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SOCIAL STUDIES (SSA) // Revision Sheet for End of Term 1

NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: 4

DATE: _______________________________________

(A)Define the following:

1- The Solar System.
It is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. It comprises the Sun and the objects that orbit it,
either directly or indirectly.
2- A map.

A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing

its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above.

3- A scale.
It helps you find the actual distances between points shown on the map.
4- A map key.
It tells you what each symbol stands for.

5- The title of the map.

It is the basic clue of information you are likely to find on the map.

6- Earth.
It is the third planet from the sun, is the only planet known to have living beings and the
only one with water on its surface.
7- Desert.
It is dry, barren region usually sandy and without trees, little rainfall
8- Hill.
It is a raised part of the earth’s surface with sloping sides.
9- Island.
It is an area of land completely surrounded by water.

10- Peninsula.
It is a piece of land that is almost entirely surrounded by water and is attached to a larger
land area.
11- Lake.
It is a large body of water surrounded by land.
12- Oasis.
It is a fertile place in the desert where there is water and some vegetation.
13- Ocean.
It is the largest body of salt water; these cover 3/4 of the earth’s surface.
14- Plain.
It is a broad, flat or gently rolling area; usually low in elevation.
15- Sea.
It is a large body of water, usually salt water, partly or completely surrounded by land.
16- Strait.
It is a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water.
17- Waterfall.
It is a place where running water makes a sheer drop, usually over a cliff.
18- Nighttime.
It is when the sun is on the other side of the Earth from you, and its light and heat don’t
get to you.
19- Daytime.
It is when you can see the sun from where you are, and its light and heat can reach you.
20- A compass.
It is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction.
21- A season.
It is a division of the year marked by changes in weather and hours of daylight.

(B) Answer the following questions.
1- What are the characteristics of the eight planets?

• Derive energy from the sun

• Spin around themselves
• Orbit the sun
• Round in shape

2-What is the largest continent in the world?

• Asia

3-What is the largest ocean in the world?

• The Pacific Ocean

4-List the continents from the largest to the smallest.

1- Asia.
2- Africa.
3- North America.
4- South America.
5- Antarctica.
6- Europe.
7- Australia.

5-List the oceans from the largest to the smallest.

1- The Pacific Ocean.

2- Atlantic Ocean.
3- Indian Ocean.
4- Southern Ocean.
5- Arctic Ocean.

6-What does GPS stand for?

The Global Positioning System. It was originally intended for military applications.

7- What are the cardinal directions?

1. North 2. South

3. West 4. East

8- What are the intermediate directions?
1. Northwest 2. Southwest

3. Northeast 4. Southeast

9-What are the main objects that orbit the sun directly?
The eight planets.

10- What are the other smaller objects that orbit the sun?
Dwarf planets and small Solar System bodies such as comets and asteroids.

11- What is the name of our galaxy?

Milky Way Galaxy.

12- Earth, the ____________ planet from the sun, is the only planet known to have
_____________and the only one with ______________on its surface. Complete.
Third - living beings – water.

13- The atmosphere of Earth is mostly made of __________,

_________and_____________. Complete.
Nitrogen – oxygen - carbon dioxide.

14. What do astronauts call the Earth?

The Blue Marble.

15- Earth is perfectly round. (True/False)


16. What does Earth look like from space?

From space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls and areas of brown, yellow, green and white.

17- GPS was originally intended for _________ applications. Complete.


18-Subscription fees should be paid if you want to use GPS. (TRUE/FALSE)


19-It takes __________ hours for the world to turn all the way around itself, and we call
this a___________. Complete.
24 – day.

20- How many seasons are in a year?

Four seasons

21- What is the coldest season?


22- In which season the leaves of the trees turn into different colours?

23- What is the hottest season?


24- What are the four elements of maps?

1. The title of the map is the basic clue as to what information you are likely to find on the map.

2. A map key tells you what each symbol stands for.

3. A compass rose shows the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west).

4. A scale helps you find the actual distances between points shown on the map.

25- What are symbols of maps?

They are pictures or shapes drawn on maps to represent real things.

26- Which element of maps helps you understand the symbols?

Map key


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