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Test 7 Writing Part 2 Letter

Dear Jim,

After reading/receiving your letter I am happy to know you came to me (that you considered of
asking me ) for advice. My following suggestions might seem focused on university , but that is only
because for me it was an eye opening experience.

Going to university might have been the best decision I have made on my own. Even to this day ,
after years I don’t regret it. University can be very hard, especially for you since you will be on your
own so far away from your loved ones, but it sure is worth it.

The university offers you a lot of work programmes and for me it was a great opportunity to gain
fundamental but immense knowledge in the field I was interested and I couldn't say that it was a
waste of time in any way. Using the diploma I earned I was able to get my dream job. The only
disadvantage would be the toll it took on my health because of the stress of from my part-time job,
classes and disconnection from my family and friends.

I think you should think very carefully and seriously about this matter, if you think you will manage
to finish university and not be affected by going away from your family for so long, you should go
and pursuit a diploma, but if you believe it to be too much then taking a job locally is your best
I hope my advice is of use to you and don’t forget to tell me what you've decided.
Yours sincerely,

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