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This poem describes modern man in canada. it's about maple leaf. personification:tree can be damaged.
injured maple-comment on modern civilization

the tree is damaged by lightning and it bleeeds, it can die. this evening in myriads - grait number. the
wind will carry the seed and the new trees

will be born (new life) new sugar maple trees. he stands under the tree and matches true effect. these
seeds litter the lawn. roots have land-spread

and lift up the land so that its surface is not even - roots show their power. this man is self -centred. he
sees it from his on prespective -they killed

the lawn. tree can't think and know abot that. this is what he wonders about and does not know the
aswer. he wonders why doesn't it do that as if it knows

it will die.he has no childred, but maple does, many. he compares himself to last macbeth, but he's not
the same. the treee is active and that is different.

what did he achiev in his life?-existential question. the man has meaning in its life, the tree does not.
he's a canadian, has a perfect life and yet he's alone.


the speaker itself - personified. contrast:past vs. present/noise vs whisper-civilization. to be robbed of

smth.oce stored, but not anymore.

this bush is robbed of what it had, injustice is done to the bush. once bush had a crown-the circling
weather - this is what it had been robed

of contrast:past vs. present. in the past, it was like a king. the ideal picture is gone. the refference is to
the first settlers who cut down

the trees for the purpose of forming their homes. it lived in accordance with world.

we din't recognize the importance of poetry. the beauty of nature is modified. there are rethorical
questions - is there anyone who appreciates

the beauty of nature nowdays in poems or pictures. somewhere there must be someone who
appreciates the beauty of this wood, its fragnance.
childhood is full of beauty, enthusiasm, they can feel it. it seems the bush is dying out. it had buds but
they aren't there anymore. these buds

are remembered by children and drifters only.

their perception is different than ours and that is why they still perceive it. if you can shae the spriti of
children and drifter, you can understand nature,

but people can't do that. the river will spill out the truth of not appreciating nature anymore. to dim the
light. it's secret, people are not aware of it.

the light, magnificent of nature. it's dying out but the roots are there, there were not successful, there's
still hope. that's the riddle of life.

connect us to the lonely land. pople who cut down the tree wanted to make the dusty end of the green
every dust, wills- the beginnning of civilization.

the bush hopes the world of nature will never ceased ceasing to be. the poem refers to the regenerative
power of nature. nature is being constanly regenerated, that's the strugle of nature.


he mentally goes back at the time when people thought he was sacred. on of the most instinctual things
that all men and animals do the poet refers to the instinct.

the poet wants us to think of the past, of matriarchy. a powerul animal, a sacred animal living in woods.
the garden of the grove and the rituals held there, which including the cycle of men's life.

now we do not see anything sacred in animals, trees, etc. the situation is completely different. the
animal is so ugly to us.

wart hog is not the guradian of the rituals anymore, because there are no rituals.

our perception has changed -no ritual, nothing is sacred to us so there are nothing for the boar to guard.

unseen by us the animal goes trough darkness.

the world did not change(the moon, the sun, animals are there). it was we who changed. the poem
begins and ends with the word "moon" because of the earlier times when people paid much more to it.


the bull moose is a typical animal representative of canada. it's mot in it's natural surrounding,but in the
men's world, in the civilization. the description of the bull moose coming from the mountains to the
world of civilization to which it's totally countrasted.

it seems the only thing left to do is to stay with the cattle because it can't find the way to go back;its tired
and no place to go-the world of civilization keeps spreading. it wil be domesticated, accustmed to the
new surronding to escape. cattle were afraid of him, it was huge.

it was a a kind of attraction -how the wild animal lived in domestic surrounding, with the domestic
animals without hurting anyone. was used during rituals;once a sacred thing and now it's trivial -used to
tease the b.moose. the children were as if they were in a 200, not aware of the significuce of the animal
at all.

women offer a logical explanation as if it was a runaway from nature. the thing is that no one percives it
as a part of the nature.

he seems to be the only one who had seen a bull mooose once, but it was not a creature from
wilderness, but as a domestic animal used for plowing altogether with an ox total disrespect of the part
of the youngsters.

the bull moose offers no resistance to people and people felt superior and that they can do whatever
they wanted. the bull moose represented as a martyr. image of jesus christ the bull is victimsed by the
people. the parallel the poet wants to show.

that the bull moose will be sacrified just like jesus. it's like a stuffed animal.

they are together around the fire-the simbol of community. it's evening, animal usually roars then. the
bull moose's instinct still funcion -it roars-a kind of ritual, he does that every day. people thought it wil
attack them - they recognized its power that was not visible at first. they run into thair cars. they were

both sound of roar and autmobile horns, and it died. they seemed to celebrate its death. the idea of the
potentials of nature - its tame, but it can suprise you.


A creature of the nature contrasted to the world of civilization. inanimate and animate subjects are
juxtaposed. when he sees this butterfly on the rock, he sees an image of a dead person. it seems to the
poet as if it was a part of that rock. it reminds him of a dead person's face - it's a premoniyion of a tragic
destiny of this butterfly that the author will experience himself.
the poet moves away from the previous image. it the poet's wind the rock and the butterfly are united
into one entity.

image of a man disturbing the natural order. man's treatment of nature, no point for the violence. he
was crying, yelling to, he tries to convince himself that death is unreal, because he may have killed that
pocupine. he tries to justify himself. man disturbe nature!

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