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18 Colibacillosis

H. John Barnes, Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, and W. B. Gross

INTRODUCTION break of diarrheal disease was associated with contami-

nated turkey meat (15, 60, 90, 238). Clonally related,
Definitions and Synonyms Shiga toxin-producing E. coli infected between 6—16% of
Colibacillosis refers to any localized or systemic infection
urban pigeons. Infection was significantly higher in
caused entirely or partly by avian pathogenic Escherichia
young pigeons than older pigeons (17.9% versus 8.2%).
coli (APEC), including colisepticemia, coligranuloma
These findings indicate that pigeons represent a natural
(Hjarre’s disease), air sac disease (chronic respiratory dis-
reservoir for the organism and that it could potentially
ease, CRD), coliform cellulitis (inflammatory process),
represent a health hazard to people (49, 164, 223). Infec-
swollen-head syndrome, coliform peritonitis, coliform
tion of cattle with E. coli O157 in Scotland was epidemio-
salpingitis, coliform osteomyelitis/synovitis (turkey
logically linked to contact with wild geese (244).
osteomyelitis complex), coliform panophthalmitis, and
Functional receptors for heat-stable enterotoxin occur
coliform omphalitis/yolk sac infection. Lesions alone
throughout the avian intestinal tract (136). However,
should not be used to infer an E. coli infection without the
serotypes associated with diarrheal disease in humans and
descriptor “coliform” being added, because other oppor-
strains that produce both heat-labile and heat-stable
tunistic bacteria can behave similarly to E. coli in sec-
enterotoxins have been isolated infrequently from chick-
ondary infections. Colibacillosis in mammals is most
ens (3, 23).
often a primary enteric disease; whereas colibacillosis in
Characteristics of virulent E. coli in birds and other
poultry is typically a localized or systemic disease occur-
animals often are shared, and avian strains potentially
ring secondarily when host defenses have been impaired
can be a source of genes and plasmids that encode for
or overwhelmed by virulent E. coli strains (13).
antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors (41, 140).
For reviews on colibacillosis in poultry see references
Antibiotic resistance of fecal E. coli was greater in broilers
14, 56, and 98.
and turkeys that received antibiotics relatively frequently
compared to layers that had little exposure to antibiotics.
Economic Significance Similar antibiotic resistance patterns were present in E.
Collectively, infections caused by E. coli are responsible coli isolated from people who worked with these birds,
for significant economic losses to the poultry industry. and, in some instances, specific strains were shared
Colibacillosis is the most frequently reported disease in among the birds and workers. These findings indicate that
surveys of poultry diseases or condemnations at process- transmission of resistant organisms or plasmids from
ing. For example, 43% of broiler carcasses condemned for poultry to people is common (254).
disease at processing had lesions consistent with colisep-
ticemia (279).
Public Health Significance Mortality of fowls and isolation of a bacterium from
Most APEC isolated from poultry are pathogenic only for heart, liver, and spleen that was consistent with E. coli was
birds and represent a low risk of disease for people or first reported by Lignieres in 1894 (200). Following experi-
other animals (34). However, chickens are susceptible to mental inoculation, the isolate was virulent for pigeons,
colonization with E. coli O157:H7, an important Shiga variably virulent for chickens depending on dose and
toxin-producing, enterohemorrhagic pathogen of route of administration, and not virulent for guinea pigs
humans, and a low occurrence of natural infection has or rabbits. Subsequently, diseases in grouse, pigeons,
been found in both chickens and turkeys in different geo- swans, turkeys, quail, and additional chicken flocks asso-
graphic areas (101, 117, 209). Contamination of chicken ciated with a similar organism were documented between
meat with this organism can occur, and a food-borne out- 1894 and 1922 (200).

The first description of colisepticemia was published in Table 18.1. Diagnostic characteristics of Escherichia coli (14).
1907 based on chickens dying from a cholera-like disease
while being transported. It was concluded that, “Bacterium
Rod (bacillus) shape
(Escherichia) coli may, under certain conditions, take on Non-sporeforming
the ability to leave the intestines, become virulent, and MacConkey agar () Pink colonies, precipitate
cause a septicemia in hens, especially if their resistance Tergitol-7 agar () Yellow colonies
has been weakened by hunger, thirst, cold, or lack of good EMB agar () Dark colonies, metallic sheen
Motility (v)
ventilation” (200).
Catalase ()
Infectious enteritis characterized by birds “going light” Oxidase ()
(infectious asthenia) and paralysis from which E. coli Nitrates-7 nitrites ()
could be isolated was described in 1923 (200). In 1938, a Gelatin ()
pullorum-like disease caused losses of 15—40% in chicks Hydrogen sulfide ()
Indole ()
less than 10 days of age that came from the same hatch-
Methyl red ()
ery. The chicks had pericarditis, perihepatitis, and white Voges-Proskauer ()
spots on the liver. E. coli was isolated from tissues. Poor Citrate (Simmons) ()
incubation resulting in weak chicks was identified as the Urease ()
reason for their susceptibility to infection (46). KCN medium ()
Lysine decarboxylase ()
Between 1938 and 1965, coligranuloma (Hjarre’s dis-
Ornithine decarboxylase (v)
ease) and the role of E. coli in a variety of lesions including Phenylalanine deaminase ()
air sac disease, arthritis, plantar abscesses (bumblefoot), Glucose ()
omphalitis, panophthalmitis, peritonitis, and salpingitis Lactose ()
were identified and described. E. coli infections following Mannitol ()
Dulcitol (v)
vaccination or natural virus infections were also docu-
Sucrose (v)
mented (231). Salicin (v)
Adonitol ()
Inositol ()
() growth or reaction occurs.
The etiology of colibacillosis is Escherichia coli. Other () growth or reaction does not occur.
infectious agents and noninfectious factors usually predis- (v) reaction or character is variable among isolates.
pose an animal to infection. A related species, E. fergusonii,
has been isolated from turkeys, but its role as a potential
Growth Requirements
pathogen is unknown (73).
E. coli grows on ordinary nutrient media at temperatures
of 18—44°C or lower. Generation time and number of
Classification organisms during a specific time period are related to tem-
Escherichia is the type genus of the family Enterobacteri-
perature (Table 18.2).
aceae, which is composed of organisms that can grow aer-
obically or anaerobically and use simple carbon and Colony Morphology
nitrogen sources (18, 71). On agar plates incubated for 24 hours at 37°C, colonies
E. coli is the type species of the genus Escherichia. Addi- are low, convex, smooth, and colorless. Colonies are
tional species have been assigned to the genus, but E. coli bright pink and surrounded by a precipitate on Mac-
occurs most commonly and is most important as a Conkey’s agar, have a dark green-black metallic sheen on
pathogen. The genus Escherichia is most closely related to eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar, and are yellow on tergi-
the genus Shigella.

Name and Synonyms. Escherichia coli initially was Table 18.2. Effect of temperature on generation time and
named Bacterium (Bacillus) coli commune, which was short- numbers of Escherichia coli that could develop within 24 hours in
ened and modified to B. coli before being given its present the absence of limits on growth (nutrition, accumulation of
inhibiting substances, etc.).
name by Castellani and Chalmers in 1919 (71). It is typi-
cal of bacterial species within the family Enterobacteri- Temperature
aceae (14). Diagnostic characteristics of the organism are Generation
(°F) (°C) time (hours) No. of E.coli in 24 hours
presented in Table 18.1.
32 0.4 20 2
40 4.4 6 8
Morphology and Staining 50 10.0 3 128
E. coli is a gram-negative, non-acid-fast, uniform staining, 60 15.6 2 2,048
non-spore-forming bacillus, usually 2—3  0.6 µm. The 70 21.1 1 8,388,608
organism may be variable in size and shape. Most strains 80 26.7 0.75 3,435,973,800
are motile and have peritrichous flagella. In one study 90 32.2 0.50 24,073,749,000,000
100 37.8 0.30 236,118,320,000,000,000,000
(226), 57% of 607 isolates were motile.

tol-7 agar. They are usually 1—3 mm in diameter with O (Somatic) Antigen. The O antigen is the endotoxin
granular structure and an entire margin. Rough colonies liberated following lysis of smooth cells. It is composed of
are larger with irregular margins. In contrast to the fre- a polysaccharide-phospholipid complex with a protein
quent occurrence of hemolysis by mammalian pathogenic fraction resistant to boiling. Methods for preparation and
E. coli on blood agar, this is not a common characteristic use of O antisera, which agglutinate antigen at high titers
of avian isolates. E. coli rapidly produces turbidity in broth (usually more than 1:2560) when the antigen-antibody
cultures. mixture is incubated at 50°C for 24 hours, have been
described (274).
Biochemical Properties
Acid and gas are produced in glucose, maltose, mannitol, K (Capsular) Antigen. K antigens are polymeric acids
xylose, glycerol, rhamnose, sorbitol, and arabinose but containing 2% reducing sugars that are associated with
not in dextrin, starch, or inositol. Sorbitol MacConkey virulence, are on the surface of the cell, interfere with O
agar is useful for distinguishing E. coli O157:H7 from agglutination, and can be removed by heating for 1 hour
other E. coli because it does not ferment sorbitol. Most iso- at 100°C. A few strains require heating for 2.5 hours at
lates ferment lactose, but negative strains, which must be 121°C. On the basis of heat stability, K antigens are subdi-
differentiated from Salmonella, occasionally are isolated. vided into L, A, and B forms. Antisera are prepared in rab-
Fermentation of adonitol, sucrose, salicin, raffinose, and bits by inoculating live organisms intravenously. Tube
dulcitol is variable. E. coli produces indole, a positive agglutination titers are determined by incubating antigen-
methyl red reaction and reduces nitrate to nitrite. Voges- antibody mixtures at 37°C for 2 hours and overnight at
Proskauer and oxidase reactions are negative and hydro- 4°C. Titers are low (1:100—1:400). Most of these antigens
gen sulfide is not produced on Kligler’s iron medium. It can be identified by the slide agglutination test using
does not grow in the presence of potassium cyanide, appropriately diluted serum (274).
hydrolyze urea (urease negative), liquefy gelatin, or grow
H (Flagellar) Antigen. To examine for H antigens, iso-
in citrate medium. Biochemical tests can be used to distin-
lates must be grown under conditions that promote
guish E. coli from other Escherichia species (18) and bacte-
motility. H antigens are not often used in antigenic iden-
ria in the family Enterobacteriaceae (71). E. coli isolates
tification of E. coli isolates and are not correlated with
from poultry have biochemical properties similar to those
pathogenicity. They are proteins that are destroyed by
from other sources (143).
heating to 100°C. Tube agglutination tests are read after
incubation at 50°C for 2 hours (274).
Susceptibility to Chemical and Physical Agents
E. coli possesses no unique resistance capabilities and has F (Pilus) Antigen. F antigens are involved in attachment
a susceptibility pattern to chemical and physical agents to cells. They are expressed variably depending on the
typical of vegetative, gram-negative bacteria. Tempera- environment in which the organism is growing both in
tures between 60—70°C at times of 30 to 2 minutes, respec- vitro and in vivo. Pili are classified as being mannose sensi-
tively, will inactivate a majority of strains. Thorough tive or mannose resistant depending on whether or not
precleaning and/or the presence of a germicide enhance agglutination is inhibited or unaffected respectively when
thermal inactivation. The organism survives freezing and mannose is present. A variety of tests have been devel-
persists for extended periods at cold temperatures. Ther- oped for detecting fimbrial antigens (274).
mal inactivation in litter to achieve a 90% reduction in
the number of bacteria is dependent on time and temper- Strain Classification
ature ranging from 1—2 days at 37°C to 6—22 weeks at 4°C. Serotypes. Surveys have been made in many parts of the
Inactivation in litter is slower in the presence of high world to determine serotypes most frequently associated
moisture and more rapid when free ammonia is present with diseases caused by E. coli. Variations according to
(118). Reproduction of most strains is inhibited by a pH of geographic region occur, but in most studies the common
less than 4.5 or greater than 9, but the organism is not serotypes have been O1, O2, O35, and O78 (115, 231).
killed. Organic acids are more effective than inorganic Many other serotypes have been found less frequently,
acids at inhibiting growth. Similarly, a salt concentration and some pathogenic isolates do not belong to known
of 8.5% will prevent growth but not inactivate the organ- serotypes or are untypeable. A recent study compared the
ism (16). A stabilized chlorine dioxide product is highly serotypes of 458 E. coli isolates from chickens with col-
effective as a water disinfectant (203). ibacillosis with 167 isolates from healthy chickens. Sixty-
two different O-types were found among the strains that
Antigenic Structure were typeable. Only 15% of the strains belonged to the
Various serotypes of E. coli are classified according to the serogroups O1, O2, O35, O36, and O78 that have been
Ewing scheme (71). Knowledge about the antigenic struc- associated previously with avian colibacillosis. Several iso-
ture of E. coli and its relationship to other species has been lates from diseased birds belonged to 5 serogroups (O18,
reviewed (231). Currently, 167 O, 74 K, 53 H, and 17 F O81, O115, O116, O132), which have not previously been
antigens are recognized (149). Rough strains autoaggluti- associated with colibacillosis. It was suggested that this
nate and cannot be serotyped. might signal the emergence of new pathogenic serotypes.

Although serotypes from diseased birds were significantly Table 18.3. Factors that may correlate with virulence of
different from serotypes from healthy birds, intestinal Escherichia coli for poultry. See also 56.
infection of healthy birds with serotypes isolated from
Factora References
diseased birds still occurred frequently (24).
Multiple virulence factors (6, 23, 89, 128, 129,
Other Characteristics. In addition to serotyping, iso- 134, 161, 191, 202)
lates of E. coli can be further characterized by antibiotic Genetically related clonal groups (39, 157, 191, 264)
Certain O serotypes (24, 43, 115, 231)
resistance, toxigenicity, presence of adhesins including K1 and K80 capsular antigens (32, 266)
piliation, cell attachment, hemagglutination, lysogeny Adonitol fermentation (218)
(phage typing), and occurrence of plasmids. DNA probes Antibiotic resistance (41, 269)
and polymerase chain reactions have been developed to Congo red dye uptake (17, 239)
detect specific genes important in virulence (149, 274). Presence of large plasmids (57, 86, 257, 266, 269)
Colicin production (esp. ColV) (257, 271)
Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is a Presence of siderophores (aerobactin) (32, 128, 141, 257,
rapid, cost-effective procedure for determining clonal 266, 269)
types of E. coli in epidemiologic studies (39, 157). It is less Fimbria (54, 61, 62, 63, 103,
costly and quicker than molecular fingerprinting using 128, 138, 210, 212,
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis 240, 256, 269, 273,
(157). RAPD analysis of 55 isolates revealed 50 subtypes in Non-fimbrial adhesins (240)
3 clusters. It was not helpful in discriminating pathogenic Motility (269)
and nonpathogenic isolates (39). Sixteen different RAPD Outer membrane proteins (traT, iss) (37, 76, 122, 195, 206)
types were identified in a collection of isolates from dis- Smooth lipopolysaccharide (272)
eased and healthy poultry in Georgia. Differences in the (endotoxin)
Cell adherence (esp. avian cells) (32, 278)
types were discovered but, with the exception of one Complement resistance (37, 194, 196, 257,
RAPD type that occurred only in diseased chickens and 269, 272)
accounted for 23% of the isolates, the differences were not Resistance to phagocytosis or killing (12)
absolute. Also, RAPD types did not correlate with antibi- Hemagglutinins (64, 237)
otic resistance profiles (157). Multilocus enzyme elec- Enterotoxins (STx,VTx,LT,ST) (3, 70)
Cytopathic toxins (84, 201)
trophoresis identified specific genotypes, which Hemolysins (170, 216)
demonstrated that relatively few clonal types are responsi- Invasion of cells and tissues (257)
ble for different forms of colibacillosis in chickens and Persistence in circulation or tissues (12, 55)
turkeys in widespread geographic areas. Virulence varied a
No single factor identifies all virulent strains and conflicting
little among isolates within a clonal group but varied con- correlations between most factors and virulence occasionally
siderably between clonal groups (264). Pulsed-field gel have been found.
electrophoresis permitted fingerprinting of E. coli isolates
from chickens with cellulitis. Specific types of the organ-
ism were found consistently associated with farms and literature that exists is beyond the scope of this chapter,
successive flocks (228, 229). but a summary is provided in Table 18.3. See also refer-
ence 56.
Virulence Factors Other than ability to cause mortality in embryos or
Pathogenic and nonpathogenic isolates of E. coli are simi- chicks (268), no single virulence factor has been identified
lar in biochemical characteristics and drug sensitivities that will distinguish all pathogenic strains from nonpath-
(43, 218). Hemolysins, heat-stable toxins, metabolic activ- ogenic isolates. An embryo lethality test can be used to
ity, motility, R-plasmids, and phage resistance generally test avian E. coli isolates for virulence. Eleven 12-day-old
do not correlate with virulence (114, 115, 227, 257, 270). chicken embryos are inoculated via the allantoic cavity
Colicins (129) and type I fimbriae (128) are often identi- with 100 cfu of the test organism. Two-day mortality is
fied in APEC. Iron-acquiring capabilities also appear to be 610% for nonvirulent strains, 10—29% for intermediate
important (128). strains, and 729% for virulent strains (268). Resistance to
A number of potential virulence factors have been complement (serum resistance), which may be mediated
identified in APEC strains isolated from diseased birds, but by presence of K1 capsular antigen and is related to the iss
their role in causing disease is not completely understood. (increased serum survival) gene (76, 122, 206), correlates
Many are known virulence factors for colibacillosis in well with virulence of most strains (194, 196, 269, 272).
mammals. Characterization of virulence factors in experi- Virulent strains can persist in the intestinal tract longer
mental studies can provide insights into the pathogenesis and in greater numbers than avirulent ones, which may
of colibacillosis (128). Numerous studies have been pub- be related to colicin production (145, 271).
lished based on direct demonstration of the virulence fac- Seventy-four (48%) of 154 E. coli serotypes caused peri-
tor by biological or immunological methods or carditis and mortality in 3-week-old chicks following
identifying the presence of the genes that encode for the inoculation of air sacs and/or death of 13-day-old
virulence attribute. A comprehensive review of the vast embryos following allantoic inoculation (226).

Toxins. In addition to endotoxin, a structural compo- indicative of fecal contamination. Among normal chick-
nent of the organism’s cell wall, pathogenic E. coli can ens, 10—15% of intestinal coliforms belong to potentially
elaborate several toxins that are important in disease. pathogenic serotypes (111). Intestinal strains are not nec-
Avian pathogenic E. coli tend to be less toxigenic than essarily the same serotype as those from the pericardial
mammalian pathogenic E. coli (23, 161). This difference sac of the same bird. Egg transmission of pathogenic E.
may be due to the lack of toxin production or that toxins coli is common and can be responsible for high chick
produced by avian strains are not detectable with tests for mortality. Pathogenic coliforms are more frequent in the
toxins produced by mammalian strains. The type of toxin gut of newly hatched chicks than in the eggs from which
an organism produces defines the type of pathogen (188). they hatched (112), suggesting rapid spread after hatch-
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), typified by O157, pro- ing. The most important source of egg infection seems to
duce Shiga or Shiga-like toxins (Stx), which are also be fecal contamination of the egg surface with subsequent
known as verocytotoxins (VT) because of the effect they penetration of the shell and membranes. Coliform bacte-
have on Vero cells. These isolates are also referred to as ria can be found in litter and fecal matter. Dust in poultry
Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC). Enterotoxigenic E. houses may contain 105—106 E. coli/g. These bacteria per-
coli (ETEC) produce heat stable (ST) and/or heat labile (LT) sist for long periods, particularly under dry conditions
enterotoxins, which cause acute diarrhea. LT is closely (110). There was a reduction of 84—97% in 7 days follow-
related to cholera toxin produced by Vibrio cholerae. ing wetting of dust with water. Feed is often contaminated
Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enteroinvasive (EIEC) are with pathogenic coliforms, but hot pelleting processes
characterized by the absence of specific toxins and either can destroy these. Rodent droppings frequently contain
their ability to bind or invade enterocytes respectively. pathogenic coliforms. Pathogenic serotypes can also be
Subtypes of toxins have been identified, and there are introduced into poultry flocks through contaminated well
other, less-well known toxins including cytotoxins (201, water (173).
221) and hemolysins (170, 216).

Adhesins. Another group of virulence factors are PATHOBIOLOGY

adhesins, which may be fimbrial or nonfimbrial. The role
Natural and Experimental Hosts
of fimbria in causing colibacillosis in poultry is unclear.
Most, if not all avian species, are susceptible to colibacillo-
Fimbria can undergo phase variation depending on the
sis. Clinical disease is reported most often in chickens,
types present on the organism and tissue being colonized.
turkeys, and ducks. Collectively, the various forms of col-
F1 fimbria, but not P(F11) fimbria, are expressed during
ibacillosis are considered to be the most common infec-
initial colonizing of tracheal epithelial cells, whereas P
tious disease of broiler chickens and turkeys. Natural
fimbrial are expressed later when the organism is in the
infections of quail (8, 77, 282), pheasant (243), pigeons
lower respiratory tract or body tissues. Bacteria were
(27, 49, 223), guinea fowl (28, 107), waterfowl (19, 20, 26,
rapidly killed by macrophages when they were expressing
144), ostriches (134, 248, 263), and emus (119, 267) have
F1 fimbria (210, 212).
been reported.
A significant nonfimbrial adhesin is intimin produced
Susceptibility and severity of infection are greatest in
by the eae (E.coli attaching and effacing)-gene that is
young birds, including developing embryos (108, 130, 162).
found in EHEC and EPEC. It permits the bacterial cell to
adhere to the surface of the enterocyte, which causes a Host Susceptibility Factors. Compared with bacterial
characteristic attaching and effacing lesion. Organisms virulence factors, host susceptibility and resistance factors
producing this type of lesion are known as attaching are probably a greater determinant of colibacillosis occur-
effacing E. coli (AEEC). rence (Tables 18.4, 18.5). Normal, healthy birds with
A novel avian respiratory soluble lectin, distinct from intact defenses are remarkably resistant to naturally
pulmonary collectins and ficolins, that binds with surface occurring E. coli exposure including virulent strains. Infec-
polysaccharides of pathogenic E. coli (serogroups O2 and tion occurs when skin or mucosal barriers are compro-
O78) has been discovered in air-sac fluids of turkeys. Its mised (e.g., unhealed navel, wounds, mucosal damage
role, if any, in colibacillosis has yet to be defined (260). from viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections, lack of normal
flora, etc.), the mononuclear-phagocytic system is
impaired (e.g., viral infections, toxins, nutritional defi-
ciencies), there is immunosuppression (e.g., viral infec-
The various serotypes of E. coli are intestinal inhabitants tions, toxins), exposure is overwhelming (e.g.,
of animals including humans and probably infect most environmental contamination, poor ventilation, contam-
mammals and birds; therefore, they have a cosmopolitan inated water), or birds are exposed to abnormal stress (too
distribution. E. coli is a common inhabitant in the intesti- little or too much). Effective control of colibacillosis
nal tracts of poultry at concentrations up to 106/g. Higher depends on identifying and eliminating the predisposing
numbers are found in younger birds, birds without an causes of the disease.
established normal flora, and in the lower intestinal tract Infection with infectious bronchitis virus in chickens
(58, 145, 271). Its presence in drinking water is considered (44, 85, 178, 230), infection with hemorrhagic enteritis

Table 18.4. Factors known or suspected to increase host sus- Table 18.5. Factors known or suspected to decrease host sus-
ceptibility to Escherichia coli infections in poultry. See also 14. ceptibility to Escherichia coli infections in poultry. See also 14.

Factor References Factor

Viruses Immunity Nutrition

Adenovirus (Type 1) (51, 52, 119, 218, 258) Passive Protein
Avian pneumovirus (4, 154, 253) Active Vitamin A
Chicken infectious anemia virus (215) Immunostimulants (?) Vitamin D
Duck enteritis virus (low virulent) (225) Phagocyte priming ß-carotene
Hemorrhagic enteritis virus (189, 207, 255) Vitamin C
Infectious bronchitis virus (44, 85, 178, 230) Physiologic Vitamin E
Infectious bursal disease virus (179, 186, 218) Genetics High iron-oral
Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (148, 178) Age—older Selenium
Influenza virus (135, 192, 245) Sex—Female
Marek’s disease virus (78) Moderate stress
Newcastle disease virus (96, 181, 207, 208) Socialization
Reovirus (218) Deoxycorticosterone
Turkey coronavirus (102, 187) Intestinal flora
Bordetella avium (74, 120, 207, 252)
Chlamydia psittaci (?) (120)
Clostridium perfringens (?) (168) system increases resistance to subsequent respiratory E.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (96, 181) coli infection (249). Resistance to intra-air sac E. coli chal-
M. meleagridis (163, 192, 208, 219) lenge followed primary NDV vaccination with the Roakin
M. synoviae (152, 235)
strain, which could be prevented by giving the chickens
Ascaridia (larvae) corticosterone (123). Individual survival likely derives
A. dissimilis (197) from utilization of feed-derived resources for antibacterial
A. galli (205) defense rather than growth (99).
Eimeria brunetti (113, 172)
Eimeria tenella (177)
Cryptosporidium baileyi
Transmission, Carriers, and Vectors
Histomonas meleagridis (31, 234) E. coli is present in the intestinal tracts of most animals
Toxins and shed in the feces, often in high numbers. Direct or
Ammonia (171, 199) indirect contact with other animals or feces can introduce
Cyclophosphamide (50, 68, 176) new strains into the poultry flock. Free-living birds are
Iron-parenteral (30)
Mycotoxins (?)
especially important as they are colonized with strains
Physiologic that are already adapted to avian species. E. coli was iso-
Age—young (130, 162) lated readily from passerine birds, especially European
Stress—minimal or severe (126, 156) starlings (166), and free-living waterfowl, especially mal-
Sex—male (124) lard ducks (72).
Fast-growing strains (280)
Trachea, ceca, and oviduct of recovered laying hens
Contaminated water (173) remained persistently colonized for at least 21 weeks after
Dry, dusty conditions (110) either oral or intra-air sac inoculation with pathogenic E.
Feed/water restriction coli. Hens with colonized oviducts continued to lay eggs
Inadequate ventilation of which 2.7% contained the organism. Interestingly, E.
Poor litter conditions
coli was not isolated from the shell surface, even if the
Temperature extremes oviduct was heavily colonized (7).
Larval and adult darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperi-
nus) could contribute to E. coli transmission and its spread
virus in turkeys (189, 207, 255), and exposure of avian among poultry houses and farms following consumption
species to ammonia (171, 199) are the most common of infected larvae or beetles or contact with their feces by
reported factors that predispose to colibacillosis. Interac- the birds. Following exposure, larvae and adults were pos-
tions between infectious bronchitis virus and E. coli have itive for E. coli both externally and internally for up to 12
been studied extensively and used to determine virulence days. The organism was shed in their feces for 6—10 days.
of both organisms and efficacy of vaccination programs Chicks became colonized with E. coli after eating infected
(45, 180). larvae or adults, but the number of infected chicks was
Moderate stress increases resistance, possibly as a result higher when the birds ate larvae (158).
of the development of immunity following contact of
organisms with the immune system (145) or as a result of Pathology
developing and exercising defense mechanisms and main- Immediately after E. coli contacts host tissues, there is an
taining them in a state of readiness (97). Similarly, pro- acute inflammatory response. Acute phase proteins pro-
voking mild, nonspecific inflammation of the respiratory duced in the liver and cytokines IL-1, IL-6, and tumor

necrosis factor increase rapidly following exposure to Table 18.6. Classification of the different types of pathologi-
endotoxin or E. coli and can serve as nonspecific markers cal manifestations of colibacillosis (adapted from reference 13).
(38, 185, 275). Vascular permeability increases, and fluid
and protein accumulate in the tissue. Serous membranes
become wet and edematous, and liquid begins to accumu- Localized Infections
Coliform omphalitis/yolk sac infection
late in body cavities. Chemotactic factors attract het-
Coliform cellulitis (inflammatory process)
erophils, which marginate in post-capillary venules and Swollen head syndrome
emigrate into surrounding tissues (153). Between 6 and 12 Diarrheal disease
hours soft, gelatinous exudate becomes grossly visible. Het- Venereal colibacillosis (acute vaginitis)
erophils can kill E. coli extracellularly by substances such as Salpingitis/peritonitis (adult)
Systemic Infections
-defensins released as they degranulate and die (106).
After 12 hours, there is a gradual shift in inflammatory Respiratory-origin (air-sac disease)
cells from heterophils to macrophages and lymphocytes. Enteric-origin
Exudate continues to accumulate and eventually Neonatal
undergoes caseation to form a firm, dry, yellow, irregular, Layer
cheese-like mass. Microscopically caseous exudate consists
Colisepticemia Sequelae
of heterophilic granulomatous exudate containing vari- Meningitis/Encephalitis
able numbers of embedded bacterial colonies. Exudate is Panophthalmitis
surrounded by a palisade of multinucleated giant cells and Osteomyelitis
macrophages (40). An extended period of time, depend- Spondylitis
ing on the size of the mass of exudate, will be required for
it to be slowly eroded away by the action of surrounding Sternal bursitis
phagocytic cells. Epithelial tissue may be restored if dam- Chronic fibrosing pericarditis (?)
age has not been too severe, but usually there is some Salpingitis (juvenile)
degree of fibrosis, which may be complete (scarring) if tis- Coligranuloma
sue destruction has been extensive. Exudate containing
fibrin may undergo organization eventually being con-
verted to scar tissue. Lesions are inversely related to viru- mal hens contain E. coli. Experimentally inoculated hens
lence (i.e., severe, acute infections result in less change may shed E. coli in up to 26% of their eggs. Pathogenic
compared to milder, subacute, or chronic infections). strains accounted for 43 of 245 isolates from dead
Toxins in cell-free culture filtrates, most likely endo- embryos (108). E. coli was present in yolk sacs of about
toxin, produce the same acute inflammatory response as 70% of chicks with “mushy chick disease” (108). Other
the living organism (50). Phagocytic cells (macrophages) types of bacteria (Proteus spp., Bacillus spp., enterococci,
located primarily in the spleen and liver remove bacteria etc.)(see “Miscellaneous and Sporadic Bacterial Infections”
that gain access to the circulation by phagocytosis (12). in Chapter 24) also can cause omphalitis, although E. coli
Complement and antibodies to O-antigens (endotoxin), is most common.
outer-membrane-proteins (siderophores), and fimbria Some embryos may die before hatching, particularly
serve as opsonins to promote phagocytosis and destruc- late in incubation; others die at or shortly after hatching.
tion of the organism (9, 10, 11). The incidence of birds with omphalitis increases after
Several localized or systemic types of colibacillosis hatching and declines after about 6 days with occasional
have been described in poultry, often based on the tis- losses continuing up to 3 weeks. As few as 10 organisms of
sue(s) affected or disease process (see Table 18.6). serotype O1a:K1:H7 caused 100% mortality in day-old
chicks following yolk sac injection (226). When birds
Localized Forms of Colibacillosis become infected with low virulent strains, there may be
Coliform Omphalitis/Yolk sac Infection. Omphalitis is no embryo or chick mortality, the only manifestation of
an inflammation of the navel (umbilicus). In birds, the infected yolk sacs being retained caseated yolk and
yolk sac usually is involved, too, because of its close reduced weight gain (93).
anatomic relationship. Infection follows contamination Swelling, edema, redness, and possibly small abscesses
of the unhealed navel with virulent strains of E. coli. Fecal characterize acute inflammation of the navel of affected
contamination of eggs is considered to be the most birds. The abdomen is distended, and blood vessels are
important source of infection. Bacteria may be acquired in hyperemic (Figure 18.1B). In severe cases, the body wall
ovo if the hen has oophoritis or salpingitis or via contami- and overlying skin undergo lysis and are wet and dirty.
nation following artificial insemination (109, 162). Yolk These birds are referred to as mushy chicks or poults.
sac infections also can result from translocation of bacte- There may be other nonspecific changes such as dehydra-
ria from the chick’s intestine or from the bloodstream. In tion, visceral gout, emaciation, vent pasting, and/or
these cases, the navel may not be affected. enlarged gall bladder. Yolk is increased because it has not
It is common to recover low numbers of E. coli from been absorbed, and inflammatory products have been
normal yolk sacs. Between 0.5 and 6% of eggs from nor- added. It is abnormal in color, consistency, and smell and

may contain visible exudate. Blood vessels of the yolk sac in the pathogenesis of swollen head syndrome has been
are often prominent (Figure 18.1A). Chicks or poults liv- identified in a high percentage of SHS E. coli isolates (201,
ing more than 4 days may have pericarditis as well as 202). Microscopic lesions include fibrinoheterophilic
infected yolks, indicating systemic spread of the organism inflammation and heterophilic granulomas in the air
from the yolk sac. spaces of the cranial bones, middle ear, and facial skin;
The wall of infected yolk sacs is edematous with mild and lymphoplasmacytic conjunctivitis and tracheitis with
inflammation. There is an outer connective tissue zone formation of germinal centers (127).
followed by a layer of inflammatory cells containing het- Although the pathogenesis of SHS has not been estab-
erophils and macrophages, a layer of giant cells, a zone of lished, conjunctival-associated lymphoid tissue inflamed
necrotic heterophils and masses of bacteria, and then the from virus infection and/or ammonia irritation may serve
inner, abnormal yolk contents. A few plasma cells may be as the site through which bacteria gain access to subcuta-
found in some yolk sacs. neous tissues. Periorbital inflammation typically is seen
Omphalitis and yolk sac infection have been experi- early in the disease, and hyperplastic lymphoid tissue has
mentally reproduced in ducks by exposing eggs to E. coli been shown to be a site where E. coli penetrates mucosal
broth cultures. Dipping eggs at 18 days of incubation surfaces (96). Scarifying the conjunctival mucosa and
resulted in a higher incidence of infection than dipping at instilling a pure culture of E. coli (167), or inoculation of E
1 day. Low brooding temperature or fasting after hatching coli into submucosal or subcutaneous tissues (183), will
increases the incidence of infection and mortality (222). reproduce the disease. Intranasal inoculation of avian
Consequences of yolk sac infections include depriva- pneumovirus and E. coli failed to reproduce the disease
tion of nutrients and maternal antibodies, absorption of (183). SHS did not occur when day-old chicks were inocu-
toxins, and spread of E. coli by extension into the body lated supraconjunctivally with mixtures of avian pneu-
cavity or systemically to produce colisepticemia. Survivors movirus and E. coli, but they did develop clinical disease,
usually are stunted and do poorly. Subsequently, the yolk which was most severe when the chicks received both
sac contracts, but an abscess remains for an extended agents (4).
period. E. coli often persists in the inflamed yolk sac for
Diarrheal Disease. Primary enteritis in poultry caused
weeks or months. Adhesions to intestines or other visceral
by E. coli has been considered rare, if it occurred at all.
organs are common. Rarely, the stalk of the yolk sac will
However, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) that elaborate
loop around the intestine and cause strangulation.
toxins capable of causing fluid accumulation in ligated
Coliform Cellulitis (Inflammatory Process). Cellulitis is intestinal loops of chickens have been recovered from
an inflammation of the subcutis that extends beneath chickens with diarrhea (3, 131). Natural and experimental
normal skin. Cellulitis is rare in mammals but relatively infections of chickens, pigeons, and other avian species
common in birds. It may have many causes, but E. coli with attaching effacing E. coli (AEEC) also have been iden-
infection is most common in chickens. For this reason, tified (13, 82, 241, 258). Infections with infectious bursal
the term cellulitis has been used synonymously with col- disease virus in chickens and adenovirus infection in the
iform cellulitis. However, cellulitis in turkeys is not fre- pigeon were considered possible predisposing factors to
quently associated with E. coli infection (33, 88, 198). AEEC infection.
Because this form of colibacillosis has emerged as a signif- Birds infected with AEEC may have diarrhea and be
icant disease problem in broiler chickens, it is covered dehydrated. Intestines are pale and distended with fluid,
separately below. especially ceca, which are fluid filled and may contain gas.
Bacteria intimately attach to the surface of enterocytes,
Swollen Head Syndrome. Swollen-head syndrome
causing effacement of microvilli, pitting, and pedestal for-
(SHS) is an acute to subacute cellulitis involving the peri-
mation, which are best seen by electron microscopy (Fig.
orbital and adjacent subcutaneous tissues of the head (Fig.
18.3). Lesions are most common in the ceca. Organisms
18.2G). SHS was first described in broilers in South Africa
are identified readily in tissue sections using Giemsa stain
associated with E. coli and an unidentified coronavirus
or by immunohistochemical methods. In turkey poults,
infection (167). The disease subsequently has been
coinfection with turkey coronavirus results in severe
described in most intense poultry-producing areas of the
stunting and very high mortality (102).
world. The disease also affects turkeys and guinea fowl
Attempts to experimentally define a role for E. coli in
(150, 253).
malabsorption syndrome of chickens were not successful
Swelling of the head is caused by inflammatory exu-
(232, 233). In contrast, specific strains of E. coli have been
date beneath the skin that accumulates in response to
associated with poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS)
bacteria, usually E. coli, following upper respiratory viral
(68, 69). Turkey astrovirus, an agent involved in PEMS,
infections (e.g. avian pneumovirus, infectious bronchitis
impairs macrophage function, which could explain the
virus). Ammonia aggravates the disease (65). The portal of
enhanced susceptibility of affected poults to secondary
entry is considered to be the conjunctiva or inflamed
bacterial infections such as colibacillosis (214).
mucous membranes of the sinuses or nasal cavity (184).
Possible infection via the Eustachian tube has also been Venereal Colibacillosis (Acute Vaginitis). Venereal col-
suggested (65). A unique cytotoxin that may be involved ibacillosis is an acute, often fatal, vaginitis that affects
18.1. Colibacillosis. A. Yolk sac infection in a 4-day-old leghorn chick. Yolk sac is distended, hyperemic (note prominent ves-
sels), and filled with abnormal brown, watery contents. B. Omphalitis and yolk sac infection in a group of 3-day-old leghorn
chicks. Navels are inflamed, and yolk sacs are distended with abnormal contents. C. Advanced air sac disease in a 20-day-
broiler chicken. Polyserositis (pericarditis, perihepatitis, peritonitis, and airsacculitis) have occurred as a result of the sys-
temic spread of Escherichia coli. D. Pleuropneumonia and airsacculitis in a broiler chicken caused by E. coli infection. E.
Experimental colibacillosis in a turkey. Extension of inflammation between superficial and deep pectoral muscles from air-
sacculitis involving the interclavicular air sac. Detecting this type of lesion is important during inspection at processing. F.
Microscopic appearance of pneumonia caused by E. coli in a broiler chicken. Exudate fills the lumen of several affected
parabronchi (compare with unaffected parabronchi at the top of the figure). Exudate has expanded some atria. Some atria
have ruptured, permitting the extension of the inflammatory process through the capillary bed into the interstitium. The
process has involved almost all of one lobule with an extension to the adjacent pleural surface. ¥10. G. Pericarditis and green
discoloration of the liver in a turkey that survived the acute septic phase of colibacillosis. Pericardium is thickened, and exu-
date in the pericardial sac is beginning to undergo fibrosis. Green discoloration of the liver can indicate inflammation else-
where in the bird, especially in turkeys. H. Salpingitis in a young bird caused by E. coli. This lesion occurs infrequently but is
often associated with airsacculitis involving the left abdominal air sac. (Figs. A–C courtesy of Dr. Laddie Munger.)
18.2. Colibacillosis. A. Large caseated masses distending the oviduct of this mature laying hen are characteristic of salpingi-
tis caused by Escherichia coli. Salpingitis in the adult female most likely results from an ascending infection from the cloaca.
B. Goose breeder with acute peritonitis. Yolk was demonstrated in the peritoneum, and E. coli was isolated. C. Acute E. coli
septicemia in a turkey. Spleen is enlarged markedly and congested. Note that it is approximately the same size as the proven-
triculus. Liver is also enlarged and congested, and there is evidence of early pericarditis and peritonitis. D. Experimental col-
ibacillosis in a turkey. Liver from a bird that survived the acute septicemic phase has multiple pale foci, which were determined
microscopically to be focal areas of early heterophilic, granulomatous hepatitis. E. Advanced tenosynovitis/arthritis involving
the hock joint and flexor tendons of a lame commercial broiler. E. coli and Staphylococcus spp. were isolated from the lesion.
F. Panophthalmitis affecting the eye of a turkey that survived an earlier episode of colisepticemia. This lesion is uncommon
and affects only one eye. The organism can be isolated from the eye for an extended period after it is no longer present in other
tissues. G. Swollen-head syndrome in a broiler chicken. There is conjunctival inflammation and periorbital swelling due to cel-
lulitis. Evidence of exposure to high ammonia levels and infection with infectious bronchitis virus and E. coli were found in
this flock. H. Avian cellulitis (inflammatory process). Subcutaneous yellow, caseous exudate is present over the abdomen of this
affected bird. (Figs. E and G courtesy of Dr. Laddie Munger.)


18.3. Attaching effacing E. coli bind tightly to the apical surface of enterocytes, destroying the normal brush border.
On light microscopy, the surface epithelium appears irregular, and numerous bacteria can be seen attached to the
affected cells (A). By EM, the organisms characteristically occupy small pits in the cell surface or are on pedestals. The
number of bacteria and extent of brush border effacement can be seen clearly (B). (Courtesy of Dr. H. L. Shivaprasad.)

turkey breeder hens shortly after they are first insemi- shells, and/or membranes. It is malodorous. Extension
nated. Puncturing the hymen of young turkey hens can into the body cavity through the compromised oviduct
lead to a severe localized E. coli infection characterized by wall leads to concurrent peritonitis. Peritonitis in the
vaginitis, cloacal and intestinal prolapse, peritonitis, egg absence of salpingitis can also occur due to free yolk in
binding, and internal laying. The affected mucosa is the body cavity. If E. coli is also present because of an
markedly thickened, ulcerated, and covered with a diph- ascending infection, peritonitis may be severe (100) (Fig.
theritic, caseonecrotic membrane, which causes obstruc- 18.2B). Affected birds cannot produce and lay eggs.
tion of the lower reproductive tract. The upper oviduct is Abdominal laying and misovulated ova may accompany
grossly and histologically normal. Increased mortality and salpingitis and contribute to peritonitis. Microscopically,
culling amounting to as much as 8% of the flock has the tissue reaction in the oviduct is mild, consisting
occurred. Egg production is below normal, and there is an largely of multifocal to diffuse heterophil accumulations
increased number of cull eggs due to small size. No other subjacent to the epithelium.
infectious agents have been identified as contributing to
the disease (83). Systemic Forms of Colibacillosis
Colisepticemia. The presence of E. coli in the blood
Salpingitis/Peritonitis (Adult). Inflammation of the stream characterizes colisepticemia. Virulence of the
oviduct caused by E. coli results in decreased egg produc- organism and efficiency of the host defenses determine
tion and sporadic mortality in laying chickens and breed- the duration, degree, and outcome of the disease, as well
ers. It is one of the most common causes of mortality in as the pattern and severity of lesions (210, 211). Stages
laying hens (21) and affects other types of female birds, through which colisepticemia progresses are acute sep-
especially ducks and geese (20). Salpingitis sometimes is ticemia, subacute polyserositis, and chronic granuloma-
confused with egg binding. Infection occurs when E. coli tous inflammation (40). Altough lesions are typical of
ascends the oviduct from the cloaca. Spread to the colisepticemia, other bacteria capable of producing sep-
oviduct from an airsacculitis is also possible, but this form ticemia also can cause similar changes. Characteristic fea-
of salpingitis occurs more frequently in young birds as tures of colisepticemia at necropsy are tissues that develop
part of a systemic infection. Heavy egg production and a green discoloration following exposure to air and a char-
associated estrogenic activity predispose to salpingitis by acteristic odor, possibly related to indole produced by the
relaxing the sphincter between the vagina and cloaca. organism. The bursa of Fabricius is often atrophic or
Infection can be reproduced by injecting large (109) num- inflammed as a result of colisepticemia. It should not be
bers of bacteria into the reproductive tract. Mucosal infec- interpreted that a small bursa is evidence of a prior
tions with viruses (e.g., infectious bronchitis virus) or immune suppressing disease such as infectious bursal dis-
mycoplasmas also may predispose to salpingitis. The ease (59, 175, 182).
oviduct is distended markedly and thin-walled with single Pericarditis is commonly seen in colisepticemia. It usu-
or multiple masses of caseous exudate in the general form ally is associated with myocarditis and results in marked
of the oviduct (Fig. 18.2A). The mass of exudate may changes in the electrocardiogram (94), often before gross
expand to the point that it fills much of the body cavity. lesions appear. The pericardial sac becomes cloudy, and
Exudate is laminated and often contains a central egg, the epicardium becomes edematous and covered with a

light-colored exudate. Typically, the pericardial sac fills air sacs of susceptible birds. Exposure to chicken-house
with fibrinous exudate (Fig. 18.1C). Microscopically, het- dust and ammonia results in deciliation of the upper res-
erophils are numerous in the epicardium initially, but in piratory tract of birds (171, 199), permitting inhaled E.
less than 24 hours, macrophages become more numerous. coli to colonize and cause respiratory infection.
Within the myocardium, particularly close to the epi- Lesions are prominent in respiratory tissues (trachea,
cardium, there are accumulations of lymphoid cells, and lungs, and air sacs), pericardial sac, and peritoneal cavi-
by 7—10 days, there are many plasma cells. Subsequently, ties and are typical of the subacute polyserositis stage of
exudate in the pericardial sac undergoes organization (Fig. colibacillosis (40, 211) (Figs. 18.1C—F). Infected air sacs
18.1G), which can eventually result in constrictive peri- are thickened and often have caseous exudate on the res-
carditis and liver fibrosis due to chronic passive conges- piratory surface. Microscopically, the earliest changes
tion in survivors. Cardiac lesions reduce arterial blood consist of edema and heterophil infiltration. Mononu-
pressure from a norm of about 150 mmHg to about 40 clear phagocytes frequently are seen 12 hours after inocu-
mmHg just before death. lation. Later, macrophages become common, with giant
Several distinct clinical forms of colisepticemia can be cells along margins of necrotic areas. There is fibroblast
distinguished, depending on how the organism gains proliferation and an accumulation of vast numbers of
access to the circulation and the age and type of bird. necrotic heterophils in caseous exudate. Lesions of pre-
disposing respiratory disease usually are present and con-
Respiratory-Origin Colisepticemia. Respiratory-origin sist of lymphoid follicles, epithelial hyperplasia, and
colisepticemia affects both chickens and turkeys and is epithelium-lined air passages that may contain het-
the most common type of colisepticemia. E. coli gains erophils. Pneumonia is more common in turkeys than
access to the circulation following damage to the respira- chickens, which usually have pleuritis or pleuropneumo-
tory mucosa by infectious or noninfectious agents (85, nia. Extension of the disease process into the oviduct
92). Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and Newcastle dis- may occur and cause salpingitis in juvenile birds (Fig.
ease virus (NDV), including vaccine strains, mycoplasmas, 18.1H).
and ammonia are the most common predisposing agents. Lesions of uncomplicated coliform infection can be
Avian pneumovirus increases susceptibility of turkeys to reproduced readily by inoculating pathogenic E. coli or
the disease (253). Severity of the resulting disease, which bacteria-free culture filtrates into the air sac (50). Airsac-
commonly is referred to as air sac disease, chronic respira- culitis occurs within 1.5 hours. Bacteremia and pericardi-
tory disease (CRD), or multicausal respiratory disease tis develop within 6 hours. In birds that survive, lesions
(120), is directly related to the number of agents that are are well-developed 48 hours postinoculation. Most mor-
involved. A diversity of E. coli serotypes can be identified tality occurs during the first 5 days. Recovery is usually
in a disease outbreak. Those in the tissues are usually dif- rapid if birds survive the initial infection, although a few
ferent from those in the intestinal tract of the same bird with persistent anorexia become emaciated and die.
but can be found in the intestinal tracts of other birds and
the environment. Enteric-Origin Colisepticemia. Enteric-origin colisep-
Susceptibility is increased when only IBV or NDV ticemia is most common in turkeys. E. coli gains access to
infection occurs. Five days after administration of a vac- the circulation following damage to the intestinal mucosa
cine strain of NDV, clearance of aerosol-administered E. by infectious agents. The most common predisposing
coli is reduced. Microscopically, the pseudostratified, agent is hemorrhagic enteritis virus (189, 207, 255). Usu-
columnar epithelium of the trachea is replaced by 3—8 lay- ally only 1 or 2 types of E. coli are involved in the disease
ers of immature, nonciliated cells (75). Mixed IBV-E. coli outbreak, and those in the tissues and intestinal tract are
infections are more severe than those caused by either the same.
agent alone (178, 230). Antibodies against E. coli produced Lesions are typical of the acute septicemia stage of col-
by chickens infected with infectious bursal disease virus ibacillosis (40). Affected birds are in good physical condi-
and/or infectious bronchitis had a significant decrease in tion and often have full crops containing feed and/or
the opsonizing ability compared to antibodies produced water, which indicate the acute nature of the infection.
by normal chickens. Reduced opsonization of the organ- The most characteristic lesions are congestion or green
ism resulted in decreased macrophage function, which discoloration of the liver, marked enlargement and con-
could contribute to the frequent infection with E. coli that gestion of the spleen, and congested muscles (Fig. 18.2C).
follows infectious bronchitis virus infection (186). Microscopically, the spleen is congested with proteina-
Mycoplasmal infection increases susceptibility to E. ceous fluid in sinuses and has multifocal necrosis, often
coli about 12—16 days postinoculation, and susceptibility containing intralesional bacteria. Fibrin thrombi are pre-
persists for at least 30 days. Infection with IBV or NDV in sent in liver sinusoids and occasionally renal glomeruli. In
addition to mycoplasma further decreases resistance to E. some cases, multiple, pale foci in the liver are seen. Micro-
coli, and the period of increased susceptibility begins ear- scopically, these are areas of acute necrosis initially, but
lier and persists longer. with time, they evolve into granulomatous hepatitis in
Inhaled coliform-contaminated dust has been impli- survivors (Fig. 18.2D). Birds eventually develop lesions
cated as one of the most important sources for infecting similar to those of respiratory-origin colisepticemia.

Neonatal Colisepticemia. Chicks are affected within the In immature females, salpingitis can occur when there is
first 24—48 hours after hatching. Mortality remains ele- involvement of nearby air sacs. Infectious bronchitis virus
vated for 2—3 weeks and usually totals 10—20%. Up to 5% infection of the oviduct may also be an important predis-
of the flock may be runted and require culling. Unaffected posing factor in juvenile salpingitis. After E. coli is no
birds grow normally, and the disease does not appear to longer present, constrictive pericarditis and liver fibrosis
spread. Initial lesions consist of congested lungs, edema- may result as the exudate in the pericardial sac undergoes
tous serous membranes, and splenomegaly. Microscopi- organization (Fig. 18.1G). Residual pulmonary damage
cally, bacteria are numerous in affected tissues and easily from combined E. coli and infectious bronchitis infection
identified. After a few days, the typical pattern of acute, can lead to ascites (250, 276).
fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis involving the pericardial
sac, pleura, air sacs, and peritoneum becomes evident. Meningitis. E. coli localization in the brain is uncom-
Lesions are often extensive and severe in birds that sur- mon. Meninges are affected (meningitis), but in some
vive into the second week. Occasionally, birds with arthri- birds, there is also involvement of the brain (encephalitis)
tis and/or osteomyelitis may be found late in the disease. and ventricles (ventriculitis). Meningeal lesions are evi-
Most affected birds have yolk sac abscesses suggesting the dent at necropsy as zones of discoloration adjacent to
navel is the portal of entry. Alternatively, in ovo infection major blood vessels. Fibrinoheterophilic to heterophilic
may be responsible (162). exudate is seen microscopically early in the infection; the
lesion becomes more granulomatous with time.
Acute Septicemia of Layers. Colisepticemia is most
often a disease of young birds, but occasionally outbreaks Panophthalmitis. Like the brain, involvement of the eye
of acute E. coli infection resembling fowl typhoid or fowl is uncommon. However, if it is infected the resulting
cholera occur in mature chickens and turkeys (14, 53, panophthalmitis is severe (91, 174). Typically, there is
281). Outbreaks typically are associated with the onset of hypopyon and/or hyphema, and infection is unilateral
egg production but continue as the flock ages and may (Fig. 18.2F). The eye is swollen, cloudy to opaque, and
spread to affect older flocks on the same farm. Death is may be hyperemic initially. Later, the eye shrinks as it
usually sudden, and mortality is generally between 5% undergoes atrophy. Fibrinoheterophilic exudate and
and 10%. Lesions are typical of acute colisepticemia. Iso- numerous bacterial colonies are present throughout the
lates have been lactose-negative and belong to serogroups eye. Inflammation, especially adjacent to necrotic tissue,
O85 or O111. Control has been through chlorination of becomes granulomatous with time. Varying degrees of
water or treatment with antibiotics. The disease was retinal detachment and atrophy, and lysis of the lens may
reproduced by intramuscular inoculation and, less fre- also be seen. The organism persists in diseased eyes for
quently, by oro-nasal administration of the O111 isolate. long periods of time.
The pathogenesis of the disease is unknown, but stress
associated with the onset of egg production is believed to Osteoarthritis and Synovitis. Localization of E. coli in
be an important contributing factor (281). bones and synovial tissues is a common sequel to colisep-
ticemia (Fig. 18.2E). Affected birds likely have insufficient
Coliform Septicemia of Ducks. Coliform septicemia of resistance to completely clear the bacteria. A high per-
ducks is characterized by moist, granular to curd-like exu- centage of turkeys develop lesions following treatment
date of variable thicknesses causing pericarditis, perihep- with dexamethasone and intra-air sac inoculation of
atitis, and airsacculitis. A characteristic odor is often small numbers of E. coli (125) (see also “Turkey
noted at necropsy. The liver is frequently swollen, dark, Osteomyelitis Complex” in Chapter 24). Intravenous
and bile stained, and the spleen is swollen and dark. E. coli inoculation to simulate hematogenous spread to bones
(usually O78) usually can be recovered from any internal and joints can be used, but mortality from the initial sep-
organs (144). Riemerella anatipestifer causes similar lesions, ticemia is often high. Hematogenous spread of E. coli fol-
but it can be identified by appropriate cultural procedures. lowing hemorrhagic enteritis virus infection of turkeys
Coliform septicemia occurs throughout the growing resulted in synovitis, osteomyelitis, and green liver discol-
season but becomes more frequent in late fall and winter. oration in turkeys (66). The term osteoarthritis is used
All ages of ducklings are susceptible. Distribution of losses when a joint is inflamed and one or more bones making
suggests that individual farms, rather than hatcheries, are up that joint have osteomyelitis. Polyarthritis refers to the
the source of infection (144). involvement of more than one joint. Bacterial chon-
dronecrosis and osteomyelitis is another name that has
been used (159). For a recent review see reference 159.
Colisepticemia Sequelae Mild to severe lameness and poor growth are seen clini-
Death is the usual outcome of colisepticemia, but some cally, and affected birds are more likely to be victims of per-
birds may completely recover or recover with residual secution (that is, cannibalism). Often multiple sites are
sequelae. If E. coli is not controlled, it can localize in involved. Bacteria colonize the vascular sprouts that invade
poorly protected sites including the brain, eyes, synovial the physis of a growing bone, provoking an inflammatory
tissues (joints, tendon sheaths, sternal bursa), and bones. response that results in osteomyelitis. Transphyseal blood

vessels in birds serve as a conduit for the process to spread

into the joint and surrounding soft tissues. Bones most
often affected are tibiotarsus, femur, thoracolumbar verte-
bra, and humerus. Hock, stifle, hip, and wing joints are sites
where arthritis is most likely to occur.
Lesions that develop in joint spaces of articulating
thoracolumbar vertebrae cause spondylitis (spondylosis),
which results in progressive paresis and paralysis (80) (Fig.
18.4). Tenosynovitis frequently accompanies arthritis. An
infectious sternal bursitis is also common, but it must be
distinguished from traumatic sternal bursitis in which
fluid but not exudate is seen. When inflammatory lesions
involve the shoulder joint or proximal humerus, exten-
sive exudate can accumulate between the superficial and
deep pectoral muscles (Fig. 18.1E). Birds with infectious,
inflammatory lesions in bones or joints have enlarged,
green discolored livers, which are used at processing to
indicate the possible presence of intraosseous lesions (42,
66, 125).

Coligranuloma (Hjarre’s Disease). Coligranuloma of

chickens and turkeys is characterized by multiple granulo-

18.5. Coligranuloma in a market-age turkey. Numer-

ous, nodular lesions are located in gastrointestinal tis-
sues including liver, but they do not involve the spleen. A
mucoid Escherichia coli was isolated.

mas in liver, ceca, duodenum, and mesentery but not in

the spleen (Fig. 18.5). It is an uncommon form of sys-
temic colibacillosis but can cause mortality as high as 75%
when a flock is affected. Serosal lesions resemble leukosis
tumors. Early in the disease, there is confluent coagula-
tion necrosis involving as much as half the liver. Only
scattered heterophils are seen, and at the edge of the
necrotic areas are a few giant cells. Subsequently, typical
heterophilic granulomas are present in the affected tis-
sues. Pyogranulomatous typhlitis and hepatitis, which
may be related to coligranuloma, have been described in
turkeys with cecal cores and ruptured ceca (165).

Isolation and Identification of Causative Agent
18.4. Spondylitis involving articulating thoracolumbar Diagnosis is based on the isolation and identification of E.
vertebrae of 2 lame turkeys (fixed tissues). Pressure from coli from lesions typical of colibacillosis. Care must be
the lesion on the spinal cord has caused demyelination
of the ventral tracts. Escherichia coli is a common cause
taken to avoid fecal contamination of samples. Isolation
of this lesion, but other bacteria, which can localize in of the organism from visceral organs of birds undergoing
bones and synovial tissues, may also be a cause. decomposition must be interpreted cautiously as E. coli

rapidly spreads from the intestinal tract of dead birds. ken during incubation or hatching, the contents are a
Bone marrow cultures are easy to obtain and are generally serious source of infection to others, especially when per-
free of contaminating bacteria. Material should be sonnel and egg-handling equipment are contaminated.
streaked on eosin-methylene blue (EMB), MacConkey, or Eggs are particularly susceptible just before hatching.
tergitol-7 agar, as well as noninhibitory media. A pre- Methods for preventing incubator and hatcher dissemina-
sumptive diagnosis of E. coli infection can be made if tion are unknown. However, venting incubators and
most of the colonies are characteristically dark with a hatchers to the outside and having as few breeder flocks as
metallic sheen on EMB agar, bright pink with a precipitate possible represented in each unit will help reduce losses.
surrounding colonies on MacConkey agar, or yellow on Contaminated chicks survive better if kept warm and not
tergitol-7 agar. Strains of E. coli can be slow or nonlactose starved.
fermenters and appear as nonlactose-fermenting colonies. High protein diets, increased selenium (142), and
Definitive identification of E. coli is based on the organ- increased vitamins A and E (193, 246, 247) apparently
ism’s characteristics (see “Etiology”). A flow chart for the favor survival. However, high levels of vitamin E can be
isolation and identification of E. coli has been published detrimental to the resistance to coliform cellulitis, col-
(143). ibacillosis, and antibody production (79, 151, 224).
Antigenic identification, determination of virulence Response to vitamin E is likely interrelated with the geno-
factors, or fingerprinting of the isolate might be helpful, type of the bird (277). Feeding can have an impact on the
particularly when done as part of an epidemiologic inves- severity of colibacillosis. Chickens provided feed on alter-
tigation. The correlation between virulence and comple- nate days were more resistant to E. coli challenge than
ment resistance suggests that this may be a good method full-fed chickens (25, 213).
for screening isolates for possible disease association. A There are no known methods for reducing the level of
relatively simple rapid turbidimetric assay has been pathogenic E. coli in the intestinal tract and feces,
described (204). although consideration that 1) pelleted feed has fewer E.
Survival after challenge correlated better with anti- coli than mash, 2) rodent droppings are a source of patho-
body titers detected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent genic E. coli, and 3) contaminated water can contain high
assay (ELISA) than by the standard indirect hemagglutina- numbers of the organism should not be overlooked. Chlo-
tion procedure (147). rination of drinking water and the use of closed (nipple)
Procedures to detect acute phase proteins (38, 185, watering systems have decreased the occurrence of col-
275) or shifts in the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio (95) can ibacillosis and condemnations for airsacculitis (29, 53,
serve as nonspecific markers of the inflammation and 203). Pathogenic strains of E. coli can be excluded compet-
stress that accompany colibacillosis. itively from the intestines of chicks by seeding them with
native microflora from resistant chickens (261), commer-
Differential Diagnosis cial competitive exclusion products (105, 121), or Bacillus
Many other organisms including viruses, mycoplasmas, subtilis spores (139). A similar effect was achieved follow-
and other bacteria can cause synovial lesions similar to ing in ovo inoculation of Lactobacillus reuteri (67). Infection
those resulting from E. coli infection. A great variety of with M. gallisepticum and/or infectious bronchitis virus
organisms such as Aerobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus overcame the protective effect of native flora colonization
spp., salmonellae, Bacillus spp., staphylococci, entero- (262). Similarly, food and water deprivation increased the
cocci, or clostridia frequently are isolated (often as mixed occurrence of spontaneous bacteremia (146).
cultures) from yolk sacs of embryos and chicks (108). Peri- E. coli infection of the respiratory tract of birds can be
carditis can also be caused by chlamydia. Pasteurellae or reduced by raising Mycoplasma-free birds and reducing the
streptococci sometimes cause peritonitis, and other bacte- exposure of birds to viruses causing respiratory diseases.
ria, mycoplasmas, and chlamydia can cause airsacculitis. Proper ventilation will reduce respiratory tract damage by
Acute septicemic diseases may result from pasteurellae, ammonia and the level of bacterial and aerial endotoxin
salmonellae, streptococci, and other organisms. Liver exposure. Effective vaccination to protect against respira-
granulomas have many causes, including anaerobic bacte- tory tract pathogens and immunosuppressive agents that
ria belonging to the genera Eubacterium and Bacteroides. predispose to colibacillosis will aid greatly in reducing
occurrence of the disease.
Birds acquire nonspecific resistance to colibacillosis
following moderate stress and socialization with people.
Management Procedures Both low and high stress increases susceptibility to the
The most important source for the transmission of patho- disease. Chickens that produce high levels of antibody are
genic E. coli between flocks is fecal contamination of more resistant to respiratory colisepticemia, but that is
hatching eggs. Collecting eggs frequently, keeping nest due to the bird’s response to the predisposing agents
material clean, not using floor eggs, discarding cracked rather than E. coli. Birds with low antibody responses are
eggs or those with obvious fecal contamination, and most resistant to the bacterium (98). Nonspecific resis-
fumigating or disinfecting eggs within 2 hours after they tance is short-lived and can be suppressed by cold stress or
are laid can reduce transmission. If infected eggs are bro- corticosterone (156).

Immunization ing bacteremia in chickens (146). Neomycin reduced mor-

Inactivated Vaccines. Effective inactivated vaccines tality in turkey poults exposed naturally to litter from
against various serotypes, including O2:K1 and O78:K80, flocks with colibacillosis (155). Recently, fluoroquinolones
have been produced (9, 35, 47, 48, 251). They provide have become available in the United States and elsewhere
protection against the homologous serogroups but little if for treatment of colibacillosis in poultry, which generally
any cross protection against heterologous serogroups. An have proven to be highly efficacious (190) although some
inactivated O78 vaccine protected ducks (222). Both strains have been shown to be resistant (87, 265). Anticoc-
homologous and heterologous protection was provided cidials can also have antimicrobial activity-monensin
by a vaccine prepared by ultrasonic inactivation of the reduced colonization of chickens with E. coli O157:H7 to
organism followed by irradiation (160). A vaccine con- undetectable levels 14 days post-exposure compared with
taining bacterial membrane vesicles was effective in pro- unmedicated controls and chickens receiving other coc-
tecting chickens against challenge with pathogenic E. coli cidiostats (236).
by stimulating antibody production, bacterial-lysis activ- Isolates of E. coli from poultry are frequently resistant
ity of complement, T cell proliferation, and cytotoxic T to one or more drugs, especially if they have been widely
cell activity (36). Multivalent vaccines made from pili used in the poultry industry over a long period (e.g.,
containing low levels (180 µg) of protein per dose reduced tetracyclines) (6, 22, 190). Antibiograms have been deter-
the severity of challenge infection (104). Absorbed sera mined for isolates of bacteria, including E. coli, from clin-
indicate pili of serotypes O1, O2, and O78 are antigeni- ically diseased chickens (133), turkeys (220), and ducks
cally different (242). Passive immunization results in (259). It is imperative to determine drug sensitivity of E.
increased resistance to aerosol challenge and clearance of coli strains involved in a disease outbreak so that ineffec-
bacteria from blood (169). Use of an inactivated vaccine tive drugs can be avoided. Even a highly effective drug
in breeders provided passive protection against homolo- may not result in improvement of the flock if too little is
gous challenge in progeny, which was complete for 2 used or it is incapable of reaching the site of infection.
weeks and partial for several additional weeks post-hatch Under-dosing promotes the development of resistance.
(116). When chicks were given feeds with increasing low con-
centrations of ampicillin (1.7 and 5 g/ton), development
Live Vaccines. A live vaccine prepared from a naturally of resistance was directly correlated to amount of antibi-
occurring, nonpathogenic, piliated strain (BT-7) was effi- otic in the feed (5).
cacious when used in chickens older than 14 days of age. There is concern about antibiotic resistance and its trans-
Protection against both homologous and heterologous mission to human pathogens. Resistance generally occurs
strains was demonstrated (81). E. coli J5, a mutant strain following response to prior contact with the antimicrobial
that has incomplete endotoxin in the cell wall, was both but can occur naturally in the absence of pervious exposure.
safe and effective for protecting chicks (1, 2). A carAB Resistance to florfenicol, an antibiotic related to chloram-
mutation of a virulent O2 serotype caused defective uti- phenicol that has never been used in poultry in the United
lization of arginine and pyrimidines, increasing their States was found in E. coli isolates from chickens (132).
requirement by the mutant. As low levels of these sub-
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Coliform Cellulitis (Inflammatory Process)

Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt and H. John Barnes

Coliform cellulitis, also known as avian cellulitis, inflam- E. coli is the most frequently isolated organism from cel-
matory process, infectious process, or IP, is caused by lulitis lesions and is considered the cause of coliform cel-
Escherichia coli and characterized by sheets of serosan- lulitis in chickens. Other bacteria have been found
guineous to caseated, fibrinoheterophilic exudate in sub- (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Enterobacter
cutaneous tissues. Lesions, often referred to as plaques, are agglomerans, Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus dysgalac-
located in the skin over the abdomen or between the
thigh and midline (Figs. 18.2H, 18.6, and 18.7). Other col-
ibacillosis lesions or reduced productivity occasionally
may accompany coliform cellulitis (6, 10, 28, 39), but usu-
ally lesions are discovered at processing when inspectors
open the thickened yellow abdominal body wall of an
otherwise normal carcass. Interactions among E. coli, the
birds, and their environment contribute to the disease.
Coliform cellulitis has emerged as a significant disease
since its description in 1984 (32) because of increased con-
demnations, downgrading at processing, and higher labor
costs to process affected flocks. Between 1986 and 1996,
condemnations for coliform cellulitis increased almost 12-
fold in Canada. In 1996, more than 2.6 million broilers
were condemned for the disease, which represented 0.568%
of all birds processed and approximately 30% of total con-
demnations (17). Estimated annual losses to the U.S. broiler 18.6. Coliform cellulitis lesion at processing. Skin over
industry due to coliform cellulitis have increased from $20 the abdomen is thickened and has a yellow discol-
million in 1991 to more than $80 million in 1998 (36). oration. Carcass is normal except for the skin lesion.
CHAPTER 18 COLIBACILLOSIS Coliform Cellulitis (Inflammatory Process) 653

the incidence or characteristics of risk factors associated

with this disease over the same period. The most notable
change during this time has been in the genotype and phe-
notype of the type of bird being raised, so it is not surprising
that bird-related factors also contribute significantly to the
incidence of scratches and subsequent coliform cellulitis.

Risk Factors
Breed. Fast-growing, heavy broiler strains are more likely
to have an increased prevalence and severity of skin
scratches, which predispose to coliform cellulitis. Several
reasons may explain this association. The strength of the
skin in broilers is related to genetics. The lack of association
between scratches and abdominal circumference suggests
that strain of bird per se could be a better predictor than
18.7. Coliform cellulitis lesion at processing. A caseous body characteristics (4). Aggressiveness or nervousness of
sheet of exudate, often referred to as a plaque, is located
chickens may also be strain dependent. Birds from a more
in the subcutaneous tissues beneath an area of thick-
ened, yellow discolored skin. nervous strain could be more active, increasing the chances
of being injured or scratched. If aggressiveness is a prob-
lem, the source could be farm dependent (e.g., behavioral
tiae, Aeromonas, etc.) but are not believed to be significant studies have demonstrated the importance of socialization
(7, 20, 22, 32, 37, 40). E. coli isolates from cellulitis lesions of the flock by the grower on the birds’ behavior) (1). Rapid
are of the same serogroups as those from birds with other growth by modern broiler breeds results in higher stocking
forms of colibacillosis and usually produce colicin and density sooner in the life of the flock, at a time when feath-
aerobactin (30). Virulence properties and molecular char- ering is not yet well developed. Poor feathering and
acteristics are similar among isolates from cellulitis and crowded conditions could have a significant impact on the
colisepticemic lesions and normal birds (8, 13, 21). How- incidence of coliform cellulitis. Breed differences in
ever, isolates from cellulitis lesions have a greater ability immune response, feathering, and body conformation are
to produce cellulitis in experimentally exposed birds than known to exist, but their possible contribution to the
E. coli isolates from airsacculitis lesions or feces of healthy occurrence of coliform cellulitis requires further studies.
chickens (14, 31). Cellulitis-type and systemic-type strains
Feathering. Feather coverage helps protect the skin from
of avian pathogenic E. coli can be selected that cause a
damage. There is a positive association between scratches
predominance of either cellulitis or septicemic lesions,
and poor feathering (3). Birds with poor feathering have
respectively (12).
more abdominal skin exposed for a longer period of time
A vacuolating cytotoxin produced by cellulitis E. coli
than birds with good feathering. Little is known about the
isolates is also produced by isolates from chickens with
nutrition and environmental factors that affect feather
colisepticemia and swollen head syndrome but not by iso-
growth and development.
lates from healthy chickens. The cytotoxin is similar to
one produced by Helicobacter pylori, except H. pylori cyto- Sex. Coliform cellulitis occurs more frequently in males
toxin is specific for mammalian cells, and the avian E. coli than females (2, 39). The gene responsible for sexing regu-
cytotoxin is specific for avian cells (34). lates feather growth. Slower feathering males may be
Initially, isolates of E. coli from litter and lesions could more vulnerable to skin injuries because of greater expo-
not be differentiated based on biotyping, suggesting that sure of the skin to potential physical damage. Sex may
the litter was the source of E. coli implicated in cellulitis also contribute to coliform cellulitis because of its associa-
lesions (5). DNA fingerprinting identified the presence of tion with weight, aggressiveness, or management prac-
endemic populations of specific cellulitis-associated E. coli tices. Also, production time is longer for roasters than for
that exist in the broiler house environment. These organ- broilers.
isms persist for at least 6 months irrespective of partial or
Stocking Density. Stocking density plays a dual role as a
complete cleaning and disinfection and cause coliform
risk factor. It leads to an increase in skin scratches (3) and
cellulitis in successive flocks (36, 37).
stress, but it also contributes by increasing the level of
contact between birds. Cellulitis lesions occurred more
EPIDEMIOLOGY readily when birds were palpated daily to simulate close
contact among birds (20).
Regional differences in the prevalence of coliform cellulitis
emphasize the important roles of environmental and man- Litter. Flocks grown on straw were 2.8 times more likely
agement factors in the occurrence of the disease. Increased to experience coliform cellulitis than flocks grown on
condemnation rates due to coliform cellulitis during the shavings (2). Physically, straw consists of sharp, pointed
past 15 years indicate that changes have occurred in either pieces that may inflict minor injuries to the skin and pre-

dispose birds to infection. Straw may also provide a good Beneath the skin, there is subcutaneous edema, exudate,
medium for growth and multiplication of E. coli because and muscle hemorrhage. A fibrinous to caseous plaque
of its ability to hold more moisture than shavings. Anec- between the muscle and the subcutis is the characteristic
dotal clinical evidence indicates that flocks grown on very lesion (Figs. 18.2H, 18.7).
old wood shavings litter may be severely affected with col- Lesions develop rapidly; exudate is visible as early as 6
iform cellulitis, but this needs to be confirmed. hours postinfection, and the caseous plaque could be
experimentally produced within 18—24 hours postinfec-
Total Down time. Total down time is negatively associ- tion. Rapid lesion development suggests that events
ated with coliform cellulitis (i.e., the longer the down occurring late in the life of the flock could be important
time, the lower the incidence of the disease) (2). This sup- in the development of lesions found at processing (9, 24).
ports the hypothesis that the bacterial load of the envi- When birds were inoculated experimentally with E. coli
ronment is associated with disease prevalence. strains isolated from coliform cellulitis lesions, the high-
est percentage of birds developing typical lesions had
Feed. A positive association was observed between col-
been challenged only 3 days prior to processing (23).
iform cellulitis and feed company in a prospective study
Lesions were still present 3 weeks postinoculation (24).
(2). The effect of nutrition on the pathogenic process of
High coliform cellulitis condemnation rates are not of
the disease is not well known. Amino acid levels in the
hatchery origin. Scratching the dorsal skin surface of older
feed may be important. Feed deficient in cysteine and
birds and inoculating them with E. coli produces lesions
methionine can cause nervousness and affect feathering
referred to as type I coliform cellulitis, which have been
(29, 35). A relative deficiency occurs in feeds with high
thought to originate from navel infections in the hatch-
energy to total protein ratios. High-energy feeds may also
ery. Bacteria and inflammatory exudate gravitate from the
contribute to coliform cellulitis by increasing fat deposi-
area where it originates to around the navel to reproduce
tion in the skin, which may result in the skin being more
the so-called type I lesion (25). In Canada, only 1.7% of
susceptible to scratches and injuries (35).
coliform cellulitis lesions were consistent with a primary
Occurrence of coliform cellulitis was higher in vegetar-
navel infection (6).
ian broilers compared to broilers fed feeds containing ani-
Experimental exposure of young chickens to cellulitis
mal products. Condemnation rates for birds fed a
isolates of E. coli results in septicemia, death, or marked
standard diet, which contained growth promotants,
stunting, indicating that most birds affected by E. coli in the
antibiotics, and anticoccidials, was substantially lower
hatchery would either die or be culled before reaching the
(0.26%) than for birds fed a vegetarian or organic feed
processing plant (14, 15, 26). No association between celluli-
without additives (1.18%)(11).
tis and the source of eggs, age of parent flocks, total bacterial
Providing vitamin E at 300 mg/kg or vitamin A at
count, and coliform count in the hatchers was found (5).
60,000 IU/kg improves the resistance of 6-week old broil-
ers against E. coli infection (38). Supplementation with
vitamin E had a variable impact on the development of
Skin trauma, especially scratches, provides the main portal
coliform cellulitis. Intermediate levels were superior to
of entry into the host for specific cellulitis-type E. coli pre-
both lower and higher levels of the vitamin (19). Birds fed
sent in the litter. Applying bacteria to feather follicles from
both vitamin E at 48 IU/kg and a zinc-protein complex at
which the feather had been pulled did not cause coliform
40 ppm of zinc decreased the occurrence of coliform cel-
cellulitis. Oral feeding or swabbing the navel of young
lulitis (27). Improved wound healing and immune system
chickens did not produce cellulitis but did result in mor-
potentiation by the supplements were considered respon-
tality, depressed growth, and other types of colibacillosis,
sible for the beneficial effect.
which was dose dependent (15). The disease is reproduced
readily by swabbing damaged skin with broth cultures or
PATHOBIOLOGY subcutaneous inoculation (9, 14, 15, 18, 24, 26, 31).
Natural and Experimental Hosts Usually, an affected bird has only skin lesions, but con-
Coliform cellulitis affects chickens. Older chickens are current lesions of systemic colibacillosis occasionally can
more likely to develop lesions of cellulitis following inoc- be found, suggesting that cellulitis may result from sys-
ulation of scratches or subcutaneous injection than young temic spread or, conversely, that localized lesions in the
chickens, which tend to develop systemic disease and skin can be a source for systemic disease. The latter is
experience high mortality (9, 14, 15, 18, 24, 26, 31). inversely correlated with age (i.e., the younger the bird,
the more likely it is to develop systemic disease) (9, 14).
Pathology Lesions have been correlated with other categories of con-
Cellulitis lesions are primarily unilateral and located on demnation in which E. coli would be expected to play a
the abdomen or thigh. Skin color varies from normal to significant role (septicemia, airsacculitis, etc.) (5, 6, 8, 10,
yellow or red-brown, and the skin may be swollen at the 39). Coliform cellulitis has been associated with earlier
site of inflammation (Fig. 18.6). The size of the lesion nor- outbreaks of colibacillosis in some flocks (30).
mally varies between 1—10 cm. (6). Scratches and scabs on A positive association between cellulitis and ascites has
the skin overlying the lesions often can be identified. been shown, but in one study, it could only account for
CHAPTER 18 COLIBACILLOSIS Coliform Cellulitis (Inflammatory Process) 655

10% of coliform cellulitis cases (5, 39). Ascites is a com- events occurring just prior to or during transportation
mon condition in broiler chickens characterized by an should be investigated, especially if at least 10 hours exists
abnormally large abdomen. Because most cellulitis lesions between load-out and processing. In contrast, a majority
are located in the abdominal area, it may be that ascites is of chronic lesions would indicate the need to focus on
a biological predisposing factor for cellulitis. Also, it is earlier events that occurred during the grow-out period.
possible that both conditions may share common risk fac-
tors such as rapid growth. Identify Risk Factors
Valgus-varus leg deformity, characterized by lateral or Contrast problem flocks with flocks that did well during
medial deviation of the distal tibiotarsus with a corre- the same time period within the same company and
sponding deviation of the tarsometatarsus, occurred more determine the risk factors for each type of flock. Any man-
frequently in carcasses condemned for cellulitis, although agement or environmental factors that affect the bird’s
in one study, the association was weak (5, 39). Valgus- resistance or contribute to skin scratches should be identi-
varus deformity is considered to be the most frequent fied. Pay special attention to stocking density, feeder and
cause of leg weakness and lameness in broiler chickens waterer space (effective space, i.e., in some houses, the
(33). However, the association between valgus-varus space is available, but the drinkers or feeders are not all
deformity and coliform cellulitis needs to be interpreted functional), type of litter, quality of litter (high moisture
with caution because of potential confounding with sex content leads to high levels of ammonia that may affect
and breed. Most valgus-varus deformity affects male birds, the bird’s resistance, including skin vulnerability), and
and the incidence of coliform cellulitis can vary with feed restriction and lighting programs. Any intervention
breed. Birds with valgus-varus leg deformity spend more must first focus on improving the environment of the
time lying on the floor (16), which results in greater con- birds. This includes good sanitation to reduce the bacter-
tact exposure between the skin and the E. coli present in ial load of the environment.
the litter. Also, prolonged resting by lame birds may result
in skin damage as other birds tread on them (5).
Monitor and Review Control Strategies
The best plan will fail if it is not fully implemented. Non-
DIAGNOSIS compliance is a key issue in health-related fields. Before
judging the efficacy of a prevention measure, it is impor-
Cellulitis lesions are identified readily at processing, mak-
tant to make sure that it was properly implemented.
ing it possible to use condemnation results to assess con-
trol strategies. Lesions should be cultured aseptically to
determine the presence of E. coli. Currently, there is no in REFERENCES
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