coronary artery disease is prescribed a Holter monitor. Which
intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Teach the client the importance of decreasing activity while wearing the monitor.
Discuss the need to remove Holter monitor during A.M. care and showering.

Instruct client to keep a diary of activity, especially when having chest pain.

Explain that all medications should be withheld while wearing a Holter monitor.
Flag question: Question 35
Question 351 pts
Which of the following assessment findings would alert the nurse to change the
intranasal route for VASOPRESSIN administration?
Group of answer choices

Severe coughing


Vaginal Bleeding

Mucus membrane irritation

Flag question: Question 36
Question 361 pts
The client’s ECG reading shows a P-wave before each QRS complex and the rate is 78.
P – R interval is 0.20 sec and consistent in all waves. Which action should the nurse
Group of answer choices

Call a code

Assess the client’s cardiac enzymes.

Document this as normal sinus rhythm.

Prepare to administer digoxin per orem.

Flag question: Question 37
Question 371 pts
Initial management of the patient with upper GI bleeding would include, which of the
Group of answer choices

Identification of the site of bleeding

Hemodynamic stabilization

Volume resuscitation

Initiation of treatment to control bleeding within 24 hours of admission

Flag question: Question 38
Question 381 pts
Metabolic acidosis occurs in the oliguric phase of AKI as a result of impairment of:
Group of answer choices

excretion of bicarbonate.

excretion of hydrogen ions.

excretion of sodium.

conservation of potassium.
Flag question: Question 39
Question 391 pts
Select the most accurate explanation by the nurse to a client who is to have oral
glucose tolerance test and needs to understand the procedure:
Group of answer choices

“Your blood will be drawn after ingestion of a carbohydrate meal and soda, then your
blood will be drawn again after 2 hours.”

“Your blood will be drawn, you will drink a concentrated glucose solution, and your
blood will be drawn again.”

“After you drink a concentrated glucose solution, you cannot eat for 12 hours until the
next draw of blood.”
“You will go to the laboratory and your blood will be draw by the MedTech and
instructions to be followed.”
Flag question: Question 40
Question 401 pts
Nurse Levie should recognize which of the following symptoms considered as a cardinal
sign of Diabetes Mellitus?
Group of answer choices



Frequent Urination

Flag question: Question 41
Question 411 pts
The client that is one-day postoperative coronary artery bypass surgery is exhibiting
sinus tachycardia. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Determine if the client is having pain.

Assess the apical heart rate for one full minute.

Prepare the client for synchronized cardioversion.

Notify the client’s cardiac surgeon.

Flag question: Question 42
Question 421 pts
The client is diagnosed with GI bleeding due to ulcerative colitis. When assessing this
client, which sign/symptom would the nurse expect to find?
Group of answer choices
Hard, rigid abdomen.

Oral temperature of 102°F

Urinary stress incontinence.

Twenty bloody stools a day.

Flag question: Question 43
Question 431 pts
A patient calls the cardiac clinic you are working at and reports that they have taken 3
sublingual doses of Nitroglycerin as prescribed for chest pain, but the chest pain is not
relieved. What do you educate the patient to do next?
Group of answer choices

Lie down and rest to see if that helps with relieving the pain

None of the given options

Take another dose of Nitroglycerin in 5 minutes.

Call for help or go to the ER

Flag question: Question 44
Question 441 pts
A patient who has type 1 diabetes experiences weakness and tremors. Which of the
following actions would a nurse take first?
Group of answer choices

Obtain urine sample to a patient

Administer the patient’s PRN of insulin as ordered via SQ

Immediately give a concentrated source of glucose and refer to the physician

Check the patient’s most recent blood glucose level

Flag question: Question 45
Question 451 pts
Which intervention should the nurse implement when defibrillating a client who is in
ventricular fibrillation?
Group of answer choices

Shout “all clear” prior to defibrillating the client.

Do not remove the oxygen source during defibrillation.

Defibrillate the client at 50, 100, and 200 joules.

Place petroleum jelly on the defibrillator pads.

Flag question: Question 46
Question 461 pts
A patient has a diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).
For which of the following manifestations would a nurse monitor this patient?
Group of answer choices

Polyuria and Hyponatremia

Dilutional Hyponatremia

Dysphagia and Dysuria

Hyperglycemic reaction
Flag question: Question 47
Question 471 pts
The client is exhibiting ventricular tachycardia. Which intervention should the nurse
implement first?
Group of answer choices

Start basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Assess the client’s apical pulse and blood pressure.

Prepare to defibrillate the client at 200 joules.

Administer lidocaine, an antidysrhythmic, IVP.

Flag question: Question 48
Question 481 pts
After the bleeding is identified and bleeding is controlled, what is the drug of choice to
treat a nonvariceal bleed?
Group of answer choices

Proton pump inhibitors (PPis)



Histamine receptor antagonists

Flag question: Question 49
Question 491 pts
The client diagnosed with lower GI bleeding and is crying and tells the nurse, “I can’t
take it anymore. I never know when I will get sick and end up here in the hospital.”
Which statement would be the nurse’s best response?
Group of answer choices

“I can see you are very upset. I’ll sit down and we can talk.”

“Are you thinking about doing anything like committing suicide?”

“You must keep thinking about the good things in your life.”

“I understand how frustrating this must be for you.”

Flag question: Question 50
Question 501 pts
A client who suffered a brain injury after falling off a ladder has recently developed
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). What findings indicate that the
treatment that he’s receiving for SIADH is effective? 

1. Decrease in body weight

2. Rise in blood pressure and drop in heart rate
3. Widening pulse pressure
4. Decrease in urine osmolality
5. Decrease reflexes

Group of answer choices

2, 3, 5 only

All except 3

1 and 4 only

1,4, 5 only
Flag question: Question 51
Question 511 pts
Nurse Camille understands that diabetes insipidus is the principal disorder of which of
the following glands?
Group of answer choices

Posterior Pituitary Hypofunction

Parathyroid Hypofunction

Thyroid Hyperfunction

Pancreas Hyperfunction
Flag question: Question 52
Question 521 pts
The client is in ventricular fibrillation. Which interventions should the nurse implement?
Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Prepare to administer the antidysrhythmic amiodarone IVP.

Prepare to defibrillate the client.

Bring the crash cart to the bedside.

Prepare to administer the antidysrhythmic adenosine IVP.

Flag question: Question 53
Question 531 pts
A senior high, male student is admitted with dark urine, fever, and flank pain and is
diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. Which would most likely be in this student’s
health history?
Group of answer choices

Renal trauma

Renal calculi

Family history of acute glomerulonephritis

Recent sore throat

Flag question: Question 54
Question 541 pts
The telemetry nurse is unable to read the telemetry monitor at the nurse’s station.
Which intervention should the telemetry nurse implement first?
Group of answer choices

Contact the client on the client call system.

Go to the client’s room to check the client.

Request the nursing assistant to take the crash cart to the client’s room.

Instruct the primary nurse to assess the client.

Flag question: Question 55
Question 551 pts
The patient with CKD is receiving dialysis, and the nurse observes excoriations on the
patient's skin. All of the following are pathophysiologic changes in CKD most likely occur
that can contribute to this finding? Except one.
Group of answer choices
Calcium-phosphate skin deposits

Vascular calcifications

Dry skin

Sensory neuropathy
Flag question: Question 56
Question 561 pts
The nurse is caring for a vegetarian client diagnosed with upper GI vomiting and a
serum potassium of 3.2mEq/L. Now that the client is able to tolerate oral feeding, which
of the following would the nurse best include in planning meals for the client? Select all
that apply.
Group of answer choices

Fresh tomato juice

Dried fruits

Mashed potatoes

Fresh vegetable salad with carrots and tomatoes

Flag question: Question 57
Question 571 pts
A 57-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for uncontrolled diabetes. Lab
studies reveal a fasting blood sugar of 310mg/dl. Her admitting diagnosis is Type 1
Diabetes Mellitus. Given the scenario, the client needs to understand that the type of
diabetes she has:
Group of answer choices

a rarely controlled type of DM

is associated with the destruction of beta cells

often occurs in obese individuals

is usually caused by complete fat metabolism
Flag question: Question 58
Question 581 pts
Which serum laboratory value indicates to the nurse that the patient's CKD is getting
Group of answer choices

Decreased BUN

Decreased calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

Decreased creatinine

Decreased sodium
Flag question: Question 59
Question 591 pts
A man with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is scheduled for HD following healing of an
arteriovenous fistula (AVF). What should the nurse explain to him that will occur during
Group of answer choices

He will be able to visit, read, sleep, or watch TV while reclining in a chair.

He will be placed on a cardiac monitor to detect any adverse effects that may occur.

A large catheter with two lumens will be inserted into the fistula to send blood to and
return it from the dialyzer.

The dialyzer will remove and hold part of his blood for 20 to 30 minutes to remove the
waste products.
Flag question: Question 60
Question 601 pts
The nurse reads the ECG. Sinus and regular rhythm, R – R interval is 0.08 sec, P – R
interval is 0.10 sec. P: QRS ratio is 1. The nurse interprets the findings as:
Group of answer choices
Sinus bradycardia

Sinus tachycardia

Normal sinus rhythm

Sinus arrhythmia
Flag question: Question 61
Question 611 pts
The patient with CKD asks why she is receiving nifedipine (Procardia) and furosemide
(Lasix). The nurse understands that these drugs are being used to treat the patient's:
Group of answer choices

mineral and bone disorder.



Flag question: Question 62
Question 621 pts
What indicates to the nurse that a patient with AKI is in the recovery phase?
Group of answer choices

A urine output of 3700 mL/day

A return to normal weight

Decreasing sodium and potassium levels

Decreasing blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels

Flag question: Question 63
Question 631 pts
A child experienced symptoms of hypoglycemia and has eaten sugar cubes. The nurse
should follow this rapid-releasing sugar cubes. The nurse should follow this rapid
releasing sugar with which of the following foods?
Group of answer choices

Alkaline ash diet

10 glasses of water

Foods that are high in fats to provide source of energy

Complex carbohydrates and protein

Flag question: Question 64
Question 641 pts
Which of the following symptoms are signs of hyperglycemia? 

1. Tremors
2. Headache
3. Ashen gray color
4. Thirst or polydipsia
5. Pruritus and Flushed Skin
6. Polyuria and Hot Skin

Group of answer choices

All except 3 and 5

All except 3 and 4

1, 2, 4, 6 only

4, 5, 6 only
Flag question: Question 65
Question 651 pts
During cardiac catheterization, the patient may be asked to cough or deep breathe
Group of answer choices
Assure patient is awake

Assess circulation in the heart

Prevent hypotension

Assess level of anesthesia

Flag question: Question 66
Question 661 pts
Which client problem has priority for the client with a cardiac dysrhythmia?
Group of answer choices

Decreased cardiac output.

Alteration in comfort.

Impaired gas exchange.

Activity intolerance.
Flag question: Question 67
Question 671 pts
The male client has had abdominal surgery and is now diagnosed with peritonitis.
Which assessment data support the client’s diagnosis of peritonitis?
Group of answer choices

Hard, rigid abdomen and white blood cell count 22,000 mm.

Profuse diarrhea and stool specimen shows Campylobacter.

Absent bowel sounds and potassium level of 3.9 mEq/L.

Abdominal cramping and hemoglobin of 14 gm/dL.

Flag question: Question 68
Question 681 pts
Keeping the patient in the previous question in mind: What type of diagnostic tests will
the physician most likely order (at first) for this patient to evaluate the cause of the
patient’s symptoms?

1. ECG
2. Stress test
3. Heart catheterization
4. Balloon angioplasty

Group of answer choices

1 and 2

1 and 4

3 and 4

2 and 3
Flag question: Question 69
Question 691 pts
A 55-year-old diabetic client is admitted with HYPOGLYCEMIA. Which information
should the nurse include in her client teaching? 

1. Hypoglycemia can result from excessive alcohol consumption

2. Skipping meals and excessive exercise induces hypoglycemia
3. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include thirst and excessive urine output
4. Strenuous activity may result in hypoglycemia
5. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness, confusion, headache, and
6. Hypoglycemia is relatively harmless situation

Group of answer choices

2, 3, 4, 5 only

1, 2, 4 only

All except 6

1, 2, 4, 5 only
Flag question: Question 70
Question 701 pts
Nurse Joshua is caring for a patient with Diabetes Mellitus (Type I) who is not compliant
with the treatment regimen ordered for him. Nurse Joshua is correct if he states that his
patient is at risk of developing?
Group of answer choices


Anasarca (Generalized Edema)

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Non-ketotic Syndrome

Flag question: Question 71
Question 711 pts
First degree AV block is characterized by:
Group of answer choices

Delayed conduction producing a prolonged PR interval

P waves hidden with the QRS

A variable heart rate usually slower than 60 bpm

An irregular rhythm
Flag question: Question 72
Question 722 pts
SITUATION:  A college student is hospitalized due to hepatitis A infection. The client’s
chart showed no significant medical history of any disorders and/or conditions.  His
condition is worsening which prompted a transfer to the intensive care unit. 
The nurse will anticipate which of the following physician’s orders to manage the client’s
condition? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices
Blood typing and cross-matching

Capillary blood glucose monitoring

Lactulose administration

High protein diet

Flag question: Question 73
Question 732 pts
SITUATION:  A college student is hospitalized due to hepatitis A infection. The client’s
chart showed no significant medical history of any disorders and/or conditions.  His
condition is worsening which prompted a transfer to the intensive care unit. 
The nurse knows that the following information have raised suspicions of acute liver
failure? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

1st time hospitalization

Hepatitis infection

INR of 2.0

Short attention span

Question 11 pts
The male client in ESRD has received the initial dose of erythropoietin, a biologic
response modifier, 1 week ago. Which complaint by the client would indicate the need
to notify the health-care provider?
Group of answer choices

The client reports an elevation in his blood pressure.

The client reports discomfort in his legs and back.

The client complains of flulike symptoms.

The client complains of being tired all the time.

Flag question: Question 2
Question 21 pts
The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client diagnosed with ARF. Which
statement would be an appropriate outcome for the client?
Group of answer choices

Decrease of pain by 3 levels on a 1–10 scale.

Monitor intake and output every shift.

Administer enemas to decrease hyperkalemia.

Electrolytes are within normal limits.

Flag question: Question 3
Question 31 pts
A patient calls the cardiac clinic you are working at and reports that they have taken 3
sublingual doses of Nitroglycerin as prescribed for chest pain, but the chest pain is not
relieved. What do you educate the patient to do next?
Group of answer choices

Take two doses of Nitroglycerin in 5 minutes

Call 911 immediately

Lie down and rest to see if that helps with relieving the pain

Take another dose of Nitroglycerin in 5 minutes.

Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
What is the most important nursing action when measuring a client’s pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)?
Group of answer choices

Place the client in a supine position before measuring the PCWP

Deflate the balloon as soon as the PCWP is measured

Have the client bear down when measuring the PCWP

Flush the catheter with a heparin solution after the PCWP is determined
Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
A patient taking Zocor is reporting muscle pain. You are evaluating the patient’s lab
work and note that which of the following findings could cause muscle pain?
Group of answer choices
Decreased potassium level

Elevated CPK (creatine kinase level)

Decreased CPK (creatine kinase level)

Elevated potassium level

Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
The client diagnosed with ARF is admitted to the intensive care department and placed
on a therapeutic diet. Which diet would be most appropriate for the client?
Group of answer choices

A low-fat and low-cholesterol diet.

A high-potassium and low-calcium diet.

A regular diet with six (6) small feedings a day.

A high-carbohydrate and restricted-protein diet.

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
The client diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes is found lying unconscious on the floor of the
bathroom. Which intervention should the nurse implement first?
Group of answer choices

Check the serum glucose level.

Notify the health-care provider.

Administer 50% dextrose IV push.

Move the client to the ICU.

Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
The client diagnosed with ARF is experiencing hyperkalemia. Which medication should
the nurse prepare to administer to help decrease the potassium level?
Group of answer choices


Regular insulin.

Calcium gluconate.

Osmotic diuretic.
Flag question: Question 9
Question 91 pts
The home health nurse is completing the admission assessment for a 76-year-old client
diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that must be controlled with 70/30-combination insulin.
Which intervention should be included in the plan of care?
Group of answer choices

Assess the client’s ability to read small print.

Monitor the client’s serum PT level.

Instruct the client to check the feet weekly.

Teach the client how to perform a hemoglobin A1c test daily.

Flag question: Question 10
Question 101 pts
Which of the following might alert the nurse to consider an alcohol-induced liver problem
problem in a client hospitalized for a physical illness?
Group of answer choices

Depression, difficulty falling asleep, decreased concentration.

Elevated gastric enzymes, cirrhosis, decreased platelets.

Flulike symptoms, diarrhea, night sweats, elevated temperature, decreased deep
tendon reflexes.

Tremors, elevated temperature, complaints of nocturnal leg cramps, complaints of pain

Flag question: Question 11
Question 111 pts
What clinical indicator is the nurse most likely to identify when completing a history and
physical of a client with complete heart block?
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
The client is diagnosed with Acute renal failure (ARF). Which laboratory values are most
significant for diagnosing ARF?
Group of answer choices

Potassium and sodium.

BUN and creatinine.

Bilirubin and ammonia level.

WBC and hemoglobin.

Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
The nurse prepares a client for insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter (e.g. Swan-
Ganz catheter). The nurse explains to the client that the catheter will be inserted to
provide information about:
Group of answer choices
Venous pressure

Coronary artery patency

Left ventricular functioning

Stroke volume
Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
The client diagnosed with HHS was admitted yesterday with a blood glucose level of
780 mg/dL. The client’s blood glucose level is now 300 mg/dL. Which intervention
should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Check the client’s urine for urinary ketones.

Provide the client with a therapeutic diabetic meal.

Notify the physician to obtain an order to decrease insulin therapy.

Increase the regular insulin IV drip.

Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
The male client has had abdominal surgery and is now diagnosed with peritonitis.
Which assessment data support the client’s diagnosis of peritonitis?
Group of answer choices

Absent bowel sounds and potassium level of 3.9 mEq/L.

Hard, rigid abdomen and white blood cell count 22,000 mm.

Profuse diarrhea and stool specimen shows Campylobacter.

Abdominal cramping and hemoglobin of 14 gm/dL.

Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
The charge nurse is making client assignments in the intensive care department. Which
client should be assigned to the most experienced nurse?
Group of answer choices

The client with HHS who has a plasma osmolarity of 290 mOsm/L.

The client with Type 2 diabetes who has a blood glucose level of 348 mg/dL.

The client with DKA who has multifocal premature ventricular contractions.

The client diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes who is experiencing hypoglycemia.

Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
The left anterior descending coronary artery provides blood supply to the left ventricle,
front of the septum and part of the right ventricle.
Group of answer choices



Cannot be determined

No answer text provided.

Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
The nurse is caring for a vegetarian client diagnosed with upper GI vomiting and a
serum potassium of 3.2mEq/L. Now that the client is able to tolerate oral feeding, which
of the following would the nurse best include in planning meals for the client? Select all
that apply.
Group of answer choices

Fresh tomato juice

Mashed potatoes
Fresh vegetable salad with carrots and tomatoes

Dried fruits
Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
The client receiving hemodialysis is being discharged home from the dialysis center.
Which instruction should the nurse teach the client?
Group of answer choices

Notify the physician if oral temperature is 102°F or greater.

Keep fingernails short and try not to scratch the skin.

Apply ice to the access site if it starts bleeding at home.

Encourage significant other to make decisions for the client.

Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
The client diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes has a glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) of
8.1%. Which interpretation should the nurse make based on this result?
Group of answer choices

This result is below normal levels.

This result is dangerously high.

This result is above recommended levels.

This result is within acceptable levels.

Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
Lipitor is prescribed for a patient with a high cholesterol level. As the nurse, how do you
educate the patient on how this drug works on the body?
Group of answer choices
Lipitor increases HDL levels and decreases LDL, total cholesterol, and triglyceride

Lipitor increases LDL levels and decreases HDL levels, total cholesterol, and
triglyceride levels.

Lipitor increases HDL levels, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Lipitor decreases LDL, HDL levels, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
The nurse is discussing ways to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis with the client diagnosed
with Type 1 diabetes. Which instruction would be most important to discuss with the
Group of answer choices

Refer the client to the American Diabetes Association.

Do not take any over-the-counter medications.

Take the prescribed insulin even when unable to eat because of illness.

Be sure to get your annual flu and pneumonia vaccines.

Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
Which assessment data indicate that the client diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis is
responding to the medical treatment?
Group of answer choices

The client has tented skin turgor and dry mucous membranes.

The client’s serum potassium level is 3.3 mEq/L.

The client is alert and oriented to date, time, and place.

The client’s ABGs results are pH 7.29, PaCO2 44, HCO3 15.
Flag question: Question 24
Question 241 pts
The client is diagnosed with peritonitis. Which assessment data indicate the client’s
condition is improving?
Group of answer choices

The client’s nasogastric tube is draining coffee-ground material.

The client has had two soft, formed bowel movements.

The client has a decrease in temperature and a soft abdomen.

The client is using more pain medication on a daily basis.

Flag question: Question 25
Question 251 pts
When caring for a client after cardiac catheterization, which nursing action is most
Group of answer choices

Administer oxygen

Check the ECG every 5 to 15 minutes

Provide for rest

Check a pulse distal to the insertion site

Flag question: Question 26
Question 261 pts
The client is diagnosed with ARF. Which signs/symptoms would indicate to the nurse
that the client is in the recovery period? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Denial of nausea and vomiting.

Increased serum creatinine level.

Decreased urine-specific gravity.

Increased alertness and no seizure activity.

Flag question: Question 27
Question 271 pts
When taking an admission history of a client with right ventricular heart failure, what
clinical indications will the nurse most likely identify from the client’s complaints?
Group of answer choices

Syncope, oliguria, increased thirst

Weakness, palpitations, nausea

Fatigue, vertigo, headache

Dyspnea, edema, fatigue

Flag question: Question 28
Question 281 pts
The client diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes comes to the emergency department. The
client’s blood glucose is 680 mg/dL and the client is diagnosed with HHS. Which
question should the nurse ask the client to determine the cause of this acute
Group of answer choices

When is the last time you took your insulin?

Have you had some type of infection lately?

How long have you had diabetes?

When did you have your last meal?

Flag question: Question 29
Question 291 pts
A client had a liver transplant yesterday. The client’s son has come to visit. The nurse
should instruct the son to do which of the following? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

No special isolation techniques are necessary.

Perform good hand washing.

Wear a gown and a mask.

Wear a double mask and gloves.

Flag question: Question 30
Question 301 pts
Which coronary artery provides blood to the left atrium and left ventricle?
Group of answer choices

Posterior descending artery

Right coronary artery

Right marginal artery

Left circumflex artery

Flag question: Question 31
Question 311 pts
Which arterial blood gas would the nurse expect in the client diagnosed with diabetic
Group of answer choices

pH 7.46, PaO2 85, PaCO2 30, HCO3 26.

pH 7.38, PaO2 95, PaCO2 40, HCO3 22.

pH 7.30, PaO2 90, PaCO2 30, HCO3 18.

pH 7.34, PaO2 99, PaCO2 48, HCO3 24.

Flag question: Question 32
Question 321 pts
What should the nurse do to help alleviate the distress of a client with heart failure and
pulmonary edema?
Group of answer choices

Place the client in the orthopneic position

Prepare for modified postural drainage

Elevate the lower extremities

Encourage frequent coughing

Flag question: Question 33
Question 331 pts
Which patient(s) are most at risk for developing coronary artery disease? Select all that
Group of answer choices

A 45-year-old female that reports her father died at the age of 42 from a myocardial

A 29-year-old that has type I diabetes.

A 35-year-old male with a BMI of 30 and reports smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day.

A 25-year-old patient who exercises 3 times per week for 30 minutes a day and has a
history of cervical cancer.
Flag question: Question 34
Question 341 pts
The client, an 18-year-old female, 5’4” tall, weighing 113 kg, comes to the clinic for a
wound on her lower leg that has not healed for the last 2 weeks. Which disease process
would the nurse suspect that the client has developed?
Group of answer choices

Cannot be determined.

Type 1 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes.
Flag question: Question 35
Question 351 pts
Which test is used to diagnose CAD?
Group of answer choices

All of the given options


Cardiac catheterization

Treadmill stress test

Flag question: Question 36
Question 361 pts
A patient is receiving treatment for stable coronary artery disease. The doctor
prescribes the patient Plavix. What important information will you include in the patient’s

1. If you are scheduled for any planned surgical procedures, let your doctor know
you are taking Plavix because this medication will need to be discontinued 5-7
days prior to the procedure.
2. A normal side effect of this medication is a dry cough.
3. Avoid green leafy vegetables while taking Plavix.
4. Notify the doctor, immediately, if you develop bruising, problems urinating, or

Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 37
Question 371 pts
The nurse caring for a client diagnosed with ESRD writes a client problem of
“noncompliance of dietary restrictions.” Which intervention should be included in the
plan of care?
Group of answer choices

Explain the importance of eating the proper foods.

Refer the client and significant other to the dietician.

Teach the client the proper diet to eat while undergoing dialysis.

Determine the reason for the client not adhering to the diet.
Flag question: Question 38
Question 381 pts
A patient who has diabetes will be started on Metoprolol for medical management of
coronary artery disease. Which of the following will you include in your discharge
teaching about this medication?
Group of answer choices

Check your blood pressure regularly because this medication can cause hypertension.

Check your heart rate regularly because Metoprolol can cause an irregular heart rate.

Check your glucose regularly because this medication can cause hyperglycemia.

Check your glucose regularly because this medication can mask the typical signs and
symptoms of hypoglycemia.
Flag question: Question 39
Question 391 pts
The nurse understands that the client with right ventricular heart failure may develop
ascites. What is the physiologic change underlying this development?
Group of answer choices

Increased pressure within the circulatory system

Loss of cellular constituents in blood

Rapid osmosis from tissue spaces to cells

Rapid diffusion of solutes and solvents into plasma

Flag question: Question 40
Question 401 pts
The nurse assesses a client with heart failure who is receiving bumetanide and digoxin
for symptoms of electrolyte depletion. What does the nurse understand is the cause of
the depletion?
Group of answer choices

Continuous dyspnea

Sodium restriction

Inadequate oral intake

Diuretic therapy
Flag question: Question 41
Question 411 pts
The client diagnosed with ESRD is receiving peritoneal dialysis. Which assessment
data warrant immediate intervention by the nurse?
Group of answer choices

Inability to auscultate a bruit over the fistula.

The dialysate instilled into the client was 1500 mL and that removed was 1500 mL

The client’s abdomen is soft, is nontender, and has bowel sounds.

The dialysate being removed from the client’s abdomen is clear.

Flag question: Question 42
Question 421 pts
When teaching a client with angina how to use nitroglycerin, what should the nurse
instruct the client to do?
Group of answer choices

Place 1 tablet under the tongue 3 minutes before activity and repeat the dose in 5
minutes if pain occurs

Place 1 tablet under the tongue ans swallow another when pain is intense

Place 1 tablet under the tongue when pain occurs and use an additional tablet after the
attack to prevent recurrence

Place 2 tablets under the tongue when pain occurs

Flag question: Question 43
Question 431 pts
Which factor/a contribute/s to malnutrition in patients with liver failure? Select all that
Group of answer choices

Altered metabolism and storage of nutrients

Decreased oral intake

Altered renal problem

Altered mental status

Flag question: Question 44
Question 441 pts
The nurse is discussing the importance of exercising to a client diagnosed with Type 2
diabetes whose diabetes is well controlled with diet and exercise. Which information
should the nurse include in the teaching about diabetes?
Group of answer choices

Perform warmup and cooldown exercises.

Eat a simple carbohydrate snack before exercising.

Encourage the client to walk 20 minutes 3 times a week.

Carry peanut butter crackers when exercising.

Flag question: Question 45
Question 451 pts
A patient reports having crushing chest pain that radiates to the jaw. You administer
sublingual nitroglycerin and obtain a 12 lead EKG. Which of the following EKG findings
confirms your suspicion of a possible myocardial infraction?
Group of answer choices

ST segment elevation

QRS widening

absent P-wave

absent Q wave
Flag question: Question 46
Question 461 pts
A patient reports during a routine check-up that he is experiencing chest pain and
shortness of breath while performing activities. He states the pain goes away when he
rests. What type of diagnostic tests will the physician most likely order (at first) for this
patient to evaluate the cause of the patient’s symptoms?

1. EKG
2. Stress test
3. Heart catheterization
4. Balloon angioplasty

Group of answer choices


1 only


Flag question: Question 47
Question 471 pts
After the bleeding is identified and bleeding is controlled, what is the drug of choice to
treat a nonvariceal bleed?
Group of answer choices



Histamine receptor antagonists

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

Flag question: Question 48
Question 481 pts
The client diagnosed with lower GI bleeding and is crying and tells the nurse, “I can’t
take it anymore. I never know when I will get sick and end up here in the hospital.”
Which statement would be the nurse’s best response?
Group of answer choices

“I can see you are very upset. I’ll sit down and we can talk.”

“You must keep thinking about the good things in your life.”

“I understand how frustrating this must be for you.”

“Are you thinking about doing anything like committing suicide?”

Flag question: Question 49
Question 491 pts
You're providing education to a patient who will be undergoing a heart catheterization.
Which statement by the patient requires you to re-educate the patient about this
Group of answer choices

“Not all patients who have a heart catheterization will need a stent placement.”
“The brachial artery is most commonly used for this procedure.”

“I will not be completely asleep and will be able to breathe on my own during the

“A dye is injected into the coronary arteries to assess for blockages."

Flag question: Question 50
Question 501 pts
One possible treatment for CAD is coronary angioplasty. What does it involve?
Group of answer choices

None of the given options

Medicine is used to expand the artery

A new section of artery replaces the blocked section

A tiny balloon is inflated inside an artery

Flag question: Question 51
Question 511 pts
The client diagnosed with ARF is placed on bed rest. The client asks the nurse, “Why
do I have to stay in bed, I don’t feel that bad.” Which scientific rationale would support
the nurse’s response?
Group of answer choices

Bed rest aids in reduction of peripheral and sacral edema.

Bed rest helps increase the blood return to the renal circulation.

Bed rest reduces the metabolic rate during the acute stage.

Bed rest decreases the workload of the left side of the heart.
Flag question: Question 52
Question 521 pts
The nurse is caring for a client with long-term Type 2 diabetes and is assessing the feet.
Which assessment data would warrant immediate intervention by the nurse?
Group of answer choices

The client has thickened toenails.

The client has athlete’s feet.

The client has a necrotic big toe.

The client has crumbling toenails.

Flag question: Question 53
Question 531 pts
The client with Type 2 diabetes controlled with biguanide oral diabetic medication is
scheduled for a computed tomography (CT) with contrast of the abdomen to evaluate
pancreatic function. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Administer pancreatic enzymes prior to the test.

Obtain an informed consent form for the test.

Provide a high-fat diet 24 hours prior to test.

Hold the biguanide medication for 48 hours prior to test.

Flag question: Question 54
Question 541 pts
A client asks what the coronary arteries have to do with angina. When determining the
answer, the nurse should take into consideration that the coronary arteries carry blood:
Group of answer choices

From the aorta to the myocardium

To the endocardium

From the pulmonary system to the heart

To the lungs
Flag question: Question 55
Question 551 pts
The nursing assistant on the medical floor tells the primary nurse that the client
diagnosed with DKA wants something else to eat for lunch. What action should the
nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Ask the assistant to obtain a glucometer reading.

Instruct the assistant to get the client additional food.

Notify the dietician about the client’s request.

Tell the assistant that the client cannot have anything else.
Flag question: Question 56
Question 561 pts
Which is a symptom of coronary artery disease?
Group of answer choices

Sleep problems


Pain or discomfort in the chest, arms or lower jaw

Flag question: Question 57
Question 571 pts
The client is diagnosed with rule out ARF. Which condition would predispose the client
to developing pre-renal failure?
Group of answer choices


Benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Intake of aminoglycosides.
Diabetes mellitus.
Flag question: Question 58
Question 581 pts
The client is diagnosed with GI bleeding due to ulcerative colitis. When assessing this
client, which sign/symptom would the nurse expect to find?
Group of answer choices

Twenty bloody stools a day.

Oral temperature of 102°F

Hard, rigid abdomen.

Urinary stress incontinence.

Flag question: Question 59
Question 591 pts
During a cardiac catheterization, blood samples from the client’s right atrium, right
ventricle, and pulmonary artery are analyzed for their O 2 Which does the nurse identify
as the expected finding?
Group of answer choices

The samples of blood all contain about the same amount of O2

Blood from the right atrium has less O2 than the right ventricle blood

All samples contain more O2 than does pulmonary vein

Pulmonary artery blood contains more O2 than the other samples

Flag question: Question 60
Question 601 pts
The client diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is experiencing metabolic
acidosis. Which statement best describes the scientific rationale for metabolic acidosis
in this client?
Group of answer choices
The kidney cannot excrete increased levels of acid because the kidneys cannot excrete
ammonia or cannot reabsorb sodium bicarbonate.

There is an increased excretion of phosphates and organic acids, which leads to an

increase in arterial blood pH.

A shortened life span of red blood cells because of damage secondary to dialysis
treatments. This, in turn, leads to metabolic acidosis.

An increase in nausea and vomiting causes a loss of hydrochloric acid and the
respiratory system cannot compensate adequately.
Flag question: Question 61
Question 611 pts
The client receiving dialysis is complaining of being dizzy and light-headed. Which
action should the nurse implement first?
Group of answer choices

Place the client in the Trendelenburg position.

Bolus the client with 500 mL of normal saline.

Notify the health-care provider as soon as possible.

Turn off the dialysis machine immediately.

Flag question: Question 62
Question 621 pts
Initial management of the patient with upper GI bleeding would include, which of the
Group of answer choices

Identification of the site of bleeding

Hemodynamic stabilization

Initiation of treatment to control bleeding within 24 hours of admission

Volume resuscitation
Flag question: Question 63
Question 631 pts
The nurse administered 28 units of Humulin N, an intermediate-acting insulin, to a client
diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 1600. Which action should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Ensure the client eats the bedtime snack.

Perform a glucometer reading at 0700.

Offer the client protein after administering insulin.

Determine how much food the client ate at lunch.

Flag question: Question 64
Question 641 pts
The client diagnosed with IBD is prescribed total parental nutrition (TPN). Which
intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Monitor the client’s oral food intake.

A decrease in the serum direct bilirubin to 0.6 mg/dL.

Assess the peripheral intravenous site.

Administer an oral hypoglycemic.

Check the client’s glucose level.

Flag question: Question 65
Question 651 pts
What effect does anxiety produce that makes it particularly important for the nurse to
allay the anxiety of a client with heart failure?
Group of answer choices
Produces an elevation in temperature

Interferes with usual respirations

Decreases the amount of O2 used

Increases the cardiac workload

Flag question: Question 66
Question 661 pts
A patient reports during a routine check-up that he is experiencing chest pain and
shortness of breath while performing activities. He states the pain goes away when he
rests. This is known as:
Group of answer choices

Stable angina

Unstable angina

Variant angina

Prinzmetal angina
Flag question: Question 67
Question 671 pts
Which is one of the more common complications of myocardial infarction identified by
the nurse in the coronary care unit?
Group of answer choices

Anaphylactic shock



Cardiac enlargement
Flag question: Question 68
Question 681 pts
The nurse in the dialysis center is initiating the morning dialysis run. Which client should
the nurse assess first?
Group of answer choices

The client who has hemoglobin of 9.8 mg/dL and hematocrit of 30%.

The client who is complaining of being exhausted and is sleeping.

The client who did not take antihypertensive medication this morning.

The client who does not have a palpable thrill or auscultated bruit.
Flag question: Question 69
Question 691 pts
A client is admitted with severe chest pain. What laboratory test should the nurse expect
the physician to order to confirm a diagnosis of myocardial infarction?
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 70
Question 701 pts
A client with episodes of a cardiac dysrhythmia is to wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours.
When planning teaching for the client, what information should the nurse include about
the monitor? The monitor: 
Group of answer choices

Will record tracings of abnormal cardiac rhythms during activities of daily living

Can be taken off while bathing

Will assist in determining the size and contours of the heart

Can record activities and manifestations of responses
Flag question: Question 71
Question 711 pts
The client diagnosed with ARF has a serum potassium level of 6.8 mEq/L. Which
collaborative treatment would the nurse anticipate for the client?
Group of answer choices

Assess the client for leg cramps.

Type and cross-match for whole blood.

Administer a phosphate binder.

Prepare the client for dialysis.

Flag question: Question 72
Question 722 pts
SITUATION:  A college student is hospitalized due to hepatitis A infection. The client’s
chart showed no significant medical history of any disorders and/or conditions.  His
condition is worsening which prompted a transfer to the intensive care unit. 
The nurse knows that the following information have raised suspicions of acute liver
failure? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

INR of 2.0

Hepatitis infection

Short attention span

1st time hospitalization

Flag question: Question 73
Question 732 pts
SITUATION:  A college student is hospitalized due to hepatitis A infection. The client’s
chart showed no significant medical history of any disorders and/or conditions.  His
condition is worsening which prompted a transfer to the intensive care unit. 
The nurse will anticipate which of the following physician’s orders to manage the client’s
condition? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Lactulose administration

Capillary blood glucose monitoring

Blood typing and cross-matching

High protein diet

Question 11 pts
Lyza, a 60-year-old female, with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is being
treated in the emergency department. Which findings would the nurse expect to note as
confirming this diagnosis? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Low plasma bicarbonate level

Decreased urine output

Comatose state

Deep, rapid breathing

Elevated blood glucose level

Increase in pH
Flag question: Question 2
Question 21 pts
A nurse notes that a client with sinus rhythm has a premature ventricular contraction
that falls on the T wave of the preceding beat. The client’s rhythm suddenly changes to
one with no P waves or definable QRS complexes. Instead, there are coarse wavy lines
of varying amplitude. The nurse assesses this rhythm to be:
Group of answer choices

Ventricular tachycardia


Atrial fibrillation

Ventricular fibrillation
Flag question: Question 3
Question 31 pts
A client with rapid rate atrial fibrillation asks a nurse why the physician is going to
perform carotid massage. The nurse responds that this procedure may stimulate the:
Group of answer choices

Vagus nerve to increase the heart rate; overdriving the rhythm.

Vagus nerve to slow the heart rate.

Diaphragmatic nerve to slow the heart rate.

Diaphragmatic nerve to overdrive the rhythm.

Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
A client is diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction and is receiving tissue
plasminogen activator, alteplase (Activase tPA). Which of the following is a priority
nursing intervention?
Group of answer choices

Check for liver enzyme

Check for cardiac muscle enzyme

Monitor for signs of bleeding

Monitor for renal failure

Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
During hemodialysis, a patient complains of nausea and dizziness. Which action should
the nurse take first?
Group of answer choices

Check the patient's blood pressure

Check the patient's cardiac rate

Check the patient's respiratory rate

Check the patient's temperature

Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
An adult who has 7-year-hidtory of hepatic cirrhosis was brought to the emergency
room because he began vomiting large amounts of dark-red blood. A Sengstaken-
Blakemore tube was inserted to tamponade the bleeding esophageal varices. While the
balloon tamponade is in place, the nurse caring for him gives the highest priority to
which of the following?
Group of answer choices

Assessing his stools for occult blood

Performing frequent mouth care

Evaluating capillary refill in extremities

Auscultating breath sounds

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
A 56-year-old client with hepatic cirrhosis related to 10-year history of alcohol abuse is
at risk for injury related to portal hypertension.  Which of the following is the most
appropriate nursing action to decrease the client's risk of injury?
Group of answer choices

Offer small, frequent feedings

Keep his fingernails short

Assess for jaundice of skin and sclera

Observe stools for color and consistency

Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
A 56 year old male was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was admitted to the intensive
care unit with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS) . Which assessment data
should the nurse expect the client to exhibit?
Group of answer choices

Ketone breath odor.

Diarrhea and epigastric pain.

Kussmaul's respirations.

Dry mucous membranes.

Flag question: Question 9
Question 91 pts
While caring for a client who has sustained an MI, the nurse notes eight PVCs in one
minute on the cardiac monitor. The client is receiving an IV infusion of D5W and oxygen
at 2 L/minute. The nurse’s first course of action should be to:
Group of answer choices

Notify the physician promptly.

Increase the oxygen concentration.

Administer a prescribed analgesic.

Increase the IV infusion rate.

Flag question: Question 10
Question 101 pts
Mr. S, 45 years old, was rushed to ED of FUMC with the complaint of chest pain that
develop slowly patient describe as crushing and squeezing on substernal part.
Immediate management rendered. After 3 days in the hospital the doctor ordered the
patient is for discharge. Take home medications prescribed. Which of the following
medications will be prescribed to control angina?
Group of answer choices

Clopidogrel, amlodipine, carvedilol, nitrates

Nitroglycerin, amlodipine

All the options are correct

Amiloride, lovetalol, isosorbide, diltiazem

Flag question: Question 11
Question 111 pts
A patient with generalized edema is under diuretic therapy. The patient asks the nurse if
the treatment is meeting its goal. The nurse knows that the easiest and the best way to
determine the effectiveness of diuretic therapy is by performing which of the following?
Group of answer choices

Comparing plasma osmolality to baseline

Measuring the patient's weight

Checking for bipedal edema

Determining her serum sodium level

Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
A client is having frequent premature ventricular contractions. A nurse would place a
priority on the assessment of which of the following items?
Group of answer choices

Blood pressure and peripheral perfusion.

Precipitating factors such as infection.

Sensation of palpitations.

Causative factors such as caffeine.

Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
What is the appropriate infusion time for the dialysate in a 40-year-old female patient
with chronic renal failure undergoing peritoneal dialysis?
Group of answer choices

15 minutes

2 to 3 hours

1 hour

30 minutes
Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
Which of the following arterial blood gas results should the nurse expect in the client
diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis?
Group of answer choices

pH 7.34, PaO2=99 mmHg, PaCO2=48 mmHg, HCO3=24 mEq/L.

pH 7.38, PaO2=95 mmHg, PaCO2=40 mmHg, HCO3 =22 mEq/L.

pH 7.46, PaO2=85 mmHg, PaCO2=30 mmHg, HCO3 =26 mEq/L.

pH 7.30, PaO2=90 mmHg, PaCO2=30 mmHg, HCO3 =18 mEq/L.

Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
The nurse provides discharge instructions for a 64-year-old woman with ascites and
peripheral edema related to cirrhosis. Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates
teaching was effective?
Group of answer choices

herbs and spices should be used to season my foods instead of salt.

I will eat foods high in potassium while taking spinolactome (aldactone).

it is safe to take acetaminophen up to 4x a day for pain.

lactulose should be taken everyday

Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
A patient came in with the following complaints increased urinary frequency, nocturia,
urgency, hesitancy, decreased force of urinary stream and dribbling. The nurse would
suspect which of the following?
Group of answer choices


Acute glomerulonephritis

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Honeymoon cystitis
Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
A client with no history of heart disease has experienced acute myocardial infarction
and has been given thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator. The nurse
identifies which of the following assessment findings as the most likely indicator that the
client is experiencing complications of the therapy.
Group of answer choices
Nausea and vomiting

Orange-colored urine

Decreased urine output

Tarry stools
Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
A client with myocardial infarction has been transferred from the coronary care unit
(CCU) to the general medical ward. The nurse encourages which of the following
activity levels for the client immediately after transfer?
Group of answer choices

Skip activities because the client will be discharge soon

Unsupervised hallway ambulation for up to 200 feet

Bathroom privileges and self-care activities

Strict bed rest for 24 hours after transfer

Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
Which assessment data should nurse Marie indicates the client diagnosed with diabetic
ketoacidosis is responding to the medical treatment?
Group of answer choices

The client is alert and oriented to date, time, and place.

The client's serum potassium level is 3.3 mEq/L.

The client has tented skin turgor and dry mucous membranes.

The client's ABG results are pH = 7.29, PaCO2 = 44mmHg, HCO3 = 15mEq/L.
Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
Which of the following is most likely to result in acute liver failure?
Group of answer choices

Primary biliary cirrhosis

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Acetaminophen toxicity

Hepatic cyst
Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
A home care nurse has taught a client with a nursing diagnosis of Decreased cardiac
output about helpful lifestyle adaptations to promote health. Which of the following
statement by the client best demonstrates an understanding of the information
Group of answer choices

“I will try to exercise vigorously to strengthen my heart muscle”

“I will eat enough daily fiber to prevent straining at stool”

“Drinking 2-3 oz. of liquor each night will promote blood flow”

“I will drink 3000 – 3500 ml of fluid daily to promote good kidney function”
Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
A client has developed atrial fibrillation, which has a ventricular rate of 150 beats per
minute. A nurse assesses the client for:
Group of answer choices

Hypertension and headache

Nausea and vomiting

Flat neck veins

Hypotension and dizziness
Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
A 52-year-old client is admitted to the ICU diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Which interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that apply.
Group of answer choices

Assess fluid volume status.

Maintain adequate ventilation.

Administer intravenous potassium.

Check for urinary ketones.

Monitor intake and output.

Flag question: Question 24
Question 241 pts
The nurse is reviewing the record of a client with a diagnosis of cirrhosis and notes that
there is documentation of the presence of asterixis. How should the nurse assess for its
Group of answer choices

Ask the patient to extend the arms.

Measure abdominal girth

Instruct patient to lean forward.

Dorsiflex the foot

Flag question: Question 25
Question 251 pts
A nurse is viewing the cardiac monitor in a client’s room and notes that the client has
just gone into ventricular tachycardia. The client is awake and alert and has good skin
color. The nurse would prepare to do which of the following?
Group of answer choices
Administer epinephrine (Adrenaline) intravenously.

Prepare for pacemaker insertion.

Administer amiodarone (Cordarone) intravenously.

Immediately defibrillate.
Flag question: Question 26
Question 261 pts
Nurse Theo is discussing ways to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis with the client
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Which instruction is most important to discuss with the
Group of answer choices

Do not take any over-the-counter medications.

Refer the client to the Philippine Diabetes Association.

Explain the need to get the annual flu and pneumonia vaccines.

Take the prescribed insulin even when unable to eat because of illness.
Flag question: Question 27
Question 271 pts
Which of the following is the initial diagnostic test of choice for cirrhosis?
Group of answer choices

Abdominal X-ray

Abdominal ultrasonography

Liver biopsy

Abdominal CT
Flag question: Question 28
Question 281 pts
Anna a nurse assistant on the ICU tells the nurse that the client diagnosed with DKA
wants something else to eat for lunch. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Request the Health Care Provider to increase the client's caloric intake.

Notify the dietitian about the client's request.

Instruct the nurse assistant to get the client additional food.

Tell the nurse assistant that the client cannot have anything else.
Flag question: Question 29
Question 291 pts
Acute renal failure (ARF) causes severe nutritional imbalances because nausea and
vomiting contribute to inadequate dietary intake, impaired glucose use and protein
synthesis, and increased tissue catabolism. Which of the following nursing actions
related to nutrition should not be included?
Group of answer choices

Provide high-carbohydrate meals

Daily measuring of weight

Bananas, citrus fruits and juices, coffee are restricted

Dietary proteins are limited to about 5g/kg

Flag question: Question 30
Question 301 pts
Nurse Ken teaches a client with diabetes mellitus about differentiating between
hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. The client demonstrates an understanding of the
teaching by stating that glucose should be taken if which symptoms develop? Select all
that apply.
Group of answer choices

Fruity breath odor





Blurred vision
Flag question: Question 31
Question 311 pts
Patient Vina becomes restless and tells the nurse that she has a headache and feels
nauseous during hemodialysis. As a nurse which complication do you suspect?
Group of answer choices

Disequilibrium syndrome

Air embolism


Acute hemolysis
Flag question: Question 32
Question 321 pts
The client has end stage liver failure secondary to alcoholic cirrhosis. Which
complication indicates the client is at risk for developing hepatic encephalopathy?
Group of answer choices




Gastrointestinal bleeding
Flag question: Question 33
Question 331 pts
Nurse Jimmy is receiving in transfer from the PACU a client who has had percutaneous
ultrasonic lithotripsy for calculi in the renal pelvis. The nurse anticipates that the client’s
care will involve monitoring which of the following?
Group of answer choices

Ureteral stent

Nephrostomy tube

Jackson Pratt Drain

Suprapubic tube
Flag question: Question 34
Question 341 pts
The client diagnosed with end stage liver failure is admitted with esophageal bleeding.
The doctor inserts and inflates a triple- lumen nasogastric tube. Which nursing
intervention should the nurse implement for this treatment?
Group of answer choices

Monitor the client’s ammonia level.

Assess the gag reflex every shift.

Administer the laxative lactulose.

Stay with the client at all times.

Flag question: Question 35
Question 351 pts
A nurse is assessing an electrocardiogram rhythm strip. The P waves and QRS
complexes are regular. The PR interval is 0.16 second, and QRS complexes measure
0.06 second. The overall heart rate is 64 beats per minute. The nurse assesses the
cardiac rhythm as:
Group of answer choices

Normal sinus rhythm

Sinus bradycardia

First-degree heart block

Sick sinus syndrome

Flag question: Question 36
Question 361 pts
A client is admitted to the visiting nurse service for assessment and follow up after being
discharged from the hospital with new onset congestive heart failure (CHF). The nurse
teaches the client with the dietary restriction required with CHF. Which statement of the
client indicates that further teaching is needed?
Group of answer choices

“I’m not supposed to eat cold cuts”

“I can have most fresh fruits and fresh vegetables”

“I’m going to have a ham and cheese sandwich and potato chips for lunch”

“I’m going to weigh my weight daily to make sure that I don’t gain too much fluid”
Flag question: Question 37
Question 371 pts
What criteria should the nurse use to determine normal sinus rhythm for a client on a
cardiac monitor?
Group of answer choices

The RR intervals are relatively consistent.

The ST segment is higher than the PR interval.

Four to eight complexes occur in a 6-second strip.

The QRS complex ranges from 0.12 to 0.20 second.

One P wave precedes each QRS complex.

Flag question: Question 38
Question 381 pts
A nurse is performing an assessment on a client with the diagnosis of left-sided heart
failure. Which assessment component would elicit specific information regarding the
client’s left sided heart function?
Group of answer choices

Listening to lung sounds

Monitoring of cardiomegaly

Assessing for jugular vein distention

Assessing for peripheral and sacral edema

Flag question: Question 39
Question 391 pts
A nurse is watching the cardiac monitor and notices that the rhythm suddenly changes.
There are no P waves, the QRS complexes are wide, and the ventricular rate is regular
but over 100. The nurse determines that the client is experiencing:
Group of answer choices

Ventricular fibrillation

Premature ventricular contractions

Sinus tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia
Flag question: Question 40
Question 401 pts
The nurse identifies the client problem as “excess fluid volume’’ for the client in liver
failure. Which short-term goal would be the most appropriate for this problem?
Group of answer choices

The client’s vital sign will remain within normal limits.

The client will receive a low-sodium diet.

The client will not gain more than two kg. a day.

The client will have no increase in abdominal girth.

Flag question: Question 41
Question 411 pts
The nurse is trying to determine the ability of the client with myocardial infarction (MI) to
manage independently at home after discharge. Which statement by the client is best
indicator of the potential for difficulty after discharge?
Group of answer choices

“I don’t have anyone to help me with doing heavy housework at home”

“I think I have good understanding of what all my medications are for”

“I need to start exercising more to improve my health”

“I will be sure to keep my appointment with the cardiologist”

Flag question: Question 42
Question 421 pts
Chronic renal failure or end stage renal disease is a progressive deterioration of renal
function which leads to the kidneys inability to metabolize and excrete wastes from the
body. Prompt management and interventions are then necessary to avoid further
aggravation of this disease. Possible complications of this disease are the following
apart from:
Group of answer choices

Bone diseases and calcifications



Flag question: Question 43
Question 431 pts
Helping the patient attain adequate nutritional intake is very important in cases like
chronic renal failure. Which of the following guidelines should the nurse follow in taking
care of patients with chronic renal failure?
Group of answer choices

Provide patient’s food preferences and give as much as he wants

Alter schedule of medications so that they are not given immediately before meals

Avoid intake of high-biologic value protein foods

Encourage low-calorie, low-potassium, and low-sodium snacks between meals

Flag question: Question 44
Question 441 pts
A nurse notices frequent artifacts on the ECG monitor for a client whose leads are
connected by cable to a console at the bedside. The nurse examines the client to
determine the cause. Which of the following items is unlikely to be responsible for the
Group of answer choices

Frequent movement of the client.

Leads applied over hairy areas.

Tightly secured cable connections.

Leads applied to the limbs.

Flag question: Question 45
Question 451 pts
During assessment of a patient with obstructive jaundice, the nurse would expect to
Group of answer choices

dark urine and stool

clay colored urine


pyrexia and pruritus

Flag question: Question 46
Question 461 pts
Larry a 59-year-old male is brought to the emergency department in FUMC in an
unresponsive state, and was diagnosed of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS).
The nurse would immediately prepare to initiate which anticipated health care provider's
Group of answer choices

Endotracheal intubation

100 units of NPH insulin

Intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate

Intravenous infusion of normal saline

Flag question: Question 47
Question 471 pts
A client with a bundle branch block is on a cardiac monitor. The nurse should expect to
Group of answer choices

Absence of P wave configurations.

Inverted T waves following each QRS complex.

Widening of QRS complexes to 0.12 second or greater.

Sagging ST segments.
Flag question: Question 48
Question 481 pts
A nurse is caring for a client with unstable ventricular tachycardia. The nurse instructs
the client to do which of the following, if prescribed, during an episode of ventricular
Group of answer choices

Lie down flat in bed.

Breathe deeply, regularly, and easily.

Inhale deeply and cough forcefully every 1 to 3 seconds.

Remove any metal jewelry.

Flag question: Question 49
Question 491 pts
Patient Allan is receiving a peritoneal dialysis. As a nurse what should you do when you
notice the return fluid is slowly draining?
Group of answer choices

Place the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position

Check for kinks in the outflow tubing

Raise the drainage bag above the level of the abdomen

Ask the patient to cough

Flag question: Question 50
Question 501 pts
A client with heart failure is to be discharged to home with digoxin (Lanoxin) and
furosemide (Lasix) as daily prescribed medications. The nurse tells the client to report
which of the following as an indication that the medications are not having the intended
Group of answer choices

Sudden increase in appetite

Increase urine output during the day

Weight gain of 2-3 lbs. in a few days

Cough accompanied by other signs of respiratory infection

Flag question: Question 51
Question 511 pts
Edison, a 60-year-old female is admitted to the intensive care department diagnosed
with severe hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS). Which collaborative
intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care?
Group of answer choices

Perform blood glucometer checks daily.

Monitor arterial blood gas results.

Infuse 0.9% normal saline intravenously.

Administer intermediate-acting insulin.

Flag question: Question 52
Question 521 pts
Which of the following laboratory value reflects the decreased synthetic function of the
Group of answer choices


Elevated prothrombin time

Elevated bilirubin

Elevated AST and ALT

Flag question: Question 53
Question 531 pts
The client has had a liver biopsy. Which post procedure intervention should the nurse
Group of answer choices

Place the client on the right side

Instruct the client to void immediately.

Monitor BUN and creatinine level.

Keep the client NPO eight hours.

Flag question: Question 54
Question 541 pts
A 52-year-old is experiencing advanced hepatic cirrhosis now complicated by hepatic
encephalopathy. He is confused, restless, and demonstrating asterixis. Which of the
following completes the nurse's formulated nursing diagnosis of 'Disturbed thought
processes related to _______________________________________' ?
Group of answer choices

Increased serum ammonia levels

Massive ascites formation

Fluid volume excess

Altered clotting mechanism

Flag question: Question 55
Question 551 pts
A client with chronic renal failure has been prescribed calcium carbonate. What is the
rationale for this particular medication?
Group of answer choices

Increase tubular reabsorption of sodium

Binds with phosphorus to lower concentration

Alleviates constipation

Diminishes incidence of gastric ulcer formation

Flag question: Question 56
Question 561 pts
Nurse Abby is aware that the electrolyte replacement she should anticipate being
ordered by the health-care provider in the client diagnosed with DKA who has just been
admitted to the ICU?
Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 57
Question 571 pts
An 87-year-old widow was hospitalized for treatment of chronic renal failure. She lives
with her daughter and son in law and their family who are very supportive. She is now
ready for discharge. The doctor has ordered a high carbohydrate, low protein, and low
sodium diet for her so her family has asked for assistance in planning low sodium
meals. Which of the following choices best reflects the pre-discharge information the
nurse should provide for the client’s family regarding the low sodium diet?
Group of answer choices

Limit milk and dairy products and cook meals with iodized salt instead and encourage
increased fluid intake.

Use potassium salts in place of table salt when cooking and seasoning foods, read the
labels on packaged foods to determine sodium content and increase “snack” food.

Avoid eating in restaurant, soak vegetables well before cooking to remove sodium, omit
all canned foods and remove salt shakers from the table.

Avoid canned and processed foods, do not use salt replacements, substitute herbs and
spices for salt in cooking, and when seasoning foods, call a dietician for help
Flag question: Question 58
Question 581 pts
A client admitted with angina and history of DM type 2 is scheduled for cardiac
catheterization. Which of the following medications would need to be withheld for 48
hours before and after the procedure?
Group of answer choices



Regular insulin

Flag question: Question 59
Question 591 pts
The nurse is teaching an adult client who has type 1 diabetes mellitus about
ketoacidosis. The nurse explains that the primary cause of the development of
ketoacidosis is which of the following?
Group of answer choices

omitted meals

not taking insulin regularly

insulin overdosage

GI disturbance
Flag question: Question 60
Question 601 pts
A nurse is assigned to care for the client with a cardiac disorder and she told that a
client has an alteration in cardiac output. The nurse plans care with the understanding
that the heart normally sends out how many liters of blood per minute sends to the
Group of answer choices

5 L/min

15 L/min

10 L/min
2 L/min.
Flag question: Question 61
Question 611 pts
The client diagnosed with end stage renal failure and ascites is scheduled for
paracentesis. Which client teaching should the nurse discuss with the client?
Group of answer choices

Explain the procedure will be done in the operating room.

Provide instructions on holding the breath when the doctor inserts the catheter.

Tell the client vital signs will be taken frequently after the procedure.

Instruct a client a Foley catheter will have to be inserted.

Flag question: Question 62
Question 621 pts
A 60-year-old patient with chronic renal failure reports pruritus. Which instruction should
the nurse include in this patient’s teaching plan?
Group of answer choices

Rub and skin vigorously with a towel

Apply alcohol-based emollients to the skin

Take frequent bath

Keep fingernails short and clean

Flag question: Question 63
Question 631 pts
A client with chronic renal failure has an internal venous access site for hemodialysis on
her left forearm. What action will the nurse take to protect this access site?
Group of answer choices

Keep the arm elevated above the level of the heart.

Do not use the left arm to take blood pressure readings.

Irrigate with heparin and NS 8hrs

Apply warm moist packs to the area after hemodialysis

Flag question: Question 64
Question 641 pts
The nurse is reviewing the lab. results for a patient with cirrhosis and notes the
ammonia level is elevated. Which diet does the nurse anticipates to be prescribed for
this patient?
Group of answer choices

Moderate –fat

High protein

Low protein

Flag question: Question 65
Question 651 pts
A 71-year-old client is admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA). The initial blood glucose level was 850 mg/dL. A continuous intravenous infusion
of short-acting insulin is initiated, along with intravenous rehydration with normal saline.
The serum glucose level is now 200 mg/dL. The nurse would next prepare to administer
which item?
Group of answer choices

Ampule of 50% dextrose

NPH insulin subcutaneously

Intravenous fluids containing dextrose

Phenytoin (Dilantin) for the prevention of seizures

Flag question: Question 66
Question 661 pts
The adaptations of a client with complete heart block would most likely include:
Group of answer choices

Cephalalgia and blurred vision

Syncope and slow ventricular rate

Flushing and slurred speech

Nausea and vertigo

Flag question: Question 67
Question 671 pts
A nurse is watching the cardiac monitor, and a client’s rhythm suddenly changes. There
are no P waves; instead, there are wavy lines. The QRS complexes measure 0.08
second, but they are irregular, with a rate of 120 beats a minute. The nurse interprets
this rhythm as:
Group of answer choices

Ventricular fibrillation

Sinus tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia

Atrial fibrillation
Flag question: Question 68
Question 681 pts
Romeo was rushed to the emergency department and was diagnosed with HHS who
has a blood glucose of 680 mg/dl. Which question should the nurse ask the client to
determine the cause of this acute complication?
Group of answer choices

"Have you had some type of infection lately?"

"How long have you had diabetes?

"When is the last time you took your insulin?"

"When did you have your last meal?"

Flag question: Question 69
Question 691 pts
Martha was diagnosed with HHS was admitted at the ICU with a blood glucose level of
780 mg/dL. The client's blood glucose level is now 300 mg/dL. Which intervention
should the nurse implement?
Group of answer choices

Check the client's urine for ketones.

Increase the regular insulin IV drip.

Notify the physician to obtain an order to decrease insulin.

Provide the client with a therapeutic diabetic meal.

Flag question: Question 70
Question 701 pts
Elderly clients often lack the typical signs and symptoms of UTI. In an elderly client
suspected of having UTI, which of the following is considered as the most common
subjective finding?
Group of answer choices



Decreased force of urinary stream

Generalized fatigue
Flag question: Question 71
Question 711 pts
Which of the following describes the best course of action for the management of acute
liver failure?
Group of answer choices
Supportive care and referral to a liver transplant for evaluation.

Liver Biopsy


Flag question: Question 72
Question 721 pts
The patient with advanced cirrhosis asks why is abdomen is swollen. The nurse’s best
response is based on the knowledge that:
Group of answer choices

bile salts in the blood irritate the peritoneal membranes, causing edema and pocketing
of fluid.

portal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia cause fluid shift to peritoneal space.

a lack of clotting factors promotes the collection of blood in the abdominal cavity.

decreased peristalsis in the GI tract contributes to gas formation and distention of the
Flag question: Question 73
Question 731 pts
When ventricular fibrillation occurs in a CCU, the first person reaching the client should:
Group of answer choices

Administer oxygen.

Initiate CPR.

Defibrillate the client.

Administer sodium bicarbonate intravenously.

Flag question: Question 74
Question 741 pts
When planning care for a patient with cirrhosis, the nurse will give highest priority to
which nursing diagnosis?
Group of answer choices

ineffective breathing pattern related to pressure on diaphragm and reduced lung


impaired skin integrity related to edema, ascites and pruritus

imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to anorexia.

excess fluid volume related to portal hypertension and hyperaldosteronism.

Flag question: Question 75
Question 751 pts
A client has experienced a myocardial infarction. The nurse plans care for the client
knowing that the client’s chest pain is due to tissue hypoxia in which of the following
layers of the heart?
Group of answer choices


Parietal pericardium

Visceral pericardium


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