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INT. Unknown.


A long shot of the crew on a ship sailing towards an unknown

island stands in front of them menacingly.

Character 1
How have we managed to end up here, I thought the wind was
going north?

Character 2
I’d imagine that the winds direction changed throughout the
night sending us here.

Character 1
Well that explains that doesn’t it!

While they talk the boat crashes into the islands sand below
quaking the entire crew leading a few of them to fall out,
splashing a few of their crew in the process

Character 1
Well now we’re soaked eh character 2

Character 2
Seems like we have sunk eh captain?

Character 3
Seems like we have crashed on land gang!

Character 1+2
Thanks for pointing out the obvious!

as they get out of the boat the camera zooms far out to
showcase the front of the island on where they are stranded
on. Title sequence starts here

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