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Using smart phone to study better, is this possible?

• In recent years, smartphones have become a crucial element of our lives. Today, a mobile
phone is much more than just a mode of communication. Folks in different industries around
the globe are taking advantage of smartphone devices. A smartphone is an amazing device
that is popular due to its portability. We can take it anywhere. Notably, until a person has a
cellular data connection in his smartphone, he has a computer. The use of smartphones by
students is a debatable topic.

• Though, there are concerns over the inappropriate use of smartphones in the classroom,
whether online or physical. But, this is also true that smartphones have a critical role in
learning for the students. These devices offer access to content and a myriad of learning
resources. With a smartphone in hand, a student can access the notes or educational support
on the go. Here, we will discuss 12 ways students can use their smartphones for learning
purposes. Students can exploit a smartphone for their top-notch preparation for their board

• A section of teachers worries about the distraction of students from their studies by using
smartphones. The other section of teachers believes in encouraging the students to use them
due to productive learning. Smartphones can be distracting if not used the right way. But
they can be an excellent learning tool when properly used. After all, the benefits of using
smartphone devices or tablets in the educational experience are obvious.

• Smartphones have several benefits for learning. The latest smartphones help the students
search for study material on the internet which is productive for their studies. Also, students
can even use it to capture important photos and lectures.

Let us discuss the 12 ways students can use their smartphones for learning.

▪ Taking Notes
Students can note important things like exam dates, Syllabus, or important topics on their
smartphones. Various apps can help you stay organized and conveniently keep your notes.
Students can also store their essential files on their smartphone devices in apps like Google
drive. So, they can access those files & notes anytime and anywhere at their convenience.
▪ Connecting with Learning Management System
A student can use their school’s learning management system (LMS) with a smartphone. On the
LMS platform, the school authority takes online classes. Also, they put notices & circulars and
convey important information like assignments, grades, etc., to the students. By being
connected with the LMS, the students can stay informed.
▪ Watching and recording videos of lectures
Students can use their smartphones to watch interactive lectures for practical learning.
Numerous learning videos for every concept of a subject are available online on apps and
websites. Students can watch them and learn concepts anytime, anywhere.
Besides, students can also record the video of an important lecture or discussion in their class.
Video clips of explanations to confusing concepts help reference later while doing self-studies.
However, make sure to ask permission from the teacher before doing such a thing.
▪ Record audio of explanations
Sometimes students find it difficult to pay full attention to the teacher or keep track of their
notes during class. In such a case, the audio recording functionality of a smartphone helps.
Students can record the lecture while the teacher is explaining an important topic. He can later
listen to it with full attention and make notes if required.
▪ Accessing a library of facts & content
Students today do not have to wait to access their school library. With a smartphone, they have
access to the biggest global library, i.e., the internet with them. They can take it helps for all of
their assignments, exams, homework, doubts, literally everything. They can head towards any
suitable app or website to find the essential information they are seeking for their studies.
▪ Contacting the teacher
Whether a student has any doubt in a chapter, any question, on an assignment, or has a problem
attending the class, there are various points where students need to contact their teacher at the
earliest. One of the main uses of a smartphone is to communicate. As per your teacher’s
preference, you can email, text, or call them when you require their assistance.
▪ Listening to news & podcasts
Nowadays, podcasts are highly popular. It is useful for sharing information, ideas, and stories
with others. Students who find it convenient to listen can learn from podcasts. There are
podcasts available for any topic, from science & technology to business management. Students
can listen & learn from them.
Also, listening to the news is significant to students. It keeps them up-to-date and enhances their
general awareness. Students can listen to the daily news on their smartphones effortlessly.
▪ Reading E-books
Smartphones are also useful for students because they help them use various reading apps.
Notably, students can install e-books. When students can have their books electronically, they
can easily take them wherever they go. They can read beforehand to get ahead on their reading
for class or just read a general knowledge. From fun facts to NCERT course books, everything
is available online. Also, students can access NTSE books & KVPY books on their
▪ Online Tests & Assessments
Students can leverage the benefits of a smartphone for effective learning by accessing online
study resources. While preparing for a test or exam of any subject, students can access various
quizzes and mock tests available online. There are free mock tests available online for different
exams, from board exams to JEE & NEET. Students can access various web portals & apps.
▪ Collaboration Usage
Remarkably, smartphones embrace incredible features to increase collaboration between
students, teachers & other students. Also, it provides access to numerous apps for the students
to stay in touch with their class-fellows. The students discuss their questions and issues, plan for
group studies, and ask for study resources.
For example, the students can use their cell phones to stay associated with the Learning
Management System (LMS) app that their school uses. It offers access to their online learning
resources and other important updates.
▪ Managing Time
Frankly, gadgets cannot manage time for the students. However, the students themselves can
manage their time with the help of such gadgets. When the students set deadlines on their
smartphones, they will do the right thing at the correct time. Students can set alarms for the
For example, the students can effortlessly set the alarm on their smartphones to wake up early
in the morning. These are little yet significant ways to aid in efficient learning.
▪ Keeping an eye on the calendar
No doubt, a sturdy paper calendar embraces its benefits. But keeping track of the calendar on
the smartphone enables the students to always be aware of their tests, exams, assignment
submission, appointments, and more. If a student knows what is coming up ahead, he can
prepare well for it so that he does not lag.
Also, in the smartphone calendar or the Google calendar, students can set reminders for
themselves to make sure they do not miss anything. For example, they can set reminders a few
days before the exam for exam dates.

• Today, students have the world at their fingertips with a smartphone. This fact can be
wonderful and somewhat frightening. However, a smartphone is a necessity in the present
era in which we are living. All students should have to make productive use of their
smartphone devices. With a smartphone in hand, students can easily access conceptual
explanations by experts, do research for projects, connect with their school LMS and more
with the help of internet connectivity. Lately, Wi-Fi connectivity has become efficient and
prevalent in offices, schools, and homes. Parents & teachers should teach the correct and
gainful way of using smartphones to the student. The students should use smartphones for
educational purposes and ban their unproductive uses.
• So, while smartphones can be a distraction, they can also be embraced as an excellent
learning tool. The benefits the phones bring to the educational experience are undeniable.
• Of course, as with any technology, it’s important for parents to have a significant discussion
about using the phones appropriately within guidelines set by themselves and the school.
• Without a doubt, smartphones are a gateway to information and, if used appropriately, have
the potential to enhance students’ learning and their skill preparation for secondary and post-
secondary education.

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