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How many languages?

How many languages belong to each of us?

All of us are born from human relationships and we form our identities though relationships and meetings with other
people: none of us is ever the same as anyone else. Each of us possesses a unique set of experiences: where we are born,
where our parents come from, where we went to school, who our friends are, what we most like to do and so forth. Our
linguistic identities are also unique: various languages live in each of us (mother tongue, school languages, community
languages, languages learned for pleasure or work, languages of our grandparents but lost to us). All of these languages
partake of our linguistic culture and, by extension, that of the territory in which we live.
The questionnaire we are asking you to complete is meant to collect data about linguistic cultures, and encourage reflection
about the languages of your community and geographic area, and how these languages relate with each other.
The questionnaire is an integral part of the course, Istituzioni di Storia della Lingua (Introduction to the History of the Italian
Language) and the EUROTALES Permanent Laboratory. The data is collected solely for teaching and study purposes; your
names will not be published.

First Name:

Last Name:



Age: 11-18 18-30 31-50 51-70 70+

Sex: F M other I prefer not to respond

Place of Birth:

Place of Residence:

Places of Past Residence (of at least 5 years):

Mother tongue (the first language you learned as a child, even if you don’t know it

Parents’ mother tongues:

Grandparents’ mother tongues spoken by :
Maternal grandmother:
Maternal grandfather:
Paternal grandmother:
Paternal grandfather:

Language(s) used in your family:

Language(s) you use with your friends:

Language(s) you normally use outside of your immediate circle of friends and family:

Language(s) used at school for instruction:

Language(s) classes taken at school:

Other languages:

Education level: university degree

high school degree
middle school
elementary school

Which of your languages would you never abandon, and why?

Talk to us in one or all of your languages (audio max 60 secs).

Data collected by:

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