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Lengua extranjera profesional:

Inglés 1

Student: Dayana Rebeca Roa Fitoria

Unit: 01. Daily-life Routine in the UK
Exercise: Nº1
In this activity, we will put in practice the knowledge acquired in Unit 1. You
will be asked to complete two different tasks: in the first one you will practice
your listening skills and in the second one, your writing ones.
Part 1 Your mum called you when you were having a shower and left you a
voicemail. Listen to what your mum said carefully and answer the following

1.What does your mum ask you to do?
Go to the supermarket
2.Where is the shopping list?
In the kitchen
3.When is mum coming back from work?
At 1:00 pm
4.What happened in mum’s work?
Had a problema at work
5.What does mum intent to cook for lunch?
Cook pasta

Part 2
You buy the food your mum asked to. However, your friend Mike calls you to
have lunch at a restaurant. You have to write a quick note to your mum letting
her know you won’t be home for lunch.
Don’t write more than 80 words.

Hi mom, Mike just called me and he invited me to lunch, so i`ll eat out, kisses

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