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Top 3 best Zoadic Signs in the World

Archers makes the best lovers. They will try anything in the bedroom, nothing
is off limits.
Sagittarius are super competitive so they work and play hard all the time as
they hate
to lose. If your not first your last is the archer saying. Yes the archer is
forward and honest and most times hurts the people they love, but deep
down believe that by being so honest that there relationships only become
stronger. Once a archer is fully committed to his or her partner there in it for
the long haul. Once again they hate to lose. Sagittarius loves there family
more than other signs as they will sacrifice there own body and heath so that
there loved ones will have a better life than there own. The archer will go
without to see there children get ahead in life. Archers love travel, dinning at
nice restaurants and shopping at the finest stores. Sagittarius are
perfectionists when it comes to details and can see flaws in workmanship or
craftsmanship. Most Sagittarius are generous and will ...more

I have a friend who is a sagitarius and he is really funny and sweet. They can
sometimes be super moody and nasty, but when they are not, they are really
bubbly and easy to laugh with. They are more of a follower and need others
opinions to make decisions for themselves.

Some people look down on Aquarians because they don't display much emotion, making them
come off cold and unemotional. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Like all signs of the
zodiac, they have good and bad qualities. They do have emotions and they do care about things
including other people. They just aren't known to let people see their tears. They are
humanitarians. They are loyal, honest, intelligent, deep thinkers, imaginative, and they don't
judge the flaws and imperfections of others. They also love travel and adventure. I think
Aquarius is one of the most unique signs of the zodiac.
Me my brother and sister are Aquarius and they are very outgoing and super hard working plus
they are very funny. they always get along with other people and are great to be around
As I am Aquarius I love chilling having fun... I make music and I am a rapper I am always free
minded I don't give a damn whats people thinks about me cause nobody is perfect.. I love
talking to people who needs better suggestions life lesson and I believe that I can give people a
better ideas. I always try to bring out new things! But I also have my angry side... I get angry
fast.. I can control it tho but when anger reach out my limit I get blind and can't control my self..
most of the time I hide my emotions because I don't want people to see it! I'm proud to be an

I'm a Pisces myself, I don't think people are supposed to make fun of people :( everyone is
perfect the way they are, I voted for Pisces is because, Pisces are lovely and kind, they don't
shame people, Pisces don't care about size, they only care about their personality, just like me
<3 I hope people can understand how people feel when they are bullied, they need to know
how they actually feel being bullied. The world should become a better place :)
I'm a pisces myself and I think people don't understand how hard it is for them to make fun of
people, how hard it is to hide our feelings. we hide our feelings because we don't want to show
others that we are frustrated or more and we don't like expressing how we are sad or how
angry we are because we don't want to make others unhappy too. we tend to obey others a lot
wether its making ourselves unhappy or not, we just don't want to show our frustrations with
other people infecting them.
Being a pisces is great! But I really dislike how our characteristics call us emotionally sensitive, it
makes me feel like Pisces are known for that. Yes we have feelings but there are so many other
things that aren't feeling related. Like we have talents, let's talk about those!
As a pisces, I feel like we're under-rated. Pisces are easy to please, fun loving, creative, and very,
very generous. We are emotional and sensitive, but we try our hardest to please you other
signs. I just wish we could be noticed without everyone giving us stage fright.
I find myself similar to Cancers, and I wish I had a cancer friend, who I could talk to about
emotions, and feel like I'm not the only one. You listen to Lukas Graham? Know his song "You're
not the only one?" I want to have a cancer around for me so that I can actually sing that song
and feel like my life relates to it. (By the way, I am voting for Cancer, too.)
Thank you for reading. Good luck with everything, fellow pisces and other zodiacs!

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