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ENGLISH (22101)

Assign. no Title of Assignment Objective

1 Construct sentences using correct prepositions. To formulate grammatically correct sentences by using relevant prepositions.
2 Rewrite sentences using relevant forms of verbs To rewrite sentences using correct forms of verbs
3 Change the voice from active to passive and vice — To transform the sentences from to active voice to passive voice and passive
versa voice to active voice.
4 Change the narration from direct to indirect and To convert the sentences from to direct to indirect and indirect to direct.
vice —versa
5 Repeat words on Language Lab software after To develop the pronunciation and accent pattern of communicative English
listening to them
6 Deliver oral presentations using correct grammar To deliver presentations using correct grammar
7 Write short paragraphs emphasizing on syntax To compose paragraphs on different topics.
8 Enact a role play To dramatize a roleplay.
9 Construct sentences using idioms To construct sentences using idioms
10 Use correct pronunciations and voice modulation To practice correct pronunciation and voice modulation while reading articles
while reading articles from different sources. from different sources.
11 Deliver prepared speeches on the given topics To prepare and deliver the speeches on given topics.
12 Repeat dialogues on Language Lab software after To prepare and perform dialogues on various situations.
listening to them

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