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How does beauty standards affect women’s mental health?

Gwyneth Paltrow once said, Beauty, to me is about being comfortable in your own skin”. In
the modern world, the beauty industry is one of the most expensive. Plastic surgeries,
Instagram filters, celebrity endorsements, and a list of often unhealthy and unattainable
standards- people in today’s world are under some immeasurable pressure. In a society,
where beauty standards exist, it has become human instinct to compare ourselves to others.
Beauty standards are a perception of beauty that women must follow to represent the
feminine beauty standards”, which is almost impossible to meet. We usually ask ourselves
before going out, Does this make me look fat?”, this question is dedicated to beauty
standards. It can lead us to make self-conscious and ultimately lead to self-disapproval. If you
take a look at astonishing pictures, which are mostly professionally photoshopped, somehow
make us feel not self-assured. As a result, it creates tons of delusory expectations, that have
an enormous impact on the youth generation to conform to beauty norms. That has really
bad consequences because it can affect people’s mental and physical health such as lowering
self-esteem, self-confidence, and well-being. What’s more, there were a ton of reports of
suicide, eating disorders, and drug consumption, which women were taking to satisfy
satirical beauty advice.

My topic, which explores how beauty standards affect women’s mental health, its main
aim is to overcome the stereotypes that cause women’s mental health disorders.

The main points and questions I’d like to answer through this research are:

1. What are some of the connections between beauty standards and women's health?
2. How do beauty standards influence society?
3. What are the psychological effects of beauty standards?
4. Why are unrealistic beauty standards harmful?
Gwyneth Paltrow once said: ,,Beauty, to me is about being comfortable in your own skin”.
In the modern world, beauty industry is one of the most expensive. Plastic surgeries,
Instagram filters, celebrity endorsements, and a list of often unhealthy and unattainable
standards- people in today’s world are under some immeasurable pressure. In society, where
the beauty standards exist, it has become human instinct to compare ourselves to others.
Beauty standards are perception of beauty that women must follow in order to represent
the ,,feminine beauty standards”, which is almost impossible to meet. We usually ask
ourselves before going out: ,,Does this make me look fat?”, this question is dedicated to
beauty standards. It can lead to us to make self-conscious and ultimately leading to self-
disapproval. If you take a look to astonishing pictures, which are mostly professionally
photoshopped, somehow make us feel not self-assured. As a result, it creates tons of delusory
expectations, that has an enormous impact on youth generation to conform to beauty norms.
That has a really bad consequences, because it can affect people’s mental and physical health
such as lowering self-esteem, self-confidence and well-being. What’s more, there were a ton
of reports of suicide, eating disorders and drug consumption, which women were taking to
satisfied satirical beauty advice.
My topic, which explores how does beauty standards affect women’s mental health, its
main aim

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