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a SAR e Mm ritime io oe vre be a emetic TURMERIC Turmeric (Curuma long L.) is a herbaceous root commonly used for food seasoning as well as for medicinal purposes. Turmeric has a long history of medicinal use in Asian countries and is used in root, oil, and powder forms. Its medicinal value is mainly due to its content of curcumin (diferuloy! methane) , with attributed medical properties including anti-inflammatory , anticarcinogenic , antioxidant , and wound- healing effects. Curcumin has also been reported to have promise for development of therapies for Alzheimer’s disease. SOME COMMON ADULTERANTS USED IN TURMERIC Due to the increase in demand in consumers the producers are trying to Keep up the production but by adulterated Turmeric powders using different methods and these have several health effects. Aniline dye- Cancer Yellow Lead Salts- Cancer Metanil Yellow- Cancer and Toxicity Chalk- Indigestion Tapioca Starch- Stomach disorder HOW TO DETECT ADULTERANTS IN TURMERIC POWDER Chemical and Microscopic Turmeric Tests To detect the presence of aniline dyes: To a sample of turmeric powder few drops of water is added. To it 5 ml of spirit is added. Immediate disappearance of yellow colour indicates the presence of aniline dye. To detect the presence of chalk: 2 g of turmeric powder is taken in a test tube. Few drops of water and then few drops of Hydrochloric acid is added to it. Effervescence will indicate the presence of chalk. To detect the presence of Metanil yellow: A few drops of hydrochloric acid in a pinch of turmeric will also help you understand whether it has Metanil yellow. Add some water and shake the mixture as vigorously as you can. If you see the mixture to turn pink, then rest assured that it contains this unwanted additive. Chalk Test Metanil Yellow Test e To detect the presence of starch of maize, wheat and rice: Microscopic view reveals that pure turmeric is yellow in colour and bigger in size. e To detect Lead Chromate : ‘There is emerging attention for adulteration of turmeric with the vibrant yellow, toxic and carcinogenic compound lead chromate. Lead chromate is successfully detected form samples adulterated with 0.5% or higher using spectroscopic technique like Raman Spectroscopy . “ aibnennnbeeasrten e Visual, Physical and Smell Tests ¢@ The colour test: In loose powder, the one sure way to check its genuineness is to inspect its physical and visual appearance. This can be tricky sometimes. But if you buy from known and trusted sellers you are less likely to be cheated. The colour of good Lakadong turmeric is a fluorescent deep orange to bright yellow. If the colour is somewhat lighter or dull yellow in shade chances are it is of lower quality or purity. © The palm test: Put a pinch of turmeric powder on the palm of your left hand. With your right thumb rub the powder for a few seconds. The good powder will stick to your palm, leaving a deep bright orange tint on it. Now tilt your left palm sideways perpendicular to the ground. Much of the powder will remain stuck on your palm. If more of it falls it may have been mixed with other ingredients like chalk. The colour test The palm test © The smell test: Good turmeric powder will have a distinct, but mild, earthy aroma and turmeric users will immediately recognize a gingery and orangey scent in it. Bad turmeric will not emit such an aroma. Rather it might have some indistinct smell that doesn’t quite give the flavour of turmeric. This may be mixed with some adulterant like talc or corn flour or with some very poor quality turmeric. © Turmeric Water test (for foreign ingredients): At home, you can take a level teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it toa glass tumbler of lukewarm water, without stirring. Let it stand for about 15-20 minutes to settle down. Tf the turmeric is genuine it will settle at the bottom and the water will be clear. But if there are foreign ingredients the water will cloud. Water Test CHILL POWDER Chilli powder, a powdered spice mix comprise of chilli peppers, either red peppers or cayenne peppers, has become the basic ingredient in majority of cuisine. It is used as a spice to add pungency and flavor to culinary dishes. In American English, the spelling is usually "chili"; in British English, "chilli" is used consistently. Another dangerous adulterant that may be added to red chilli powder is a chemical called Rhodamine B. Rhodamine B is a by-product of the process of extraction of chilli oil. It is poisonous and harmful to humans. When mixed with oil and dried, it forms a mixture that looks precisely like red chilli powder. This powder is meant to be used as an additive in furnaces. However, there have been reports of same being mixed with and sold as chilli powder in parts of AP. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF CHILLI POWDER e Besides adding an extra kick to the food, these species of capsicum annuum are also used in ayurvedic medicines to fight many diseases. Chillics are an excellent source of vitamin, A, B, C and E with minerals like molybdenum, manganese, folate, potassium, thiamin, and copper.They contain seven times more Vitamin C than orange. e They are helpful in clearing nasal congestion, relieves throat infection, and acts as painkiller in muscle spasms. Besides this, chilli powder also helps in destroying harmful toxins and stimulating gastric juices that help in digesting food. SOME COMMON ADULTERANTS USED IN CHILLI POWDER Chilli powder is an integral part of the Indian cuisine. The spice is used to add a strong flavour and pungency to the dishes. Additionally, the beautiful colour obtained by adding it is worth the sight! But in spite of this, chilli powder is most prone to adulteration. These adulterants can cause significant harm to the body which can lead to life-threatening diseases in the long run. Table-1 Disorders caused due to _adultered chilli powder | spice | Adulterant Disease/disorder 1.Chilli Powder | Brick Stomach disorder Lead soluble dust Metal toxicity/ cancer/ lead poisoning rece eoeer | Oil soluble tar Heart disease,tumor,damage to liver HOW TO DETECT ADULTERANTS IN CHILLI POWDER METHODOLOGY: The methods adopted for detection of adulterants are given below- 8 random samples are collected and the following methods are referred to check adulteration CHILLI POWDER: a. To detect the presence of red lead salts: Dilute nitric acid is added to the sample of chilli powder. The solution is filtered. Next 2 drops of Potassium Iodide is added to the filtrate. Formation of yellow coloured precipitate indicates the presence of red lead salts. b. To detect the presence of oil soluble coal tar: 2 g of chilli powder is taken in a test tube. Few ml of ether solvent is added and the test tube is shaken well. Ether layer is decanted into a test tube containing 2 ml of dilute Hydrochloric acid. It is shaken properly.Distinct pink to red colour of the lower acid layer will indicate the presence of oil soluble coal tar c.To detect the presence of brick powder: Chilli powder is added in a beaker containing water. Brick powder settles down while pure chilli powder floats. d. To detect the presence of Rhodamine B: 2 g of chilli powder is taken in a test tube.5 ml of acetone is added. Immediate red colouration indicates the presence of Rhodamine B Presence of Rhodamine B Presence of brick powder ETE NT = tatbens eS REFERENCES e — e Detection of Food Adulterants in Chilli, Turmeric and Coriander Powders by Physical and Chemical Methods et,al.Sourish Sen (2017). e = https://www.v: e — https://www. researthgate} net/publication/322759028_Detection_of_food_adulterants_in_chilli_turmeri c_and_coriander_powders_by_physical_and_chemical_methods

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